Chapter 73 Touching 100 Liang

The Shunyi House is different. Regardless of what others say about Cheng Daqi, it is true that Cheng Daqi gained the emperor's trust and gradually came to power. Although the name of the Hou Mansion sounds good, it has no real power like the previous Shunyi House. Now it shows that Okay, there must be a plan.

After Cheng Xiaosi understood this, he also expressed his willingness to get closer to the Wenchang Hou Mansion. The Cheng family cannot be without friends forever.

Cheng Xiaosi, who got on the carriage, had not forgotten to continue acting. She was very lonely and asked her fat father, "Didn't my cousin say that she loves me the most? Why did he lie to me?"

"My cousin pushed me on purpose and almost killed me. Is she really not guilty? She went to the banquet and made up lies to deceive me and my second brother."

She looked so sad that Cheng Daqi felt uncomfortable. After all, in her heart, her cousin had always been kind and considerate. How could she do such a thing?

"Your cousin aunt."

Seeing that he wanted to defend Zhang Yuewu, Cheng Xiaosi said again, "Dad, why do you think it is? My cousin is actually doing very well in the Hou Mansion. Marquis Wenchang likes her very much. Her previous expenses and Mrs. Hou's is pretty much the same, and no one in the house is giving her any trouble, so what unavoidable reason could she have to lie to me?"

"I don't understand."

Cheng Daqi was startled, "How is your cousin's life in the Hou Mansion?"

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "Anyway, her life is much better than my mother's. You can tell by looking at the yard where she lives. It's so beautiful. None of the You family are mean. Mrs. You is also very generous. She even took care of her cousin before. I saw several marriages, all from good families, and she would be the official wife once she married, but my cousin didn't agree because she didn't think her family was high."

"The entire You family, except for You Jinling who is a bit rude, is pretty good to my cousin."

Then he added, "I witnessed it with my own eyes."

Cheng Daqi was in a daze, because all he heard was how Zhang Yuewu and her daughter were bullied and how difficult their lives were, which was completely different from what Cheng Xiaosi said.

For a moment I couldn't tell who was real and who was fake.

After getting off the car, the merchants waiting at the door of the uncle's house swarmed over, "Uncle is back."

"Uncle, what did the emperor say?"

"No hurry, no hurry, let me go back home first and drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat."

Cheng Daqi was surrounded by merchants and walked in. What Zhang Yuewu was was instantly forgotten. His mind was filled with what the emperor said. He immediately became energetic and happily chatted with everyone.

Cheng Yousan crossed his arms and looked at Cheng Xiaosi with deep eyes, and then entered the door. In his eyes, Cheng Xiaosi had eight hundred tricks, and he couldn't fight him, so he had the good sense not to provoke him.

Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath and felt uncomfortable again looking at the faint green energy on his body, so he simply got on the carriage and went to Yuan Mansion.

She brought Hua Bao with her this time, so it was easier to get in. The concierge also took the initiative to say, "The fifth young master came back yesterday."

Cheng Xiaosi gave the concierge the reward with a flirtatious look. The concierge happily accepted it and thoughtfully prepared a soft sedan for Cheng Xiaosi. Based on his previous experience, Cheng Xiaosi did not refuse this time and got on board directly. It was a soft sedan, and I sighed comfortably. I didn’t have to walk by myself, and I could see the scenery of Yuan Mansion better. It was quite good.

The journey went smoothly to Yuansu's yard. After getting off the sedan chair, Huahua asked the sedan bearer to reward him with money. The bearer thanked her profusely after receiving the reward. He felt that this girl from the Cheng family was really generous. The reward was only one tael of silver. I really hope she Come often in the future.

Yuan Su was about to go out. As soon as he left the door with one foot, he saw Cheng Xiaosi coming with a smile. Before she could react, she grabbed his hand with one paw and said, "Young Master Yuan Wu, touch 100 taels." .”

Yuan Su
Ji Feng was immediately envious. Everyone had a hard time making money. How could it be so easy for his son?
Cheng Xiaosi didn't care about that. He clung to Yuan Su tightly, looking for him, trying to see what caused the green energy in her body to fade away. It was really magical.

In Yuan Su's opinion, that look was malicious, and he determined that Cheng Xiaosi had other plans for him, "I tell you, grabbing the hand is the biggest concession I can make."

Cheng Xiaosi raised his eyes, she didn't want to grab it elsewhere?This time, the green energy was less contaminated and could be eliminated quickly. I was already considering the possibility of finding an opportunity to knock Yuan Su unconscious and carry him back to be with his father.

When all the green energy dissipated and he exhaled a breath of turbidity, he felt that his whole body felt comfortable, "I'm really sorry, there were no warning signs for my illness this time, and I was not prepared."

"Master Yuanwu is going out?"

'Xiaosi, Xiaosi, this man is so powerful. He has a jade pendant on his heart, which is very powerful. '

Hua Bao, who was always on her shoulder, was so excited that he took a deep breath, "Ah, it feels so comfortable to absorb, I really want it." '

Cheng Xiaosi raised his eyebrows, so Yuan Su has a treasure?
Can I borrow it?
"What's wrong with your golden pheasant?"

Hua Bao was excited and wanted to fly towards Yuan Su with a flutter. Cheng Xiaosi was very calm, "Maybe the handsomeness of Master Yuan Wu has stimulated it. It is jealous of everything that is prettier than it."

'No, Xiaosi, you are talking nonsense. '

Huabao continued to flutter, and Yuan Su took a few steps back and glanced at it with disgust, "How did you get it to be so thin?"

Cheng Xiaosi.
Is it possible that all the small animals raised in Yuansu need to be fat?
She thought of Shagener.

"Xiao Si, did you really bring Hua Bao here?"

Yuan Sijin came and smiled happily the moment he saw Hua Bao, "If you don't come here, I will go find you."

"Go, go to my yard."

Excitedly, he stepped forward and pulled Cheng Xiaosi to leave. Before he could leave the hospital, an elegant man came to the door. Yuan Su called his father, and Cheng Xiaosi greeted him, "I have met Mr. Yuan."

Yuan Pei, the Minister of Household Affairs, was also the head of the Yuan family. For some reason, Cheng Xiaosi always felt that with the Yuan family's background, the head of the family should not just hold the position of Minister.

"Girl from the Cheng family."

Yuan Pei stood with his hands behind his hands, "I heard that Uncle Shunyi not only did great work in disaster relief, but he is also actively doing business with a group of merchants?"

Is there a bit of disdain in the words?

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "I can't help it. I heard that the adults in the court can't pay out their salaries. If my father takes this job, he can't take over all the merchants at once. He has to find some way to make money."

"Just rely on merchants?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "Of course there are other ways. Lord Yuan will know it by then."

How can hard-earned money be replaced by robbery?
Where can a quarrel break out so quickly and violently?
There will be money.

Yuan Pei didn't say anything else. Cheng Xiaosi bowed and left with Yuan Sijin. Looking at her back, Yuan Pei looked thoughtfully and looked up at Yuan Su, "Did Uncle Shunyi's Mansion hire a counselor?"

After being in the capital for such a long time, he has done nothing. Suddenly, there is a lot of action, and the path changes so quickly. No one believes that no one is behind the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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