Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 74 Actually, Shunyi Bofu is pretty good too

Yuan Su said he had no control over whether the Shunyi uncle's house hired a counselor. The top priority now was to add two more people to his courtyard. If Cheng Xiaosi had caught him off guard the first time, then she had taken over again today. It just doesn't make sense if it's cheap, it's really too negligent.

His eyes fell on Ji Feng. Did he see his master being taken advantage of and not think about saving him but still watching the fun?

Jifeng was so excited that he ran away on the pretext of going to cut tea.

Yuan Pei thought thoughtfully, "Why did the Cheng family's fourth lady come to you?"

Yuan Su really couldn't answer for a while, he was very confused. This look in Yuan Pei's eyes made him less confused, "I saw that girl is also well-behaved, but she is a little dull after hearing that, you It’s not impossible if you like it.”

He can't choose anymore. If he continues to choose, he will have to be a bachelor for the rest of his life like his incompetent brother. The Yuan family has already given birth to a Yuan Xin. If another one is born, he will really be sorry for his ancestors. Hey~~ ~
Yuan Su stroked his forehead and said, "Father, you think too much."

Now Yuan Pei was no longer confused. He glared at Yuan Su fiercely and blew his beard angrily, "Thinking too much? How old are you? I only hate myself for thinking too little. Your mother is already helping you organize the capital. My lady cannot tolerate anything you don't want."

Unfilial son!
Yuan Su took a deep breath and was already considering whether to run away like his uncle out of respect!
"If you run away, I'll break your legs."

Yuan Su had no choice but to change the subject, "Father went to the palace to see the emperor. What does the emperor mean?"

The treasury is empty, some places can save money, and some places cannot save money. If the emperor continues to be so poor, I am afraid that the suppression of the aristocratic family will become harder and harder, hoping to get money and food from the mouth of the aristocratic family.

Yuan Pei sat down aside, "I heard that Uncle Shunyi has been visiting the palace frequently recently. The emperor is determined to support Uncle Shunyi and the merchants. It's good that this way, the emperor will not keep an eye on us if he has something to do."

Yuan Su sat down opposite him and filled the cup with tea. "Uncle Shunyi must have a way to get money quickly. Can the emperor get a large sum of money in a short time and let merchants donate it?"

"Or are you talking about selling your official position to merchants?"

It was not once or twice that the emperor secretly sold his official position. It could indeed bring in money in a short time, and the official position he sold was not important. They all pretended not to see it, but this time it seemed different?
Yuan Pei took a sip of tea and said, "Didn't Cheng Xiaosi say it just now? You'll know it soon."

He raised his eyes and stared at Yuan Su thoughtfully, "Actually, Uncle Shunyi's Mansion is not bad."

Yuan Su: I can’t escape this topic today~
At this moment, Cheng Xiaosi has arrived at Yuan Sijin's yard. He is watching Yuan Sijin keep ordering people to clean up the yard and prepare painting tools. He is yawning boredly on the side, and Huabao, who is already so beautiful, keeps giving pomegranates. Changing positions on the tree, he was chirping, "Xiaosi, do you think I should stand better?" '

'No one has painted for me yet, I'm so happy. '

"Huabao is really interesting. I really listen to your words." Yuan Sijin, who came over, was very happy and said to Huabao: "Don't worry, little Huabao, I will definitely paint you well." '

Hua Bao put on two more poses, which made Yuan Sijin keep laughing. However, before the painting even started, several more girls came. There were so many people in Yuan Mansion, Cheng Xiaosi fainted as soon as he entered, and couldn't tell them apart. She knew who was who, even if Yuan Sijin introduced her, she couldn't tell.

"Is this the little phoenix? It's so beautiful."

"What a little phoenix, it's not even a chicken."

"Third sister, what are you talking nonsense about? The Queen says this is a little phoenix. Do you have any objections to the Queen?"

"It's just a sentence, why should the second sister be so aggressive?"

Within three words, these girls started to speak harshly. Yuan Sijin frowned and said, "I finally waited until Xiaosi brought little Phoenix. Now I have no time to greet you. Please go back."

"Hongjuan, see you off." Once the others left, Cheng Xiaosi breathed a sigh of relief, "You have so many family members."

"It's not that much."

Yuan Sijin felt that his good mood was almost gone, "Don't worry about them, they are just worrying about how to cause trouble all day long."

The Yuan family has been a big family for hundreds of years. Their original family is not yet in the capital. People from the Yuan Pei branch live in the capital, and Yuan Pei only has two brothers. Yuan Xin has not yet gotten married, so Yuan Pei There are three sons and two daughters, but the family members can't stand it anymore and want to send their children and grandchildren to the capital to seek official positions and study, so there are a lot of young men and girls living in the house.

"Your Yuanfu is a big family with a profound background. Why do you still ask for an official position?"

When she asked this question, Yuan Sijin didn't know how to answer her. It was true that they were from a family of hundreds of families, but the emperor and the late emperor had spared no effort to suppress the family since they ascended the throne. They wanted to swallow the family and survive. After ten years, the aristocratic family's life has not been easy.

But it was inconvenient to tell Cheng Xiaosi, "Why don't you ask? We are also the common people of Xijin. The sons and daughters in the mansion not only have to compete with the sons of aristocratic families, but also with the sons of ordinary people. It's not as easy as you think."

Cheng Xiaosi sighed a few words and then started to bring the topic to Huabao. He praised Huabao fiercely and said that Huabao is a treasure. "You don't even know that I saw Huabao when I first arrived in the capital." Girls from various families, the jade pendant they are wearing was given to them by their grandmothers, and the bracelets on their wrists were passed down from generation to generation by their mothers. Mine was bought in the shop the first day, well, now I have it too, and it’s still a living thing. thing."

Yuan Sijin smiled, "Listen to their nonsense. Jade pendants and bracelets are just old and cherished, so they can't be called treasures."

"Take jade as an example. How can a truly precious jade be just given to a girl to wear? It is usually kept in a brocade box like a treasure."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded and asked her if she had any treasures passed down from generation to generation. She also joked that she would buy a pair of good bracelets later and said they were passed down from her great-grandmother.

Yuan Sijin saw her happy words, and the unhappiness in his heart soon disappeared. He said that her things were not treasures, and said mysteriously: "Only my fifth brother has treasures, or he got them when he was a child." My grandmother spent a lot of money to get it for him, which can protect him from illness and disaster."

After being spared for so long, he finally got here. Cheng Xiaosi looked like he didn't believe it, "Is there really something that can guarantee you no illness or disaster?"

"Is it effective?"

Yuan Sijin smiled mysteriously and said that her fifth brother was born on a bad day and cried all night. As he got older, he was also in constant pain. He was either knocked or fell, and his body was always bruised with minor injuries. "Since I had that My baby is just fine, it’s been smooth sailing till now.”

"My mother said it herself, so that baby is very powerful?"

"What baby?"

Cheng Xiaosi expressed his excitement.

"A tooth."

Yuan Sijin said he had never seen one before, "I don't know what kind of tooth it is, anyway, my fifth brother always wears it."

Cheng Xiaosi felt that the tooth must be extraordinary. How could he borrow such a precious thing?
Or where could she find another tooth like that?

Sad people.

Yuan Sijin was already preparing to start painting. He glanced sideways at Cheng Xiaosi, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. The woman's instinct was that she felt that Cheng Xiaosi had some thoughts about her fifth brother.

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