Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 80 Cheng Xiao4: She has no friends!

Chapter 80 Cheng Xiaosi: She has no friends!
Cheng Daqi lost a lot of weight. After returning home, he was so full of laughter that he even showed off a roast chicken to celebrate. He also yelled at Xiao He to make him two new clothes, "My clothes are now too big."

The corner of Xiao He's mouth twitched slightly, "It's too big. It was tight before, but now it just fits. Just keep wearing it. When the wind blows, it will bulge. Then change to new clothes."

Cheng Xiaosi and Cheng Sanniang laughed together, and Cheng Sanniang said with a smile: "Uncle, we are all optimistic about you. You have lost weight in just a few days. If you keep this up, you will be able to wear new clothes in two or three months. It will be handsome then.”

Cheng Xiaosi nodded repeatedly, "Dad, we are optimistic about you."

Cheng Daqi smiled proudly and said that he was really happy everywhere recently and his life was comfortable.

Mrs. Cheng was also cheerful, thinking that things were different. The last time she came here, this family was almost like strangers. The whole mansion gave people a feeling of death, and it was difficult to breathe under the pressure. Like this There was no such thing as a hearty laugh.

It seems that the matter between Er Niang and Li has brought the family back together again, which can be considered a blessing in disguise.

"Go to bed early tonight. You have things to do tomorrow, especially you three girls. You have to go to the palace tomorrow, so don't say anything too late."


The three sisters got up and went back to the yard talking and laughing. On the way, Cheng Sanniang was still happily planning what kind of bun she would give Cheng Xiaosi and what kind of hairpin she would wear tomorrow morning. Her joy made Hua Bao excited. , stood on Cheng Xiaosi’s shoulder and said that he wanted to see Xiaosi dress up tomorrow morning.

Cheng Daqi, Cheng Daqian, Cheng Yiyi and Cheng Youqian went to the study room. Today, the people they arranged have taken action, but just lighting a fire is not enough. "This fire must be burned more powerfully. The second group of people I arranged I will go to the Yamen tomorrow to continue to complain."

Although Cheng Dashan is confident, he is also worried, "Although we have gained the emperor's favor this time, we have also offended many aristocratic families."

Cheng Daqi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Our Cheng family is barefoot now and is not afraid of wearing shoes. After all, we are just an earl and we don't hold much power. In the eyes of the aristocratic family, we are just the emperor's thugs."

"But having said that, we can't just rely on the emperor. We also have to find other people who can help us."

Cheng Daqi, who was a little confused in Cheng Xiaosi's eyes, was shrewd at the moment. Of course, he was not stupid as long as Zhang Yuewu was not involved. He thought of General Mavericks, "We can make friends with the Niu family."

The Niu family has been loyal to the emperor for generations and is a loyal family. Even if General Niu failed to capture Beixiang in one fell swoop a few years ago and stopped in front of the Beixiang Imperial City where General Dongshuwen was stationed, even this would not be a problem with his ability. If not If the follow-up supply of food and grass is not timely, he will never let Dongshu catch up.

But even so, he took over half of Beixiang's territory, allowing Xijin to expand its territory.

"The emperor uses General Xiao Niu to raid his house. This shows that the Niu family has the emperor's trust. If we can make friends with the Niu family, we will have helpers in the court in the future."

He had considered Marquis Wenchang before and also considered the Yan family, but it was clear that it was not possible.

The Niu family is good, but how can I make friends with the Niu family?

The discussion in the study was still going on, and it was completely dark. Cheng Xiaosi arranged for Hua Bao to go out of the city again to see what its treasures looked like and what kind of things were inside. He took out the gold and silver to identify it, "It would be better if you could bring something back."

Hua Bao nodded, "Xiao Si, just look at me. I will definitely be able to bring you the baby back. I'm going." '

"Be careful." 'I know, Xiaosi cares about me, I'm so happy. '

Hua Bao's figure quickly disappeared into the night. Cheng Xiaosi deliberately left a window for it, and a plan gradually took shape in his mind.

Just as he was about to lie down, Cheng Yousan came over sneakily, "Cheng Xiaosi, let me tell you, I have asked people to inquire about it. The mountain in the suburbs of Beijing collapsed because of the earthquake. Now everyone is going up." If you don’t go, just give up.”

"Are you saying that you have too many good days and want to go out and do something if you have nothing to do?"

Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes at him, "It's not like the whole mountain collapsed, it was just a hilltop. Just lie to me."

Cheng Yousan: How did she know?
"Forget it, just tell me what you want to do, and I'll go check it out for you in case something serious happens."

He was so greedy that he resigned to the fate of such a black-hearted sister.

Cheng Xiaosi patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm still waiting for the news. We'll go when the news is confirmed. Just listen to my announcement."

Cheng Yousan walked away with suspicious eyes, always feeling that there was something he didn't know.

Hua Bao came back just before dawn. He had no choice. He was not good at flying. If he didn't have some special skills, he wouldn't be able to get out of the gate of the capital. He was so tired when he came back that he just fell asleep and waited for Hua Hua to call Cheng Xiaosi. When I got up and saw the jeweled Hua Bao, I immediately covered my mouth and smiled.

"Girl, look at Hua Bao, why is he still wearing a pearl and jade necklace around his neck?"

The sleepy Cheng Xiaosi blinked immediately and reached out to touch the big pearl on Huabao's neck. Is this what he got in the cave?
Huabao opened his eyes and excitedly showed the treasure he brought back, "Xiao Si, there are many more things like this in the cave. I've looked at them all. It's not a tomb or a coffin, it's just a big cave filled with piles." baby. '

Cheng Xiaosi picked it up and touched it, "I'm going to the palace today. Do you want to go with me? I'll give you a reward when I get back."

'No, Hua Bao is tired and wants to sleep. '

Cheng Xiaosi got up and took off the necklace from Huabao's neck. With these two things in hand, she could take Cheng Yousan out to hunt for treasures, but Cheng Yousan alone was not enough. She didn't know what the danger was. If she wanted to go there, of course, the more people, the better.

I can't help but sigh at this moment, she has no friends!
I feel pitiful just thinking about it.

Today's morning court session was much more depressing than usual. The amiable emperor has changed his expression again in recent days. The whole court has a feeling of a storm coming. After questioning all night, the emperor has obtained the confessions of the two merchants. Here, there is no calmness that is clear to the chest, only rage.

"Two fourth-grade officials are colluding, doing evil things, not seeking the welfare of the people of one side, loyal to the emperor and sharing the worries, but they are as vicious as the emperor. I am very disappointed."

Although the witnesses have not yet been mentioned and whether what the merchant said is true has not been verified, the emperor has already made a conclusion, and some people with lower official positions have come out to agree, demanding that the two be severely punished and that the court be restored to peace.

The eyes of the people from the aristocratic families met, and they frequently looked at the old man who was standing at the front of the civil servants. Mr. Qiu, the chief minister of the dynasty, and the two defendants were his disciples. They couldn't say that the emperor did not mean it. Believe it too much.

(End of this chapter)

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