Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 81 has no other chapter topics except marriage?

Chapter 81 Is there no other topic besides marriage?

It can be said that the Cheng Daqi brothers are still somewhat lucky. They are two fat sheep at the first move, and they still have a backer. Of course, without a backer, they may not be able to become fat sheep.

At this moment, the emperor did not continue to speak, but someone from Qiu Shoufu's lineage stood up, "Everything is just the words of the two merchants, and there is no way of knowing whether they are framed or framed. It is better to send someone to Qianjiang in person, and inquire carefully to find out the true evidence of the crime. If it is confirmed, bring it back to Beijing for interrogation, so as not to unjustly accuse a good person."

A few more people stood up and agreed. According to this statement, this matter cannot be handled within a few months, and there are many opportunities that can be arranged along the way.

A few people jumped out to object, saying that corruption has always been prohibited by law, and the two should be brought back to Beijing for interrogation immediately to prevent them from continuing to cause trouble for one another.

The people on both sides were noisy. It was the first time for Cheng Daqi to see such a scene. He kept his little eyes open and watched with gusto.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng had already brought the women of the Cheng family into the palace and met the queen. The queen was even more affectionate towards the women of the Cheng family than before. She not only gave Mrs. Cheng a seat, but also asked her if she was used to it in the capital. , whether the body is healthy, etc.

Old Mrs. Cheng was frightened, and she was grateful for the emperor's kindness and the queen's care.

Just as they were talking about the arrival of the Crown Princess, the Crown Princess came from the Qiu family and was well-mannered. The original harmonious atmosphere dissipated a little when she arrived. After all, neither the female members of the Cheng family nor the Crown Princess were familiar with each other.

"Look, Queen Mother, my little Fourth Lady has become more and more beautiful as she has hairpins. I don't know which son will be lucky enough to marry her."

Cheng Xiaosi suddenly became alert. Yuan Sijin had warned her that the Crown Princess was not a good person, but there was no room for her to speak now. Fortunately, her grandmother smiled and said, "It's just that the Crown Princess has such a good heart and thinks so highly of her. This girl is clumsy with her tongue and timid. I just hope that she will be lucky enough to meet a loyal and honest youngster in the future."

The Crown Princess smiled again and said: "The old lady is too self-effacing. People who are even liked by Little Phoenix are lucky."

"It would be great if we can do what the Crown Princess said, and let the family worry less about her."

Mrs. Cheng looked like a worried elder and said: "We are originally from a merchant family and don't know how to educate girls. These girls in the house are either timid and shy or have a rough temper. They are not as good as those carefully raised by various families in the capital. My noble daughter, I don’t dare to think too much about anything else, we just hope that they will have a smooth future and live in harmony, which in our opinion is better than anything else.”

In such a scene, Mrs. Cheng was more than one rank higher than Xiao He. She clearly told the Queen and Crown Princess that the Cheng family had no idea of ​​using women to climb high.

My own children know that they are not the kind of girls with hundreds of evil intentions in their bellies. The consequences of forced marriage are known to the second mother. To put it bluntly, what kind of powerful character is Mrs. Yan?

There were many mothers-in-law who were more powerful than her in the capital, and her granddaughters all had the fate of being bullied when they met.

The queen's eyes swept over the three sisters of the Cheng family. Although they were not gorgeous in appearance, they all had their own qualities, whether they were gentle or pretty. In addition, the emperor wanted to put the Cheng family in a high position. How could it be so easy for these three girls to get married?

Youdao is a mess of flowers that enchants the eyes, and power that confuses people's hearts.

The Crown Princess still had a decent smile on her face, "The old lady loves the younger generation. This is the blessing of the three girls. It can be seen that she has complied with what she just said. The three girls are all blessed people."

I hope the Cheng family will remember what they said today.

The Queen glanced at the Crown Princess, then looked at Mrs. Cheng, and asked her if she would marry the three girls in the family.The old lady shook her head and said that the girls from the Cheng family were getting married at an older age and would stay for a few more years. It would be too late to start seeing each other after they were busy for a while.

Cheng Xiaosi was on pins and needles, wondering if there was nothing else to talk about except the marriage. There was a feeling that the three sisters were going to be in trouble. Fortunately, the queen quickly turned the topic to Cheng Daqi, "The Emperor values ​​​​him very much." Uncle Shunyi, Uncle Shunyi must also do his best to share the emperor's worries."

The female members of the Cheng family all stood up. Mrs. Cheng said some words of loyalty and patriotism again, and the expression on the queen's face became more and more satisfied.

At this time, the debate in the court reached its most intense stage. The emperor remained motionless, the generals watched the show, and the civil servants were frothing at each other's lips. They had begun to expose each other and attack each other personally. Cheng Daqi was so excited that he felt that even the shrews in the vegetable market should Let’s learn how other scholars quarrel, and their literary talents fly wildly.

In the end, Chief Qiu could not withstand the pressure and stood up. As soon as he came out, the people who were noisy and enthusiastic all shut up at the same time, which shows his influence in the court.

"Your Majesty, if there is an accusation, the defendant should be interrogated according to the regulations. The two people should be summoned back to Beijing immediately to investigate the case. However, they are important officials in Qianjiang. They suddenly left and did not return for a long time. I am afraid that Qianjiang The people above and below are in panic, and it is up to the emperor to decide whether to send someone to temporarily replace the two of them."

It’s not a loss if I give up two more and give them two more.

All the civil servants suddenly realized that Master Qiu was still thinking long-term. Many people felt that they were suitable people and were eager to try again.

The emperor didn't ask who he thought was suitable to take over, and said calmly, "I have ordered people to go to Qianjiang to escort the two of them back to Beijing."

This sentence shocked everyone and they suddenly realized that even though the emperor had already finished the matter, he was still here asking them what they meant and watching them quarrel?
Has the replacement been decided?

Next, they heard the emperor calling someone to come forward. Mr. Qin, an upright official who was usually unknown and conscientious in his duties, officially took up the post of governor of Qianjiang. Everyone had mixed feelings. After the court, a few people whispered to each other, not knowing where they were going. Went to discuss countermeasures.

"Uncle Shunyi, uncle, stay."

Cheng Daqi, who was about to chase General Niu, was stopped by Yuan Pei. He looked at the person in front of him in confusion, "Is something wrong, Mr. Yuan?"

Yuan Pei stepped forward with a smile, "I heard that my uncle has dealings with many merchants and has even mobilized merchants to donate food. You also know that the national treasury has been somewhat tight recently. Can you introduce two large merchants that the Ministry of Household Affairs wants to buy? A large amount of food for emergencies."

"The prince is still waiting in Lingxiao City for food to help the people."

Cheng Daqi didn't think much about it and admitted that he was raising food, but he was not optimistic. "Master Yuan doesn't know. At this time, no one is willing to transport food to the capital. Apart from other things, it's hard to say whether it can be sent to the capital." .”

If you still buy grain, doesn't it mean you have no money?

How did he know that Yuan Pei had already calculated the family assets of Qiu and Cao into the treasury in his mind, and was planning to use the proceeds from the confiscation of the house to buy grain. He had already discussed this matter with the emperor.

"I also ask my uncle to introduce me to you. Don't worry, uncle, the court will not pay a penny to the merchant."

(End of this chapter)

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