Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 89 Both parties are very satisfied

After a two-pronged approach, Cheng Daqi finally had no choice but to nod. At the same time, he also shouldered the important task of fighting for this opportunity for Cheng Yousan. He was so angry that he shut himself in the room and cursed his father-in-law in a low voice. After a few curses, he still had to prick up his ears to listen outside. Then he became even more angry. When he went out, he rubbed his face, trying to make himself smile naturally.

Cheng Yousan, who had been secretly observing him for fear that he would regret it, squatted on a tree branch and clicked his tongue. He didn't know that his father had so many dramas, and he had to secretly talk about his dissatisfaction with his grandfather. How afraid was he?
In the evening, General Maverick arrived on time, and he was followed by the manager of the Niu family, who looked shrewd. When faced with Cheng Dachou's suggestion to talk while eating, Manager Niu refused directly, "The cooperation between the two families is a good idea." Important matters need to be discussed carefully, and if the discussion is pleasant, the meal will also be pleasant, right?"

Cheng Dashan subconsciously wanted to bend down and hand over his hand. Cheng Xiaosi, who was bringing tea to the door, coughed. Cheng Dashan straightened his waist subconsciously and said with a smile: "Manager Niu is joking. There are many cooperation between the Cheng family and the General's Mansion. There is no way to talk about it openly, but the Cheng family is full of sincerity and is willing to work with the General's Mansion to share the emperor's worries."

The Niu family sent out a steward, and the Cheng family asked Cheng Daqian to negotiate. General Xiaoniu and Cheng Daqi sat silently.

Manager Niu made it clear that he wanted to give the Cheng family a blow, "Since there is cooperation, it must be stated how to cooperate and how to divide the profits. How can we cooperate if we don't explain these clearly?"

Mr. Cheng smiled. With just this sentence, he could tell that Manager Niu was mediocre in doing business this time and could win him over with his mouth.

"Of course what Manager Niu said is important, but the problem we are facing now is very serious. Let's talk about it next time."

Cheng Dashan once again expressed the purpose of the Cheng family to improve the entire north of the city, "Guanshi Niu has been in the capital longer than our Cheng family, so he naturally knows what is going on in the north of the city. Not only is the main road not as spacious as the south of the city, but the houses are also smaller. It is irregular, most of the streets in the remaining places are paved with bluestones, and most of the streets in the north of the city are made of mud."

"There are very few businesses that can be reputable. To put it bluntly, even the clothes worn by the common people are not as bright as those worn by the common people in the south of the city. Improving the situation is not something that can be accomplished in a day. Even if we call in the merchants, we must first shed some light on it. It’s a big sum of money and you won’t see the money back in a short time.”

First, he exaggerated the current situation in the north of the city, then talked about the next plan and what the general's office needed to do. Finally, he sighed, "No one can say how much we can divide in one go. ."

Being bypassed like this, Manager Niu became a little anxious and subconsciously thought that the Cheng family was trying to get Qiao, "How can we talk about it like this?"

The Cheng family has the final say on how much to give them, so what if they don't get a penny in the end for their efforts?
When Mr. Cheng saw that the other party was about to be manipulated by him, he became more calm, "Manager Niu is worrying too much. As long as I, the Cheng family, can't let the General's Mansion suffer."

"Businesses will naturally be grateful for being protected. Our Cheng family can guarantee that the number will not fall below this amount every year."

He stretched out five fingers, and Manager Niu immediately felt relieved and had a smile on his face.

At the dinner table, everyone drank a glass of wine first, and then Manager Niu brought up the idea of ​​running a grocery store together. He revealed in his words that as long as the General's Palace is willing to protect the Escort Agency, the Escort Agency's business will naturally prosper, and they are not satisfied with a little benefit.

Cheng Dajian and Cheng Daqi looked at each other and expressed their willingness to open a joint venture, and even open a large store in the southeast, west and east. Manager Niu was more satisfied and naturally mentioned profit. This item cannot be vague and must be clear. number.

Cheng Dashan did not answer, then he pointed at the roast chicken in front of him and said with a smile: "This roast chicken is pretty good. You have to order it two days in advance to get it. I wanted to eat it as soon as I arrived in the capital. I didn't have it." General Maverick and Steward Niu are coming, I don’t know when I can eat them.”

"General Mavericks, please go first."

Maverick General was really waiting for him to tell him how much he wanted to give to the General's Mansion. After all, a grocery store was a profitable business just after opening, so why did he talk about eating chicken?Just when he was about to say something casually, Manager Niu took over, "But by chance, our young general also loves the roast chicken from the Taoist House. This chicken doesn't look too fat at all, and we, the young general, can eat half of it. "

General Maverick: What do you mean?
"Manager Niu is joking." Mr. Cheng said with a smile: "It's just such a chicken. General Niu ate half of it. There are so many of us who may not even have a chopstick when it's our turn."

"I see it this way."

He tore off a chicken leg and put it in the Maverick General bowl, "How about that?"

Manager Niu moved his chopsticks, and a chicken wing fell into General Niu's bowl. He said, "Our little general is growing taller, so he should eat two more bites."

Cheng Daqi smiled, "Then it's settled. The general will eat [-]% of the chicken and calf, and we'll eat the rest."

Everyone at the table laughed, Xiao Zhanpeng also laughed, thinking that there are many ways to do business with people in the capital, so just say we want [-]%, and it can't be less than [-]%. That would be great. Why bother with a chicken?

He's also taller, that's why, tsk tsk.

After dividing the profits, the meal was finally a smooth one. During this period, Manager Niu wanted to eat chicken once and split the legs. Cheng Dashan blocked his mouth with a piece of fish and made him a big cake. Manager Niu I secretly hate the Cheng family skateboarders.

After three rounds of drinking, Cheng Daqi asked General Maverick to lead Cheng Yousan. Cheng Yousan quickly stood up and expressed his desire to join the army.

General Maverick was worried that he didn't have the bargaining chip of the Cheng family. Now that a ready-made one was presented to him, he immediately became happy, "Brother Cheng is eyeing me. Even if you don't tell me, I will recruit you into the army. I will come to the house tomorrow." Come to me and learn from me for a month first, and then report to the Military and Horse Division in the north of the city. You will be in charge of public security in the north of the city. Then I will introduce you to a few people."

Cheng Yousan grinned happily, Lao Gao said, "Hey" after holding it in for a long time. Cheng Daqi toasted General Maverick and asked them to take care of him in the future.

Although the meal was complicated, it was a feast for the guests and the host. When General Mavericks left, Xiao Zhanpeng led out a horse with shiny black coat. "BMWs match heroes. This good horse is rare. Let's go with him to escort him." The dart is really buried, so I gave it to General Maverick. If General Maverick can take a fancy to it, it will not be in vain for it to be so fat and strong."

General Maverick's heart was moved. This was better than what he had seen in the Cheng family stable before. How could a man not love horses, especially the general? He stepped forward and rubbed the black horse's mane, "It's a good horse, so good." The general accepted it.”

"My cousin Qian Li will come to see Mr. Xiao tomorrow. Please give me your full help in suppressing the bandits."

They all cooperated, so there was no need to be so polite. Manager Niu also got a gift. Although he hadn't seen it yet, he was already satisfied with the Cheng family and knew how to behave.

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