Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 90: Turn it over or keep it for yourself?

When General Maverick and Manager Niu left, the moment they closed the door, Cheng was three feet tall.

"Hahaha, I'm going to Beicheng Military and Horse Division, hahaha~~~"

"Xiaosi Xiaosi, come on and give me a punch. Why do I feel like I'm in a dream?"

"Cheng Xiaosi, where are you?"

Cheng Xiaosi, who was about to wash up, learned that her third brother needed her fist, so he went there without saying a word. When the fist hit his shoulder, Cheng Yousan felt a slight pain, and then they all laughed, "It hurts, it's refreshing." , hahaha~"

Hooking Cheng Xiaosi's shoulder, "Cheng Xiaosi, be nice to your third brother from now on. From now on, the security in this area in the north of the city will be under my control, and I will protect you from now on."

Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes silently, but resisted raising the corners of his mouth. Forget it, let him be proud for a while without saying anything to hurt him.

Cheng Yiyi and Cheng Youqian also stepped forward to congratulate them, with envy in their eyes. A good thing that they had never dared to think about happened like this. It was somewhat unreal.

The people of the Xiao family are even more envious. After all, they used to be bandits with a relatively low starting point. They wanted to hide when they saw an official. As a result, now their cousin has become a soldier with a sword. Should he be nice to him in the future? point?

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "Please treat your friends to dinner later. You will be unable to do without their help in the future."

She was talking about those gangster friends. Those people had helped them a lot recently. They should be thanked. Cheng Yousan nodded, "This is necessary. There will be many places where they will be needed in the future."

Cheng Daqi also said, "In the future, if you need money, go directly to the accounting office to withdraw it, and you can spend it as needed."

"From now on, you can be regarded as the person who supports the family. Be more steady. Your bad temper should be restrained."

Cheng Yousan nodded in succession, turned around and started chatting and laughing with his brothers. He was about to continue having a drink, but Cheng Xiaosi caught him and asked, "What should I do?"

"When can I do it? The night is long and I have many dreams."

Only then did Cheng Yousan remember that there were treasures waiting for them to pick up on the hills outside the city.

"I'm going to report tomorrow, and I may not have time next time."

"How about asking your two cousins ​​to accompany you?"

In the ears of other people, the two brothers and sisters talked like they were playing charades. Cheng Youqian asked, "What are you talking about, long nights and many dreams, where are you going, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Cheng Xiaosi also decided not to hide it from everyone. Cheng Yousan said first, "It's Xiaosi's little phoenix who always sneaks out at night and brings back a string of pearls and a string of emeralds. We have been I've been investigating in secret, and I have some clues. Are you ready to go out of the city to look for it?"

Cheng Yiyi: "What's the secret? Tell me clearly."

Cheng Yousan told them in detail, but did not mention Cheng Xiaosi's dream. He instinctively felt that the less known about this matter, the better. Cheng Daqian was the first to understand, "You suspect that the corrupt official's family fortune is in The top of the mountain outside the city has collapsed, and these things are exposed?"

"I know this."

Cheng Youyi said: "It is said that the man's surname is Zhao. The amount of money he embezzled is equivalent to a year's revenue of the national treasury, but nothing was found. Last time we had tea, I heard someone talking about it, saying that there might be a grievance."

Cheng Daqi frowned lightly, "Go and bring the pearls and jade for us to take a look at."

Cheng Xiaosi brought the things with him, and Mrs. Cheng was also invited to look at them. Having dealt with countless pieces of jewelry in her life, she immediately came to the conclusion, "This string of pearls is the size of a finger. It's not easy to buy. The threads it threads are still thin." The fishing line is twisted with gold thread, but the beads are dull and the gold thread is black. I am afraid it has been buried underground for a long time."

If this kind of thing is not a burial object, why is it buried underground?

Xiao Feng stepped forward, took the bead, smelled it carefully, and said to Xiao Shan: "Ask Shouhou to come." Shouhou is the bodyguard brought by the Xiao family this time. He lives up to his name, not only short but also lean, come here There were still oily flowers hanging from the corners of his mouth when he saw it. When he saw a room full of people, he hurriedly wiped his mouth with his sleeves. Before he could open his mouth, the string of pearls was handed to him, "Look where it came from."

The thin monkey took it, looked at it and smelled it, "It was buried with the box in the ground, but it was not buried in the soil. It should be placed in the cave."

"Not buried with him?"

"That's not it, it doesn't have that smell."

Xiao Feng gave him the jade skewer again, and he came to the same conclusion. Shouhou left when he saw that he had nothing to do. The Cheng family made a lot of meat dishes to entertain them. He was afraid that those people would rob them all if he went back late.

At this time, the expressions of the people in the room were a little complicated. It is impossible for such fine things to be placed alone in the cave. Could it be that the treasury of that year was really discovered?

"How to do?"

Cheng Daqi's voice was a little floating, "Turn it over or keep it for yourself?"

The Cheng family is not very short of money, but that is a year's income from the national treasury. If it is pocketed for personal gain, it will be even more powerful!
But how could someone get back so many things without anyone noticing?

Cheng Dashan suggested handing it over, saying that if it was discovered, it would be "more harm than good".

The Xiao family was heartbroken, but they also understood that at this critical moment, if the embezzlement was discovered, they might lose their heads. Originally, it belonged to the court. "Even if it has to be turned over, you should get some benefits, right?"

How much is the income of the national treasury in a year?

Even if you use it to buy a few officials, you won't be able to spend it all.

Cheng Daqi thought it made sense, "That's it. Everyone talks about what they want. After thinking about it, we go to see if we really have such a large fortune. If we are sure, I will go to the palace and ask for it. As long as it's not too much, it should be It works."

"I'll come first."

Cheng Daqi thought for a moment and said, "I'll give my mother and my fourth mother a favor."

Mrs. Cheng and Xiao He were both a little surprised and a little excited, but Mrs. Cheng still said, "Let's focus on the reality. We will talk about these false claims later."

As a woman, who doesn't want to have a royal marriage? It is the highest honor for a woman, but they are used to paying for their family, and they take care of family affairs first.

Xiao He also meant the same thing, Mrs. Gaoming had never thought about it.

Mr. Cheng looked at Cheng Youqian and said, "I would like to ask for a free position."

He just wanted to fight for his son.

Cheng Yi said he didn't want anything. When it was the Xiao family's turn, Xiao Zhanpeng waved his hand and said, "It's enough that we can go with them to suppress the bandits. Waiting until the suppression of the bandits is over will definitely give us some credit. Then we will see who can get it in the army." Earn military pay.”

Cheng Yousan was the last to speak, "Dad, what can you ask for for my sister? After all, it was Xiaosi who discovered it and it was Xiaosi's credit."

Only then did everyone's eyes fall on Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "I don't want anything. No matter who gets better, I can benefit from it, and the tide will lift all boats."

Mrs. Cheng laughed and said, "Xiao Si is right. If you can only ask for one thing, then ask for the best and most useful one. When one person is well, he can bless everyone."

After all, it is about maximizing profits.

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