Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 123 Sister Ning, what’s wrong with me?

"Where did you go missing?"

Ji Ning's face looked calm, but her eyes were a little heavy.

Fu Yuanxuan opened the smart brain on his wrist and projected a small light screen with a surveillance video on it.

Bai Xiaotang and Lin Yuanyang were clearly seen coming out of the guest house near the base and getting into a taxi.

"Bai Xiaotang has been going to the guest house during the day and back to the base at night for the past two days. This is the surveillance of them taking a taxi back to the base last night, but the car did not drive to the base. When I found out that they did not come back on time, their brains had been shut down. "

"Where did you find Lin Yuanyang?"

Fu Yuanxuan was a little surprised at Ji Ning's cleverness, and continued: "After my people followed the surveillance to find out the direction of the car, they chased the car and found Lin Yuanyang who was unconscious in a tunnel leading to Jiu Ming Mountain. This There is surveillance in the tunnel, but there is no surveillance in a section of the tunnel. The car was parked on that stretch of road, but the robbers and Bai Xiaotang were nowhere to be seen. I speculate that they have entered Jiu Ming Mountain."

When Fu Yuanxuan said this, a trace of worry could not help but appear in his eyes.

The route along Jiu Ming Mountain is very wide, and even base soldiers patrolling cannot cover all areas. If the robbers really take Bai Xiaotang into the mountains, they will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Ji Ning's brows gradually furrowed. After watching the surveillance video on the light screen for a while, his eyes sharpened and he said, "Take me to the place where the car was abandoned."

"Two groups of people have already entered the base, but Jiu Ming Mountain is too vast. Even if we fly a helicopter to search, it will take half a day."

Ji Ning nodded slightly, opened his brain, and searched for the map of Jiu Ming Mountain.

Fu Yuanxuan pursed his lower lip, started the car, and asked, "Are you going to go into the mountains to find someone?"

Ji Ning said "hmm" without saying much.

The car was quiet for a while.

After about half an hour, Ji Ning suddenly said: "Turn around and go to the guest house!"

Fu Yuanxuan immediately stepped on the brakes, "What do you mean?"

"Bai Xiaotang may still be in the guest house."

"how do you know?"

"It takes at most three hours to enter Jiu Ming Mountain from the abandonment point, and there is no road. It has been almost three hours since your people entered the mountain, right?"

Fu Yuanxuan was shocked. They had indeed found the abandoned car less than three hours ago. After arranging his subordinates to go into the mountain to search, he came to the crew to pick up Ji Ning.

But how did she find out?

Has she ever been to Jiu Ming Mountain?

Fu Yuanxuan looked at the person in the rearview mirror with complex eyes.

Ji Ning still looked down at the smart brain screen, tapping twice on the screen from time to time, as if checking something.

"If we don't hurry up, Bai Xiaotang will really be kidnapped."

Fu Yuanxuan calmed down, turned around, and turned around on the road.

Press the accelerator and the car will speed away.

Ji Ning's smart brain screen was currently showing a transparent structural diagram of the guest house.

When she fought those killers before, she used her mental power to cover the entire guest house, so that she could completely reproduce all the structural details in the guest house.

She knew everything including the thickness of a brick.

"I still don't understand, why are you so sure that Bai Xiaotang is in the guest house? Isn't she the person who got into the car in the surveillance video?"

"It was her, but she was replaced by someone else."

While driving, Fu Yuanxuan recalled what he had just said to Ji Ning. He wanted to find the clues that Ji Ning was so sure of, but he still had no clue.

How did she decide?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ji Ning suddenly said, "Park the car near the guest house later. Don't show your face."


Ji Ning glanced at him, and the disgust in her eyes made Fu Yuanxuan purse his lips.

Half an hour later, Fu Yuanxuan parked his car near the guest house without getting out of the car, and watched through the miniature camera Ji Ning carried.

Ji Ning did not go to the main entrance of the guest house. Instead, she walked around to the fire escape behind the guest house and climbed in easily with a jump and climb.

The back door of the guest house is next to the kitchen and warehouse. When Fu Yuanxuan saw Ji Ning, he went straight to the warehouse without any hesitation. When the warehouse manager came to ask, he knocked the person unconscious with a sharp knife, and then got the key to open the warehouse door.

Bai Xiaotang was lying in the warehouse manager's lounge, with a rope tied around his body and a cloth stuffed in his mouth.

Ji Ning stepped forward and felt her breath, pinched her wrist and checked her pulse.Sudden--

The picture in front of Fu Yuanxuan's eyes blurred. Just when he thought there was signal interference and was about to get off the car, there was another image on the screen.

At this time, Bai Xiaotang had already woken up and was covering his head and looking at Ji Ning in confusion.

"Sister Ning, what's wrong with me?"

"You've been drugged."

"Huh? Drugged?"

"Get out of here first."

Ji Ning stretched out a hand to Bai Xiaotang and pulled her to stand up from the ground.

Fu Yuanxuan's questioning voice sounded in my ears: "Hello? What's going on? The signal was suddenly interrupted?"

Ji Ning pressed the headset and said, "I don't know."

Before he finished speaking, a male voice suddenly came from the door of the warehouse, "Who are you?"

They saw several men wearing garbage cleaning uniforms looking at them with fierce expressions.

Ji Ning's eyes dimmed, she blocked Bai Xiaotang behind her, and replied calmly: "It's you."

Several people slowly stepped forward and took out a knife from their pockets, "Little girl, stop meddling in your own business! Hand over the eldest lady of the Bai family behind you, and we can let you go."

Ji Ning chuckled lightly and pulled Bai Xiaotang, who was a little scared, out of the lounge.

"Aren't you afraid of being retaliated by the Bai family if you arrest the eldest lady of the Bai family?"

"Heh... I just want money, not my life. With the money, my brothers' lives will be worth it. Stop talking nonsense and hand over the people, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

One of the kidnappers held up a knife and rushed over, but after stabbing out, Ji Ning caught the tip of the knife between his fingers.

There was a crisp "click" sound, the tip of the knife broke directly, and the kidnapper received a heavy punch in the face and flew two meters away.

The kidnappers nearby saw this and attacked one after another, but they were all beaten until they lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Ji Ning walked up to the leader of the group, stepped on his abdomen, bent down, and asked calmly: "Who told you that she is the eldest daughter of the Bai family?"

"No one. It was only when we heard Lao Li saying that this was the eldest lady of the Bai family that we suddenly decided to kidnap her and ask for money from the Bai family."

"Really?" Ji Ning pressed her feet a little harder.

Before Ji Ning met Fu Yuanxuan, she had received the guest house surveillance video sent by Lin Yuanyang and learned about Bai Xiaotang's disappearance.That video had not been processed. Ji Ning watched the contents of the past two days. One of them was part of the surveillance video of a taxi arriving at the back door of the guest house four hours after Bai Xiaotang's accident.

She didn't think there was a problem at first, but after confirming some details with Fu Yuanxuan, she quickly judged that Bai Xiaotang had been taken back to the guest house again.

This behavior is very bold, but it also has a certain safety.After all, the most dangerous places are the safest.The person behind the scenes may not necessarily want to do anything.It might just change if that taxi is followed by a few drunkards.

Ji Ning was afraid of causing trouble, so she immediately asked Fu Yuanxuan to come back.

So she was not surprised when these kidnappers came.

" hurts...aunt, we are telling the truth. We really heard what Lao Li said..."

"Yes, yes, yes, when we passed by here last night, we saw Lao Li getting out of the car with a girl on his back, so we followed him into the warehouse and heard him saying to himself that this eldest lady of the Bai family should be quite valuable. …”

Ji Ning looked back at Bai Xiaotang and saw that her face was not good-looking. She was holding her chest and retching. She let go of her feet and stood up straight.

Looking at the kidnapper leader, his eyes suddenly became dark, "Go to the police station and surrender yourself, otherwise I will let you die without any body parts."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Xiaotang vomited along with the smell.


Ji Ning came to Bai Xiaotang and handed her a bottle of water.


After vomiting, Bai Xiaotang's face improved a little, and he unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips.

At this time, Fu Yuanxuan also came in from the back door and looked at them anxiously, "Are you okay?"

"Brother Fu..." Bai Xiaotang was a little surprised.

Fu Yuanxuan glanced at the moaning people lying on the ground, his face darkened, "Leave this to me, you take her to the hospital."

"No need. They are not behind the scenes." (End of Chapter)

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