Fu Yuanxuan looked at her, and Ji Ning pointed to the warehouse door: "Just ask him."

Fu Yuanxuan thought of the fainted man he saw in the backyard and pursed his lower lip, "You go to the hospital first, and we will deal with the rest."


Suddenly the brain on Fu Yuanxuan's wrist sounded.

Fu Yuanxuan took a few steps to the side and pressed the call button.

"what happened?"

"Captain, there is a woman outside the base who claims to be Bai Xiaotang's cousin and comes looking for Bai Xiaotang."

"Hold her."

"No, she is very tough and demands to see Bai Xiaotang now. And I feel like she knows about Bai Xiaotang's disappearance."

Fu Yuanxuan looked back at Ji Ning and Bai Xiaotang, and continued: "Find a way to hold her back. We will return to the base later."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Ning chuckled: "I'll take her back to the base first."

On the other side, the gate of Jiu Mingshan Base.

Chang Ru looked at the soldiers blocking her in front of her with an unhappy expression.

"My cousin's phone number has been unreachable. I want to go in and see if anyone is at the base."

"Sorry ma'am, Miss Bai is currently undergoing closed training. It's normal that she can't be contacted by mobile phone." The soldier on guard replied in a friendly manner, but Chang Ru didn't believe it at all and replied: "What kind of training? With her physique, what can she train? Who arranged the training? I want to see your leader!"

"Sorry ma'am, this is a base secret and you have no right to ask."

"I am her sister and I am responsible for her safety. Who is the person in charge of your base?"

"Sorry! Our leader is not at the base."

Chang Ru was so angry at the soldiers on guard that she looked ugly. She clenched the bag in her hand tightly with her sharp nails, wishing she could slap it down. After taking two deep breaths, she suppressed her anger and asked, "Okay, then I'll go find Ji Ning." ? Isn’t she from your base? It’s the base where she brought my sister. I’m looking for her now!”

Just as the two were arguing, a slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"Sister Ning is out."

Chang Ru heard the sound and looked over, and saw Lin Yuanyang slowly walking out of the base gate with his hands in his pockets.

Chang Ru's eyes flashed with something strange, and an unnatural smile appeared on her face, "Xiaoyang... Is Tangtang okay?"

Lin Yuanyang stopped about five steps away from the door, pushed up his glasses, "What do you want to happen to her?"

"You kid, what are you talking about? Aren't I afraid that something will happen to her?" If there were no outsiders, Chang Ru would have wanted to step forward and tear Lin Yuanyang's mouth off.

This kid was found so quickly.

What a nuisance!

Lin Yuanyang stared at her coldly, "She is training in a closed room. Sister Ru, why are you here?"

Chang Ru looked at the door that was close at hand, her face a little embarrassed, "I haven't been able to contact Tangtang since last night, and I thought something happened to her."

"Don't worry, nothing can happen to Bai Xiaotang at the base. This is the safest place in China."

Lin Yuanyang replied word for word.

Chang Ru was a little panicked, but her face remained gentle, "That's good. I thought something happened to Tangtang? Now I can explain it to Brother Yusen."

"Okay, nothing happens. I'll go in first."

"Can't I go in and hang out?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm leaving first."

Chang Ru saw that Lin Yuanyang was still as cold to everyone except Bai Xiaotang, and she was so angry that she hurriedly called him loudly: "Xiaoyang, wait a moment."

Lin Yuanyang stopped, put one hand in his pocket and turned slightly sideways, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

Chang Ru took a deep breath and waved to him, "Xiaoyang, I have something to tell you about the Lin family."

Lin Yuanyang's eyes flickered, and he turned to look at her, "Okay, let's go out and talk." "..."

Next to the black business car.

Lin Yuanyang looked directly into Chang Ru's eyes with his glasses on, without any warmth in his eyes.

"What do you want to say?"

There are no base soldiers here, and Chang Ru's attitude is not as good as before. She sits calmly on the business car seat, with her hands folded across her chest, looking at him.

Say with certainty: "You don't like me."

"What you do is unpleasant."

Chang Ru raised the corner of her mouth, "What did I do?"

"You know it yourself."

"Xiaoyang, you have misunderstood me too much. In fact, I quite admire you and envy your relationship with Tangtang."

Lin Yuanyang snorted and interrupted her, "What's going on with the Lin family?"

He knows Chang Ru very well. She likes to start with emotions when she talks. Bai Xiaotang, that stupid woman, has been tricked so many times since she was a child.

Chang Ru was unhappy, but still had a decent smile on her face, "I wonder if you know about Netherworld Grass."

Lin Yuanyang's eyes suddenly became sharp, "I know, one of the poisonous weeds in China."

Seeing him like this, Chang Ru knew that he already knew the condition of her body and said with a smile: "I overheard a rumor that when Mrs. Lin was ambushed, she seemed to have been poisoned, and the poison happened to contain Netherworld Grass. poison."

Lin Yuanyang's fists gradually clenched, and Chang Ru continued: "You have been weak since you were a child. The doctor said you would not live to be 20 years old, but sometimes the doctor's words are not always correct. Do you suspect that you may have been poisoned?"

"Who did you listen to?" Lin Yuanyang held back his temper and asked coldly.

Chang Ru raised the corners of her lips slightly, clasped her hands on her legs, and twirled her thumbs easily.

"I have my own way. Regarding the Nether Grass Poison, I know a herb that can suppress the Nether Grass Poison, and I happen to have one in my hand..."

Speaking of this, Chang Ru's voice paused, and her eyes were somewhat meaningful.

Lin Yuanyang pursed his lower lip, pushed up his glasses and asked, "What do you want?"

The smile on Chang Ru's face became even bigger, "Don't think of me as so utilitarian. Tangtang treats you as a younger brother, so naturally I'm half your sister. It's right for a sister to give her brother herbal medicine to treat his illness."

Lin Yuanyang didn't know what medicine she sold in the gourd, and frowned slightly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Tangtang is alone in the field now. As a sister, I am very worried. Fortunately, you are here with me, so I ask you to take more care of her in the future. If anything happens to her, please tell me as soon as possible. Come and help her."

Lin Yuanyang sneered, "Just tell me if you want me to monitor her. There's no need to say it so grandly."

"How could it be? I'm caring about her. She is the eldest lady of the Bai family, so she can't make any mistakes."


Her face was relaxed, as if she were joking, "Brother Xiaoyang, you have misunderstood me too much. I am doing it for Tangtang's own good. Let's become friends."

Chang Ru had a smile on her face and raised her wrist.

Lin Yuanyang wondered why she didn't feel guilty at all?
Wasn't she the one who stunned him and kidnapped Bai Xiaotang?
But if it wasn’t her, who could it be?

"Brother Xiaoyang, you have to make the right choice sometimes. I believe that with your intelligence, you can understand what I mean, right?"

Chang Ru tucked her hair behind her ears and looked towards the base gate not far away.

A gust of autumn wind blew by, the branches and leaves rustled, and in a moment it rained fallen leaves.

Autumn leaves scattered all over the ground, fell into the car, and were held by a delicate hand.

Lin Yuanyang looked at Chang Ru expressionlessly for a while.

He withdrew his gaze, said nothing, turned and left.

Chang Ru heard the sound of Zhinao's friend passing through her ears, and the corners of her lips rose again, "Human, your own life is more important."

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