When Ji Ning and Bai Xiaotang returned to the base, Chang Ru had already left.

Lin Yuanyang called Ji Ning away, repeated what Chang Ru said to him, and speculated: "Sister Ning, I suspect she knows some old things about the Lin family. I want to pretend to agree with her proposal."

"Okay." Ji Ning nodded slightly.

Lin Yuanyang frowned slightly and continued: "She has been very strange since she was a child. She always knows many things that others cannot predict. She said that her intuition is very accurate, but I always feel that it is not that simple. In this case, she should She is the one behind the scenes, but she is not afraid of being investigated at all, and even has a very relaxed attitude when facing me. So I am a little unsure whether she is the one behind the scenes."

"Why do you think she is behind this?"

Lin Yuanyang glanced at Bai Xiaotang, who was bored playing on the horizontal bar not far away, pushed up his glasses and said, "Bai Xiaotang was thrown away once when she was 6 years old, and she rescued her. Since then, everyone in the Bai family has placed great trust in her. Aunt Bai He even brought her into the Bai family's life and treated her like his own daughter. She also enjoyed Bai Xiaotang's things. But when I was 8 years old, I accidentally hacked into the Chang family's surveillance system and saw A man entered the Chang family, and that man was the man who was imprisoned for abducting Bai Xiaotang..."

"Have you told the Bai family about this?"

Lin Yuanyang shook his head and replied unnaturally: "I was relatively young at that time, and the Lin family was gradually alienated from the Bai family because of my mother's affairs, so..."

"It's okay."

Lin Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, looked at Ji Ning and asked, "Don't you think I'm selfish?"

Ji Ning smiled, "Isn't it human nature to be selfish? There is nothing shameful in obeying nature. Even if you told the Bai family at that time, they wouldn't believe it. Sometimes people are so stupid, they only want to believe what they believe . Maybe it was a good thing that you didn’t tell Bai Xiaotang at that time."

Lin Yuanyang's nose was a little sore. This matter has been accumulated in his heart for many years. Although he has been suppressing it with reason, every time he sees Bai Xiaotang being stupid, he still feels a little uneasy in his heart. He is afraid that one day Bai Xiaotang will really will be killed, but the Bai family does not know that the murderer is someone close to them.

"Should I tell her now?"

"How can you grow if you don't experience some things yourself?"

Lin Yuanyang understood instantly.

In the bright conference room, Bai Xiaotang looked at the people in front of him and swallowed nervously.

Fu Yuanxuan was the first to say: "Don't be nervous, we will ask you a few questions."

"it is good……"

"Did you notice anything unusual before you fell into coma?"

Bai Xiaotang shook his head, "No, I just took a taxi back to the base with Xiao Yang as before. Right, Xiao Yang?"

Lin Yuanyang, who was sitting next to her, nodded slightly, "Sister Ru has called us the cars these days, and the license plate numbers can match."

Fu Yuanxuan continued to ask: "When did you lose consciousness? Did you notice the road yaw before losing consciousness?"

Bai Xiaotang shook his head again, "I don't know, I just accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw Sister Ning. I also met several kidnappers. They wanted to kidnap me and my brother for money."

"So these kidnappers know that you are a member of the Bai family?"

"Yeah." Bai Xiaotang felt a little scared when he thought about the situation he encountered before.

Fortunately, Sister Ning was by her side, otherwise she would definitely have been taken away.

"How do they know?"

Bai Xiaotang looked at Ji Ning and saw that she nodded to him, and he gathered up his courage again, "They said they heard what the warehouse manager said and they came up with it on the spur of the moment."

"Then do you know the purpose of the warehouse manager kidnapping you?"

Bai Xiaotang shook his head.

"Did you reveal your identity to anyone at the hostel?"

"No. I haven't seen him. Xiaoyang and I came to the guest house and stayed with Sister Ru the whole day..." At this point, Bai Xiaotang paused, and looked at Lin Yuanyang beside him with his beautiful round eyes, with a trace of Suspect.

Lin Yuanyang interrupted her fantasy rudely, "Do you think I will be free to chat with strangers? Sister Xiaotong has just finished her work there, and I will rush back to find you."

"That's right." Bai Xiaotang smiled sarcastically, raised his hand and touched Lin Yuanyang's head, receiving a big eye roll from him.

At this time, Ji Ning suddenly asked: "Apart from yourself and Lin Yuanyang, who else knows your identity and is most likely to intentionally or unintentionally leak your identity as the daughter of the Bai family in the guest house in the near future?" Bai Xiaotang broke his hand. Counting on fingers: "In the near future... the people who know my identity are you, Sister Ning, Xiaoyang, Sister Xiaotong, Brother Fu... Of course you will definitely not reveal my identity."

Bai Xiaotang smiled at them as if to save his life, and then continued thinking.


Her eyes widened and she looked at Ji Ning in disbelief, "It's impossible..."

"Who do you think of?"

Bai Xiaotang immediately shook his head, "No... I probably mentioned the Bai family accidentally. By the way, Brother Fu, did you ask anything? Did the warehouse manager say who revealed my identity?"

Bai Xiaotang looked at Fu Yuanxuan with a nervous look, and his voice trembled unconsciously.

Lin Yuanyang hated the fact that iron cannot become steel. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Ji Ning's warning eyes and swallowed his words again.

Fu Yuanxuan glanced at Ji Ning and said to Bai Xiaotang, "No."

Bai Xiaotang breathed a long sigh of relief, with a hint of relief in her brows and eyes, but her fingers were still digging at the edge of the table unconsciously.

"According to the suspect's confession, he saw someone secretly filming you, and picked up a secretly photographed photo of you. On the back of the photo was written the words "Daughter of the Bai Family in Beijing." It happened that the suspect's son was sick a while ago and needed a lot of money, so he took the risk and chose Pretend to be a taxi driver and kidnap you.”

"Secretly filming me? Why?" Bai Xiaotang was very surprised.

Lin Yuanyang said bluntly: "Then it depends on who pays so much attention to your every move."

"Could it be my brother?"

Lin Yuanyang was a little frustrated and wanted to punch her and wake her up. "Would your brother let someone write something as dangerous as the daughter of the Bai family on the photo?"

"Who is that? Just tell me directly, I really can't guess."

"You... are so stupid!"

Bai Xiaotang felt a little aggrieved and looked at Ji Ning on the other side.

Ji Ning glanced at Lin Yuanyang and replied calmly: "Someone also secretly photographed you when we were in Mingfu Garden, and I sent you to the police station."

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"What do you know? Your brain is as stupid as mud." Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes unceremoniously and continued: "I checked later and found that the person who secretly photographed you in Mingfu Garden got on the car directly after he came out of the police station. The train back to the capital. Think about it yourself!"

After saying that, Lin Yuanyang stood up, not intending to make mistakes with her here.

Bai Xiaotang seemed to have thought of something, and stared at her blankly, his eyes widened, and it took him a long time to find his voice.

"Ning...Sister Ning...could she be an accomplice of the killer on the roof that night?"

Ji Ning smiled and patted her shoulder, "It's possible. You go pack your luggage. It's time for us to leave."

Bai Xiaotang bit his lip and said "hmm".

Fu Yuanxuan, who was opposite, looked at Ji Ning hurriedly: "Are you going back? What you promised me..."

Ji Ning pointed at Bai Xiaotang and said with a smile, "She has already given the answer."

"What answer..." Before he finished speaking, Fu Yuanxuan stopped talking and looked at Ji Ning in surprise.

I've been working overtime a lot recently and don't get enough sleep.

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