The person chasing the shadow is not slow.

The two ran in tandem for a long time in the forest before slowing down at a mountain stream.

"Stop, you are already surrounded, it's better to just surrender." The person chasing behind shouted loudly.

The sound of space echoed in the mountains and forests.

The black shadow slowly stopped.

At this time, the clouds that covered the moon in the sky finally passed by, and the silver moonlight squeezed out from the gaps in the clouds, covering the mountain forest bit by bit like a gauze.

The black shadow was hidden in the shadow of the moonlight and slowly turned around.

A dark light flashed in the eyes of the pursuer, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you here again? How dare you follow Miss Bai's family so boldly that you don't want your life?"

"Sir is very dissatisfied with your actions, so he sent me here."

"What can I do? Fu Yuanxuan seems to have doubted the people around him, and many things are not shared within the team."

The black shadow was a little dissatisfied and interrupted him in a bad tone.

"Did you kill my brothers?"

"They almost ruined my business! They killed me to avoid any further trouble! Do you know how dangerous that girl is? Fu Yuanxuan hasn't found out her identity until now. You still dare to recruit her, you really don't know how to live or die!" "When the person following him thought that he was almost exposed, he looked at the black shadow with murderous intent.

But the shadow didn't care and kept talking to himself: "Sir, you value that girl's ability and must let us win her over. You'd better cooperate with us to get all her information."

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of silver light suddenly flashed, and a collision sound of "dong" was heard. The pursuer had left the place and rushed towards the black shadow.

The black shadow barely managed to escape, and after pulling away a certain distance, he said angrily: "How dare you betray us?"

The pursuer sneered, "We are only temporarily cooperating, there is no betrayal. Go back and tell your husband, and next time, kill them all!"

Heiying seemed unable to believe it and didn't reply for a long time.

The pursuer thought he was shocked, raised the corners of his mouth, and pointed in a direction, "Leave from that way. Anhe is no longer suitable for you."

Just as the shadow turned and walked in the direction he was pointing, the pursuer suddenly changed his eyes and quickly took out his weapon and shot at the shadow.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the black figure fell to the ground.

"Are you the only ones worthy of negotiating terms with me?" The pursuers were afraid that Heiying would not die completely, so they stabbed him in the back of the heart several more times with a dagger, drawing blood.

The strong smell of blood was instantly felt.

After the pursuer completely left, the dark shadow lying on the ground slowly got up from the ground and lifted the mask on his face under the moonlight.

Showing a very beautiful face.

There is no focus in the beautiful peach blossom eyes, which are as deep as a bottomless lake.

Her right hand was slightly open, and there was a smooth and complete bullet on it. The blood stains behind her gradually disappeared, and even the traces on her clothes disappeared, as if the assassination just now was just a dream.


"Hey, hey...Jining, how are you doing now? I heard gunshots."

A deep male voice came from the tiny headphones hidden in the ears.

Ji Ning's pupils gradually returned to normal. She looked in a certain direction and pressed the call button inside her clothes. "It's okay. The murderer has been found for you. I still have to leave beforehand."

"Wait...wait a minute."

But Ji Ning had already hung up the call and ran in a certain direction very quickly.

The dense birch forest stands upright in an orderly manner. Under the dark night, it is easy to lose your way.

Every time Ji Ning walked, she would stop and look at the map on the smart brain screen until she successfully reached the foot of a mountain.

This mountain is only half as high as other peaks. The top of the mountain looks like it has been split by an axe, with a flat cross-section.

Ji Ning stood at the foot of the mountain, holding on to the rocks on the mountain wall, looking up at the top of the mountain, then suddenly jumped up and climbed to the top of the mountain like a gecko.

The twilight was a good cover, blocking the moonlight on the other side.

Ji Ning climbed for more than ten minutes and stopped at a rock wall.

There is a naturally formed cave here, which is not big and can be entered by one person.

Ji Ning got in directly.

It was darker inside the cave than outside. Ji Ning didn't turn on the flashlight, but walked deeper into the cave in a familiar manner.

The originally narrow road became wider and wider as Ji Ning went deeper, and there was even a faint light ahead.

Ji Ning's eyes brightened slightly, with a hint of relief on her face.

The explosion didn't affect this place.The bright place is a patio, and the moonlight shines through the gaps in the rocks, illuminating that small world.

Ji Ning stood under the patio and looked at the sky for a while, then squatted down and used a dagger to dig out the soil in the rock crevices.

Soon, an uneven stone slab revealed a small part of its original appearance.

Ji Ning dug faster. Gradually, one stone slab turned into two, and they were so close together that if there wasn't an extremely thin gap in the middle, it would be hard to tell that they were two stone slabs.

Ji Ning used her hands to push open two stone slabs, and with a heavy shifting sound, a square, airtight cellar came into view.

This is a manually dug cellar with a small area, only one or two square meters.

Ji Ning jumped down from the cellar and dug out a metal box that was almost submerged in soil.

This metal box has been baptized for more than 120 years without any rust or damage.

Ji Ning used her strength to break the lock on the metal box, revealing the contents inside.

A stack of yellowed paper and a very quaint book.

There is an ancient Chinese character written on the cover: Ji.

After Ji Ning checked the metal box, she put the iron box and everything inside into the space.

She accidentally discovered this place in Jiu Ming Mountain, and she would put some important things here.


Fu Yuanxuan called again.

Ji Ning was a little annoyed, but still pressed the answer button.

"Jining, that superpower is dead."

The metal-controlling superpower who was severely injured by Ji Ning is actually dead?
Ji Ning was not surprised and said "Yeah".

The traitor killed her just to silence himself and protect himself. Sooner or later, the captured superhuman would also be silenced.

This way the people behind him can be safe.

"There was a murder weapon at the scene, with the character Ji engraved on it."

Ji Ning's eyes suddenly became sharp.


The night is dark and the breeze is blowing.

On the deserted highway, the rapid roar reveals the mood of the cyclists.


At a fork in the road, a car rushed out without taking a picture.

The car window rolled down, and a dark gun was pointed at the cyclist.


The bullet came out in response, with the sound of cutting through the air, and hit the cyclist's chest directly, but the cyclist was very alert, and the bullet only shattered the reflector on the car.

The people in the car saw that they missed once and started shooting again.

At this time, the cyclist had taken advantage of the moment when the motorcycle fell and rolled to the ground to avoid another danger.

The expression of the person in the car changed slightly, he threw the empty gun out of the car window, and said harsh words: "If you don't want to die, don't get close to the Fu family."

The cyclist did not stop and caught up with the car at an extremely fast speed. With one elbow blow, he shattered the bullet-proof window that was difficult for bullets to penetrate, and grabbed the driver's clothes inside.

"Ah - let go!"

"Squeak - creak -"

"Boy, I don't like charades. Stop the car!"

The cyclist dodged the attack on the back seat and knocked out the driver with a knife.

The car lost control and rushed towards the isolation belt like a dragon and was forced to stop.

The driver was rescued from the car by the cyclist and dumped on the side of the road.

The killer in the back seat of the car also fled the car at this time, kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily.

The cyclist slowly walked up to the killer, grabbed his collar, and raised half of his body, "Tell me! Who asked you to come?"

The holiday is coming soon next week, Su Su will try to update more during the holiday~Thank you for your support~

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