The killer looked frightened, and his pupils reflected a very young face.

He didn't understand why the girl in front of him was so strong.

She is simply a female Rakshasa, the kind who can take away lives at any time.

"Jining... you... don't be impulsive... our husband is very optimistic about you... and wants to make friends with you." The killer suppressed his face and turned red, and said these words with difficulty.

Ji Ning looked at him for a while, then let go and straightened up.

The killer fell heavily to the ground, breathing in fresh air.

Ji Ning looked at him for a few times, then suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, take me to see your husband."

The killer didn't seem to expect that she would agree to meet someone, and was stunned for a moment.

"What? You don't dare to take me there? Or is there no such person?" Ji Ning's eyes showed no warmth. She walked a few steps, bent down to pick up the gun that the killer had just thrown out, loaded it skillfully, and pointed it at him.

The killer's pupils were dilated and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"You... don't mess around. I'll take you there!" The killer raised his hands, swallowed several times in fear, and shrank back.

"it is good."

The killer took out his cell phone like a little wife and called the person behind him.

Half an hour later, a black car drove slowly from not far away.

Two men wearing black suits and sunglasses got out of the car and made an invitation gesture to Ji Ning.

Ji Ning smiled, took off his helmet and threw it to the killer. Without hesitation, he got into the car.

"Drive the car back to Mingfu Garden for me."

The killer who was about to get into the car stopped abruptly because of these words and did not dare to open the door.

The driver in the car was very polite. After Ji Ning was seated, he stepped on the accelerator.

Ji Ning glanced at the man in black next to him. The man was sitting upright, as if he had received special training.

He had headphones in his ears, a gun on his waist, and a metal ring like a watch on his wrist with a green light on it.

This should be the energy-suppressing ring that controls the energy released by superpowers.

She specifically checked the various regulations in the current safe zone, which were divided into superpowers and ordinary people.

While people with special abilities enjoy privileges, they also have many restrictions, one of which is this ability-suppressing bracelet.

In the safe zone, all persons with abilities are required to wear energy-suppressing bracelets.This bracelet not only has the function of monitoring the use of superpowers by superpowers, but also has the function of locating and suppressing the superpowers' energy.

It can be regarded as a tool used by major forces to control people with superpowers and abuse their superpowers.

Huang Ying has this energy-suppressing bracelet on her wrist, but her powers are auxiliary and not very lethal, so the energy-suppressing bracelet is of little use. At most, it can give her a special position for the Security Bureau. The department knew which city she was in.

"If I were you, I'd turn off the air conditioner. This amount of sleeping pills won't knock me out."

After observing for a while, Ji Ning suddenly stretched out her hand, and the sharp blade in her hand was already pressed against the neck of the black-clothed superpower next to her.

The superpower was startled, glanced at Ji Ning, and nodded slightly to the superpower sitting in the passenger seat.

The man immediately turned off the air conditioner and opened the car window to let the drug in the car disperse.

Ji Ning glanced at the driver in the rearview mirror, whose expression had not changed from beginning to end, and smiled: "You invited me to join you just to be my driver?"

The driver then gave Ji Ning a look, with a smile on his calm eyes, "How do you know?"

"Is it difficult to guess? Your fingers are green and green, your nails are clean, and you have a faint smell of perfume on your body. The brain on your wrist is not cheap, right?"

The smile on the driver's lips grew wider, and his ordinary facial features looked very unnatural.

Ji Ning guessed that he was wearing a mask but didn't take it off. He folded his hands on his chest and leaned against the back of the car, ready to listen to what he had to say.

"Miss Ji, you are a smart person! I like to deal with smart people. How about it? Do you want to join us?"

Ji Ning smiled and said, "I'm not interested."

The driver stopped the car on the side of the road and continued: "No one can find out your identity, but I know where you are from? I also know what you want..."

Ji Ning raised her eyebrows and looked at him with interest, "You know?" "Of course. I can give you everything you want."

"Then I need to think about it carefully." Ji Ning looked out the window playfully.

The sky at this time has brightened, and a new day has begun.

The driver parked the car next to the hospital where Ji Ning was going and handed her a business card with a series of numbers written on it.

"If you think about it, make this call anytime."

Ji Ning took the card and put it casually into his pocket.

After the car left, he turned and walked towards the hospital.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a young man wearing a black hoodie and jeans running towards me.

"Are you Ji Ning? The body has been transferred to a professional laboratory. The captain asked me to take you there directly."

Mantis said with a smile, but felt a little uneasy, fearing that the girl in front of him would be dissatisfied.

She was the one who KOed his captain, and this level of force was something he couldn't resist.

Ji Ning nodded slightly.

Mantis quickly pointed to the car not far away and walked up the pole, "Sister Ning, the car is over there. I'll drive you there."

Although Mantis looks tender, he has a strong sense of service. He buys breakfast, delivers hot water, and makes Ji Ning look at him a few times.

The laboratory for autopsy was not far from the hospital, just behind the main building of the hospital. It only took 10 minutes to walk. Not long after Ji Ning got in the car, the car stopped.

"Are we here?" Ji Ning asked while chewing on the bun.

Mantis quickly showed a flattering smile and said, "We are here. But Sister Ning, please have breakfast first. After that, we will go up. It is a bit cold at night in late autumn. Drink more hot water to avoid catching a cold."

As he spoke, he poured another cup of hot water from the thermos cup.

Ji Ning took the water, took a sip, and asked funnyly: "How old are you?"

"21 is old."

"My mental strength is very high."

Mantis was slightly startled, opened his eyes wide, and looked at her in surprise, feeling a little scared in his heart.

Sure enough, as the captain said, the strength of this female devil is unfathomable.

"You have such a high mental power and haven't awakened your powers yet. Isn't the method wrong?"

Mantis's eyes lit up, this was indeed his problem.

His mental power has reached S level, and the test levels in several dimensions are also very high. It stands to reason that he should have awakened the control system ability long ago, but there has been no movement.

He also suspected that he was not using the right method, but his comrades in the same group also practiced this way. They had awakened their powers long ago, but he and the captain still had no intention of awakening, no matter how many methods they used.

When Ji Ning asked, did he know something?

Thinking of this, Mantis' eyes became a little hot, and he asked straightforwardly and excitedly: "Sister Ning, do you know what my problem is?"

Ji Ning chewed the buns and pointed to the extra breakfast on the passenger seat. Mantis went to the road and handed the breakfast bought to Fu Yuanxuan directly.

Ji Ning swallowed the bun with satisfaction, took a sip of soy milk, and raised her finger at him.

Mantis quickly stepped forward and put his head close to it.

Ji Ning raised her hand and tapped his forehead. An overbearing energy hit his brain like lightning, making him dizzy, as if he was drunk.

He said with a big tongue: "Ning...Sister Ning...why am dizzy?" Mantis covered her head and swayed.

Ji Ning pushed him, biting the bun and said, "Train less and sleep more. If your brain is too nervous, you won't be able to awaken your superpowers."


Mantis couldn't stand Ji Ning's power, and his brain shut down instantly. He closed his eyes and fell to the side.

Ji Ning raised her eyebrows, ate the last bun, wiped her hands, and opened the car door with soy milk...

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