Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 141: I am a genius, my sister is a waste

Bai Feng knew how to measure things. Bai Yusen said this without saying anything.

I feel a little dissatisfied with this Miss Bai Jiabiao.

Perhaps the authorities are blind to the fact that he has seen too many instances where the eldest lady was unhappy after Miss Chang Ru made suggestions to the head of the family. However, as an outsider, it was not easy for him to intervene between the siblings.

Since the death of her parents, the head of the family has placed too much emphasis on this only remaining blood relative. He is afraid that something will happen to her, so he does many paranoid and irrational things. This also makes the eldest lady more and more unreasonable at home. happy.

To be honest, he thought it was good for the eldest lady to be in Anhe. At least in the videos and photos he saw from Anhe, the eldest lady was much happier than in the capital.

Bai Feng glanced at the unhappy face of the owner in the rearview mirror, silently lowered his eyes and looked at the car in front of him.

"Master, should we go back to the hotel..."

"Go to Mingfu Garden."

In the car in front, Bai Xiaotang's eyes were red and he lowered his head in grievance.

Ji Ning glanced at her and said her catchphrase: "Go ahead!"

Bai Xiaotang curled her lips and said nothing, shedding tears silently, feeling so wronged that she felt so pitiful.

Lin Yuanyang in front turned around with some sympathy. He had seen Bai Yusen's strength before.

Since the death of Bai's parents, Bai Yusen's personality has changed drastically, becoming more and more reserved and increasingly invisible.

The way he handles things is also very iron-blooded, as if he has become a different person.

Coupled with Chang Rulao's instigation, the relationship between Bai Xiaotang and Bai Yusen gradually became estranged.

The brother and sister don't like to confide in each other, so Bai Xiaotang becomes the poor little one who is often wronged.

"Do you want to sit down and have a talk? Brother Yusen is not an unreasonable person." Lin Yuanyang rarely said coldly.

Bai Xiaotang shook his head and said angrily: "I will never pay attention to him again. My brother is a big bad guy!"

Ji Ning glanced at her useless look and ignored her.

When the car drove into the basement, Bai Xiaotang pulled Ji Ning's sleeve and whispered, "Sister Ning, I want to sleep with you tonight."

How afraid she is of being taken away by her brother!
Ji Ning snorted, neither agreeing nor rejecting, so Bai Xiaotang accepted it as acquiescence.

She followed Ji Ning out of the car and walked past her brother's car without looking at it.

Bai Yusen became even more gloomy, and suddenly said: "Classmate Ji, can we have a chat?"

Ji Ning paused, turned around and looked at him, "Okay."

Beautiful peach blossom eyes with no emotion, a pretty face, and facial features that are too handsome to look like a girl.

In addition, her clothes are also neutral, and she looks like the kind of person who is unruly and full of personality.

Bai Xiaotang would inevitably be affected by following her.

Bai Yusen felt unhappy.

Bai Xiaotang was afraid that he would interfere with her friendship again like before, so she grabbed Ji Ning's arm. Just as she was about to shake her head, she heard Ji Ning's soft voice reply: "You and Lin Yuanyang go up first, I'll be back in a minute."

"Sister Ning..."


Ji Ning stroked her hand away and looked at Bai Yusen, "Where are we going to chat?"

Bai Yusen didn't get out of the car and said through the car window: "There is a cafe outside the community."

Ji Ning raised an eyebrow, walked around the back of the car, opened the door next to him, and got in.

Bai Xiaotang was extremely worried, but Lin Yuanyang held her arm firmly, fearing that she would follow him.

"Don't worry, if Sister Ning takes action, you will definitely be able to stay."

Bai Yusen did not take Ji Ning to the coffee shop at the entrance of the community, but went directly to a private teahouse near the community.

Bai Yusen prefers tea to coffee.Although the aroma is not strong, it is refreshing. When you take a sip, the aroma of tea is overflowing, flowing on the tips of your teeth, and it feels like a long drink.

Bai Yusen skillfully operated the tea set in front of him, from ironing the tea cup to making tea, doing every step personally until he poured out the first sip of tea.

He was well-educated and took the lead in pushing the brewed tea in front of Ji Ning and making a gesture of invitation.

Ji Ning looked at the filled tea, smiled, picked up the tea cup steadily, and drank it all.

The tea was scalding hot, but she didn't seem to feel it.

He emptied his cup and quietly watched the man opposite him sipping tea.

Bai Yusen has good bones, three-dimensional facial features, and deep eye sockets. Compared to Bai Xiaotang, who still has a little baby fat, his facial features are more mature.

But in Ji Ning's eyes, he was just a young boy, not much better than Bai Xiaotang.

Bai Yusen finally drank the tea and looked extremely relaxed. Ji Ning was a little surprised when she felt the energy that appeared and disappeared in him.

This man is about to awaken his powers.

Ji Ning narrowed her eyes slightly.

After Bai Yusen finished drinking tea, he looked at Ji Ning. There was no warmth in his deep eyes, "Why are you approaching my sister?"

Ji Ning smiled, raised the teacup and said to him: "There is a step in making tea called dividing the teapot. Pour the tea soup into the cup. Fill the tea [-]% full and [-]% as a favor. Your tea is too full."

Bai Yusen put down the tea cup and sneered: "It depends on who it is."

He still feels that the reason why Ji Ning appears next to Bai Xiaotang is for the Bai family.

It's just that he doesn't know what Ji Ning's purpose is now?
Ji Ning played with the teacup, "Boy, to be honest, in my eyes, your Bai family is nothing."

Bai Yusen chuckled softly, "That's not a small tone."

"Are you awakening soon?"

Bai Yusen was startled and looked sharply at Ji Ning.

He saw Ji Ning opposite him, playing with the tea cup with his fingers, his face full of fun, and his beautiful eyes seemed to be able to see through his entire being.

Bai Yusen picked up the tea cup again and took a sip of tea, "What awakening? I don't understand."

"My brother's mental strength is S-level and he is about to awaken, but my sister is a D-level physical waste."

"What did you say?" Bai Yusen really couldn't control his anger this time. The tea cup in his hand broke instantly and the hot tea spilled on his hand.

But he didn't care at all, his eyes were fixed on Ji Ning, wishing for her to disappear immediately.

"Angry? Isn't this what people in the capital often say?"

Ji Ning sneered, calmly picked up the teapot between the two of them, and poured herself a cup of tea.

Bai Yusen's fingers clenched tightly, but Ji Ning did not stop and continued: "Are you very proud? You are a genius and your sister is a loser. You can safely sit in the position of the head of the Bai family. No need to I’m worried that your sister will steal your family property.”

If eyes could eat people, Ji Ning would have been torn to pieces at this moment.

Ji Ning didn't seem to notice. She drank tea and said, "No wonder your sister wants to get into the military academy and stays far away from you. This way she won't block your way, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the teapot in front of Ji Ning broke into pieces.

A wooden spoon stuck in the broken lid of the teapot.

"Have you said enough?" There was no expression on Bai Yusen's face, and his voice was extremely cold. The wooden spoon inserted in the teapot lid suddenly hung in the air with the teapot lid, and the handle of the spoon was pointed at Ji Ning's eyes.

It seemed that whenever she opened her mouth again, she would be blinded immediately.

Ji Ning smiled lightly, stretched out two fingers and twisted the handle of the wooden spoon.

"Are you angry when you hear this? But your sister has been hearing this for five or six years..."

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