Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 142 Looking at the moon from high in the sky and dancing on the balcony

Bai Yusen was stunned, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

"Are you thinking, how is it possible? You have sent away all the gossips around her. Right?"

Ji Ning saw through his thoughts at a glance. Bai Yusen was a little surprised, but it didn't show on his face.

"A kind word will warm you, and a bad word will chill you. You can drive away those bad words, but you can't stop the spread of bad words and their impact on your sister. This cannot be offset by giving her material comforts.

Have you ever truly understood your sister's true thoughts?Do you know why she insisted on coming to Anhe alone? "

Bai Yusen pursed his lips and said nothing.

Ji Ning chuckled, "You know! But for your ridiculous selfishness, you chose to cut off her wings and make her a timid, low-self-esteem dodder who relies on you for everything."

Speaking of this, Ji Ning looked directly into his eyes and stabbed Bai Yusen's chest word by word, "Do you think you can make up for the guilt in your heart by keeping her by your side? How did your parents get on that plane? From the plane?”

Before he finished speaking, Bai Yusen slapped the table and stood up, his eyes red, "What do you know? Tangtang is my only relative in this world. I can't see her making any mistakes!"

"So you would rather watch her cry and feel wronged because of her low self-esteem, and watch her being played around by others? Bai Yusen, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Ji Ning held out three fingers and said, "She was plotted three times by your driver. Five groups of people tried to kidnap her. I solved her four times, but I succeeded once."

"What? Has Tangtang been kidnapped?" Bai Yusen was so shocked by this information that he wanted to go back immediately.

"Why do some people find people to kidnap Bai Xiaotang again and again? Isn't it just because she is weak and can be bullied? If she kidnaps and blackmails the Bai family, she can make a fortune?"

"That's why she should return to the capital. No one dares to touch her in the capital." Bai Yusen said stubbornly.

Ji Ning shook her head, "Really? Do you know that your sister has the habit of sleepwalking at night? Do you know that when she is scared, she likes to hide in the closet? It's the kind of closet that requires her to curl up before she can get in. "

Bai Yusen's pupils widened instantly, as if he was shocked by these words.

He really couldn't believe that the person Ji Ning was talking about was his sister who was decent and generous outside and had a kind personality.

"If you don't believe me, you can watch your sister looking at the moon in the sky and dancing on the balcony at night." Ji Ning raised her lips and showed an extremely ironic smile.

Bai Yusen's heart was heavy and he was silent for a long time.

Suddenly, he clenched his fists and punched the table hard. He could no longer control his emotions. His eyes were full of anger, but he was also more annoyed and regretful, and he even wished he could give himself a slap in the face.

He obviously wanted to protect his only sister.

Since when did she stop telling him what was on her mind and become farther and farther away from him?

Why is this happening?

How could he be such an asshole!

Ji Jing watched him vent quietly.

It's a pity that the pot of tea is quite delicious.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

After venting for a while, Bai Yusen gasped and asked in a low voice.

Ji Ning stood up and said with a calm expression, "Your sister's qualifications are not bad. Her current physical condition is C9 and her mental strength is B1."

Bai Yusen was stunned.

He looked up at her in disbelief, but Ji Ning had already reached the door.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask more clearly, but he didn't say anything.

Late autumn night.

The man who had never smoked stood downstairs smoking pack after pack of cigarettes.

The smell of cigarette smoke choked his throat, and Bai Yusen coughed until his eyes turned red.

Bai Feng's eyes were full of pain, but he couldn't say anything.

The head of the family was heartbroken. His parents died just after he became an adult. The Bai family members seized power and were attacked by enemies.

Attacked from both inside and outside, the young man had no time to grieve and had to face the cruelty with force.

If he doesn't toughen up, how can he protect the Bai family?

Can he protect his sister Bai Xiaotang?
The enemies of the Bai family are everywhere.

... It took Bai Yusen five full years to completely control the Bai family, so that the enemy would not dare to take any chances with the Bai family.

But these five years also made it impossible for the brother and sister to go back to the past.

Bai Feng clenched his fists until Bai Yusen finished smoking the last pack of cigarettes, then stepped forward and handed him a bottle of water.

"Master, it's late at night. The eldest lady just called you several times."

Bai Yusen didn't pick up the water, as if he didn't hear it. He just looked up at the roof, his eyes gradually becoming blurry.

He asked in a hoarse voice: "A Feng, do you think if you fall from such a high building, you will be dead forever?"

Bai Feng was frightened by these words and said anxiously: "Master, please don't think too hard. The eldest lady is not really angry with you, otherwise she would not call and care about you. You see, she also sent me a message The message asks you about your situation..."

But Bai Yusen still looked at the roof.

Bai Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he hugged Bai Yusen's legs, crying with snot and tears.

Hearing this, Bai Yusen was upset and couldn't express the sadness in his heart. He had to lower his head and look at him, "I'm fine, let's go."

Compared to Bai Yusen's sadness, Bai Xiaotang was a little heartless at this time.

She was lying next to Ji Ning, hugging the quilt and asked with surprise on her face: "Sister Ning, is it true that my brother won't take me back to the capital?"

Ji Ning said "hmm".

"How did you convince him?"

"It's time to sleep."

"I'm just curious." Bai Xiaotang stood up and shook Ji Ning's arm.

"If you don't sleep, I'll throw you out."

"Stingy." Bai Xiaotang pouted, but she was more happy.

Her brother allowed her to live in Anhe, does that mean he also agreed to her going to the military academy?

Bai Xiaotang fell asleep sweetly under this assumption.

After hearing the steady breathing, Ji Ning turned over and pointed her finger at Bai Xiaotang's forehead.

Soft light, like the breeze blowing on her face, emerged from her fingertips and gradually covered Bai Xiaotang.

She seemed to be lying in a cloud, the sleeping look on her face became more and more relaxed, and the corners of her mouth even raised, as if she had dreamed of something good.

Ever since she discovered that Bai Xiaotang would sleepwalk at night when she was nervous, Ji Ning would go to her room every night to relax her mind.
This kind of heart disease cannot be cured. What she can do is to sort out her cranial nerves so that her brain will not be so nervous.

The advantage of this method is that Bai Xiaotang's mental strength can be quickly raised to B1 level.

Mental strength is different from physical strength.

It is not easy to upgrade from C level to B level. Some people may be stuck at C9 level for the rest of their lives.

A night of sweet dreams until dawn.

Bai Xiaotang woke up earlier than usual.

Very energetic.

She glanced at her side and saw that Ji Ning was still sleeping, then she got up quietly.

Consciously put on the weight bag, put on your coat, and get ready to go out for a run.

"So early?" Lin Yuanyang yawned and came out of the bedroom. He was surprised to see that she was fully dressed and ready to go out.

Bai Xiaotang thought about what Ji Ning said last night and said in a good mood: "What time is it? You can relax since Sister Xiaotong is not here."

After saying that, he didn't care about Lin Yuanyang's face and walked out humming a song.

Lin Yuanyang was a little confused and turned to look at the watch on the wall.

4:[-] in the morning.

Ok? ? ?
Happy National Day~

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