Retired for a hundred years, the doomsday boss is forced to re-employ

Chapter 143 Does the Bai family have other gold?

Bai Xiaotang listened to songs and ran around the community as usual.

What she didn't know was a figure standing not far away looking at her with a complicated face.

I was both happy, but also a little sad and guilty.

"Master, the eldest lady works really hard." Bai Feng said at the right time.

Bai Xiaotang runs and exercises every day. He has known for a long time, but he did not dare to tell Bai Yusen.

Now I can finally say it.

"Let's go."

Bai Feng didn't react.

The head of the family looked at the eldest lady who had run away again, turned around and walked in the opposite direction, "It's time to go back to the capital."

What about Missy?
Bai Feng opened his mouth but said nothing.

He was afraid of hearing a bad answer.

Fortunately, the head of his family said: "She has grown up and it's time to live independently."

"Then security..."

"Withdraw half of the people and only ensure her personal safety in the future."

Bai Feng was overjoyed, thinking that he no longer had to let his subordinates act as paparazzi.

But when he heard the next sentence, the smile on his face froze.

"Anyway, there is a freeloader who likes to worry about her."


Ji Ning rubbed her itchy nose and sat up from the bed.

Yawned and looked out the window.

Bai Yusen has left Mingfu Garden and seems to have figured it out.


"Master, Bai Yusen wants to add you as a friend. Do you agree?"

Baozi's voice suddenly sounded. Ji Ning glanced at Zhinao on the bedside table and said "hmm" softly.

Another person was added to Ji Ning's list of few friends.

Also ranked first because of his last name.

Very conspicuous.

Ji Ning ignored Zhinao and got up to go to the bathroom to wash up.

When it came out, there were already a few more messages on the smart brain screen.

[Bai Yusen: Who are you?I didn't find your information.I don’t know why you want to approach Tangtang, but if you have any needs, you can talk to me directly. 】

[Bai Yusen: Thank you very much for helping Tangtang improve her physical fitness. This is your reward. 】

[Bai Yusen: Transfer 100000 yuan]

[Bai Yusen: Tangtang trusts you very much. I know this request is a bit presumptuous, but I hope you can help Tangtang have the ability to protect herself. From now on, I will give you 10 tuition fees every month.If it's not enough, you can add more. 】

[Bai Yusen: I’m not worried about Tangtang’s situation. I will still keep him in Anhe.If you have any emergency, please contact this number directly: XXXXX]


Ji Ning casually glanced at the information on the screen and snorted.

He put on a coat and walked out of the bedroom.

the other side.

Chang Ru, who had returned to the urban area of ​​Anhe, heard that Bai Yusen came to Anhe and returned to the capital in less than a day.

Feel very puzzled.

Why wasn't Bai Xiaotang brought back to the capital?
She originally thought that sending Bai Xiaotang out of the capital would change some things, but she didn't expect that Bai Xiaotang gradually lost control after leaving the capital. Not only did his plans fail several times, but he also seemed to have changed the trajectory of many things.

Especially that Ji Ning, whose identity she has not yet found out, and who is said to be from the base, but she suspects that this Ji Ning is someone sent by the Fu family to protect Bai Xiaotang.

In this case, Bai Xiaotang should return to the capital and look his best under her nose.I just didn't expect Bai Yusen to be so useless that he couldn't even take a younger sister with him.

Thinking of this, Chang Ru was very angry and wanted to crush the cup in her hand.

"Boom boom boom——"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Chang Ru calmed down her expression, and the assistant behind her, who had been afraid to show off her anger, trotted over to open the door as if she was relieved.

I saw an ordinary-looking man walking in quickly, with a happy face, "Miss, fortunately, we have found Miss Sun's whereabouts as expected."

Chang Ru's eyes instantly glowed with joy. She could no longer care about Bai Xiaotang, who had broken free from control, and asked hurriedly: "Where is he?"


"Okay, let's go to the hotel."

Chang Ru felt hot when she thought of the methods of the Sun family in Beijing.

If she could help the eldest lady escape, she would become a benefactor of the Sun family.

Pangu is not far from the hotel where she lives, it only takes 20 minutes by car.

She was lucky, as Sun Yazhu had not left the hotel when she arrived.

"Miss, there is a lady outside who claims to be from the Bai family in Beijing and wants to see you."

The tall man respectfully handed the greeting card he received to Sun Yazhu.

Sun Yazhu was currently wearing earrings in front of the standing mirror. She was a little surprised when she heard this, "Is there any other daughter of the Bai family?"

"Her surname is Chang, and she is an in-law of the Bai family."

"Chang?" Sun Yazhu thought for a moment and seemed to have never heard of this surname, but since it is related to the Bai family, it is possible to meet it.

"Tell her to come back at 5 p.m."


Chang Ru, who was waiting for someone in the lobby of Pangu Hotel, felt a little uncomfortable when she learned that Sun Yazhu had not stopped her trip because of the Bai family, but she calmly asked her assistant to open a room in the hotel.

While checking in, Sun Yazhu happened to come out of the elevator with a group of people.

Sun Yazhu, who has the aura of a leading heroine, walked in the front, with her hair pulled up high, delicate makeup on her face, a smart blue suit, and 10 cm high heels.

Behind her were a group of bodyguards in black suits.

As soon as this group of people appeared, they attracted the attention of many people, and some even consciously gave way to this group of people.

Chang Ru sat in the hall without moving, but her eyes were full of surprise, envy and a trace of jealousy.

If she was also born in a wealthy family like the Sun family, would she be able to live as gloriously and wantonly as she does?
Sun Yazhu didn't know that when she left the hotel, she would be so envied and jealous of her family background by a woman. Even if she knew, she wouldn't take it to heart. There are too many people who are jealous of her in the world, but there is nothing she can do about it. She just has a good life. The Sun family.

"Miss, there is a meeting with the top management of Marriott at 10 am, and at 2 pm... By the way, at 8 pm, Mr. Ke sincerely invites you to attend a cocktail party at the upper level of Anhe City about the landmark project in the southern district of Anhe City."

Secretary Gao, who was waiting in front of the car, greeted him with a tablet in his hand and started reporting on the day's itinerary.

After sitting in the back seat, Sun Yazhu said succinctly: "The morning meeting will be as usual. All trips after noon will be postponed or cancelled."

"Yes." Although Secretary Gao hesitated, he didn't ask any more questions.

This is also the reason why she has been able to stay with Sun Yazhu. She never talks too much and has strong execution ability.

After Sun Yazhu finally finished her meeting with the top management of Marriott Hotel, Ke Chen wanted to treat Sun Yazhu to dinner and explore her relationship with Ji Ning.

"Sorry, Mr. Ke, I have already made an appointment with a friend."

"Just in time, Mr. Sun asked your friends to come together. Your friends are Ke's friends."

Sun Yazhu had a decent smile on his face, "It's not convenient. My friend doesn't like eating with strangers. Let's wait for another day and I'll treat you alone."

After politely rejecting Ke Chen, Sun Yazhu left decisively.

Ke Chen looked at Sun Yazhu's back, and a dark light gradually appeared in his eyes.

This woman is simply incompetent.

"Sir, you asked me to check the Sun family before, and I found out something about Miss Sun."

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