Embers of Embers

Chapter 215 The Stowaway

Chapter 215 The Stowaway
After a short period of darkness, a faint light came on, and the informant sat in the middle, holding a few big black mice in his hands. He had long anticipated Lorenzo's arrival, and there was a smile on his indistinguishable cheek.
"Hello, Mr. Holmes." He said directly.
Lorenzo sat down in front of him with some curiosity and some confusion, while Camu went directly outside to wait. There were only two of them in this weird room.
"Are you an informant?"
"Yes, do you have anything you want to ask?"
Hearing his affirmation, Lorenzo's inner curiosity became more intense, but then his eyes fell on the darkness behind the intelligence dealer. There was something crawling in the darkness. He looked carefully. With the eyesight of a demon hunter, Lorenzo saw it.
It's a group of rats. Countless rats are crawling around in the dark corner. There are many holes on the wall for these rats to pass through. Some of the rats have chains on their tails, which seems to be some kind of transmission. Information symbol.
"You all look like you know me?"
Lorenzo didn't rush to ask questions, but was curious about this point. Camu and the intelligence agent in front of him, how did they recognize him in the first place?
"Of course, you are the famous Mr. Holmes."
The informant said.
"In the lower city, news about the Shrike is very valuable, not to mention that you are someone close to him. We all know who you are, although we have never met you."
Lorenzo nodded, "You look like an intelligence agent now."
"Actually, we didn't want to entertain you. We don't want to have contact with guests related to Shrike." The intelligence agent continued.
"Because Shrike is a bit... weird." The intelligence agent said without any secret.
"Oh? Tell me about it?" Lorenzo became more and more interested in this intelligence dealer.
It sounded as if he deliberately aroused Lorenzo's curiosity, but Lorenzo had to admit that he had done it. He still had time to listen to the intelligence agent's explanation when he was not busy tracking down the stowaways.
"Mr. Holmes, do you know how we evil rats exchange information?" The intelligence dealer revealed the trade secret easily.
"It's countless news, and informants are everywhere. During the meeting, everyone passes it on to each other, and it is passed on to tens and hundreds."
"But they are just homeless people, and they cannot access many more confidential places." Lorenzo said that this kind of power has limitations.
"Yes, but we can deduce the hidden story through some small things."
The informant's eyes were shining.
"Think about Mr. Holmes. In fact, many different events are vaguely related. The simplest example is what your mother will do at night."
Lorenzo sat upright and listened carefully to his story.
"Based on your family's financial situation, the discounts on food in the market, your family's tastes, etc., there will be certain possibilities for unknown things that can be specifically guessed."
"But this is still not accurate enough. It just exists in theory." Lorenzo said.
"So this is just a calculation, not a prediction. It's an inaccurate calculation, but it's worthy of reference." The intelligence provider replied.
"This is what we have been doing, collecting a large amount of detailed information, and when necessary, we will investigate from this huge information base, and then make certain calculations..."
"Weave a story that is close to the truth." Lorenzo said slowly.
The informant replied affirmatively, "Yes."
"We can deduce a reasonable story from various angles, at least within a certain range, but Shrike is different. His story is very special and unreasonable, or he is hiding something. This is enough to make people alert and fearful."
Lorenzo didn't speak for a while. He thought about this carefully and stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again.
"What you said is theoretically feasible, but in practice it may be extremely difficult, or even impossible."
Not to mention anything else, the huge information storage and retrieval alone is a huge problem. Even the purification agency does not have that kind of execution capability, but... what if they can really do it?
Lorenzo thought about something and asked, "In other words, as rumored, there is really an archive built by you bad rats somewhere underground? Is it filled with people's gossip?"
The informant did not answer this question directly, but talked about something else.
"For the deeper secrets, you can actually ask the Rat King. I'm just an information dealer."
Lorenzo's pupils narrowed, this sentence had too many meanings.
"That means the Mouse King really exists?"
"Otherwise? Without his instructions, do you think I would tell you so much?" the intelligence agent said slowly, stroking a big mouse in his hand.
"Mr. Holmes, you are an interesting person, at least the one the Rat King thinks is interesting."
"You have to ask the Rat King."
"Where is he?"
"I do not know."
After a brief and quick conversation, the intelligence agent seemed to notice Lorenzo's displeasure, and he continued, "If necessary, the Rat King will come to see you, instead of you going to see him."
"Come and ask your questions."
The chat was over, and the informant put down the mouse in his hand.
Lorenzo looked at him and asked after thinking, "Stowaways, there were some stowaways from Emerald a few days ago. I want to know where they are."
The intelligence agent thought for a while, seemed to be counting something, and then he said.
"It's time, you can go after them."
Lorenzo was stunned, "What do you mean?"
"Literally, your previous guest was a stowaway from Feilengcui. If nothing else happens, he should be the person you are looking for."
"Wait? Were you just stalling for time?" Lorenzo suddenly felt an unknown fire.
"He is also a wealthy customer. I can't just sell him back, right? After all, I am essentially a businessman."
The informant said very sincerely.
"No...isn't this a bit too coincidental?"
Lorenzo was alert, as if he had fallen into a vortex ever since he found Camu.
"You are all customers that I can't let go of. It's hard for me to choose who to invest in," the intelligence agent said, "so it's better to do this, Mr. Holmes."
"Let's prove which of you is more valuable."
Lorenzo stared at him, but suddenly the whole room shook violently, a roaring sound came from outside the door, a faint surge of heat could be felt, and a faint wailing sounded.
"It seems that your guest is not a good person."
Lorenzo heard the sound of the burst of gunfire, and the intelligence agent's face gradually hardened. He rushed out directly, and saw people falling from above. They knocked the corridor and shook it violently, and blood spilled everywhere. , most of them fell directly into the pool below and disappeared into the hazy mist, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.
"What's going on?" the intelligence agent yelled at Kamu outside the door.
But obviously Kamu didn't know what was going on. He was just a homeless man surviving. He didn't even know why this despicable place was being attacked.
Bullets rained down from above, steel collided with each other, and the rusty corridor was shattered and crumbling beneath it.
A mouse ran from the side with a red chain tied to its tail.
"Evacuate, evacuate!"
The intelligence agent roared loudly. In fact, without him shouting, the evil rats also started to move. The entire underground world was complicated and they had dug countless tunnels in order to survive.
But suddenly the long corridor broke, and the dangerous house built on the dangerous ground was destroyed. The entire ground half tilted, and the intelligence agent grabbed a nearby bulge to prevent himself from falling.
Although there is a reservoir below, falling from this height is no different than falling on the ground. In the final analysis, his brain is just better, and he is just an ordinary person physically.
"It looks like your investment failed."
Lorenzo said calmly, like the informant, he grasped the protrusion on the side so that he would not fall, but he was not panicked at all, and this situation was not considered dangerous for him.
The intelligence agent was furious. It seemed that he had done too much peaceful business, and he had even forgotten about killing people and silencing them.
"Damn it, Feilengcui's shit is not reliable!"
An angry curse resounded, and Lorenzo, who was looking at the joke, was stunned. Although he knew he was not scolding himself, it still felt a little strange.
He raised his head and saw that the rain of bullets was coming from above. The water mist from the waterfall blurred his vision. Lorenzo could only see the gunfire that flashed from time to time.
"We need to get out of here!"
Kamu shouted. He grabbed the raised position and tried to move to the unbroken corridor. As long as they climbed up, they would have hope to escape from this dangerous situation.
But a violent fire fell, igniting the surrounding area and trapping several people.
"Do you want to continue?"
At a high place, the corpses of bad rats were everywhere. The priest stared down, and the servant beside him asked.
"Go on, I know the operation of Old Dunling, and these people who died in Lower City will not attract their attention."
"But..." The servant wanted to say something else, but was severely interrupted by the priest.
"Don't release that ridiculous mercy. The madman of the new pope is still chasing us. We must find the Book of Revelation before him. Only in this way can our disadvantage be reversed. Do you understand?"
said the priest angrily.
Their last spy in the church was also removed, so that before they died, Lawrence's location was conveyed, which gave the priests a slight chance of winning.
"Go on, we can't leave any traces, even if they are seen by the rats."
He knew very well how terrifying the new pope was. The power that the cardinals had managed for many years was easily defeated. Even if they managed to escape, the new pope would still press on them step by step, not giving them any chance to breathe.
After hearing such an order, the followers had no choice but to carry it out. They occupied the high ground, and these bad rats were just targets in their eyes.
Gunshots poured out like rain.
The bullets hit the largest tumor in the center. Because of the slope of the terrain, this dangerous ground protected everyone from being exposed to the gunman's sight. However, there were still flames falling down. Several people It was only a matter of time before he was burned to death.
"It seems like your guest is specifically trying to kill you!"
Lorenzo said that the shooting was gradually concentrated, and they just wanted to kill the informant.
The intelligence agent remained silent, his brain working rapidly, but in this hellish situation, no amount of calculation could offset his physical cowardice.
Suddenly Lorenzo caught him, and the detective spoke to him loudly.
"Tell the Rat King that I'm also interested in him!"
The intelligence agent was stunned for a moment by Lorenzo's roar. He had no idea what this lunatic was doing, but then with a sudden burst of speed, the intelligence agent found himself flying into the air.
His eyes flew quickly, and his whole body suddenly felt a strange emotion. He could see Lorenzo who was constantly moving away from him, and the corridor that was approaching quickly... This madman threw himself out!
The intelligence agent hit the corridor directly, but he knew better than to think about how the detective got such strength now. He quickly got up from the ground and ran quickly on the crumbling corridor.
Kamu followed closely, but as he fell, the corridor sounded like it was on the verge of collapse. After he ran a few steps, the corridor completely broke apart. Fortunately, he escaped at the last moment and killed the intelligence agent on the edge. run down.
But Lorenzo had no way of escape, and he was still in danger in the center, where the fire was burning.
The intelligence agent looked there, and Lorenzo happened to be looking at him as well. The detective seemed to be saying something to him, but the distance was too far for him to hear clearly. According to the mouth shape, the intelligence agent spoke slowly.
"Wait for me where you are?"
What's the meaning?In the eyes of the intelligence dealer, Lorenzo was undoubtedly dead in this situation, but he...he started running!
A picture beyond common sense appeared in the eyes of the intelligence agent. The detective had no escape plan from the beginning, but a counterattack plan.
The figure jumped up at an extreme speed, which was completely beyond the strength of ordinary people. As he jumped and fell, the already fragile corridor collapsed again.
Almost all of the corridors were broken, and the detective ran wildly on the collapsing corridors, his goal was the top.
The gunmen seemed to be aware of this weird guy, and they began to concentrate their firepower to attack, but they couldn't keep up with Lorenzo's speed. The detective ran very fast.
In the vertical space, there are simple ladders built by the bad rats on the four walls. It covers the wall in a staggered pattern, and Lorenzo jumps directly onto it.
Now Lorenzo is extremely happy. He was worried about how to catch these stowaways, but instead they sent them to the door themselves. Deeper in his mood was vigilance. Ordinary stowaways would not have such firepower and the ability to fight with evil rats. Transaction, there must be a problem with their identity.
But there is no need to worry, as long as Lorenzo reaches the top, all these mysteries will have a solution.
The gunmen realized Lorenzo's danger and increased their firepower. The bullets continued to fall, breaking the rotten wood ladder. Lorenzo jumped directly over the gap, but this time the gunmen were smarter, and all the ladders in front were blocked. Breaking off, Lorenzo lost his footing position.
A pale sword light suddenly appeared, and the sword stabbed fiercely into the wall. Lorenzo was hanging on it. He was very close to the height, and he could even see the terrified faces of the gunmen clearly.
Like the speeding death, Lorenzo swung up with his staff and sword. At this moment, the priest grabbed the gun. Lorenzo was no longer able to escape in mid-air. The gunshot rang out and Lorenzo was hit. However, the bullet was blocked by the staff and sword, but due to the impact, his figure was stagnated in mid-air and lost the ability to move forward.
He could only watch as the gunmen fled and then fell into the reservoir below.
(End of this chapter)

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