Chapter 216
"Then...what the hell is that."
The servant followed closely behind the priest. He witnessed Lorenzo's fall with his own eyes, but in the short moment before, Lorenzo had already put him under tremendous pressure.
In that kind of desperate situation, the power far exceeded what ordinary people can achieve... It was like flying over a wall. He couldn't help but think of the monsters that once existed in the church. But according to the cleaning that night, they should all be dead. That's right.
The priest was silent, and he walked away resolutely.
Of course, he knew what the followers suspected, and therefore became more vigilant and anxious. There were more monsters hidden in this old Dunling than they expected.
The priest didn't dare to think about that. He didn't even dare to be sure of his guess. Once that guess was true and was targeted by that kind of monster, maybe no one in this group would be able to escape from this underground place. He could only deceive. Pick up the pace yourself.
But suddenly a strange sound came from behind them.
They stopped. The tunnel dug by the evil rat was not far from the rat's nest. Here they could see things on the high platform where they had just shot.
Then a pale white staff sword was inserted into the ground from the edge, and the man climbed up from the cliff with the blade.
He failed to fall into the cistern. When he fell, under the witness of the intelligence agent and Camu, Lorenzo inserted the staff sword into the wall, relied on his strong strength to stabilize himself, and rose again .
Lorenzo looked at the tunnel, and the people in the darkness showed fearful expressions.
"Hunting... a witcher?"
The priest whispered suspiciously. He had also witnessed the core power of the church. Of course, he knew that such extraordinary physiques would only appear in those monsters, but he did not expect that these monsters were still alive and appeared in Old Dunling. within.
But what followed was a slight joy. Sure enough, they were right. Regardless of whether Lorenzo was a demon hunter or not, this extraordinary power must have already appeared in the old Dunling. They were not mistaken about what they were looking for. direction.
"Believers...the time of dedication has come."
The priest retreated slightly, his eyes were sharp, and he clenched his pistol while looking at the servants around him.
Since the new pope took office, he has launched a purge within the evangelical church. All opponents were eliminated, and the methods were cruel and swift. When they mobilized their strength to prepare for a counterattack, they found that the new pope had already controlled everything. With no choice, they Led by Cardinal Miguel, they fled.
Under the long-term confrontation, this has vaguely become the first civil war of the Evangelical Church, and now they have received the news that Lawrence has appeared in Inverge carrying the "Apocalypse". This is their opportunity to fight back. Once the new pope If they get the Book of Revelation first, they will have no chance to fight back, but similarly, if they take back the Book of Revelation, then the new Pope will no longer be a threat.
He needed to survive, at least to bring this news back, and now that their faction was cornered, this was their last chance to make a comeback.
"Priest Yager..."
The followers looked at him in disbelief, with uncontrollable horror in their eyes.
"As martyrs, the glory still belongs to you."
Yager said calmly, and several people looked at each other briefly, as if their inner strength had overcome their fear. They nodded with difficulty, and then allowed Yager to run away towards the surface.
They still have a chance of winning. The tunnel is so narrow, and Lorenzo has no room to dodge if he occupies this position to shoot. They can delay for a long time, and they can even evacuate safely.
Yes, there is no need to be so afraid, maybe Lorenzo is just surprisingly skilled?He is not a witcher. All witchers have died long ago, and even if there are survivors, they will not appear in this filthy rat nest, right.
The servants tried their best to comfort themselves, and Lorenzo had already got up at this point, his body was wet with water mist, and water droplets dripped from the smooth staff and sword.
The wet clothes clung to his body, outlining a black silhouette, with his head half down, like a scarecrow in a field.
He slowly raised his eyes and briefly looked at the followers in the darkness. The next moment, the gunfire was like a trumpet. As the followers opened fire, Lorenzo ran wildly.
The cane sword dragged a pale arc, which was extremely dangerous.
He carries an unspeakable sense of oppression, like the god of death calling for death. When he decides to knock on the door, you can't stop it no matter what you do, and you can't even delay it.
The body burst out with incredible strength, swinging the staff and sword quickly, and the iron collided in the air. This was not a carefully made nail sword, nor was it the special metal of the purification mechanism.
At the moment of the impact, tiny dents appeared on the staff sword, and with Lorenzo's slash, there was a gap on the sharp blade.
Several sparks burst out in front of him, and the staff and sword cut them down accurately. The firelight disappeared in an instant. Lorenzo advanced into the tunnel in an instant, and more bullets poured out. It was difficult to turn around in this narrow space. Lorenzo Renzo couldn't wield the blade at all, and in the eyes of the followers, he was certain to die.
The bullets fell forward, but because Lorenzo's entry blocked the light, the followers' vision was dim, but soon more sparks burst out in the darkness.
They did not dare to stop and continued to fire. They could hear the sound of metal clashing in the darkness, but there was a sharp sound of wind. The staff and sword came through the air and directly nailed the first servant. There was something in the darkness. On the move, his steps are swift.
"Fire! Fire! Don't stop!"
The fire that burst out from the muzzle exposed the position of the servants. Most of them could only squat down to prevent the bullets from behind from hitting themselves, but soon the fire from the muzzle illuminated something that did not exist.
It was a pitch-black armor, it couldn't completely cover Lorenzo, it just covered his arm, like a simple hand shield, and it was this kind of shield that blocked most of the attacks in the dark.
This narrow space did not leave room for the acceleration of the punch, but this did not mean that close combat would be ineffective. Lorenzo directly pressed one hand against the servant's body, using him as a shield in front of him.
He beat Lorenzo hard, but this was just a weak resistance. More gunshots rang out, killing the servant in front of him. Bullets continued to fall, and blood spilled out.
In this dark and closed environment, he looked terrifying like a monster.
Picking up the staff and sword from the corpse, Lorenzo held up the body of the servant and continued to advance. When he approached the next servant, he abandoned the body directly, thrust out the nail sword from the narrow space, and penetrated the palm of the servant. Pin him to the spot.
"Promise me to stay here honestly, okay?"
In the darkness, Lorenzo said to the servant who was pinned to the spot by him. He was frightened to death. Lorenzo was so close to him, but he didn't even have the courage to fire.
The remaining servants had disappeared and fled out of fear before Lorenzo arrived, but they had done so to buy time for Yag.
Lorenzo looked around. As he approached the high platform, he saw the appearance of the priest. Judging from his clothes, he could tell that he was the guy who knew everything.
But now Lorenzo didn't know where to go. There were many forks in the tunnel, and the priest was not a monster, so Lorenzo couldn't track him.
But just then there was a faint sound in the darkness, and Lorenzo could vaguely see a big rat crawling out of nowhere, with a police yellow chain hanging from its tail.
As if it had wisdom, it stopped not far from Lorenzo, and then headed towards one of the intersections again.
"So... metaphysical?"
Lorenzo couldn't believe it, but he still followed the mouse's route.
Outside the tunnel, in the rat's nest, the intelligence agent was standing on the edge. He raised his head and looked at the high platform that was no longer occupied. Although Lorenzo had been fighting in for so long, he still felt a little nervous and happy. Stare there closely.
"Do you think that's something a human can do?"
He said suddenly after a long silence.
He and Kamu were the only ones left here. The bad rats were a very alert group. When the first gunshot rang out, they had already scattered and fled.
Kamu knew clearly that these words were being asked to himself. He recalled Lorenzo's incredible actions on the wall and was stunned for a long time before speaking slowly.
"I... I don't know."
But after waiting for a while, the intelligence dealer suddenly laughed. He had collected too much intelligence. When these unnoticed gossips were integrated, they would be connected into a complete story.
In it, the intelligence business will give the story a value, which he calls the "deviation value."
These stories are all related by him based on intelligence, so they will always be different from what actually happened. In order to ensure that the stories he related are logically reasonable, he will allow some "deviations" in the stories he related, or correct them. A "correction" of actual reality, to fill holes in the story.
For example, Lorenzo climbed the wall just now. If the intelligence agent did not actually witness this, he would modify it to make the story reasonable, such as adding many more footholds on the wall.
But such a correction will not be too biased. For example, Lorenzo rushed forward again in a short period of time with a staff and sword. In the story, this is an excessive deviation.
The intelligence dealer has a lot of information in his mind, and they can integrate one huge story after another, but some of these stories have ridiculously large deviations, such as Shrike, such as Lorenzo, such as... Old Dunling.
He can detect the loopholes in these stories, and if he wants to fill those loopholes, he will make unreasonable corrections to the original stories... But this is a story, but what about reality?
Could reality be as incredible as this?But if it is reality, what force is correcting all this?
That would be a very terrifying power, and this power was hidden in the shadow of the old Dun Ling. Now that the intelligence dealer has seen this with his own eyes, this may be the closest he has come to this secret.
There was something lurking in the shadows, and he was about to see it.
"The Rat King will be delighted."
The intelligence agent said that Kamu didn't know what was going on in his mind.
But at this moment, there was a sound. After the follower fled, he circled around in the tunnel and finally came back here. He raised his gun and warned the two of them.
Kamu was immediately frightened. He was just a bad rat surviving on his own. He followed his instinct and stopped where he was.
The intelligence dealer slowly turned his head and looked at the lost servant.
He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with pity.
"You are an unruly bunch."
"Shut up!" the servant yelled, "Take me out of here!"
The tunnel was so complicated that he couldn't find his way out.
But the intelligence dealer didn't pay any attention to the muzzle, and he continued talking.
"Although the lower city is chaotic, it is still bound by an invisible order, so everyone can survive in the chaos... If you break the rules, you will die."
The intelligence dealer looked at the servant, and then whistled. The sound was sharp and penetrating. The servant was about to fire a warning shot, but countless sharp sounds responded to the whistle... from the tunnel behind him. .
He turned around sharply. Something was crawling in the darkness, and the next moment they emerged from the shadows.
It was a black wave...a rat swarm of death.
They swarmed in with the whistles and surrounded the servant. The seemingly harmless ones showed their teeth and claws and repeatedly gnawed and bit at the servant's body. He howled in pain and fired wildly. , but nothing can be done.
He struggled hard, but the rats kept jumping up and biting him hard with their teeth. With the continuous overlapping, he could no longer stand, and finally curled up on the ground, with his body covered with rats feasting on their food.
The intelligence agent calmly walked away from him. There was blood flowing out among the densely packed rats. From the exposed gaps, you could even see the bitten flesh and bones.
The screams began to weaken and became quiet, leaving only the dense sounds of eating.
Kamu was so frightened that he forgot to breathe. He never thought that the mouse he was playing with would be so scary one day. Then he looked at the intelligence agent.
The intelligence dealer only taught them how to train rats to deliver intelligence, but never taught them...these killing techniques.
His heart was beating violently. Maybe if there was another whistle, the wave of rats would roll him up and eat them up.
As if aware of his fear, the intelligence agent spoke slowly.
"You are one of our own, don't worry, I won't kill someone to silence you."
I don't know if this was a lie or the truth, but at least it calmed Kamu's fearful heart slightly. The intelligence dealer signaled to him.
"Follow me, the Rat King is still waiting for us..."
"Rat King?"
Kamu couldn't believe it, could it be that he really existed.
"Kamu, you have seen something you shouldn't have seen, so...either prove your worth and you are worthy of investment, or be given up."
The intelligence dealer continued, with a weird smile. Kamu was stunned for a long time. He knew that he had no right to refuse, so he followed.
The two stepped into the tunnel. In this short period of time, the meal was over, and the rats dispersed, leaving only blood stains and broken bones in place.
(End of this chapter)

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