Embers of Embers

Chapter 217 Reunion of old friends

Chapter 217 Reunion of old friends
Yager ran all the way. Although he also came from the mysterious Evangelical Church, compared with the monster chasing behind him, he was as harmless as a white mouse.
He could hear the gunshots coming from deep in the tunnel behind him, as well as the terrified shouts of the servants. They failed to stop the monster and he was coming.
Yager began to regret his decision. No one thought that just killing some rats would attract monsters like Lorenzo.
He ran wildly in the complicated tunnel, and the evil rat who led the way was killed by him first. In this complicated maze, he bumped back and forth, but as if he had some hope, he believed that he could escape. go.
No one knows how long these bad rats have been living underground. They have been hiding underground in Old Dunling without anyone knowing.
But soon the sound of rushing water became louder in the darkness, and Yager knew that he was almost outside, or another sewer, but it was better than staying in this dark tunnel.
There were rushing footsteps in the darkness behind him, and the monster was about to follow.
As Yager ran, he drew the dagger from his waist. Although he was scared, he felt that there should at least be room for counterattack. After all, he was also a member of the Templar Knights.
Breathing violently and heavily, he rushed out of the tunnel, staggering and almost falling into the ditch.
He came out.
Yager looked at this place with some joy. As he expected, this was a sewer, but beyond the entrance of the sewer was the Thames River. He could see the simple steps along which he could return to the city.
Under the strange sense of oppression, even this foreign country became friendly.
He hurriedly ran outside, but at this moment, he clearly heard the footsteps behind him. Lorenzo had already caught up with him. The staff and sword reflected the faint white light in the darkness, like the pursuing Death.
"Don't run away, aren't you going to kill someone and silence them?"
Lorenzo mocked and came holding the staff and sword tightly.
Yager didn't have the time or courage to reply. He hurriedly climbed out and walked back to the streets of Old Dunling. Perhaps because he was too embarrassed, the pedestrians on the street looked sideways. He still had the fishy smell of the ground on his body, and everyone frowned. .
There is no need to care about the image, he has to find a way to get rid of Lorenzo, and flee directly to the crowded place, but due to the filth and embarrassment on his body, pedestrians instinctively go farther, and when Jager waved the short This has turned into panic when the sword was struck.
But this was just the beginning of the panic. Then everyone saw the man following Yager. He was wet and looked much more embarrassed than Yager, but he was holding a staff and sword with murderous intent.
The well-informed residents of Old Dunling quickly understood the situation. This might be a street vendetta. Some righteous people wanted to come forward to maintain the somewhat chaotic law and order, but the man who was chasing behind them soon shouted loudly. shouted.
"The Su Yalan Department is handling the case. If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"
Lorenzo shouted with confidence. He began to regret not borrowing Pres's police card. Of course, if Pres knew about this situation, he would also regret going back to sleep.
Hearing Lorenzo's roar, everyone's actions stopped for a moment. They were a little confused about what was true and what was false. After all, Lorenzo was not wearing a police uniform, but judging from his confident voice, he didn't seem to be either. Lying.
Seeing this scene, Yager could only run with all his strength. He kept running towards the crowd, pushing some goods on the street as he ran, seeming to create more chaos.
He did succeed. Due to Jager's sudden intrusion, the carriage on the street came to a sudden stop. Accompanied by the sound of horses neighing, the carriage tipped over and made a mess. This seemed to attract the attention of the mounted police, and they could hear the sound echoing around them. There was a faint sound of iron whistles, and the mounted police were coming here.
Lorenzo was keenly aware of all this, and he knew very well that once the mounted police arrived, it would only complicate the situation, and even said that Yager would run away.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo stretched his hand into his arms. According to Article [-] of the "Lorenzo Holmes Detective Code", judging from the current situation, he wants to interrupt the suspect before he escapes. leg.
But his hand came up empty, and then Lorenzo remembered that his beloved Winchester was no longer there, and he couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart, and then the macho man burst into tears.
In the rain of fire that filled the sky, Lorenzo was blown half to death. Of course, the Winchester did not end well. Lorenzo lost it in the explosion, although Arthur said that when clearing the battlefield I will look for him carefully, but Lorenzo estimated that judging from the firepower at the time, even if he could find it, it would be a piece of rotten iron.
It has been with Lorenzo for so many years, and the relationship is as deep as a brother and a beloved relative.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo became furious, and his murderous aura increased, which frightened Yager.
Chaos has spread throughout the street, and Yager is bumping around like a headless fly. He no longer expects to escape. He just wants to escape for a while longer. One more minute is one minute.
But suddenly he realized that the monster chasing him disappeared, and he was the only one left on the street. But then the fierce murderous intention came from behind, and Yager turned around sharply, just in time to meet the monster coming from the alleyway. Lorenzo's sword continued to enlarge in his eyes, and the next moment the steel collapsed.
The instinct of being a templar saved him at this moment of crisis. Jager instinctively swung the dagger, which briefly touched the staff sword, but the next moment Lorenzo's unstoppable unbalanced by strength.
Yager felt that he was fighting a monster, and his arms were numb from the shock. His whole body began to fall backwards and lost his balance.
Lorenzo strode forward with a fierce look on his face.
Yager did not struggle, but fell down, but immediately rolled up on the ground, threw his hands away, turned around and slashed back at Lorenzo.
This unexpected blow almost hit Lorenzo, but fortunately he stopped immediately and did not follow closely, but then Lorenzo cursed angrily.
"How dare you fight back?"
These words made Yager startled, and even his panicked heart stopped for a moment.
What happened to this person?No matter what, you can't fight back?
He wanted to yell at each other with Lorenzo, but his instinct drove him to escape. But as soon as he took a step, severe pain came from his ankle.
The stick sword accurately cut his ankle, and Yager fell down weakly, blood gushing out.
In any case, the suspect was incapacitated. Lorenzo didn't care whether he used a gun or a sword. He was very measured and only cut off the muscles. Otherwise, this vicious blow might have taken away Jage's entire leg. Cut them all off.
Lorenzo walked over slowly, showing a victor's smile, even though he smelled terrible.
"From Feileng Cui?" he asked tentatively.
But Yager ignored him at all, just holding his injured ankle and moaning in pain.
Lorenzo squatted down and punched Yager, causing him to curl up in pain.
He used to hang out in the lower city, where they were all thugs, lunatics who licked blood from their knives. Sometimes, in order to get information, Lorenzo needed to torture them to extract confessions, but some of them still refused to speak.
Lorenzo thought for a long time about how to deal with them, and finally he found a way.
That is fear.
The detective smiled cruelly and said slowly.
"It's finally in my hands. Don't worry, we still have a lot of time to get along."
He looked like a cannibal pervert. Just by looking at Lorenzo, he knew that falling into his hands would not end well.
Yager's eyes were filled with fear. Lorenzo's hand reached for his throat, invisible pressure beating his heart. The so-called God and faith could not save him at this moment. Compared with death, long torture would be It's chilling.
But just when that hand was about to strangle him, the sound of horse hooves sounded. Lorenzo guessed it was the mounted policemen, but he didn't care about it. The mounted policemen had no effect on the current situation, but the next moment Lorenzo Renzo rose into the air.
At this moment, the great detective was also a little dazed, but then there was severe pain in his body, and his vision changed rapidly. He was knocked away several meters, and finally hit a street lamp. The heavy blow took the entire lamp pole. Constantly shaking.
The carriage stopped on the side of the road, and the wheels were only a few centimeters away from Jager, and if he deviated a bit, he would be directly run over by the wheels.
"Are you still alive?"
The man opened the car door and looked at the embarrassed Yager.
When Yager saw him, his frightened expression turned to joy, but before he could say what it was, the man directly picked him up and dragged him into the carriage.
Everything happened very quickly, even within a minute, the unsteady carriage began to accelerate, and the groom vigorously beat the steed, trying to get out of here quickly.
This collision would be fatal to ordinary people, but Lorenzo is not an ordinary person. He stood up with difficulty, his whole body was filled with severe dull pain, but as long as he was given a little time, just a little time, the detective was able to stand up again. Will be able to jump up and down.
But the carriage did not intend to give Lorenzo time. It had already begun to speed away. Lorenzo staggered a little, but he quickly endured the pain and gave chase.
Lorenzo swore angrily, holding a hand to his chest.
This sudden blow was completely out of his expectation, and he didn't even have time to release the secret blood.
Although it was not fatal, Lorenzo's condition temporarily declined a lot. There was an iron taste in his mouth and he was extremely uncomfortable.
But the carriage was getting further and further away, and Lorenzo angrily threw the sword in his hand. The sword light passed by and was nailed to the carriage.
With a powerless fury, Lorenzo could no longer catch up. He squatted on the ground, breathing rapidly.
Then the carriage disappeared from sight, leaving no trace.
More horseshoes sounded, which made Lorenzo vigilant. He stood up abruptly, but what caught his eyes were the mounted policemen who had arrived late.
"Stay where you are!"
The mounted police shouted that now that the delegation is visiting, old Dunling has been placed under high security to prevent accidents, but even so, riots still occurred today.
"Don't get in the way."
Lorenzo said in a low voice. Although the time was short, it was enough for the carriage to escape far away and he could no longer catch up.
He wanted to return to the Lower City, hoping that the intelligence agent would listen to him and stay where he was. He must catch that guy.
"First warning!"
The troopers also said angrily, loading their bullets and pointing their guns at Lorenzo.
Although this guy was embarrassed, he gave people a strange pressure, and they had to be extremely vigilant.
Lorenzo's movements stopped. Although he wanted to overthrow these people directly and continue investigating, he lived in a human society, and sometimes you have to abide by some rules, he said.
"I'm Lorenzo, Lorenzo Holmes! I'm an external detective from Suararan Hall. I'm investigating a case. Do you understand?"
As he spoke, there was a dull pain in his chest.
The mounted policemen were a little surprised. They made eye contact with each other, but still did not move their guns away.
"Is there any proof?"
prove?Lorenzo regretted not taking Pres' police badge more and more, and he shook his head.
"Then please cooperate."
The mounted police did not want to push Lorenzo into a hurry, so they softened their attitude a little.
Lorenzo was silent for a while, but just as he was about to say something, someone defended him.
"He is an external detective of Su Yalan Hall. I have met him."
The sound of horse hooves gradually approached, and the sound seemed familiar.
Lorenzo turned his head, and the girl came riding triumphantly. For a moment, Lorenzo suddenly felt the excitement of seeing his relatives.
"E...Eve?" Lorenzo said.
The last time he and Eve met was the night Lawrence appeared. Lorenzo wanted to sacrifice her to kill Lawrence... To be honest, Lorenzo's mentality at that time was completely different from his current mentality. At that time, he was an efficient person. As long as it can kill Lawrence, he doesn't even mind dying there himself.
But things are different now. Lawrence is dead, and Lorenzo has become more like a human being, retaining his humanity. Therefore, when I think back to that time, I can't help but feel guilty.
He was not prepared to meet this girl. Of course, it would be good to meet again under this situation. Judging from Eve's initiative to save him, she was not angry about her decision. Such a big-hearted... girl who is too considerate. Well, she must be able to understand why she did it, right!
Lorenzo was thinking crazy, or justifying his decision, as if the grudge between him and Eve had long been gone, he walked over openly.
"Did you hear that? I really am!"
When old friends reunited, Lorenzo shamelessly approached her, but when he raised his head, he saw that Eve's face was a little cold, and his heart that had just become happy suddenly froze.
The girl stared at him, with a smile on her cold face...a sneer to be precise.
"Causing chaos, financial losses..." Eve glanced at the street behind her. The chaos left by the chase was still there, and there were still people who were crushed by the overturned carriage.
"Wait! I'm investigating a case!"
Lorenzo felt a little bad, and he defended himself. After all, he was really investigating the case, although the suspect had escaped.
"What's the use of talking to me? I'm just a mounted police officer who maintains law and order!"
Eve spread her hands and then threw out a pair of handcuffs.
"Cuffed up!"
(End of this chapter)

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