Embers of Embers

Chapter 224 What a piece of garbage

Chapter 224 What a piece of garbage
"It feels really good."
The figure of the man who had been injected with the medicine swayed, feeling the beauty, and couldn't help but say.
In the shadow of the old Dunling, this hallucinogen has become an indispensable thing. As long as the price is low, you can enjoy the happiness that you can never enjoy in this steel city.
Although the authorities have cracked down several times, their greed for money and happiness will only make them more stubborn. Under the current martial law, the price of hallucinogens has soared, and these goods are enough for them to make a fortune.
The mounted police were patrolling the land above their heads, but they never imagined that they would hide here and transport goods in this way.
"Don't use it too much, I won't carry you back." Another person said.
These words seemed to wake the man up a bit. After all, a few days ago, a man lost consciousness and fell into the channel after using too much potion. Maybe he would be saved by an interception net, or he might be drowned, or directly killed. Throw it into the combustion chamber.
"Huh...these new products are really good."
He rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if using a strong stimulant, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.
"I'm a little curious about where these things are made." Picking up a hallucinogen, behind the exquisite container was the wealth of the liquid.
"I hope you give up this idea. This involves the wealth of those big shots."
The leader said, his tone was extremely cold, they were all mice living in the shadows and could not see any light.
"I know, I know...but these things are awesome."
The man flicked the cold surface. Under the afterglow of the searchlight, the liquid inside glowed with brilliant colors. I don't know whether it was the effect of the hallucinogen or the nature of the liquid. The inside seemed to be filled with starlight and colorful.
They continued to carry the goods. This was one of the exhaust systems deep underground, close to the furnace pillar. The high-temperature steam threatened their lives at all times.
Fortunately, they have done this many times, and the complicated routes have become familiar, and the ladders that were in disrepair and were severely corroded have also been reinforced by them.
It may be due to factors such as the safe venue, the joy of wealth, etc., but they did not notice at all that a strange shadow had appeared in the darkness. The distance between the two was neither far nor close, maintaining a delicate balance.
Lorenzo walked in the blind spot of their sight. He approached cautiously, trying to hear their conversation.
The moment the man injected the hallucinogen, Lorenzo could clearly detect the smell of the demon, or the smell of secret blood.
Hallucinogens were mixed with secret blood. Only Lawrence had done this, but now that he was dead, where did these potions come from?
Thinking of this, Lorenzo couldn't help but sigh at the strange connection. The answer that the purge agency had been looking for for a long time, Lorenzo found it inexplicably, or in other words, those big dark hands pushed the two together, just like Lorenzo Zuo initially kidnapped Eve, triggering the beginning of the story.
From the smallest things, we reach the center of the vortex little by little.
Lorenzo might be able to trace this shipment to its source, Lawrence's accomplice.
It was for this reason that Lorenzo's murderous intention just mentioned was suppressed by him. He needed these people alive, at least to take Lorenzo out of this underground maze and see where they were going to transport the goods.
The folding knife and firearms were hidden under his body. There were no extra metal parts on Lorenzo's clothes, which would not reflect any glimmer of light in the darkness. He held his breath and followed them like a shadow.
There were the same shadows in the darkness. As Lorenzo moved forward, rats crawled out of the shadows, climbing back and forth on the interceptor nets set up by the men to eat. The dead fish and the dumped garbage were all enough for the rats to feast. A meal.
The teeth gnawed, making a grinding sound, like metal cutting each other slightly.
The men have long been accustomed to the existence of these rats. They are everywhere in the underground, and Lorenzo, who has been following them, also looks sideways at all this with a solemn expression.
Now there is a more complicated mystery for Lorenzo.
Who is the Rat King?What on earth is he going to do?How much more does he know?
For a person like Lorenzo who is stained with darkness, everything related to that darkness has a strange gravitational pull. They pull each other. Even if you live quietly, you will be disrupted by the sudden appearance of monsters. All this is so.
So Lorenzo has long been used to this, but this incident still made him feel scared, ever since he saw Kamu go looking for an intelligence agent... no, even from the moment he went to Pres and picked a case.
Ordinary cases merge into darkness in the end. Rather than being an almost impossible coincidence, it is more like everything has been predestined.
Lorenzo will take out the case with ease, and after one incident after another, reach the deepest part of the darkness.
Strange things attract each other, fall into the dark vortex, and meet in the deep center.
They were about to leave, but some people still stayed. After such a long period of operation, this place has become a place similar to a stronghold. The searchlight shines on the other end, which is a long ladder going up along the iron wall. It seems that that is The route several people left.
Those people left, and those who stayed behind maintained the work here. Some people were still gathered around the interception net, driving away the rats and seeing if they could find anything good in the garbage.
"so good."
Someone said and took out the hallucinogens he had secretly hidden. It was very dark here. When checking the goods, there would always be an opportunity for them to sneak something behind. Several other people also came over with evil smiles.
"I really envy them. We can only live here like mice."
The other person seemed a bit pessimistic. Although this job was much better than hanging out in the lower city, he still didn't like it.
Em has been working here for a long time. She sleeps in the corner every day. Food is delivered during delivery. Her life is quite stable, but the environment is not very good.
Like many people in the lower city, Em is also a stowaway. He originally wanted to show off his skills in the old Dunling, but in the end he could only live like this.
"Be happy, at least they gave us these things."
Another man came over and mixed Em with a dose of hallucinogen.
"You know, this thing is very expensive to sell outside, but here we can just use it!"
He seemed very excited.
"This is still the latest style, don't you want to try it?"
Em looked at him helplessly. The man looked sick, and his pale complexion could be seen in the dim light.
He came here before Em, Em didn't know exactly how long ago, but it could be seen from his appearance that he hadn't seen the sky for a long time.
Em asked somewhat unbearably, "Don't you feel uncomfortable in this hellish place?"
The man's voice paused, and the searchlight shifted direction, and they were plunged into darkness again.
After a long pause, the man spoke slowly.
"I can only endure the discomfort. Anyway, I'm just surviving outside, and I'm surviving here. It's just a matter of fact."
He lit a cigarette, and Em could see spots of light glowing in the darkness.
Em was stunned, then approached him and whispered.
"Do you want to escape together?"
They didn't come here voluntarily, at least at first they didn't know that they would be working in such a place. Em was blindfolded when he was brought in. After all, he was in the business of hallucinogens, and he could understand the location requirements. It was a secret, but he never thought it would be in a place like this.
Em didn't know the way out. Only those who were transporting goods knew how to get out. He also tried to find other ways, but the other intersection led to the exhaust hole. Em saw with his own eyes a man who wanted to escape. The guy failed to climb up the high platform and was steamed by the high temperature steam.
This underground is full of unknowns and dangers, and as time goes by, he will stop thinking about it.
"Em, the last guy who said that is dead." The man said without mercy.
"He wanted to swim down the river."
He pointed to the water flowing out of the darkness. It was connected to the Thames. As long as you were strong enough, you could indeed swim out against the current.
"But there was an iron fence outside. He failed and was swept back by the current. Fortunately, he caught the interception net at the last moment."
Em asked, "What then?"
"Then?" The man thought for a while, "Then everyone gathered around, and the leader was still there at that time."
"Do you think he will save him?"
His voice became strange in the darkness.
"No...no?" Em asked, somewhat confused and wary.
"Of course not. The searchlight focused on him, like the protagonist in the center of the stage."
The man recalled that scene.
"Everyone looked at him, but no one dared to reach out and give him a hand. The leader didn't let anyone take action and let him plead and cry until he was exhausted and let go."
Looking at the other end of the darkness, under the channel is one of the water inlets of the Furnace Pillar.
"He just fell down, maybe drowned, or fell directly into the combustion chamber... In short, no one has tried to escape since then."
Em felt that his blood was running cold, but the man on the other side of the darkness laughed.
"Em, we are mice living in the shadows, so don't think about the light. Why don't you give it a try?"
As he spoke, he approached Em and put the hallucinogen into his hand. It felt cold to the touch, and Em could see a strange glimmer in the liquid in the darkness.
"Come and give it a try, it's great."
As the man spoke, he injected a hallucinogen into his arm, his body twitched, and then he leaned aside as if he was drunk.
Em looked down at the hallucinogen. He was a little hesitant, but as if he was desperate for life. He pressed the tail and the thin needle popped out from the front. But just when he was about to inject, he seemed to think of something and gave up. Suddenly there was a strange voice in the darkness.
"Why don't you inject it?"
"I...I don't want to become like him." Em replied, but then he became vigilant. There were only a few people left here, and he was familiar with everyone else's voices except this one.
With blazing white eyes burning in the darkness, Lorenzo came with a folding knife, and there was still blood on it that had not yet dried up.
"Really? It saved your life."
Lorenzo said as he walked past Em, but he did not swing his knife at Em.
"No...wait, what do you mean?"
Em couldn't figure it out, or who Lorenzo was, let alone those burning eyes.
He could feel the weird pressure, but he didn't feel Lorenzo's murderous intention towards him.
"It's easy to get out of the mud without getting stained, but not drowning in the mud takes a lot of effort."
Lorenzo had arrived at his side long ago, and Lorenzo listened to their conversation. Perhaps out of pity, or something else, Lorenzo left Em's fate in his own hands, and Em did not inject hallucinogens. dose, and he survived.
"There's a problem with hallucinogens, at least they're not the ones you can inject."
Lorenzo's eyes were stern. This was not the first time he had been exposed to this kind of hallucinogen mixed with secret blood, but at that time it was mixed with extremely low concentrations of degraded secret blood, but this time it was different.
A person on the other side had a huge reaction within a few minutes of the injection. According to previous experience, it usually takes several injections of this kind of hallucinogen to cause changes in the body, but this time one dose is enough. .
Rather than saying it is a new hallucinogen, it is better to say that it is mixed with newly refined secret blood, which is better than the previous deterioration.
Lorenzo came closer. On the ground, the person who had just been talking to Em curled up into a ball. His eyes widened, he whispered something randomly, and his muscles twitched slightly.
The hallucinations and the pain caused by the secret blood acted on him at the same time. Lorenzo had seen many such scenes just now. He didn't rush to catch up with those people, but after realizing these, he solved these people who had begun to alienate.
He knew very well what these people would become if this situation continued.
"what are you going to do!"
Seeing Lorenzo raise the folding knife, Em was rarely afraid, but stopped Lorenzo.
He was so weird, emerging from the shadows like a god of death, but the man in front of him was one of Em's few friends in this ghost place.
"He is dead."
Lorenzo said coldly. Em was filled with fear, but for the sake of his friend's life, he mustered up the courage and wanted to say something to stop Lorenzo, but then the man on the ground stood up with his legs bent. .
Weird and abominable, his skin began to swell and crack, revealing the white bones that began to proliferate underneath.
"Do not……"
Em said in fear, Lorenzo didn't waste time here and just took out the knife, just like he had done many times before, piercing the heart and decapitating him.
The execution was completed in an instant. The body that had not completely transformed into a demon fell down weakly, and a large amount of blood flowed in the darkness.
The tragic sight made Em's stomach churn, and he retched, and then Lorenzo said.
"I suggest you follow me next. After all, they don't know what they are transporting."
Lorenzo said indifferently that when those people left the hallucinogens, those who stayed behind were abandoned. To be precise, they were killed and silenced. Lorenzo didn't know why they suddenly destroyed this place that was finally built, but What is certain is that something happened to prompt them to make this decision.
Em reluctantly raised her head and looked into the bright eyes in the darkness.
"Is this some kind of mercy?"
"Give you a chance to survive. You are still young and can resist this temptation. You are considered a good piece of garbage among these garbage."
Lorenzo obviously didn't want to explain anything more. He had human nature, but this human nature didn't have much mercy. As for saving Em... He looked at the face in the darkness that was a bit panicked but forced to be calm.
This is just a child who wants to see the sky again, and this is just an insignificant kindness.
(End of this chapter)

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