Embers of Embers

Chapter 225 Three Party Assault

Chapter 225 Three-Party Raid
Pushing open the rusty iron door, Baier motioned to the people behind him to carry the goods in. These were all glass products. Although they were filled with buffering debris, they still had to be handled with care.
Everyone worked hard to carry the expensive wealth. One of them was a little shaken. He had been injected with hallucinogens before. The hallucinations affected him and his steps were shaky. Therefore, Baier did not let him carry the goods, just like strolling around. Behind a few people.
"You guys go first, I have some things to deal with."
Baier glanced at the guy, and then said to the others that he was the leader, the boss of these people, and they had to listen.
The remaining people continued to move towards the darkness, and Baier directly met the man. There was a weird smile on the man's face, and he seemed to have been immersed in that beautiful dream, but because of the dim light, the others did not. Noticed that the blood vessels on his neck were obviously bulging.
"Old... big..."
In the blurred hallucination, he seemed to see the person coming towards him clearly. Baier directly hugged him who was about to fall, and at the same time stabbed the dagger into his heart.
The hallucination was so happy that he didn't feel the pain in his chest or the blood that quickly escaped from his body.
"Remember to be calm in the future and don't use things randomly when you see them..."
Belle held his head and said softly.
According to insider information, this location has been exposed, but for this extremely special batch of goods, they still took the risk and used this stronghold to transport goods for the last time. However, those who stayed behind in the stronghold knew nothing. Although this was the case, but They still have to die.
Only Baier knew the special features of this batch of goods, and the others did not know anything about it. They only thought that it contained a new type of hallucinogen.
In order to confuse the sight, after getting permission, Baier planned to turn those people into monsters and use them to attract attention, but there was still a restless guy who used them at will.
After all, Debel is just an ordinary person. He doesn't want to make this matter complicated, so he has to kill him here. He doesn't want monsters to follow them.
"what happened?"
The man's voice sounded like he was talking in his sleep, and Belle laughed and patted his back.
"It's nothing, go to sleep."
As he spoke, he slit the man's throat with a dagger before he turned into a demon, and continued to use force to cut off the entire head with difficulty.
The blood dyed his clothes red. Looking at the bodies in the pool of blood, Baner felt a little tired, but he still cheered up and continued walking. He had to ensure that the goods could be transported successfully.
He turned and left, but soon there were footsteps in the darkness behind him. Lorenzo was holding a folding knife and walking forward in the darkness, followed by a frightened Em.
Em obviously didn't expect Lorenzo to kill so many people silently, and he was also horrified that he almost became the soul of Lorenzo's sword.
Lorenzo was silent, thinking about the situation as he moved forward, but sometimes he would look back to see if Em was following.
"You didn't have to save me."
In the long silence, Em couldn't help but say that he had been in the lower city for a long time, and he knew very well that the so-called goodwill had a purpose.
He didn't know what the strange man in front of him was thinking.
"It's just that you reminded me of the past, the good past." Lorenzo's reply came from the front.
"A memory in exchange for my life?"
What a cheap life.
Lorenzo ignored Em. He was telling the truth. He was planning to attack and kill the two of them directly, but the conversation in the darkness reminded him of the forgotten past.
Lorenzo's life can be roughly divided into three stages. When he was a child, he ran rampant on the streets of Feilengcui. Although he was always hungry, when he ran, he felt that the whole Feilengcui belonged to him. The next stage was to join The Demon Hunting Order lost their freedom, but Lorenzo was no longer hungry. He had a place to stay, and even his status became nobler than before.
Until Advent night changes everything.
Growing up in chaos, no one can escape the destined connection.
Medanzo once asked himself whether he should escape from the Demon Hunting Order. Although food and housing were provided here, he still liked the days of running around along the river.
This kind of dialogue happened many times. The two had known each other before joining the Demon Hunting Sect. After all, they were the lowest-level people living. They hugged each other to keep warm.
Lorenzo didn't know how to answer him. Although he lost a bit of freedom, he had food and a bed. The hard days were over...
What a vicissitude of time, so much time has passed in the blink of an eye.
"You're just that old, and you've already started hanging out in the lower city?"
Lorenzo's voice came, Em was just a child, just a torture in the lower town, making everyone look the same, like a dry, dead branch.
Em is now at an age where she should be helping her mother at home, rather than doing this in the shadows.
"I was deceived. I needed a job, but I didn't expect it to be a job like this," Em said.
Lorenzo thought for a moment, and it was true. The downtown area was very chaotic, and this kind of deception could not be more common. This was just a child who had just stepped into society, and was knocked unconscious with a head-on blow.
Em is somewhat similar to him, not in terms of personality, but in terms of experience. Lorenzo was also found by a priest one day, and was later tricked into joining the Demon Hunting Order. An unlucky guy will always have a negative impact on another unlucky guy. A little sense of intimacy, as if seeing him comforts me that I'm not the only one in this misery.
Of course, it is more about remembering the past.
People are like this. Many seemingly important memories will become dusty as time goes by. When you encounter something or see something, you will suddenly recall it, and the tide of memories will not pass. The coast shows the almost unfamiliar past before your eyes.
The once emerald street boy has turned into what he is now, with forbidden blood flowing in his body and holding steel and flames in his hands.
"You are still young, and the Lower City is not the place you should stay."
"Then where can I go?" Em said.
There was a slight fluctuation in the voice. Lorenzo knew that the child was restraining his fear, but when he heard his answer, Lorenzo was also slightly touched. He knew that he had talked too much. If Em had a place to return to , he would not be in the lower city, nor would he appear here.
In silence, Lorenzo felt that he had said enough nonsense and now he wanted to catch up with those people.
Lorenzo walked in the darkness, and the smell of rust and blood wafted in the air. It was so clear in the darkness. Lorenzo followed the traces, and then found the body left by Baier.
Lorenzo was watching the whole process from the sidelines at the time. He knew that this guy had also been injected with hallucinogens. It seemed that some of these transporters knew the special properties of these hallucinogens, so he killed him here.
But just as he was inspecting the body, a violent wave of air surged out from the passage in front. The hot steam directly pushed the two of them down. The high temperature burned the two of them. Fortunately, it was not too fatal, and there were no injuries on the body. No burns.
Em quickly climbed up from the ground, panting. He often encountered this kind of thing. In this underground, once the steam pipe burst, this kind of thing would happen. Fortunately, he was far away from the explosion point and attacked. The gas temperature has dropped a lot.
Lorenzo quickly stood up and rushed directly towards the source in front of him. In the darkness, Em could vaguely distinguish Lorenzo's figure and the sound of his quickly leaving footsteps. He was suddenly scared. He knew very well what was going on. Only Lorenzo could take him out in the darkness. Even though he was afraid, he still ran wildly in the darkness, closely following Lorenzo's pace.
The secret blood was stirring, and Lorenzo was like a running wolf, passing through the hot gas and piercing into the darkness.
It was approaching afternoon, and the gloomy rain clouds were glowing with brilliant crimson. Many tourists from foreign lands stopped and marveled at this magnificent scenery.
The raging flames dyed the sky red in the main film. It was indeed shocking the first time I saw it, but after seeing it too much, I became accustomed to it. Some people joked and said that it could easily tell how long a person had stayed in Old Dunling.
"Then... what is that!"
The travelers from a foreign land seemed to have seen something and shouted in shock. Following his voice, people looked to the sky. The steel whale broke out of the clouds, its height dropped rarely, and passed over the city.
Just like a scene from a myth, the giant whale cut through the bright red rain clouds and tore the canvas of the sky, giving a slight glimpse of the scorching sun behind it.
The war airship is moving, but this time its height is very low. Some older people are very familiar with this. During the Glorious War, this is how the air cavalry appeared. The war airship conducted a round of artillery fire at high altitude, and then used the ground to After the flames burn it once, it will dive down, and then the air cavalry will fall from the sky.
People didn't understand the meaning of the war airship's dive, but then the rapid sound of horse hooves sounded at the end of the street, and the mounted police in full gear passed through the street.
They stopped at a square, and many mounted policemen rushed from other places. They gathered together, as if they were going to attack somewhere.
Eve was also among them. She raised her head and watched the giant steel whale swimming above her head, and suddenly felt an unreal feeling.
Chief Donas looked at the mounted policemen who arrived. Most of them looked confused and had no idea what the sudden gathering was for.
But as Sheriff Donners spoke, it became clear to them what to do next.
Pres hugged the gun in his arms tightly. According to Sheriff Donas, they were going to raid a hallucinogen smuggling operation. Because of the visit of the delegation, the old Dunling officials were prepared to take this opportunity to directly rectify the overflowing hallucinogens. Most of the hallucinogens have disappeared under the powerful blow, but a small number of them are still stubborn.
In order to eradicate these, only a few people know about this raid. Now the mounted police will rush all the way, and the guards stationed nearby will also provide them with certain assistance. Under this kind of raid, the other party will not have time to evacuate.
After Donas encouraged the mounted police, he was ready to start moving, but before leaving, he couldn't help but glance at the girl among the mounted police, Eve.
The proliferation of hallucinogens has always been a headache for Su Yalan Hall, until one day the newly promoted policeman brought information about the smuggling of hallucinogens. Donas didn't know where Eve got the information from, but after multiple verifications The accuracy of this information can be proved.
"Let's go!"
The troopers headed toward downtown.
"Do we need to do that?"
Some people were a little confused about what he had just done. They didn't understand why he wanted to cut off the route. He sealed the iron gates and detonated the pipeline. At this moment, the route in and out was blocked, and there was deadly high-temperature gas filling it.
Those who stayed behind couldn't get out, and they couldn't get in either.
"Knowing too much is never a good thing."
Zell didn't want to explain anything to these ignorant people. He didn't know how long it would take for these hallucinogens to take effect. He didn't want the group of demons to rush out before he could leave.
The end of the intersection was in an old building. They climbed out of the tunnel and breathed in the fresh air.
When you open the window, you can see the street view of the city. Behind an obvious junction line, on the other side is the downtown area.
It is very rare that this route leads to the edge where Xicheng District and Xiacheng District meet. The discovery of this place was due to a coincidence. They were planning to dig a tunnel to Xiacheng District to transport goods, but they did not expect to dig it. The workers' passage strayed into the furnace pillar system.
The people who responded indoors had been waiting for a long time. They took over the goods, and the carriage was waiting downstairs, ready to set off at any time.
"Has everything been dealt with?"
Eun Tak asked.
He was the coordinator, and they had been preparing for this special batch of goods for a long time.
"According to what you said, everything has been taken care of." Bale replied.
Regarding the specialness of this batch of hallucinogens, only a few core people knew about it. He was honored that he was also one of the core people.
"Very good, I'll take the goods and leave first... you can't leave yet."
Ende glanced at the goods being transported to the carriage, and then said to Belle.
Baner was stunned for a moment, and then as if he realized something, his eyes became serious and angry.
"The mounted police are coming and I need you to hold them off," Ende continued.
"Does that mean I've been abandoned?"
Belle asked calmly while suppressing his anger.
"Yes." Ender said bluntly without concealing it.
"I don't know who leaked the information, but that's it, the Mounties were almost here, and they gathered all of a sudden and didn't give people any time to react."
Ende took out a cigarette and started smoking quietly. They were still working hard to transport the goods, and Ende still had time to chat with Bale.
"I...I can't accept it!"
Baier suddenly felt a sense of ridicule in life. He had just given up on those who stayed behind just to confuse his sight, and now they were also given up for this ridiculous reason.
He knew he had no right to say anything, but he still felt ridiculed.
"You can only accept that this is our mission, for the great ideal." Ende said extremely calmly.
"You should know clearly, right, Belle, you swore an oath."
Baner was speechless, yes, he was bound by the oath.He struggled with sadness and finally gave up on survival.
"Okay, I see, help me take care of her."
"I will, we are all brothers."
The cigarette was extinguished and the goods had been shipped. Ende didn't take anyone with him. He was the same person when he came and he was the same person when he left.
"Aren't you going to take these?"
Baer saw that some of the hallucinogen had not been taken away and was placed in the corner of the room. Ende didn't care, he said without looking back.
"That's for you."
(End of this chapter)

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