Embers of Embers

Chapter 226 Remnants

Chapter 226 Remnants
Ende left, and the carriage kicked up dust and quickly disappeared at the end of the street, while Baier just stood there, looking at the remaining hallucinogen with some dejection. Behind the delicate glass was a liquid that dazzled like stars.
It was the key that everyone longed for, the key to heaven. The brilliant light rolled and flowed in it. Belle couldn't help but pick one up. The sharp iron whistle sounded from the distance, and the gods of death came on horseback.
There was no arrest. Although it was unclear what their plan was, Belle knew that his journey ended here.
Baier took a deep breath. It was difficult for normal people to face death calmly, and the same was true for him, but for his own thoughts, he stayed.
"I will ascend to heaven..."
He comforted himself like this, and then looked at the rest of the people in the room.
"Come here, everyone! Prepare weapons!"
Bale shouted ferociously that Ende decided his death, but he did not resent Ende, this was what they were destined to do.
The subordinates seemed very panicked. They had been secretly smuggling for a long time without being discovered. It can be said that they did not worry about this at all.
But the iron whistle sounded all around, like a flock of black birds calling for death, they hovered over the building.
Baner can die, but at least he won't die like this.
He grabbed all the hallucinogens and instructed everyone to evacuate. This was the junction of the lower city and they could last longer if they fled into the lower city.
Everything is so ridiculous, and sometimes the cycle of retribution comes so quickly. Baier broke open the iron door that was sealed by him and dived underground again. The thick steam obscured his vision, but he remembered the road and turned from another corner. Go in, and after passing another water inlet, they can reach the Lower City.
The sound of the iron whistle was like a reminder of death. The mounted police had broken through the gate, and the war airship was suspended above it, observing the surrounding situation.
"Search thoroughly and fire directly if there is resistance."
Sheriff Donas shouted, and he opened the door vigilantly. Rapid gunshots rang out, bullets flew through the wooden door, and the sudden sound caused panic in the entire street.
He hid to one side and signaled to the mounted police with his eyes. They all set up their firearms and fired a round of volleys directly into the building.
After the gunfire, Price rushed in first. Smoke and dust flew up. In the chaos, he raised his gun and shot. Although he was an ordinary police officer, Price's marksmanship was surprisingly good. The fleeing figure was killed by him with one shot. .
Traces of unloading could be seen, and broken wooden crates were everywhere. After taking advantage of the firepower, Donas led the police officers to advance.
I thought there would be a fierce gun battle, but Baner and others had already escaped without a trace.
The police officers occupied the building in an instant. This time, Su Yalan Hall tried its best to remove the last hallucinogen.
"There's a tunnel here, Sheriff."
Press shouted, and the dark door opened in front of him. If nothing else, those people escaped through here.
Donas hurried over to check, but the road was dark and steamy, and they didn't bring lighting equipment, so going forward undoubtedly increased many risks.
His face was ashen. This time Donas had successfully caught them, or almost, he didn't want these bastards to escape, but he was also afraid of the potential danger in the darkness.
Donas didn't have much time to think, and the more time he wasted, the more likely those people would escape.
"Go forward, look out for each other and don't get separated."
Donas said that in order to boost morale, he was at the forefront. This operation was not only about promotion and salary increase, but also about removing this damn tumor from the old Dunling.
The police officers didn't say much. In fact, they were not afraid. They were regular troops. Their firepower was fierce and their numbers were superior. It was natural for justice to defeat evil. There was nothing to be afraid of.
But perhaps because he had come into contact with a strange existence like Lorenzo, Pres became slightly wary. He leaned back slightly, not daring to take it lightly.
Some police officers were left behind to guard the scene and be careful not to let anyone slip through the crackdown.
It was a surprise attack, and everything happened so fast.
"Don't get fired."
A police officer reminded them that as they advanced in pairs, firearms were not very useful in this narrow passage and they might accidentally injure their teammates.
Eve was also in the team. Perhaps because of the newcomer, she was placed in the last team. The leader was Pres who led her in the first place.
The two of them were old acquaintances. If Eve had listened to Price and not chased that damn iron snake, what happened later might not have happened.
"You have to listen to my... advice this time."
Pres thought for a while and whispered to Eve beside him.
In the darkness, Eve turned around and looked at Pres, who was a little confused about what he said, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, it's very dangerous here, not on the surface. We can only move forward or retreat, and this is a single tunnel. When gangs are fighting, they like and hate this kind of terrain the most. As long as the firepower is sufficient, in this tunnel, You don't have time to escape or attack."
For some reason, Price is a police officer but looks like he is familiar with gangs.
"This kind of confined space is too dangerous," Price continued, "and I still have a strange feeling."
Eve didn't know many people in the Suaran Hall. Pres was one of them, so she could still listen to his nonsense.
"How does it feel?" Eve asked.
"It was weird, indescribable, like you knew something bad was going to happen."
This feeling actually appeared a long time ago, but Pres didn't pay much attention to it, but as time went by, it became more and more intense.
Eve's face changed slightly. Although the light was dim, her change still caught Pres' attention. Pres was a little surprised. After thinking briefly, he asked cautiously.
"Shouldn't it be..."
"Yeah, I feel that way too."
Eve said it directly without any hesitation.
The main source of intelligence for this operation was Eve. In fact, she began to doubt all this. The reason for all this was that a few weeks ago, Eve was investigating a case related to hallucinogens, and then she met the evil rat. , and got a lot of secret information.
In fact, in retrospect, Eve realized the abruptness and irrationality of all this. It seemed that she had not found the mysterious evil rat, but that the evil rat was waiting to be found by her, as if someone was secretly controlling everything.
Price felt more strange. He recalled that weird night when the mounted police tried to attack the underground palace, but encountered the mysterious troops and the Kestrel who gave him guns at that time.
Although Lorenzo tried his best to avoid all this, Pres was still contaminated by the darkness. He could feel the unknown fear and became vigilant because of it.
While the two were talking, a violent explosion sounded. In this sealed space, scorching waves of air rushed towards their faces. The impact of high temperature directly overturned Donas in the front. The hot air was difficult to breathe. Several The police officer almost fainted.
But at this moment, there were panicked footsteps, and the guns were raised, and they were extremely vigilant.
A somewhat frightened and immature voice sounded.
"No...don't shoot!"
Em coughed painfully, and the scorching heat seemed to have burned him. He raised his hand and walked out of the mist. Donner had already pulled out his pistol, but he never expected that the person who walked out would be a child.
a few minutes ago.
"Aren't we going on?"
Em said to the man next to him with some fear. He had his eyes closed, but he could see the light flowing through the gaps in his eyelids.
Lorenzo closed his eyes tightly. After rushing for a certain distance, he suddenly stopped. He stood in the hot mist without feeling too hot.
Em had difficulty breathing, and every exhalation and breath was accompanied by severe pain, as if hot water was poured into the lungs.
"They're back."
Lorenzo said suddenly.
He didn't want to expand the scope of the incident. Just like the rules of the purge agency, events in the dark ended in the dark. Demons couldn't run around in the streets of Old Dunling in broad daylight, so after Baier detonated the steam pipe , he got up quickly, Lorenzo suspected that he was already reaching the exit, so he wanted to block these roads.
But the slight sound that followed made him change his mind.
The dense sound of iron whistles was all too familiar. For some reason, the mounted policemen of Suyalan Hall also joined in the chaos.
came back?
When Em was thinking about what was going on, Lorenzo covered his mouth, and at the same time he turned his back, turning the burning light away from the darkness.
The unlucky child thought that Lorenzo was going to kill him, but then footsteps sounded, and Bell and the others were back.
Em's heart became cold. He was in the hot steam, but he couldn't feel any warmth at all. He was like a running monster. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Just when he was about to approach the two of them, they suddenly changed. He changed his direction and walked towards another intersection in the darkness.
Bale and Lorenzo passed by each other. As long as he got closer, he would be able to spot Lorenzo, but the diffuse fog and darkness perfectly hid Lorenzo's figure.
"It seems that the door of Su Yalan Hall is blocked."
Lorenzo whispered, there was no time to worry about why Su Yalan Hall appeared here. This sudden change frustrated Lorenzo's actions. It seemed that these people would not take him to see the mastermind behind the scenes.
"Run ahead, Em, you may encounter a group of police officers, so my advice is, keep your hands up as you run."
Lorenzo said.
Em was still a little confused, but Lorenzo took out the shotgun and pointed it at him. When Em was confused, Lorenzo fired directly, and the gunfire burst out.
The boy ran like crazy, and kept running forward according to Lorenzo's words. Lorenzo, like a bad joke, fired at Em from time to time, but the bullet did not fall on him, but broke through From the steam pipe above, hot steam surged again, filling the entire tunnel.
Such harsh conditions will slow down the progress of the police officers. Although he does not know what their purpose is, Lorenzo does not want them to participate in this melee. After all, those weird hallucinogens are still there, maybe It will turn into a monster war.
As he turned the corner, dew condensed on the folding knife and flowed slowly.
Baer continued to move forward with the hallucinogen. His life has entered the countdown, but when you know your own death date, some things are not so scary. Looking down at the hallucinogen in your hand, the gorgeous starlight Fascinating.
Although he was in the business of transporting hallucinogens, Kebel had never tried these things. He lived like an ascetic.
He is a remnant, a remnant full of anger. He is not accepted by Yin Erweg nor recognized by Gaul Naluo. He lives in the gap between the two and has no place to return.
The Baners are a legacy of the war, a group that should not have existed.
He thought he would continue to suffer like this until someone said, since no one accepts us, let us build our own kingdom of heaven.
"I will ascend to heaven..."
Baier muttered again, but this was because the sultry air was surging violently, and the warrior's instinct warned him. He turned his head sharply, and then saw the evil wolf in the darkness.
The bright pupils were burning, like wild beasts walking in the night, and it seemed as if some kind of monster was peering at them.
Baier was trembling for a moment, but then the fireworks of disillusionment surged out with the roar of gunfire.
The red dragon breathed, and the metal magnesium particles were ignited by the flames. They rushed out of the muzzle with a dazzling fire, forming a terrifying fire stream, which directly lit up the dim space. At the same time, the fire stream continued to advance, and the humid air became dry. , the blazing heat that was already difficult to breathe made people even more uncomfortable under this heating.
The dragon's breath bomb actually has no amazing lethality. After the metal magnesium particles are ignited and fired out of the muzzle, the kinetic energy of the bullet itself has become almost non-existent. Its main attack method is to burn and spread fear.
Lorenzo's blow was indeed intimidating, and everyone was stunned. With this brief illumination, Lorenzo used his extremely strong night vision to lock the specific positions of several people, and the light disappeared in an instant. , and the jackknife has arrived.
He doesn't need many lives, one is enough.
There was no room for resistance. The sudden high-intensity light in the darkness made everyone's eyes feel uncomfortable. After the light dissipated, the remaining light and shadow still blurred their vision, and then the cold folding knife directly cut open their eyes. The throat freezes the scene in darkness forever.
Everything happened so fast. It was only when the second person collapsed in pain in the darkness that Baier recovered from the panic. The strange monster was still killing in the darkness. He could hear the steel chopping the air. He could sense the sown fear.
The burning whiteness danced in the darkness, leaving the afterimage of light trails in the eyes.
"Open... open fire!"
At this time, another person escaped from the panic and pulled the trigger. As he raised it, the others also opened fire. The dense firelight flashed and extinguished in the darkness, and the steel projectiles weaved into a deadly rain of arrows. And arrived.
They hit the target, but then the projectile bounced off the black shadow, seeming to collide with steel, causing a brief fire.
Baier didn't know what he was facing at all, but the next second the eyes looked directly at him, close in front of him, staring at the flames, as if he was facing the day, burning his soul.
(End of this chapter)

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