Embers of Embers

Chapter 227 Long time no see

Chapter 227 Long time no see
Fear crept into Baier's mind, but he was soon restrained. This was the moment of life and death, and Baier quickly pulled out the dagger from his waist.
He looked angry, so it didn't matter if he was an evil ghost. He believed that he could ascend to heaven and had no place to stand, so he went to snatch a piece of it.
The survivors don't need others to take them in, they are enough for themselves, which is what Baner has been working hard for.
In the hot and unbearable air, Ban Er swung the dagger, and swung it with all his strength towards the unknown thing in front of him. The steel collided with each other, sparking a dazzling fire, as if he was facing a An armored knight, Baier's attack had no effect at all.
His arms were numb from the violent friction, and he couldn't even hold the dagger tightly, but the howling wind suddenly rose more violently. Although the attack had not yet landed, the killing intent was already terrifying enough.
The god of death waved his sickle and vowed to take away his life.
Bale only had time to lean back and fall backwards. This might be able to avoid Lorenzo's fatal blow, but it was just a last resort. He fell to the ground and had no chance to resist.
The cold light of the folding knife grazed his cheek, bringing up bright red blood, but at this moment, intensive gunshots rose, and the bullets fell like a violent storm.
This brought some life to Baier, but the folding knife suddenly struck again. In the darkness, Baier could only see a glimmer of light, and then blood splashed on his shoulder.
The pain made him sober for a moment. He stabbed out the dagger again, but was hit hard on his chest like a war hammer. The impact made him stop breathing, and there was an uncontrollable sound in his chest. dull pain.
One of them advanced with a gun, and the heavy projectile might not be able to defeat Lorenzo's armor, but the kinetic energy it carried hit him like a heavy hammer.
Lorenzo fired at the most violent point, and the broken projectiles flew past and took away lives, but more gunfire followed, echoing in the closed space, as if thunderclouds were gathering deep underground, The dull thunder shook everyone who listened.
The police officers temporarily withdrew from the tunnel after the impact of the steam. Price was handcuffing Em. At this moment, the sound of thunder and punishment rang back and forth in the deep tunnel, and finally spread to the surface. superior.
Everyone froze on the spot, looking at the dark hole with a bit of fear, as if it led to hell, and those monsters were fighting in hell, and the wild shouts extended into the real world.
Donas couldn't help but hesitate. He was sure that these people had escaped into the tunnel, but what was happening there now?
With this thought in mind, he grabbed Em who was beside him, grabbed his collar with both hands, and asked angrily.
"Tell me what happened inside!"
Em escaped from it, he must know something.
But this child was obviously extremely frightened. He looked very sick after being malnourished for a long time and not seeing the sun. He shook his head in fear and could not say anything.
For a long time, he thought he would die in that dark stronghold, but now that he came out, he seemed to have fallen into even greater trouble.
"I... I don't know! I don't know anything!"
Em shouted loudly that he didn't know anything, he didn't know what all this was going on, and even said that he shouldn't be alive.
A few minutes ago, he almost died in the darkness that no one knew about. The only reason he survived was because of Lorenzo's dispensable pity.
He had no idea who that monstrous man was or what he was going to do.
At this moment, a more violent sound came from the tunnel. The steel was violently colliding, and then another wave of air surged out. The high-temperature steam brought dust and iron filings, hitting everyone like raindrops. Some of them were too close and were even scratched by the high-speed debris.
Iron filings penetrated clothing and cut skin.
Donas had a heavy look on his face. He didn't want to give up this opportunity, but he was afraid of the unknown in the darkness. He looked at the police officers on the side. The officers whose morale was high at first were also shocked by the sudden change, and their faces were full of fear and fear. Worry.
The dark unknown is always scary. He cursed secretly, but still mustered up the courage and pulled out his gun.
"Keep going, follow me."
Donas walked in front. The police officers actually wanted to refuse, but under pressure, they had to step in again.
In the darkness, the massacre continued. They were firing like crazy, and bullets kept hitting the strange figure. But just like the previous result, the bullets bounced on it and deflected, leaving only a little bit behind. The firelight barely illuminated the rugged figure.
His hearing has become blurred. In this thundercloud, everyone hears only the rumble of gunshots, and the flashes of fire turn into psychedelic images in his vision.
They breathed heavily. Although the hot air was painful, they still breathed hard, even if they were burned because of it. The remaining heat burned their internal organs, as if a fire was igniting in their bodies.
Someone fired the bullet, then raised the dagger on his waist and slashed at the armor. He didn't know whether the attack was effective, but other than this, they had no other choice.
The monster in the nightmare came to them. They still don't know what kind of monster they are facing, but they know one thing very well. In this situation, only one party can survive.
In the darkness, they couldn't accurately judge Lorenzo's position. They could only rely on continuous gunfire to keep up with Lorenzo's pace. Not to mention that they themselves were not regular fighters. In the end, they were just a group of gang members. .
The dagger was swung down hard, but failed to cut Lorenzo. The arm holding the weapon fell in mid-air, and the next moment Lorenzo's folding knife penetrated his throat.
Slashing out horizontally, half of the body was shattered together. The fishy smell mixed with the old hot air, turning into gaseous fear.
Savor the deliciousness with your breath, and respond with the same shiver.
This was Lorenzo's victory, the victory of fear.
Someone else continued to attack. He detonated the steam pipe behind Lorenzo. In the high-frequency scream, hot gas spurted out. The instant impact made Lorenzo stagger. This could burn people to death. power, but its impact on this monster is pitiful.
More dew condensed on the armor and was thrown off as he swung his sword.
People resisted in vain. This was not what made people most desperate. What was really desperate was the monster they were fighting against.
The fire left by the impact of the bullet was like a puzzle piece, piece by piece pieced together to piece together the appearance of the monster. Lorenzo slashed wantonly, taking away one life after another with his folding knife.
Bale hugged the remaining hallucinogen tightly and ran wildly in the darkness. This was a debilitating situation. Everything in this environment was tormenting Bale's senses.
The tragic wails, the hot air, the burning on the surface of the body, and the fear in the heart.
He was going to die, he was going to die, it was only at this moment that Baner recognized himself, his cowardly and ridiculous self.
People always make some lofty words before they die, but when the nightmare guy catches up, Baier realizes how ridiculous his lofty words are. He doesn't have the calmness before death. He is so scared that he can only He ran away in a panic.
He turned back to look at the terrible darkness. The gunfire was like a flashlight. In the moment of light, Baier saw the blurry ghost figure. He waved the pale folding knife in the fleeting light. In the connection between light and darkness , he moved at super high speed, and after every shutter-like gunshot, a figure fell forever.
All this was like a stop-motion animation, until everyone was dead. He raised his head and looked at Baier at the end of the darkness.
Baier ran with all his strength. He had lost his judgment and ran around in the dark. He slipped due to the accumulation of water, but he got up quickly.
He couldn't stop, stopping would mean death. In extreme panic, Belle moved along the path. He could hear the sound of rushing water and was about to reach the lower city.
But he staggered and fell heavily to the ground. Severe pain came from his leg. He turned his head and looked around. His leg was cut by a protruding iron piece and he was bleeding.
Bair growled, he couldn't stand up anymore, he could only desperately drag his injured leg and crawl to the corner. Blood was dragging on the ground. There were thin sounds in the darkness, and the mice were peeping at him, like Like a carrion-eating vulture, he awaits the death of Bale.
"Go away!"
He roared to disperse the mice, but he didn't have much strength. He hit the ground, and the pain was exerted together, and he became numb instead.
It was such a despairing day. Death came so suddenly and without any warning.
There were tears in Bair's eyes. As a survivor, his slightly miserable life seemed to be ending like this.
"My master...my master..."
Baner suddenly began to whisper absentmindedly, repeating it repeatedly, like a devout believer.
Strange murmurs sounded in his ears, as if someone was whispering something. He urged Baier to go there in person.
There was no hope left. He looked at the hallucinogens. Perhaps driven by desperation or fear chasing him, he stretched out his hand and injected the hallucinogens into his body one after another.
In a desperate situation, the so-called will is so ridiculous. Baier can face death, but not such a fear-filled death.
The effect of the medicine quickly coursed through his body, filling every part of his blood vessels, soothing his nerves and driving away his pain.
He was so much more comfortable that he could not feel even the pain of death that tormented him so much.
Joy and happiness enveloped him, but Ban Er remained awake for the last time. The secret blood was activated in his body, changing his fragile body, and the ever-growing taboo power began to breed new weirdness. In the darkness, the secret blood rose in Baner's body, lighting up a pure white beacon.
"Master...is that you?"
The day of death has come, and Baier actually doesn't believe in any ghosts and gods, but now that he has witnessed all this, he can't help but marvel.
Staring at the darkness in front of him, he could clearly feel that the darkness was squirming, and finally outlined a gray figure. There was obviously no extra light source, but Baier could clearly see the color appearing on his body.
The creeping darkness turned into an illusory shadow, and the man approached Baier, with a benevolent smile on his young face.
Belle couldn't believe it.
In this weird atmosphere, the connection arrived across the physical distance. The man lowered his body and brushed Bair's face.
"You... are you real?"
Zell suspected that this was the effect of a hallucinogen. Under the influence of this drug, it was not strange to see anything, but the man said.
"I'm real, Belle."
Ban Er was slightly taken aback, then began to cry.
"I'm going to die, Master, I'm going to die..."
He cried about his doomed fate.
"Don't worry, Bair, like I said, death is not the end, it is just the beginning of another journey." He gently rubbed Bair's hair, just like a priest saying the last mass for the dying person. .
"Will there be a place for us?"
"It will happen eventually," the man replied.
Baner's eyes were a little blurry, maybe he had been in an illusion, but soon his eyes became fierce again.
This may be the complexity and contradiction of human nature. He was so scared before, but now he is so angry.
"You can't lie to me! Master! I swore an oath!"
Baier roared angrily, and like a death curse, he grabbed the man's hand tightly.
"You promised us! If you cheat, I swear, I will never forgive you!"
This is his biggest wish as a survivor. If death can give him a place to live, he is willing to die.
The man also seemed a little surprised, he didn't expect such anger at the end of crying.
"You will ascend to heaven, a heaven that belongs only to us, your heaven."
Just as he had promised, the man spoke affectionately, but no one responded to him. Baier died. An overdose of hallucinogens killed him, but he came back to life. The taboo secret blood dominated This body's heavy heartbeat sounded slowly, getting faster and faster.
The life that was not allowed glowed in his body, and a weird smile still remained on his face.
Lawrence shook his head helplessly, and then stood up. He looked into the darkness on the other side. The burning eyes were slowly approaching, but he seemed unable to see Lawrence's existence.
"It's been a long time no see..."
Lawrence sighed a little, and then broke off the connection with the [Gap]. The weird and creeping darkness collapsed and completely disappeared into the illusory consciousness, as if he had never been there.
When Lawrence woke up from the chair again, the old Dunling outside the window was still so gloomy, with clouds of fire covering the entire sky, and giant steel whales rising and falling in the clouds. He stood up and walked to the window, staring at Baier. direction of death.
The door was slightly pushed open, and the epidemic doctor was standing not far away. At his feet were piles of boxes containing the hallucinogens shipped by Ende.
(End of this chapter)

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