Embers of Embers

Chapter 228 Winner

Chapter 228 Winner
"It's certain that someone is indeed secretly tracking us, but it's not the purge agency or Su Yalan Hall."
The epidemic doctor came over and made a guess about the raid. Everything they had done before was perfect and they had never made any mistakes, except this time, which was extremely critical.
"It is impossible that the Su Yalan Department has the power to detect these, but similarly, if the purification agency discovers these, the attackers will not be these police officers, but the original sin armor falling from the sky."
Just as Lorenzo and others expected, Lawrence had a team, an organization that was formed in secret. Although it was not strong enough, it was enough to be driven by Lawrence.
"You don't have to worry about these things for now. After all, this is Old Dunling, the capital of Yin Erweg. This is the epitome of the entire Western world. Don't be surprised by anything that happens."
Lawrence said somewhat flatly, as if he had expected this incident, or maybe he didn't care.
After living for so long, Lawrence knew one truth: no matter how much preparation he made, when the event unfolded, there would always be some uncontrollable factors. The preparations he made only reduced the impact of those uncontrollable factors. .
Like Lorenzo is still alive.
It wasn't until the end of that deadly battle that Lawrence understood the reason for all this. He was not the only winner on the Night of Advent.
"Lorenzo Holmes...he's a dangerous guy, very dangerous."
The epidemic doctor was a little curious. This was not the first time he had seen the demon hunter. He felt very ordinary and even seemed a little weak when fighting Lawrence. He didn't understand why Lawrence described him like this.
"Where is the danger?" the epidemic doctor asked.
"The danger lies within... I have never understood how he counterattacked me in the [gap], but now that I think about it, everything is so obvious."
Lawrence said with some fear, he almost died in Watson's hands, just a little bit.
What did the epidemic doctor think of? He asked with some suspicion.
"Who is Lorenzo? Who was he before he was named Lorenzo Holmes?"
Lawrence must know something, the secret that no one knows and is hidden by dust.
But Lawrence refused.
"Shh, plague doctor, don't wake up those guys."
He pretended to be mysterious and said.
"He's still alive, Plague Doctor."
"Who is still alive?" the epidemic doctor asked.
Lawrence no longer made any answers. He was in control of "Revelation", and more and more secrets became clear in his eyes.
As a demon hunter, Lawrence's ability to become a cardinal is the end of his status, but even so, the church is still on guard against him. After all, his essence is just an inferior weapon, and the weapon does not need to know those secrets.
"This is a taboo matter. Contacting him rashly will only drag us down. Besides, there are more interesting things than him right now."
"For example?" the epidemic doctor asked.
"For example, Cardinal Miguel."
Lawrence looked at the doctor, trying to see something under the doctor's thick mask.
"The new pope does not seem friendly, otherwise the tough Michael would not have failed like this," Lawrence continued. "I am familiar with him. Unlike the others, Michael is a fanatical believer. A complete madman, he was the staunch believer when we were discussing how to deal with the Holy Grail."
The epidemic doctor listened quietly. Most of the people related to that period of history were dead. Being able to hear all the mysterious things at that time gave the epidemic doctor a strange sense of honor.
"When he heard the thoughts of the war faction, he drew his sword angrily and regarded those people as heretics... If no one stopped him, he would really go on a killing spree."
"It sounds like you guys will get along very well," the doctor said.
For some reason, even though he had never met the cardinal, just based on this description, he felt that Lawrence and Miguel were somewhat similar.
"I'm different from him, we just look similar," Lawrence shook his head. "Miguel and I are both radical and crazy, but he will show his crazy side to everyone, but I am different, I will In the dark, release my rage little by little."
The epidemic doctor couldn't help but shudder. Yes, this is Lawrence. The epidemic doctor actually forgot this. No one knows what Lawrence wants to do, but as he said, he is a cunning guy like a poisonous snake.
While the Faith Faction and the War Faction were still arguing, he was secretly planning a rebellion and became the biggest winner in the Night of Advent.
It is even said that when he is about to die, he can be reborn in another body with that strange power.
The way the doctor looked at Lawrence, the old priest was dead, and now he saw a young man. There was nothing impressive about him, but it was not easy to forget.
"It's great to be young. Even my mentality has changed slightly."
Lawrence said with some joy that the process of adapting to the new body was not difficult. It felt like being released from a prison.
"What to do next? I guess Feilengcui's envoys are not just those envoys."
More and more people are coming here, this city of steam and machinery, Old Dunling.
"Everyone is looking for us, or the Book of Revelation."
This is what the epidemic doctor is most worried about. Although his combat power is not bad, he witnessed the fall of the fire from a distance. The epidemic doctor does not think that he can survive the firepower on that scale.
"Don't worry, just watch it all happen behind the scenes."
Lawrence turned and looked out the window. The scenery was infinitely beautiful.
"After all, 'Lawrence' is dead. Human beings are greedy, and that kind of greed will drag reason into madness little by little."
He laughed, recalling Lorenzo's appearance in his mind. Lawrence once thought that what he did was perfect enough, but he never thought that the biggest winner would be him, this person.
"You won everything at the table, great sir."
Lawrence raised his glass to nothingness, as if to honor a long-dead friend.
The blood exudes a fishy smell, mixed with the slightly hot water vapor. There is a sharp sound of steam in the darkness, the water vapor spreads, and the feet step on the shallow puddles. Everything underground makes Dona Si felt uncomfortable, but in order to apprehend those damn guys, he still came down.
In fact, this is also for himself. During this period of martial law, if he solves this case, he may be promoted to a position, preferably in an office, and he will no longer have to deal with cases in such a ghost place.
Price and Eve were not far behind Donas.These police officers were extremely timid. In the short time they advanced, a large distance opened up between them.
With obstructed vision and vulnerable to attack, Donas walks along the wall, holding on to the wall after exiting the tunnel.
Under the long-term steam, a layer of fine water droplets has formed on the wall, and as the palms are brushed, they gather into water droplets and fall down.
Donas moved forward slowly, and soon the hand holding the wall touched something.
There were small holes one after another. It was obvious that they were caused by gunshots. Judging from Donas' years of experience, it must be that a disaster was imminent and there was internal strife in the gang.
But then he touched something different. It was a crack, but it was different from the cracks he was familiar with. Judging from the touch of his palm, it was more like a scratch, which seemed to be caused by something sharp.
Suddenly, Donas's heart was in suspense. He felt countless scratches, as if there had been some kind of sharp rainstorm here. He didn't know why he was afraid of such things, but as time went by, Liquid flowed through his palms.
Not condensation, but some kind of more viscous liquid.
Donas stopped and slowly raised his feet. There was a strange pulling sensation between the water on the soles of the shoes and the ground... This was not condensation, this was blood, a large smear of blood.
The disgusting stench poured into his nasal cavity, amplifying the fear several times in an instant. Donas didn't understand what was going on. It was not that he had never seen corpses and touched blood, but everything he had done before was different. Not as violent as this time.
The demon's erosion magnified everything, and the police officers behind them seemed to be affected by this power. Many people had stopped in the darkness, and some were even moving backward slightly, trying to escape from here.
Donas turned his head and wanted to say something to his police officers. Although he hadn't encountered anything so far, the weird sense of fear had swallowed all his sanity.
He opened his mouth, but another voice interrupted him.
Something was panting in the darkness, its breath carrying a disgusting smell coming through the slightly hot air.
The sound of breathing was so low and long that it was not a sound that humans could make.
All movements stopped for a moment. Although there was no communication, Donas could clearly feel the silence at this moment, and then there was the sound of heavy steps that shattered the silence.
The strange thing was moving in the darkness, and its sound was obscured by the sharp roar of steam, making it difficult to determine its location.
Donas took a deep breath. He couldn't say anything. At this moment, the sound of hurried escapes was heard. A police officer could no longer bear the unbearable fear and darkness. He screamed and headed out of the tunnel. get away.
His move directly affected other people. Under the cover of erosion, the will of these ordinary people was fragile, and they fled like a flock of dispersed birds.
Donas really wanted to shout out and tell them not to run away. If there was really something inhuman and weird moving forward in the darkness, then everyone would be protected by the escaping steam and the sound of steam. Now Running around is undoubtedly exposing yourself to the darkness.
But it was too late. A long and piercing roar came from the darkness. The high roar tortured everyone's eardrums, followed by a violent friction sound, as if steel and rock intersected, leaving a huge crack on the wall. scar.
Donas also started to move at this moment. His survival instinct made him run wildly into the darkness. At this moment, his mind went blank, and erosion gradually eroded his reason. When those gunshots and screams sounded, it was undoubtedly... Speed ​​up the breakdown of sanity.
The police officers couldn't see what was in the darkness. They opened fire instinctively, but they could only glimpse the evil and hateful corner in the brief firelight.
Their rationality began to collapse the moment they observed the evil, and then the sharp bone blade penetrated their bodies and nailed them to the wall.
This sudden change triggered a series of shootings, and the police officers screamed in the constant light of the fire.
Perhaps because she has experienced enough, Eve is no stranger to this situation. It is even said that Eve realized all this when the gasping sound was heard, but she had no way to explain it, or even had time to remind others. It was like A trap, someone wants to kill everyone who tracks down the shipment.
"Don't shoot. If you can't kill that kind of thing, you might as well keep it and shoot yourself!"
Eve only had time to grab Pres next to her, but Pres's reaction seemed to her to be pretty good. He was not as frightened as ordinary people. He actually still had some sense and could think in this desperate situation.
Price was also wondering about this. It was strange that he seemed to have some courage at the moment, barely holding on in this despair.
But then the entire darkness began to shake, dust and gravel fell, as if the entire space was about to collapse.
"Escape! Escape!"
Eve shouted anxiously, even though the darkness blocked her observation, she was still sure that it was a demon, and only a demon could do all this.
At this moment, they are just unarmed mortals. Even if Eve is some kind of female captain Yin Erweg, judging from Arthur's condition at that time, she can only barely resist.
Escape, only escape, was like a terrible dream. From the moment they entered the tunnel, they broke away from reality and entered fear.
In the darkness, it was difficult to determine the direction. Amidst the random running and continuous screams, Price actually saw some light in this damn darkness.
The light was so kind, and Price moved forward subconsciously.
Eve wanted to stop him. The only light in the darkness was so obvious. When you get close to the light, the monsters will also find your traces. In comparison, darkness is a safer place.
Like a moth tending to the fire, Price moved forward, but as he moved forward, his pace gradually slowed down. The closer he got to the light, the more clearly he could see what was under the light.
Fireworks rise.
Blazing white light overflowed from the gaps between the iron armor, as if the scorching sun was wrapped under the steel. It was pure destruction, an irresistible will to die.
Price was stunned. He was completely unprepared to meet his death like this, but sometimes, life is like this, it comes suddenly and doesn't give you any chance to prepare.
The sound of the gunshot took away his hearing, and there was only a faint buzzing in the silence, and then blazing white fireworks burst out from the muzzle of the gun, penetrating the darkness again.
Lorenzo tightened his grip on the folding knife and jumped directly over Pres, chasing the fleeing demon.
(End of this chapter)

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