Embers of Embers

Chapter 229 Sentiment

Chapter 229 Sentiment
Demon, what exactly is it?
After Bel transformed into a demon, when Lorenzo was fighting with him, the demon hunter couldn't help but think of these things.
Bel is somewhat similar to Sabo. They are directly injected with secret blood without specialization and training. Such bodies and wills cannot control the forbidden power, so they go crazy and lose control and become abominable monsters.
But unlike pure demons, they still retain some sense after being completely demonized. Just like Sabo at that time, he could even resist erosion and talk to Lorenzo normally, while Zell was obviously much worse than Sabo. , he also retains part of his sanity, but it is only a biological instinct.
Baner sought advantages and avoided disadvantages, avoiding Lorenzo's pursuit in this dark space. It ran so fast, its extended arms moving so quickly that Lorenzo couldn't keep up with it for a while.
But this place was closed after all, and Baier had nowhere to escape until these police officers appeared here.
Lorenzo had to admire the courage and professionalism of these people. The fight here was in full swing, and the hot steam continued to spread with the impact. It felt like no normal person would come in... But also, how could normal people know the existence of demons? ?
Passing over the stunned Pres, the afterglow of the dragon's breath bullet briefly illuminated the hellish scene.
The stagnant water on the ground was mixed with blood, and the stagnant water was mixed with flowing blood. Countless cracks were all over the walls and the ground. No one knew what kind of battle Lorenzo had fought with the monster before. .
Bale was not far away. It had completely transformed into a demon, and its size had increased several times. While killing, the dead limbs were also integrated into its body. Eve on the side also witnessed this terrifying scene. Weird, even though the light only lasted for a few seconds, the disgusting image was already imprinted in her mind.
Sharp claws pierced out from the arms, directly dividing the entire palm into two parts. There were several such weird and slender arms, and the core was a bloated body. The pale abdomen was swollen, the lower limbs were atrophied, and the dry hands were He raised his feet high and relied only on the countless arms of his upper body to scratch the ground to stand and move.
Press couldn't help retching, and the thick red liquid was entangled between the arms. The center part could barely see Baier's head, with a strange smile on his pale face. With the help of hallucinogens, he died with joy.
"Then...what is that..."
Pres had almost no strength to move, fear gripping his throat tightly.
"It's a demon."
Lorenzo responded coldly, the folding knife reflected the blazing white fireworks, and his armor was full of scratches. He didn't know what he had just experienced.
Press whispered the words filled with fear, but then he realized something. The voice sounded so familiar.
He looked at the burning figure in front of him and couldn't believe it.
"Lorenzo? Lorenzo Holmes!"
Pres roared in shock, but Lorenzo didn't respond. He suddenly accelerated. Accelerating with him was Belle. Several slender arms held up the bloated body in this dark space. Moving quickly, it looked like a giant spider, its sharp bone blades piercing the walls and the ground, making a sharp sound.
Lorenzo followed him closely, firing the shotgun in his hand continuously, and the fire burst out, accompanied by the demon's wail, shattering limbs and bringing up sticky blood.
Donas in the corner was covered in blood, and he couldn't even scream. He could only witness the monsters fighting to the death.
Baier let out an ear-piercing scream, and his slender arm swept towards Lorenzo with a bone blade. The sharp folding knife collided with him, making a metallic clang.
The bones were strong, and the sharp folding knife did not cut it off for a while.
Lorenzo did not continue to pursue, but instead grabbed the bone blade with one hand. When Belle retracted his arm, he advanced with him and approached again.
Baner is a tricky monster. Different from the miscellaneous fish that he usually kills, this kind of monster that is out of human form is very complicated. Sure enough, just like Lorenzo's several previous attacks, when Lorenzo got close to Baner, countless Qing's bone blades struck together, as if it had swung out all its fists and hit Lorenzo hard.
Like dozens of swords, the impact on the armor caused brilliant sparks, and at the same time forcefully pushed Lorenzo away from him.
This kind of confrontation has happened many times. Lorenzo can't get close to Bale, and Bale's bone blade can't penetrate Lorenzo's armor.
But this time it was slightly different. Lorenzo fired at close range when he was pushed away. The shotgun was almost placed on his arm and fired. In the roar, the entire arm was shattered by the projectile, and the broken limbs fell down.
Lorenzo began to miss the nail sword of the Demon Hunting Order. Although it wore out a bit quickly, it was indeed a sharp weapon against demons. The folding knife was also plated with holy silver, but in order to save holy silver, holy silver was only present on the knife. On the head, this makes the effective killing area much smaller, so that Lorenzo is often unable to completely cut off the arm with one blow.
After picking up a few bullets, the shotgun spit out the residual heat of the bullet, and Lorenzo reloaded. While fighting, Lorenzo was also driving away Bale, protecting the police officers behind him.
"Take them away, Eve, this is not the place you should stay."
shouted Lorenzo.
Eve ran in the dark. Although she was not ready to accept Lorenzo again, she also knew that Lorenzo was an expert in this field, and laymen should just listen to the experts.
She signaled Pres to run towards the tunnel from which he came, and at the same time searched for the surviving police officers in the darkness. However, it seemed that everyone had a strong desire to survive. When Lorenzo stopped the demon, a large part of them had already left here.
"It really is you! Lorenzo!"
Hearing the familiar voice again, Price yelled as he ran.
This was not a good time for a friend to meet, but Price couldn't help but yell.
I often go out with this detective to investigate cases. Every time, this detective takes the lead and looks for some weird cases, but Preiss has never encountered any danger.
For a moment, he thought that maybe Lorenzo would fight these monsters every time, and then come back to him lightly afterwards, sometimes extorting a few meals from him.
This detective is really annoying, but at the same time seems so reliable.
"Don't die! Lorenzo!"
Press shouted worriedly, but his pace did not slow down. He did not look back and ran very fast, quite like Lorenzo.
Lorenzo didn't notice Pres's sentimentality at this moment, nor did he expect that this guy's thoughts were so fast. Lorenzo was only thinking about one thing now, how to kill Belle.
He is the hunter, and Belle is the prey.
(End of this chapter)

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