Embers of Embers

Chapter 230 Meeting

Chapter 230 Meeting
This was a tough chase. Two monsters collided and fought with each other in the darkness. The entire underground space shook wildly. As the fighting became more fierce, gravel and dust flew up.
The field of vision has become completely chaotic. Baner destroyed everything around him on the way, the steam pipe was repeatedly cut and damaged by the bone blade, the air in the space became more humid and hot, and the visual range continued to shrink. Even under such circumstances, he could barely make out the phantom in the dark, but couldn't see Baner clearly.
The two monsters maintained a strange balance at this moment. Lorenzo could not get close to Baier, and Baier could not kill Lorenzo. He took out the last dragon's breath bomb, and as he pulled the trigger, a blazing stream of fire penetrated the darkness. .
At this moment, all the warhead could do was provide illumination and intimidation. The air was very humid and the flame could not be completely ignited. Lorenzo used this renewed light to determine the specific location of Bale.
They were always moving, and just like the demon's photophobia, after seeing the blazing stream of fire, Baier showed an expression of fear, screamed continuously, and at the same time drove his arms harder to move.
Lorenzo actually wanted to laugh a little. The demon who instilled fear would also be afraid. Although it was like the instinct of a creature, it seemed a bit funny now.
This is a chase. This underground space is complex and huge. Lorenzo and Baier have been chasing each other for a long time. In addition to knowing that this is underground, Lorenzo does not know his specific location.
Weird sounds echoed in the confined space, and Lorenzo caught up with Baier again and launched an offensive.
The jackknife slashed, this time under Lorenzo's great strength, it became a rough blunt weapon in Lorenzo's hands instead of a sharp weapon, and the jackknife slammed like an iron rod, breaking it directly A slender arm.
The bones were broken, but the muscles still connected them. With the blood flowing, Baner screamed again. More bone blades fell. Lorenzo raised his armor-covered hand and withstood all the attacks. The impact was so It was so powerful that Lorenzo's arm was slightly numb for a moment.
But he didn't stay where he was and was beaten. While receiving the attack, he approached again. This time, Baer didn't bounce him away. Several bone blades struck, and it pierced Lorenzo's armor precisely, restraining him like a cage. Lorenzo.
This made Lorenzo a little surprised. For the first time since the fight, Baier changed his tactics. Instead of blindly escaping, he counterattacked. However, a huge impact soon interrupted Lorenzo's thinking, and the bone blade hit him. Lorenzo hit the side wall.
The stone bricks shattered, and Lorenzo's whole body was dented. Most people would have been shattered to pieces, but with the protection of the armor and the body of the demon hunter, Lorenzo only felt a dull pain.
But the sudden change interrupted the attack that Lorenzo had just prepared, and the gravel fell heavily. Lorenzo tried to climb out of it, and then the heavy stone bricks collapsed, taking the position Lorenzo had just been in. Completely buried.
The melee continued, and Lorenzo could distinguish the subtle cracking sound from the sharp roar of steam. Only then did he carefully observe his surroundings. Although most of his vision was obscured by the steam, he could still see clearly.
What Lorenzo just smashed was not a wall, but a load-bearing column. He had no time to think about where this place was. Belle came from the darkness again, like a hunting wolf spider, with an open bone blade stabbing down from above. Lorenzo Renzo dodged several bone blades sideways, but several still hit him.
The sharp bone blade fell along Lorenzo's breastplate, bringing up a subtle flame.
A gap opened in the armor, and bright white fireworks rose from underneath.
Baner wasn't running away. Its previous avoidance of battle was just leading Lorenzo to its trap. This is the most suitable battlefield for it to play.
The bone blades struck continuously, leaving cracks on the armor one after another. Fireworks burned and rose. Lorenzo finally seized the opportunity and broke away from the continuous attacks.
Blood seeped into the gun, and when it was attacked, it fired at Bale above.
Raging pure flames burned on the warhead, and a pure white spear of light was pulled out from the darkness. This sudden blow penetrated the core of Baier's body, which was protected by his arms.
Like a leaky kettle, a large amount of blood overflowed from the bloated body. It wailed and pushed Lorenzo. In the darkness, Bell completely lost control, and the bone blade slashed randomly, like a passing storm. Its crazy destruction accelerates the collapse of space.
The rubble continued to fall, and Baier continued to move forward in this destruction. The counterattack just now showed that it was no match for Lorenzo. It could only escape and continue to escape.
Lorenzo was buried in the gravel and could not escape for a while. Belle seemed to have discovered this and left excitedly towards the other end of the darkness, but at this moment, another low roar sounded.
The metal hook broke through the darkness and shot out from between the dust and gravel. Its kinetic energy could not penetrate the demon's body, but the many arms, like a complex dense forest, gave it a chance.
The rope was repeatedly entangled between the arms, and the next moment Lorenzo pulled the rope out. The extent to which the hook gun could do it was limited, but it was enough for Lorenzo.
The distance between him and Baier continued to shrink, and the demon who had lost his mind had not yet realized that all of this was happening.
During the rapid march, Lorenzo could hear the sound of rushing water, and the pale searchlight continued to magnify in his field of vision. He never expected to return here in the end.
The entire underground space was complicated, and due to his limited vision, Lorenzo had no idea where Baier was escaping. All he could do was to follow the damn monster closely to prevent it from leaving his sight.
The confined space suddenly became wider, and the diffuse steam rushed out, and the cold air poured into the nasal cavity. This sudden change made Lorenzo feel much more comfortable. The previous combat environment was like fighting in a dark steam oven.
There was no one alive here anymore, and as Lorenzo passed by, he killed everyone who was using hallucinogens.
"New... secret blood?"
Although it was still dim, there was enough light here for Lorenzo to carefully observe the shape of Baner.
This is different from the previous low-quality secret blood. Judging from the strength of Baner, this is at least an enhanced version, which makes Lorenzo feel very uneasy.
Lawrence is dead, but the lost "Apocalypse" is still producing secret blood, and their research is obviously making rapid progress.
Baier screamed miserably again. The combat environment here was very unfavorable for it, but Lorenzo would not give it another chance to escape. He wanted to completely eliminate this monster here.
The shotgun fired continuously to suppress the demon. The many slender arms were hugged together, trying to block Lorenzo's shooting, but with another gunshot, dense arrow-shaped bullets were nailed to its arms. On the body, the burning sensation that followed tortured the demon.
The arrow-shaped bullets were coated with a little holy silver, like scattered arrows, and fierce nails hung on the demon's body. At this moment, Lorenzo rushed forward again, dense black armor extending from his wrists.
Just as Lorenzo had done before, the proliferated armor wrapped around the folding knife, extending it by dozens of centimeters in an instant, like the pitch-black long sword, and then slashed it down fiercely.
After being attacked many times, the raised arm had suffered wounds that were difficult to heal. Lorenzo's blow directly cut off many of its arms, like cutting through a dense forest, and Baier's body was right in front of him.
Bale waved his remaining arm and inserted it hard into the wall. The bone blade stabbed repeatedly. Bale climbed up along the wall. Lorenzo didn't have such many arms. He couldn't catch up, but he had already lost his mind. The demon had forgotten Lorenzo's grappling gun that had hit it before.
This is a weapon specially made for Lorenzo. Although it is an experimental type, it also takes into account the high-intensity battles that Lorenzo may encounter. The strength of the rope is extremely high, and previous battles failed to cut it.
Lorenzo directly pulled the rope and went up with Baier. Like the desperate pursuer, he pulled the rope and ran up the wall in an unreasonable way. When he got close to Baier, he waved his folding knife fiercely and directly After cutting off that part of the arm and losing its support, Baier's figure was shaky, but soon the bone blade was deeply inserted into the wall, stabilizing his figure.
Only then did the demon realize that the god of death was chasing after him. He slashed at Lorenzo with his bone blade, but at this time Lorenzo showed great agility. He pulled the rope and ran towards the other side of the wall, hiding. While attacking, he kicked his feet off the wall vigorously, causing himself to swing.
He swung a huge half-arc with Bale as the center. When he reached the highest point, he let go of his hand and let himself fly into the air.
Zell's turbid eyes looked at the rising whiteness. It had no idea what Lorenzo wanted to do, but Lorenzo's next actions made it feel the instinctive fear.
The demon hunter used the power of the swing to rise into the air, stepped on the wall again, and jumped over Belle's head, and then blazing white fireworks fell from the sky.
Under the pull of gravity and the low roar of the demon hunter, the blazing white fireworks were pulled into a pure white line, which started from top to bottom, starting from Baier's head, along the spine of its back, Go all the way down and penetrate it completely.
The radiance is brilliant, clearly separating life and death.
Like a guillotine of execution, Lorenzo fell from the sky, and the black folding knife was nailed into the ground, stirring up dust under the huge impact.
After a second or two, the impact of falling from a high place was mitigated by Lorenzo. He slowly stood up, and then Belle also fell from above. As it fell, horrific wounds were left along the pure path. The white thread cracked, and the blood spilled cleanly, revealing the blood and bones underneath.
In mid-air above the wall, all its arms were used to climb. At that seemingly safe height, it had no energy left to protect its fragile body, which allowed the demon hunter to find a decisive opportunity.
The impact with the ground caused secondary damage to it. The broken arm turned into a deadly sword, which was inserted into its own body again during the impact, like spears, piercing through its back.
Lorenzo won, and walked like a victor, stepping over blood and dust to Bale.
This place is like a wonderful stage. The afterglow of the searchlight just illuminates everything here. Blood is constantly pouring out of Bair's wound. Its heart is beating hard, but every time this hard beating will cause More blood poured from the wound.
The body was so huge, Lorenzo looked too thin compared to it, he stepped up on Bel's body, picked up the jackknife and pierced through the beating heart.
The turbid eyes were fixed on Lorenzo, and at this moment Lorenzo pulled out the folding knife. As the blood rushed, his next step was to cut off Baier's head.
But suddenly the monster moved again, it struggled to get up, waved its arms, and attacked like a madman.
The broken arms were waving wildly. Most of them had been broken. The broken bones relied on flesh and blood. The bone blade was pulled out from the body, spreading out the little blood again, and swinging it hard like a whip. .
This was a counterattack before death. Lorenzo was well prepared and jumped back. At the same time, he opened fire with the shotgun, beating Bair's head to pieces. The metal projectiles sliced ​​off its skull, and the scarlet flesh was among the cracked bones. clearly visible below.
But this failed to stop the final madness. It pushed Lorenzo hard and finally pushed Lorenzo into the ditch behind.
This is the water inlet of the Furnace Pillar. The huge water flow washes Lorenzo, but this is not the end. Belle also jumped into the water channel. In the surging water, it kept pushing Lorenzo back. Down, push all the way to the iron fence at the end, which is a somewhat narrow gap. Through this blocked gap, you can reach the Thames River.
Perhaps this is also the place where Ban Er wanted to leave. Although he has turned into a monster, the last thoughts before his death are still affecting it to a certain extent.
The bone blade penetrated all around, stabilizing the figure in the rapid water. It tried to drown Lorenzo in the ditch. At the same time, the other arms were not idle, cutting open the iron bars and pushing Lorenzo to rush forward. Out of the ditch.
The two monsters were completely submerged in the water, but as it exerted force again, Lorenzo shattered.
Yes, it was broken, it could clearly feel that the sharp bone blade easily tore his armor, and Lorenzo was torn apart like a piece of paper in the water.
It... seemed to have won, but then the armor-less folding knife penetrated its brain from behind, pulled it out, swung it again, and cut off the entire head.
In the dark blue river, Lorenzo swam behind the demon's corpse. When he was pushed into the ditch, he took off his armor. What Baier caught was just his armor.
He swam toward the water, and the completely killed demon was pushed backwards by the current, and fell into the canal again. Finally, it was caught by the interceptor net and stacked with the dirty garbage.
After dozens of seconds, Lorenzo swam to the surface, inserted his folding knife into the shore, climbed up with all his strength, and then knelt down to retching, vomiting out a lot of river water.
Breathing hard, Lorenzo never thought that this hunting would be so strenuous, but before he could take a rest, footsteps sounded, approaching Lorenzo. He clenched the folding knife vigilantly and was about to prepare. When fighting again, a familiar face came into view.
Lorenzo said uncertainly, Camu was a tramp, a bad rat, but the neatly dressed man in front of him had nothing to do with the word tramp.
Camus laughed instead, as if Lorenzo's expression had been expected by him.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
He said, but before Lorenzo could ask any more questions, Kamu interrupted all Lorenzo's questions.
"The Rat King wants to see you."
(End of this chapter)

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