Embers of Embers

Chapter 248 Who Are You?

Chapter 248 Who Are You?
Arthur sat quietly in front of the window, watching the sunset in Old Dunling.
This is a cold city, with only steel and condensed cold water. Only at sunset, the fiery red light curtain spreads down, warming the cold color a bit. Although it is only a short-term illusion, it is also reassuring. .
He sighed tiredly and drank all the wine in the glass. The hard work of the past few days had made him a little depressed. Maybe he didn't expect that fighting with these people would be more tiring than fighting the monsters. He obviously wanted to kill Anthony with one shot. But for the sake of profit, Arthur still had to entertain these emerald visitors with a smile.
Of course, in addition to these, there is a deeper game. The exiles have taken refuge in the purge agency. Although they are also full of doubts, they are not dangerous compared to the problems of the mission. And now the mission, that person Father Anthony, he doesn't know all this yet.
The Purge Agency was making deals with both at the same time, which was like dancing on the tip of a knife. Even though this was Old Dunling, the home of the Purge Agency, Arthur still couldn't help but worry about whether something unexpected would happen.
What made him even more worried was the information that Father Anthony brought to him on the night Anthony arrived.
This Father Anthony came prepared, as if he had planned it, and sent one major piece of information to Arthur. This may not change the situation, but it can cause problems within his own side. Regarding these things, He had sent Galahad to confirm it to the exiles.
Slowly putting down the wine glass, his hands couldn't stop shaking. He looked carefully and saw that the skin was also covered with wrinkles, and he was getting older.
Arthur stared at the fiery red clouds that gradually became gloomier, watching the darkness swallow up the city bit by bit. Slowly, as if he was fascinated, his eyes gradually became dull, until a sudden sound interrupted everything.
The door behind him was pushed open, and Lan Jade stood at the door panting, holding a capsule-like object in his hand.
This is the pneumatic logistics transportation system of the purification mechanism. Put the object that needs to be transported into this capsule, and it will be pushed by the compressed gas and spread along the underground in the logistics pipeline, covering every purification system in Old Dunling. Remove the secret stronghold of the agency.This is usually used to transmit important information. In order to control the flow of personnel, it is often used in Shattered Dome.
"News from Galahad?"
Seeing Blue Jade returning, Arthur turned his head sharply and asked.
Lan Jade was too tired to speak, so she just nodded vigorously.
She didn't know what Arthur wanted to do. It seemed that there was some important information that needed to reach him quickly. For this reason, Lan Jade was dispatched. She went to the nearest stronghold nearby, and then borrowed the gas flow there to obtain This information is sent from it.
Then there was this, running all the way back just to let Arthur see this quickly.
Arthur also showed his urgency and came over directly. He didn't care about Lan Jade, grabbed the capsule, and tore off the warning seal on it. After opening it, there were several reports and several black and white pictures inside. photo.
As if a terrifying secret was close at hand, Arthur grabbed the reports, which were written by Galahad. He recorded all the important information in his conversation with Shermans, his eyes filled with laughter. Reflecting those words, as they continued to read, they weaved a story that was somewhat difficult for Arthur to accept.
The old guy couldn't believe it. He repeatedly confirmed Galahad's records, but the words would not be deformed. They had been recorded. Repeated observations only kept imprinting the truth into his mind. He seemed to realize it. At this point, I finally sat back on the chair a little lonely.
Lan Jade has never seen Arthur like this. Maybe this is a sign of Arthur's excessive pressure. This guy has been fighting with Anthony in the past few days. The two have been fighting with each other, trying to win more for themselves as much as possible. There were many benefits, and Arthur had not visited his daughter during this period. Eve had not been heard from since she was sent to Black Mountain Hospital. Arthur was very worried about her condition.
She was about to say something, but Arthur spoke before her.
"Anthony succeeded. Should we say that he is truly worthy of being the new pope's confidant? His methods are really powerful."
He muttered to himself, with a complicated expression.
"What... what's wrong?"
Lan Jade asked doubtfully. Although she was Arthur's guard, she could not know many things. She knew nothing about the conversation between Arthur and Anthony.
"We are a solid group, and the purification mechanism is indestructible. The application of any external force will only make us closer and stronger, but what happens when we start to split from within?"
Arthur looked at the black and white photo and said slowly.
"What happened?" Lan Jade began to realize the seriousness of the problem.
"It's a very complicated matter...let me think about it."
Arthur seemed to be thinking about the pros and cons, and he spoke again after a long time.
"Blue Jade, do you think...Lorenzo Holmes is an enemy?"
Looking at the man in the photo, he didn't wait for Lan Jade's answer. This sentence was more like saying to the person in the photo.
He whispered.
"Are you an enemy? Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The night enveloped Old Dunling. As Arthur asked softly, the sound of galloping carriages came from outside the window. The horses were breathing hot air. The horses' hooves hit the stone bricks heavily. The wheels turned rapidly, running over the debris. With the silt, wash through the standing water and throw it all away.
Time passed forward, Anthony stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, looked out from the carriage, and carefully admired the night of Old Dunling. Although he had a high status, it was his first time to come to Old Dunling, and everything here Everything is new to him.
This is like a strange new continent, and every place can bring surprises to strangers.
The blazing steam towers, the blazing stoves, the steam overflowing from under the surface, and the giant whales circling the sky.
These are things that have never been seen in Feilengcui. Even Anthony can't help but tremble slightly, in awe of this advanced city.
"How does it feel?"
Arthur asked the passenger who had just disembarked. After picking up Anthony, the carriage headed towards the embassy. This was the first contact between the two countries after many years. Arthur wanted to be as strong as possible. , without giving Anthony any time to rest, he directly pulled him into his carriage.
"It's great, it's hard to imagine humans doing this."
Anthony did not hesitate to praise him. Towering buildings stood in rows. They stood up one after another under the hazy mist, forming a cold and oppressive steel jungle.
"How about I get right to the point?"
Arthur said directly that although Anthony's attitude was not bad, he didn't want to be too polite with this guy.
"Getting to the point? That's fine. This matter is very urgent for our evangelical church."
Anthony didn't have too many expressions, and the ferocious scars on his face seemed calmer. As he spoke, he lifted up the box he was carrying and took out the documents he had prepared.
"According to the report from the Temple of Stasis, we have discovered the traces of Lawrence. He is active in your land of Inlvig. We hope that we can cooperate to capture him."
Arthur was silent, he did not reveal the information that Lawrence was dead.
"The main purpose is for the Book of Revelation, right."
Arthur asked directly, this is what the Evangelical Church cares more about than a traitor.
"Of course, but it's more than that."
Anthony was not surprised that Arthur knew this, and continued without any emotion on his face.
"According to our investigation, the Sacred Coffin has appeared in your territory."
The remains of the Holy Grail are sealed in the forbidden coffin. According to the handling of the Evangelical Church, it will be thrown into the deep sea and temporarily sealed. However, during this period, there was a competition between the purification agency and Lawrence. In the end, Lawrence won. Finish.
Arthur answered, but he did not reveal any more information.
Anthony seemed to have a headache seeing these, and then said indifferently.
"Arthur, we are here for the purpose of cooperation this time, not for war. This is not good for either of us. It will only allow those monsters and traitors to gain benefits."
"If you want to blame, you can blame the problems left over from history. After all, your Demon Hunting Sect was once so powerful that even we can only survive in the shadows."
There was a smell of gunpowder in Arthur's words. What once scared the purification agency was not the demons, but the Demon Hunting Cult behind the sea. They have a monopoly on the technology to fight demons, and they will never allow the emergence of a second Demon Hunting Cult. It was not until the influx of armor technology and the development of the Original Sin Armor that they had a certain amount of resistance that the Purification Agency got better from this panic-stricken situation.
But soon his attitude changed and he continued.
"You are right. I am a decision-maker. I only have positions and interests, not personal emotions. There are no absolute enemies, only absolute interests."
Arthur continued, as if showing sincerity, and said.
"The Purification Agency did not obtain the Sacred Coffin. It was snatched away by Lawrence."
"It can be seen that if you obtained the Sacred Coffin, Old Dunling might have fallen a few months ago... You have no idea what they are."
Anthony acted like he knew everything and always looked aloof, which made Arthur very unhappy.
"That is the source of all trouble and the hiding place of all sin."
"Are you here to recycle it this time? Together with the Book of Revelation?" Arthur asked.
"Of course, that's the property of the Evangelical Church and that's what we're always supposed to do, so we need Lawrence's whereabouts."
The Stasis Temple roughly determined the location of Lawrence, but this was Yin Erweg's territory, and Anthony needed the assistance of the purification agency for further operations.
"Is that so... But he is already dead and the clues have been cut off."
Arthur actually didn't hide anything and said it directly.
The Purification Agency has been looking for it for a long time. After Lawrence died, the Holy Coffin...or the remains of the Holy Grail and the "Apocalypse" in the Holy Coffin mysteriously disappeared. Both of these things can bring huge dangers. They I have searched as much as possible, but still found nothing, and after that, there is still secret blood, a new type of secret blood that has been mixed into hallucinogens.
Lawrence has a team, and that team is hidden in the depths. The longer they hide, the more dangerous they become. Instead of searching alone, it is better to accept the assistance of the Evangelical Church.
"he died?"
Anthony also seemed surprised. He never expected that the terrifying demon hunter would die. Then he thought of something and asked with a little doubt.
"You killed him?"
Arthur nodded and said somewhat threateningly.
"This is no longer an era ruled by swords and shields. Steel and fire are the new rulers."
The industrial fire of Inerweg was raging, and Lawrence was unable to resist the torrent.
Anthony stared at Arthur's eyes, hoping to find some flaws in them. The atmosphere solidified, and the carriage sped through the streets of Old Dunling, picking up the fog and dissipating it.
"No... you alone can't do it. A monster like Lawrence has lived for so long. A monster like the Demon Hunter, the older he gets, the more powerful he becomes..."
After a short shock, Anthony reacted and said in a low voice.
"What do you mean? The growth of age?" Arthur obviously didn't understand his words.
"This is my sincerity. This is one of the unknown secrets. Demon hunters do not die well. This is because they will be secretly executed when they reach a certain age. Lawrence is an exception. This monster is alive. So long, so long that no one can check him anymore."
Seeing this situation, Anthony also appropriately released certain secrets.
This time Anthony's attitude really seemed like he wanted to have a good talk with Arthur, and he continued.
"Due to the intensity of fighting demons, demon hunters suffer a lot of casualties, but there will always be some demon hunters who survive. But as they grow older, their will will weaken, but the power of demons will become stronger."
"So?" Arthur gestured for him to continue, "This is a good start, Anthony, this is what intelligence exchange looks like."
Anthony paused for a moment, then continued after a few moments of hesitation. This was not about thinking about the pros and cons.
"You have also tried to reproduce the secret blood technology, right?"
There is nothing to deny. Arthur nodded, expressing his affirmation. In fact, the horizontal comparison of the ranger technology is the secret blood technology. It was born in the secret research deep in the Black Mountain Hospital, but was eventually stopped due to various reasons.
"Actually, the secret blood technology is to inject the demon's blood into the body of the demon hunter. But we all know that blood will die, just like the blood in the human body. It will die and be metabolized, and then new blood will come from the human body. appear in the hematopoietic system to replace those that died."
Anthony tried to explain this to Arthur. He didn't know the details. Although he was the new dean in his position, he could be regarded as the worst dean in the history of the Demon Hunting Order. In such a chaotic and difficult situation in the Evangelical Church He took office on the occasion, and if he could not take back the "Book of Revelation", he would probably be the last patriarch.
"so what?"
"So, no matter how weird and tenacious the secret blood is, after the baptism of time, it will die and be metabolized in the bodies of those who are qualified for the secret blood."
Anthony's voice became enthusiastic.
"But the demon hunters have not lost their power over time. This is precisely because the secret blood gives them power and is also transforming them, modifying them little by little until the human body's hematopoietic system begins to produce a small amount of secret blood to maintain their strength. The existence of secret blood in the body.”
"This is the core of "Revelation", how to refine the secret blood, but all this can be completed in the human body with the transformation of the secret blood."
Anthony looked at Arthur who fell silent. The speeding carriage seemed to have turned into a rumbling train. They were heading towards an unknown place. They might reach there, or they might die on the way.
“As the years grow older, this transformation becomes more and more complete. This is a kind of...demonization, the demonization of reason.
Bones, internal organs, and muscles all begin to look different from ordinary people, and the body is gradually dominated by secret blood... Can you understand what I mean? "
Arthur nodded stiffly, and then spoke slowly.
"Lawrence betrayed you and triggered the Night of Holy Advent... This was his premeditation and your persecution, right?"
Anthony replied with a deadpan expression.
"The demon hunters have not lost control, but as time goes by, they are still demonizing. The longer time passes, the deeper their demonization will be, until they are different from ordinary people from the inside out, and at that time, They broke through the critical value and completely awakened the secret blood in the body... It was an uncontrollable disaster."
"So all demon hunters have a useful life, but Lawrence managed to survive with the power of Cardinal Medici. The longer he lived, the more dangerous he became. His aging will could not control the monster demonized by the secret blood. Body, we cannot tolerate such risks."
Arthur couldn't believe it, but then felt a little ridiculous, and he laughed.
"In other words, this is all your own fault?"
"Not really, just an old will, fearful of death.
The demon hunter looks stable and maintains the familiar human shape, but under the skin is completely different flesh and blood, a body that has been eroded and alienated by the secret blood. "
Anthony's calmness made people feel chilly, and Arthur couldn't help but think of Lorenzo. The witcher was like this, neither human nor demon, living in the gaps and living tenaciously.
"I think you understand this, just like your knights, when they become more and more dangerous, you will do the same, right?"
Arthur was startled. He wanted to say something to refute him, but thinking of the walking dead lying in Black Mountain Hospital, who had long lost their minds, his words weakened again.
He is old and far less decisive than when he was young. He may have been as ruthless as Anthony in the past, but the years have broken him down and made his strong walls full of cracks.
"Lawrence has lived for so long, and his power has exceeded our imagination. It will be difficult for you to kill him unless there is help from others."
Anthony continued his analysis, and he remembered the name. From the report from the Stasis Temple, another demon hunter appeared near Lawrence.
"It's him, right? The witcher named Lorenzo Holmes...or rather the detective."
Anthony said as he took out several black and white photos from the file, all from different angles, but the common point was the man's face.
"Don't be surprised. Although the Evangelical Church has declined, we at least once created a glorious era, right? As for the demon's technology, we have far more than you can see."
Arthur took the photo, rearranged his emotions, and became cold and ruthless, "It seems that the rest can't be hidden from you."
"Indeed, it seems that with his assistance, you killed Lawrence, and you also learned a lot about the secrets of our Evangelical Church from his mouth."
All this was expected by Anthony. He was far younger than Arthur and more cruel than him. It can be said that the exiles were the seven hills that he led the Templar Knights to drive out.
"What, do you want to arrest this traitor?" Arthur asked maliciously.
Lorenzo has become a great help to the purge agency. No one can shake the cooperation between the purge agency and Lorenzo without sufficient benefits.
"Absolutely. Anyway, we can't let him wander around like this."
Anthony said without emotion, the secret order is still continuing, and these demon hunters who survived the night of Holy Advent are still being hunted.
Arthur suddenly laughed, he was a little confused about Anthony's intentions.
"The Apocalypse, the remains of the Holy Grail, Lorenzo Holmes... I assume you'll let us help hunt down those escapees, right?"
None of these events can be considered easy, let alone all of them happening together.
"So, Father Anthony, you and even the Evangelical Church behind you, Seny Lothair, what price can you pay for all this?"
Arthur was slightly angry, but he also gradually regained his previous feeling. The two of them were like cold machines, putting all the interests in front of them and only pursuing the maximization of their own interests.
Anthony was silent. Except for the sound of the wheels spinning and hitting the ground, there was no sound. The icy cold wind poured into the car and stimulated the nerves of the two of them.
Suddenly Anthony laughed, with a bit of ridicule and contempt in his smile, and then he said.
"Sometimes, there is no need to pay a price, as long as you have the same interests, what do you think? Arthur, just like you teamed up with Lorenzo Holmes, because you are both fighting against Lawrence, there is no need to pay, he It will also help you.”
"You think we have the same interests and I will work with you to capture Lorenzo?"
Arthur felt a little unreasonable. Although Lorenzo was a bit neurotic, he looked much more reliable than Anthony.
"This is natural. In fact, I don't understand one thing about you. I am meeting you in a formal capacity, but you are wary of me in every possible way, and even say you are malicious. But what about Lorenzo Holmes? ?”
Anthony revealed his true intention. Compared with the remains of the Holy Grail of "Apocalypse", Lorenzo, the guy who has always appeared in the field of vision, is the best target.
"Lorenzo Holmes, a demon hunter who suddenly appears in front of you, has gained your trust just by helping you hunt demons, and what you know about him only comes from his own words. "
he asked as if he couldn't understand.
"Is it that simple for your decontamination agency to accept a stranger? What if everything Lorenzo Holmes said is a lie? You should also know him, right, he is a cunning liar, proficient in misleading With calculation, how can you be sure that the Lorenzo you met is real and without lies?"
As Anthony spoke, he threw out a document. If it was Arthur who chased him fiercely before, now it was Anthony's counterattack. In this carriage, he only used words to meet the enemy.
"do you know who he is?"
Anthony picked up the black and white photo and showed it to Arthur. In the photo, the man was leaning on the street, puffing away.
"Lorenzo Holmes."
Arthur has seen this damn face many times, how could he not remember it.
But then Anthony sneered and asked again.
"So do you know his name when he was in the Demon Hunting Order?"
Arthur was silent. He didn't know or wasn't clear. Only then did he realize that although Lorenzo provided a lot of knowledge about demons, he never mentioned his name when he was in the Order.
"Let's talk about it, Arthur. This document contains all the information related to Lorenzo Holmes, all from when he was in the Demon Hunting Order. Let's compare it to see if he lied."
"Does it matter whether he lied or not? Our purification agency has always been very open-minded about his origins." Arthur shot back.
The coldness on Anthony's face became even worse when he heard this, and he handed the documents directly to Arthur.
"But what if he is an extremely dangerous monster? He will do whatever it takes to get close to you and kill Lawrence to gain your trust?"
Anthony clasped his hands, leaned on the back of the chair, and narrated the taboo story in an indifferent voice.
"The Holy Night brought not only destruction, but also more terrible disasters. This was our mistake, and we are trying our best to make up for it. My appearance here is the best proof. On that night, although The Evangelical Church suffered heavy casualties, but we also succeeded in creating an unknown weapon."
"Unknown weapon?"
Arthur didn't understand why Anthony suddenly mentioned this again.
"Yes, it is unknown. We don't know its nature, nor its form, or even its good and evil. When it was born on the night of Holy Advent, that night of destruction, all the participants died on the Night of Holy Advent. We also got information about its existence from the mouths of survivors.”
"so what?"
"It is the evil born from the Holy Grail, and it is mankind's temptation into the forbidden unknown."
Anthony recalled the information given to him by the new pope. Even if he read those words, he would feel that hell is right in front of him.
"According to Yanar's information, a demon hunter took it out of the battlefield of hell and escaped from the control of the Evangelical Church.
According to the writing of those words, this may be an evil that can rival the Holy Grail. "
Anthony looked directly at Arthur. This priest had come prepared from the beginning. Everyone had wrongly guessed his purpose, their intentions, and everything in this story.
Arthur suddenly felt an unspeakable heaviness, aroused from the man in front of him, pressing on his chest like a heavy rock, making him breathless in this small compartment.
"go on."
Arthur's eyes were equally indifferent. He began to understand what Anthony said and did, and his eyes were fixed on the black and white photo and could not move away.
"Who was the demon hunter who took Xie Yi away?" he asked.
Anthony slowly picked up the black-and-white photo, and his voice seemed to come from the strange netherworld.
"We call him number 047, and he is the demon hunter named Metanzo."
Arthur's breath suddenly froze, and all the sounds disappeared for a moment, except Anthony's words that echoed in his ears.
"And you call him...Lorenzo Holmes."
In the silent night, only the carriage gradually disappeared into the darkness. The roar of the wheels rolled over the mud and stone, the years, and everyone's soul. Then an evil ghost dug up the grave and bathed in the soft moonlight. Down.
(End of this chapter)

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