Embers of Embers

Chapter 249 The Savior

Chapter 249 The Savior
The carriage outside the window went away, and the sound of heavy horseshoes gradually became weaker until it disappeared into the cold and silent night. Arthur's thoughts also left with him. He woke up from the memory, lowered his head, and couldn't help but find the black and white The photo was already broken in his hands.
That night Anthony brought an extremely important message. Lorenzo was not stable, but thinking of all the behaviors in the previous battle, Arthur could never have imagined that he would be so evil, or that the witcher didn't realize it at all. own madness.
Of course, Arthur would not believe Anthony so easily. In the final analysis, this was Anthony's side of the story. Even if there were those documents, they might be forged. Arthur would not directly doubt Lorenzo like this.
Although Arthur annoyed this damned witcher to death, he was still a comrade in arms who had gone through life and death. Trust was the cornerstone of building a group. After bidding farewell to Anthony, Arthur didn't fully believe his words.
But Arthur has a deep understanding of how strange things like monsters are. The comrades who fought alongside you just now may fall under the erosion of whispers in the next second.
Arthur trusted Lorenzo, but similarly, Anthony's words undoubtedly caused cracks in that solid trust. As a leader, Arthur could not allow such a risk to occur.
Therefore, while contacting the exiles, he ordered Galahad to take these documents to Shermans for verification. The exiles' cardinal did not know about his conversation with Anthony, nor the relationship between the purge agency and the Evangelical Church. He will give the most authentic answer to the struggle between you.
But the answer is that Shermans recognized the person in the photo at a glance. Although the exiled cardinal was old, he still remembered him. His number was 047 and he was named Medanzo. Denzo is the strongest of the witchers.
They guarded outside the Saint-Naro Cathedral, protecting the pope and sometimes the cardinals. They could be said to be the demon hunters closest to the cardinals. Shermans would not be mistaken.
This comparison directly confirmed that Anthony's words were not lies, or in other words, he was not lying about Lorenzo's identity.
Then it was Lorenzo who lied, but why did he lie? He weaved his past into another story and misled everyone... Or was he also wary of himself?
The product that originated from the night of Holy Advent, the mysterious product called the False Holy Grail, no one understands its nature at all, and no one knows to what extent it can do...
Lan Jade looked at Arthur worriedly, and saw Arthur lowered his body, staring at the crumpled black-and-white photo, sweat dripping from his cheeks, obviously nothing happened, but he It's like facing some weird pressure.
So, think about it this way, Lorenzo was hiding himself precisely because he knew this. He deceived everyone just to hide the secret he brought out from the Night of Advent. But at that time, Lorenzo was Was everything he said about the Holy Advent Night also false and fabricated?
He made a decision with great fatigue and constant worry in his heart.
"Everyone has a hidden secret..."
Arthur said and looked at Lan Jade, what he concealed about Eve, Lan Jade's past, and the evil that Lorenzo was carrying.
"Did Lorenzo lie to you again? And he lied very seriously."
Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she roughly analyzed what happened just now.
"That's right. I'm a little unclear on that bastard's position."
Arthur lowered his head, tangled in his heart.
"You shouldn't..."
If Lorenzo really had any intention, why would he be so desperate to assassinate Lawrence?That was no longer a desperate effort, it was simply a loss of life. If there hadn't been a sudden change, Lorenzo would have really died, and his body would have been completely destroyed by the explosion.
He will die, and the secrets he concealed will die with him.
"Do you think Lorenzo is trustworthy?"
Lan Jade was stunned. She thought for a while, but when she was about to speak, Arthur suddenly said.
"What does he want to do?"
"doing what?"
Lan Jade thought about it. She had not been in contact with Lorenzo for a long time, and even said that she had not met him a few times, but she had no deep impression of Lorenzo.
Although a psycho, he had a strong personality as a witcher, she replied.
"Hunt demons, that's all I can think of. Just like a diligent worker, his job is to hunt demons, and he will kill them all the way from Feilengcui to Old Dunling, never stopping."
"But what if he is a terrifying demon himself?"
"Isn't that what a witcher is?"
Lan Jade's words seemed to wake up Arthur. She didn't understand Arthur's distress.
"Just like the Original Sin Armor or the Secret Blood, we are all using the power of demons to fight against demons. We are all monsters, but we just maintain sanity in the midst of madness."
She said and pointed to her head, the place where her sanity is maintained.
"Yeah... Lorenzo is at least not crazy yet. In other words, he has been crazy for so long that he looks like a normal person."
Just like the patients in Montenegro Hospital, they can live a normal life and talk to you. Some of them are even smarter than you, but they are not normal people, they are madmen, but they have learned to pretend in that madness. I am waiting for the day I can escape from the hospital.
Arthur reorganized his thoughts and thought about Anthony's words and deeds, and he continued.
"I need to talk to him, where is he?"
Under such a complicated situation, Arthur hopes to end it in a bloodless way.
"It's been a long time, Mr. Holmes."
Walking out of the strictly sealed conference room, in the gray corridor, the familiar alchemist waved to Lorenzo. Merlin was still wearing the somewhat tattered gray robe, as if he wore it all year round.
"Yeah, long time no see."
Seeing Merlin, Lorenzo's mood improved slightly. He didn't quite understand why Gawain was so indifferent to the information about the exiles, but what he didn't know was that the purge agency had actually cooperated with the exiles. However, to ensure safety, this news is currently strictly blocked.
"You seem to be recovering well. There's nothing wrong with your body, right?"
Compared with the meeting of friends...if they can be considered friends, Merlin cares more about Lorenzo's body. In the eyes of this alchemist, Lorenzo is a perfect experimental subject. If it weren't for Lorenzo Lorenzo disagreed. He estimated that there would be many weird things and wanted to try them on Lorenzo.
"It's okay, I don't feel anything else."
This sudden concern made Lorenzo feel uncomfortable, although he knew that the reason why Merlin asked was just to study his body.
"It looks like the flesh and blood are perfectly integrated with you. It's incredible."
Merlin looked at Lorenzo from beginning to end. He was not at the scene when Lawrence was assassinated, but based on those thrilling written reports, he could also imagine the thrill at that time.
According to Seleu's dictation in the report, Lorenzo was already dead at that time...probably half-dead, in short, it was almost impossible to survive, but he survived in the end, the black angel fell out of control, killing the flesh and blood dominated by the Holy Grail After Lawrence, it devoured Lorenzo, and then the demon hunter came back to the earth as if he was reborn from the ashes.
As for the Black Angel's loss of control, no investigation results have been found so far, and the original sin armor called the Black Angel has been hidden deep underground in the Perpetual Pump ever since.
"follow me."
After Merlin glanced at it, he directly motioned for Lorenzo to follow him.
Eternal Pump Lorenzo didn't come many times, and he never moved freely every time he came. He never had a specific idea of ​​the size of this research institution built on the backbone of the Furnace Pillar.
Following Merlin's leadership, the land beneath his feet continued to extend. The further he advanced, the more Lorenzo could feel the vastness of this place.
Lorenzo thought of those people's description of the old Dunling. They said that the Mechanical Institute hollowed out the underground of the old Dunling and built a huge mechanical system there. At first Lorenzo thought it was an exaggerated description, but he could As he gradually understood the underground world, he felt more and more that this was not bragging.
I can’t remember who told him. He said that this place is like a towering tree. The Mechanical Yard, the Furnace Pillar and the Perpetual Pump are built vertically together and run through the land called Old Dunling. soil of.
"This place reminds me of the Temple of Stasis."
Lorenzo said suddenly.
"The witcher's station?"
Merlin heard Lorenzo's voice and asked curiously.
Lorenzo nodded and continued.
"The Temple of Stasis is just like here, built under the Cathedral of Saint Naro, like a shadow after that glory."
"If I have the chance, I really want to visit it, the place where the Demon Hunting Sect originated."
Merlin's voice revealed yearning.
"That's not a good place... On the contrary, I don't want to go back. If I can, I don't want to be near Feileng Cui in this life."
Lorenzo made no secret of his distaste for his hometown.
"Why? After all, this is where you were born." Merlin asked.
"Do you think something as simple as that can restrain me? It's just plain annoying."
Lorenzo thought for a moment and then said, "It's a sad place and I don't like it."
"Wait, why am I telling you this? Where are you taking me?"
Lorenzo suddenly came back to his senses, probably out of trust in the alchemist. He asked him to follow, and he followed. After walking for so long, Lorenzo still didn't know where the destination was.
"Quickly, I just want you to cooperate and do some research. Of course, the other thing is to check you."
Merlin said worriedly.
"You know it yourself, right? Your resurrection from the dead is not a miracle, but the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail saved you. Even the bombing of artillery fire and the burning of crude oil cannot kill that terrible vitality. After losing it, After being restrained by Lawrence's will, it grew wildly like weeds..."
Merlin's footsteps suddenly stopped, his tone full of fear.
"If it hadn't been for what happened next, the savagely growing flesh and blood of the Holy Grail would have proliferated and mutated like the monsters we encountered, but it was finally integrated into your body."
He pointed to Lorenzo's chest and warned.
"Lorenzo, you don't look any different now, but in fact, like Lawrence, you have successfully integrated the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail. The difference between you and Lawrence is that the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail is completely mixed with your body. In terms of flesh-to-flesh ratio, you are far superior to Lawrence."
These words made Lorenzo himself worried. He had not thought much about this matter, but he did not expect that it would be so terrifying in Merlin's mouth.
"Fortunately, you are much younger than Lawrence, and your will can still maintain your sanity, unlike him, who is controlled by the original Holy Grail flesh and blood."
Merlin said as he stopped in front of an elevator. As the steel door slowly opened, a small space was revealed in front of the two of them.
"come in."
He walked in and shouted to Lorenzo outside the door.
Lorenzo did not move, but looked at the elevator with some suspicion. He was already in the eternal pump, so what was below?
In fact, what he never said was that while he was following Merlin, there was a strange feeling lingering around Lorenzo that was hard to ignore. Merlin's conversation occupied his attention, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but now The weird feeling became even worse.
After hesitating for a while, Lorenzo walked in. The small space shook slightly, and both of them were silent until Lorenzo couldn't help but ask.
"What's down there?"
"Hmm...probably your savior."
Lorenzo was startled, and then the door opened, and a dazzling light shone down.
He squinted his eyes slightly and endured the discomfort as he walked out of the elevator. After adapting, he realized that he was in a huge underground space. It looked similar to a workshop, but the difference between it and a workshop was that it did not A strong defense like a workshop was built temporarily.
The steel skeleton supports this space, and there are people walking in it, and the guide rails and cables are interlaced in it, and with the rotation of the winch, one heavy object after another is lifted.
The smell of rust mixed with the stench of blood rushed into Lorenzo's nose. An unknown red liquid overflowed his shoes, then poured into the drainage hole and flowed in an unknown direction.
"After that incident, we have been studying the reasons why it went out of control, but found nothing. And at that time, it was not only you who was fused with the Holy Grail's flesh and blood, but also it."
After listening to Merlin's words, Lorenzo couldn't help but raise his head and look into the air. Countless chains and strange metal machines bound him. The dark iron feathers were intertwined and tightly closed to protect the core. Standing up, under the strong light, it looks like a finely crafted black egg.
"It's really a lifesaver..."
Lorenzo looked up at the Black Angel, which remained absolutely silent, like a sculpture.
(End of this chapter)

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