Embers of Embers

Chapter 253 Chapter Family

Chapter 253
His vision was pitch black, but unlike the first time he tested the Weapon Master, Lorenzo couldn't feel the cold metal, and instead he was greeted by a warm embrace.
As Lorenzo entered the Black Angel, the inner wall stuck closely to his body. Perhaps because of the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, the proportion of demon flesh and blood in the Black Angel was much higher. Although it had not started yet, Lorenzo could already feel it. Those slowly squirming pieces of flesh.
The weak electric current passed through Lorenzo's body, making him feel a little more energetic. The Florund medicine injected in advance was also taking effect, and his senses gradually became clearer, and his perception became more acute.
"Start warming up."
Cold instructions rang in Lorenzo's ears. Outside, Merlin pulled the valve and fuel began to be injected. At the same time, a familiar pain came from his spine, and a small electrode penetrated Lorenzo's body surface. Link him to the Sin Armor.
"How does it feel, Lorenzo."
Merlin's voice sounded again, asking him.
"Okay, let's get started."
Hearing Lorenzo's response, Merlin nodded to the others and entered the command. After a few seconds, thunder streaked through the darkness, lighting up the cold metal and pouring into the twisted armor.
For a moment, the indicator light was bright and bright, illuminating everything around it. The flesh and blood began to squirm violently. They affected the iron feathers growing on them, rubbing against each other like a thousand swords striking and slashing, preparing to spread their wings and soar.
Eye-catching white steam gushes out from the gaps in the armor. This is not mechanical heat dissipation, but comes from the awakened flesh and blood. Blood surges and circulates between the machines. The heart beats powerfully, and the rough breathing becomes increasingly louder. Loud.
Merlin's heart was completely raised. In the mid-air, the restraint device glowed red. As the Black Angel activated, the rivets driven into it were pushed open bit by bit by the proliferating flesh and blood, and it seemed that they would pop out in the next second. , the Geiger indexer also made a scream, and together they were like a grand performance.
The tune is high, rising and swirling.
"By the way, Merlin, do you remember the last time I piloted the Weapon Master? Actually, I didn't lose control at that time."
Inside the armor, Lorenzo remembered something, and before the uncontrollable unknown came next, he said to Merlin.
The feeling now is really not very good. The black angel begins to wake up, and the temperature inside the armor rises. Lorenzo feels like he is being locked into a furnace. At the same time, the flesh and blood are also proliferating, and they are growing from the gaps in the steel. The inside overflowed and enveloped Lorenzo.
"You passed out."
"No, I reached the [Gap] while in a coma. This Original Sin Armor is like some kind of amplifier. Through it, I can reach places I can't reach. Maybe I can go there this time. If I show a coma, don't Terminate the experiment."
Lorenzo said with some difficulty, the unknown liquid gradually filled the cab as the flesh and blood proliferated, and the whole person felt like he was soaked in amniotic fluid.
Merlin was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that he had been tricked by Lorenzo, and yelled into the communicator.
"You didn't tell me this. We need to renegotiate."
"There's no time to discuss, it's already awake!"
Lorenzo refused. The proliferated flesh and blood connected to the electrode and connected it to Lorenzo's body. Lorenzo already felt that strange feeling, as if his body had stretched.
He tried to breathe, but what he could inhale was the smelly liquid. The strange erosion continued to increase as the Black Angel gradually woke up, oppressing Lorenzo like a mountain.
Chaotic hallucinations and memories rushed towards him, hitting his nerves and causing sharp stinging pain.
The terrible erosion has come, and the best explanation is the communication failure. At the same time, the Geiger index devices installed nearby have also reached the critical value, making it impossible to measure the intensity of the erosion.
Everyone's hearts were in suspense. If this situation was not reversed within a few minutes, the erosion would spread to the entire experimental site, and by then the experiment would have failed.
The security team was also on standby, with various emergency measures in place. Although the experiment was held so quickly, they were still fully prepared in the shortest possible time.
In fact, no one knows what will happen after Lorenzo activates the Black Angel. What follows is an unknown, whether it is life or death, no one knows.
Time passed little by little, until at a certain moment in this long period, the red indicator light flashed out and turned into a harmonious bright green.
Merlin also couldn't believe it, but the Geiger Index that was gradually declining soon proved this. The Black Angel's external erosion was stabilizing, and Lorenzo was gradually taking control of the armor.
"Lorenzo, are you still awake?"
The interference of erosion was still there. Merlin shouted loudly to the black angel, but no one responded to him. The steam engine was running normally, and the iron feathers rose and fell with the demon's breathing. Everything was so silent, as if time had stopped. .
The world in front of Lorenzo was dark, and all the light was quickly fading away. The warm flesh and blood wrapped him heavily, biting into his flesh and blood, slowly merging with Lorenzo, overcoming the roughness. The electrodes directly control everything with flesh and blood.
In the long darkness, human perception became blurred. Everything was so long ago, but it seemed that only a few seconds had passed. Just when his thoughts were about to freeze, Lorenzo suddenly felt strangely trapped in the darkness. Feeling that the next moment, the body was caught by gravity and fell forcefully downwards.
This is a feeling that words cannot describe. It seems that everything is falling, falling, falling, falling towards the deep darkness at the bottom.
In the numb fall, the clear sound of water broke the long silence. The next moment, all the noisy sounds sounded at this moment. All the melodies that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time were played, and then everything became colorful.
Lorenzo vaguely saw the dark blue world, and the cold seawater poured into his throat. The extreme low temperature awakened his numb mind. In the distant low voice, he could witness swimming in the dark blue depths. huge thing, then he understood.
This is not falling, this is rising, rising continuously until it reaches the highest point.
The solid ice surface collapsed at this moment. In the churning ice sea, Lorenzo was like a drowning man. He scratched the surrounding ice floes with all his strength. After struggling to survive, he climbed up from the ice sea wetly. The familiar The bench was not far away, and he was once again in this weird [gap].
In the desolate and cold world, it seems that all life is dying at this moment, and only the unbearable cold will last forever.
"As expected...it is indeed like this..."
The experience every time he arrived was not good, but Lorenzo was still very happy. He proved his idea. Using the Original Sin Armor, he could actively reach the [Gap].
After taking a breath, Lorenzo roared loudly. The sound was transmitted on the desolate ice field and extended to the edge of the world until Lorenzo vaguely heard his own echo, but no one responded to him.
Inexplicable panic arose in his heart, and Lorenzo shouted hurriedly.
"Watson? Metanzo!"
He shouted with all his strength, but there was no response.
It seemed that he was the only one here, the only one in this desolate world.
Lorenzo staggered and sat on the bench as if he was lost in thought. He lowered his head and thought about all this.
"No...it shouldn't be..."
It stands to reason that Watson and Metanzo will both exist here, but now no one has responded to me. Could it be that my worst idea has come true?Watson escaped from himself?But what about Medanzo?As the strictest insurance, he couldn't help but remind himself...
Or is Metanzo also corrupted?
Yes...Medanzo is dead. It is just a remaining consciousness and a wandering ghost. How can he resist the erosion of the pseudo-Holy Grail?
But...but why did all this happen without any sound?
Lorenzo looked around nervously, looking a little crazy. He loudly rebuked the deserted ice field.
"Or are you always here? Hiding under a certain layer of ice, secretly peeping at me, waiting for my self-doubt? Self-collapse?"
This is a common trick used by demons. Just like when they were in the uncanny valley before they met the demons, the demon hunters were confused and frightened by their own thoughts.
Lorenzo stared at all this, and then laughed. He was a demon hunter and a detective. Since no one answered, he would find out for himself.
Trying to remember all the previous conversations with Medanzo, the memories came flooding back, engulfing Lorenzo.
"Passive connection, active control..."
Lorenzo seemed to have thought of something. The moment he took the initiative to arrive at the [Gap], Metanzo had already revealed his dangerous side. He wanted to cooperate with Watson, and he even showed all the weird things to himself.
"Do you mean you let her go?"
Lorenzo couldn't figure it out. In the midst of this deep conflict, he suddenly thought of something, and a familiar voice echoed in his mind.
[Interested... would you like to go home and have a look? 】
If Metanzo hadn't lied at that time, it seems that he could have done it...
Terrible thoughts arose in Lorenzo's mind. He would never do this before, but now all this weirdness has already brought huge pressure to him. Sometimes Lorenzo feels confused about himself.
Is he a cold sanity, or has his madness reached its extreme level and become a seemingly sane normal state?
Many things have no answers, or in other words, only you can explain them.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand tremblingly and whispered.
"This is a spiritual world that connects us all... invisible ties connect us all..."
[This is our gap, a world controlled by us. 】
He raised his hand and stroked it gently. Lorenzo was expecting something, but nothing happened. After a long time, he suddenly laughed uncontrollably.
Sure enough, these are false, Watson's fraud, and deception.
Lorenzo thought like this. The world he knew had not been broken. What Medanzo said at that time was all nonsense. The world would not change according to his own wishes. Lorenzo's common sense was preserved, but at the same time he A bit strangely lost.
He is looking forward to some change, just like a priest secretly going to the casino, people will always chase danger and the forbidden happiness.
But at this moment, a breeze blew up. It picked up the snow dust on the ground, surged up, and weaved into countless curtains. Lorenzo looked in the direction where his arm was moving. Now he had no emotions at all. The violent fluctuations on the screen just said with some helplessness.
"No way..."
It was a black crack that spanned dimensions and matter, opening a gap in this desolate world to the outside world, and behind that dark gap, the starry sky was bright.
"Is this your conspiracy?"
Lorenzo muttered to himself, but just like before, no one responded, so he started laughing.
He approached the crack step by step. Lorenzo remembered how it looked when he saw it for the first time, and he also clearly remembered the arrangement of the star trails.
"Go home?"
Lorenzo took one last look at the desolate ice field, and then stepped into the starry sky without looking back.
"Lorenzo! Lorenzo!"
Merlin yelled at the Black Angel, but no one responded to him so far. It seemed that Lorenzo fell into a coma the moment he activated the Black Angel, and he arrived at the [Gap].
This damn guy took advantage of Merlin to a certain extent, and Merlin was full of worries about what would happen next. Once the Black Angel went crazy, the existing security forces were completely insufficient.
But at this moment, the Black Angel moved, and the original sin armor that had been silent moved, and its twisted wings began to fold, like a shield, wrapping itself up heavily, shrinking and closing, and turned into It was in the form of a black egg, but then flesh and blood began to proliferate from under the iron feathers. They grew wantonly and adhered to the restrainer and the surrounding machinery.
It was flesh and blood wrapped like spider silk, and in an instant it occupied everything in the air.
Merlin swallowed. Even the well-informed alchemist didn't know what would happen next, but then he felt it.
To be precise, everyone present felt it. The surging erosion was like a sea wave, washing over everyone in waves. All the large Geiger indexers installed in the city were affected, and this The influence continued, spreading to the entire old Dunling and even the entire Yin Erweg in an instant.
It is not strong, and even many ordinary people only feel briefly nauseated, but insiders like Merlin understand what is happening.
Merlin has begun to regret this experiment, but the fluctuations of the Black Angel have not stopped yet. Rather than contaminating, it is more like calling for something.
Like the alchemical matrix used by Lawrence, the Black Angel was expanding the scope of the erosion until Lorenzo could reach it even from such a long distance.
Behind the mountains, beneath the distant sacred city, is where everything originates.
The Temple of Stasis.
(End of this chapter)

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