Embers of Embers

Chapter 254 The Sword of Mourning

Chapter 254 The Sword of Mourning
How long have humans existed in this crazy world?
Lorenzo always thinks about strange questions sometimes, which is like what he often calls "excessive thinking", thinking about questions that ordinary people have never thought about, which makes him exhausted and unable to find answers.
So... how long have humans been around?It should be much older than what is recorded in current history books, but during such a long period of time, humans have failed to leave any footprints. Only writing and records were left in the recent thousands of years.
So, before that, before humans could write records, what were humans doing in those unknown dark ages?
Lorenzo believes that all this did not appear out of thin air, so what were we doing before this appeared?
Maybe this is also the curse of knowledge, Lorenzo thought about it, but he couldn't find the answer in the end, and he also had a strange premonition. If human beings have an unknown period that has not been recorded, is it related to demons?
Human beings do not appear in the world out of thin air, and neither do demons. So where do they come from?
When did these anomalies invade the normal world?
His consciousness was fleeting, and in a strange state, Lorenzo's thoughts became much clearer. With increasing clarity, he seemed to have glimpsed a glimpse of the cause of this indescribable state.
Maybe...maybe it's because of this?
Lorenzo thought of the reason, and then his thoughts were pulled and pressed hard, and pain tore at his consciousness.The last time he traveled through the [Gap], he relied on Watson, but this time he took the initiative to trigger it. This weird feeling almost made his consciousness faint.
But then Lorenzo saw it. In an unknown starry sky, he was walking among the bright points of light. They were glowing with seven colors and extremely gorgeous... There were [gaps] one after another.
The Black Angel formed an alchemical matrix that amplified the [gap] shuttle, and its scope spanned the entire territory of Yin Erweg and extended to the other side of the sea. As a result, Lorenzo's consciousness crossed tens of millions of distances in an instant and arrived at That place of origin.
All the light points are accelerating. They extend into a dazzling light track at a rapid speed, and finally wrap around Lorenzo. There is darkness in the roaring silence. In the slow rise, the dark world gradually becomes brighter and is added. Gray-blue color.
The residence of the demon hunters and the origin of the secret blood.
In the silent temple, a blurry figure stood in a dark corner. He looked at the dilapidated palace in a daze, his body motionless, as if frozen.
Sometimes the surprises in life come so quickly, catching people off guard. They are just expected scenes, but they suddenly come before you, and all the emotions are interrupted, leaving only a blank.
The shadow tried to move. From the perspective of others, the shadow seemed not to exist at all, like a ghost. But now the body of the ghost was trembling slightly. He was excited and sad, and wanted to roar with anger, but he lowered his head. Silent condolences.
Lorenzo is indeed a ghost, a lonely ghost who survived the Holy Night. He should have died, but he has lived until now. Everything in the past was burned in the fire of that night, only He was left looking at the ruins and recalling everything.
"long time no see……"
He muttered in a low voice, but it seemed that he had used up all his strength.
Lorenzo was no longer in the mood to think about anything else. He didn't even think about what state he was in. If he still had flesh and blood, I'm afraid he would have burst into tears by now... He hadn't cried for a long time.
The ghost moved forward little by little, stepping on gravel and stairs.
After Antony went to Inverg, it seemed that only the new pope was left in the entire Cathedral of Saint-Naro. It was so quiet and solemn. After his brutal killing and the baptism of blood, it seemed that the Evangelical Church It’s back to the age of advocating faith.
The door to heaven slowly closed, and the elevator began to descend in the darkness, heading towards the Temple of Stasis.
Only at this time can the new pope seem more relaxed. In this vertical shaft called the Gate of Heaven, this place neither belongs to heaven nor to hell. This is a gap that no one knows. Only here can he Avoiding those prying eyes, he took off his iron-white mask and lit a cigarette.
Time passed very quickly. After a cigarette was burned out, the elevator reached the bottom. The door slowly opened, revealing the Temple of Stasis.
Due to the loss of "Apocalypse", many departments in the Stasis Temple cannot be restarted. In addition, most of the demon hunters were sent to Old Dunling. There are very few personnel stationed here, and it is even said that there is no one to guard them.
There really is no need for anyone to guard this place. It used to be the core of the Demon Hunting Order, but now there is nothing left here. All that is left is a desolate place, leaving future generations to recall the glory of the past.
Although he is in charge of the Evangelical Church, everyone knows very little about this new pope. He is so mysterious that his true face is hidden behind a mask. He rarely leaves the Cathedral of San Naro, and even rarely appears in people's sights. In front of you.
Those surrendered cardinals could never find him, but little did they know that the new pope liked to come back here and stay in the temple whenever he had nothing to do.
This place is already a dilapidated place. Although some of the dilapidation has faded due to subsequent construction, it is still difficult to restore its original glory.
This place may have been extremely important once, but now it is nothing more than the tombstone of the Demon Hunting Order.
The new pope was silent all the way, walked along the familiar road to the end, opened the heavy door, and heard the clear fragrance of flowers from behind.
It was a sea of ​​flowers, pure white flowers blooming in this underground world, swaying slightly, like an ocean blown by the wind.
No one knows when this place was established. At least in the memories of some insiders, there is no such warm place in the cold Temple of Stasis.
Warm white light is cast from above, and it is a blur of pure white, making it impossible to see its original appearance.
"Your Majesty."
The tombkeeper came over. He was used to the new pope's frequent visits, and he was also used to his new job. Just guarding the tomb was much better than going out to fight and kill.
The new pope did not respond, but walked slowly in the sea of ​​flowers. It seemed that only here could his restless heart calm down slightly.
Everything is very quiet. With the surging sea of ​​flowers, you can see the tombstones erected. Unfortunately, there are no names on them, just numbers one after another, numbers that have been forgotten.
Rusty sword blades stand beside the tombstones, one after another, telling the story of the past that no one knows.
"Your Majesty, the Heart Network is still hungry... we..."
After a long time, the tombkeeper couldn't help but ask, but as soon as he finished asking, he felt a little regretful.
The steel mask slowly turned around, and under the dark void, he could feel the pair of lifeless eyes examining him, as if he were a body that had lost its soul.
"They have made their final contribution. The secret blood has been drained, and the silver-binding bolt has been melted to form a new nailed sword... Let those flesh and blood rest in peace."
There was no fluctuation in the voice, as if it was relayed by a machine.
"And you should remain sad, child. It is because of their deaths that the world has not been overrun by madness."
The new pope looked at the sea of ​​flowers, his voice without any emotion, standing like a sculpture.
The tombkeeper did not dare to say anything more, and he cautiously stepped back.
He has lived a long time and has served many important figures, but this new pope is different from them all, very different. He is full of contradictions and unknowns.
Don't get too emotionally invested in the weapon.
Everyone who knows about the existence of demon hunters knows this sentence, so demon hunters have no names, only numbers. They have no past and future, only the present of constant fighting.
This iron-blooded pope can kill the powerful without hesitation and suppress all opponents bloodyly, but he still has compassion, and even awe, for these long-dead people.
The tombkeeper didn't know why, and he didn't dare to guess. Sometimes knowing too much was not a good thing. Sometimes he felt that when people like them knew about the existence of demons, they had been descended by some unknown existence. curse.
It curses all those who know it, causing them to struggle against the darkness all their lives in vain, and it sits on high, laughing at the mortals who try to change all this.
The new pope walked to a familiar position and sat down. He turned his back to the tombkeeper and took off his mask, placed it on the tombstone beside him, and continued his long mourning.
Everything seemed to be frozen, like a photograph taken, everything was stagnant at this moment, until a child who had left home finally returned here. He looked at all this blankly, and he never remembered the Saint of Stasis. There is still a place like this in the temple, and I have never seen these strangers.
The ghost moved forward slowly, stepping on the wet soil and flower petals. Everything was so unfamiliar to him, until he saw the man kneeling in the sea of ​​flowers.
"What's going on here...?"
Lorenzo was obviously unaware of the current situation. He realized his current situation only after the unbearable sadness. He returned to the Temple of Stasis in a wonderful state.
Maybe this is really some kind of "ghost" state. Lorenzo stretched out his hand and tried to touch the object, but he couldn't touch anything, no one could see him, and the sound he made couldn't be transmitted, as if he was with the ghost. The whole world is quarantined.
Lorenzo was a detective after all. Although he relied more on guns and swords when solving crimes, now was a good opportunity to use his brain. He discovered the anomaly in this state and couldn't help but think of everything about Lawrence.
Lawrence can use the [gap] to travel through and invade others, thereby controlling another person. Could it be said that Lorenzo is also in this state, but he has never touched a living creature to trigger the invasion.
He leaned towards the sea of ​​flowers warily, but at this moment a voice sounded.
Lorenzo's actions stopped. He was a little unclear about the current situation. If it is correct, there are only two people here...and his ghost, then who is this man talking to now?
His heart was completely suspended. Lorenzo had been away from the Evangelical Church for too long. It had been so long that the Pope had been replaced, and the Demon Hunting Order had been disbanded and rebuilt. There must be more changes in this, but he didn't know it yet.
The tombkeeper didn't know what was going on. He couldn't observe Lorenzo and had no idea what the new pope was going crazy about. But now he had no idea that the danger was coming.
Lorenzo wanted to figure it all out. In his ghost state, he could not change the reality. He cautiously leaned towards the tombkeeper. A bold idea arose in his heart. This was the best way to verify this strange state. Chance.
He stretched out his hand and slowly pressed it on the tombkeeper's back. At the moment of contact, the illusory body collapsed in an instant. Countless memories and emotions collided with Lorenzo's mind, causing pain and madness. Coexistence, everything is so long, until the will is torn apart and put back together again, the world gradually becomes brighter.
Lorenzo pressed his hands on the earth, which felt soft and moist. He was in a daze at first, and then slowly raised his hands, feeling both ecstasy and fear.
He... did it, just like Lawrence did, he controlled another body through the [gap], interfering with everything in the stasis temple at such a long distance.
Before Lorenzo had time to experience all this, the man in the sea of ​​flowers stood up. He picked up the mask and put it on. He slowly turned around and looked at Lorenzo...or the tombkeeper.
"It is indeed you..." he said.
Lorenzo was still a little confused. He was not a tombkeeper, and he didn't understand what the man said at all. But then he saw clearly the mask and the holy robe under the white light.
Lorenzo never imagined that the man in front of him was actually the Pope, but then the new pope picked up the nailed swords inserted next to the tombstone, a sound of piercing the sky was heard, and then a nailed sword was inserted in front of Lorenzo's eyes .
"I thought you wouldn't come again, but I'm still scared, right?"
asked the pope.
He held the rusty nailed sword and slowly approached. As he approached, all the pure white flowers withered. They decayed and died, revealing the black earth and desolate tombstones.
Lorenzo had no time to think. He had no idea what was going on, how he was exposed, and what "you" the new pope meant by him.
Lorenzo instinctively picked up the nailed sword in front of him. The sense of crisis made him take precautions, but at the moment he met the new Pope's eyes, his heart seemed to stop beating.
Under the steel mask, blazing fireworks ignited in the dark eye sockets, and it burned more and more intensely until the blazing fire washed away all the rust.
The secret blood began to boil for a long time. Seni Lothair raised his nail sword, pointing the tip of the sword at Lorenzo and lowering it slightly. This was a familiar stance, one that Lorenzo would not forget.
"I will not give up, everyone, no matter how many times you come to kill me, this will still be the case."
He said, then came with thunder and fireworks, the cold light fell, and issued the order of divine punishment.
(End of this chapter)

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