Embers of Embers

Chapter 259 Iron and Blood

Chapter 259 Iron and Blood
The rough propulsion system releases huge firelight and thrust, like a pillar of fire rising sideways, and gray-black smoke escapes as it burns.
"This is a technological breakthrough, Lorenzo, do you remember the crude oil factory in the north? We found that although this thing is not very controllable, it contains high heat and is very suitable for fuel. We don't know much about it at the moment. , but after some alchemical processing, it does show certain abilities, and I feel that this will be the energy that changes the current industry."
Looking at the armors fighting off the field, Merlin explained to Lorenzo that everything was beyond imagination.
But now Lorenzo has no time to think about that. Ye Xiao is really dedicated. Although it was only a moment of confrontation, Lorenzo could feel that this guy was really trying to kill him.
It’s unclear how long Ye Xiao has been training secretly, but his attacks are rapid and smoothly connected.
The clumsy body was extremely agile under the propulsion system. It was really unclear where Merlin's so-called clumsiness was reflected.
The Black Angel retreated quickly, but compared to the Sword Dancer with a propulsion system, its speed was obviously much slower. Fortunately, Lorenzo still made a rational judgment at the critical moment, and the Black Angel tilted to one side forcefully. He tried his best to avoid the sword dancer's charging path.
This propulsion system seems to be the whim of these scientific researchers. The rough steel plates are randomly spliced ​​together. This is not only an experiment between armors, but also an experiment for these new equipment.
Like a savage bull, this thing accelerates very quickly, but it can only travel in a straight line. Lorenzo grasped this point, and the black angel made a large circle. The sword dancer could not turn to counterattack at this moment. This was his Opportunity, but suddenly fireworks rose again, lighting up Lorenzo's vision.
Lorenzo cursed angrily. At the same time, the Sword Dancer turned violently while accelerating in a straight line. You could clearly see that the mechanical structure of its body was shaking violently. This sudden lateral acceleration brought a huge burden to the armor. Logically speaking, It is said that this machine should have begun to fall apart, but the demon's flesh and blood served as the perfect connecting material to stabilize everything.
Burning pillars of fire surged up from the Sword Dancer's shoulders. These lunatics had long thought of the disadvantages of maneuverability, so they simply added small thrusters at all angles to make it omnipotent in this crude way. .
However, it seems that the workmanship is indeed rough, and it is just a disposable item. After a short injection, it turns off, and the red-hot iron shell and the empty small fuel tank fall off from it, as if the knight has removed his armor, but can follow closely. It's the sharp sword that cuts off.
It was a harsh iron cry, and the iron feathers intertwined together to form a solid shield, which collided with the descending sword blade, causing sparks and metal fragments to fly.
After accelerating, this sword was far more powerful than Lorenzo imagined. The entire Black Angel was shocked, and then most of the iron feathers were cut off. The huge force was exerted on Lorenzo's body, and he felt a little pain in his chest. dullness and pain.
The Black Angel was knocked away several meters. After barely stabilizing his body, Tie Yu slowly opened his arms, and you could see that the strong breastplate was also slightly dented by the blow.
Sword Dancer also slowly turned around. It was not in a hurry to attack. This acceleration was also a big burden for the driver. Although it was short-lived, the impact just now made Night Owl feel uncomfortable.
The demon flesh and blood plays a stabilizing and buffering role. Lorenzo and Black Angel are completely wrapped in flesh and blood, so this kind of blunt damage is not very effective.
Lorenzo did not intend to give the sword dancer a chance to breathe. After being strengthened by the eternal pump, this third-generation armor was fully armed. The black angel waved its wings, and the broken iron feathers were like flying sword blades, all falling off and stabbing. He hit Sword Dancer, but Sword Dancer had no intention of evading.
The dense steel feathers hit the solid external plate armor, causing some sparks and impact, but had no other effect.
In order to make up for the lack of performance, the external armor of the third generation armor is extremely strong, and this is only the first layer of protection, after which there is also the internal plate armor.
"Come on, Lorenzo, don't lose too badly."
Merlin shouted carelessly.
To be honest, Lorenzo is a little irritable now. He is even thinking about crawling out of the Black Angel. If he fights the Sword Dancer in the way of a demon hunter, although the enemy is a bit unfamiliar, at least he is familiar with his own body, and It's not about controlling this strange armor.
Night Owl actually has the same idea as Lorenzo on this point. The Original Sin Armor is the top combat power of the purification agency. It is a forbidden weapon that only targets demons. However, in fact, the Original Sin Armor has never fought against another Original Sin Armor. He is also continuing to explore his fighting methods, but now it seems that his fighting methods are quite effective.
The sword dancer raised his armored firecracker again. Judging from the bracket on his back, there are two more of this disposable weapon. Its main killing ability is aimed at flesh and blood. A path of burning was opened up in it, although it also has a certain lethality against the original sin armor, but just like Lorenzo's dragon's breath bomb, for the original sin armor, it is used to cover the line of sight and disturb the enemy to a greater extent.
Pulling the trigger, the surging dragon's breath passed through the workshop, and the instantaneous high temperature caused the entire palm of the hand to turn red. Then the push on the back ignited again, and several burned-out external parts were burning at the same time. The fuel tank fell.
Lorenzo could only see the oncoming steel beast, and his thoughts flew quickly, thinking about how to deal with it.
But in fact, there is nothing to think about. The only advantage of Black Angel is its powerful performance as a first-generation armor. Because of the proportion of demon flesh and blood, its structure is far more stable and flexible than Sword Dancer. It's outrageous. In order to chase the power of the first-generation armor, the Sword Dancer has installed too many external armors and weapons. Coupled with its already degraded model, it is far from the mobility and limb flexibility of the Black Angel.
This is Lorenzo's chance of winning. The Sword Dancer is like a skinny child, covered in solid armor. In order to make up for the gaps as much as possible, he even carries a propulsion system.
The sword dancer arrived in no time, carrying huge fireworks, and the black angel was so weak, as long as there was another blow, the sword dancer had a chance to directly hit the black angel directly, but at this moment, the black angel moved.
The restraints on the body were slightly bloated, but this was not a problem. New iron feathers grew along the gaps between the flesh and blood. This was not an external weapon, but came from the power of the demon. It greeted the sword dancer and ran wildly. , accelerating to shorten the distance between the two.
Its steps were a little staggering at first, and it seemed that Lorenzo was still not very used to this kind of operation, but soon the Black Angel's steps became quick, and after being unfamiliar, he became proficient. The moment the Sword Dancer was about to swing his sword, the Black Angel instead It accelerated again and approached directly in front of it.
Everything happened so quickly, between lightning and thunder. This was the Black Angel's advantage. It was much more sensitive in controlling the armor itself than the Sword Dancer. The Sword Dancer had just raised the blade, and the Black Angel was already close. In front of him, there was no room for him to swing his sword, and the two were about to collide violently in the next second, but the ghostly figure flashed instantly.
With the advantage of being slightly smaller than the Sword Dancer, the Black Angel turned his body sideways just before they collided, but then the metal collided with each other, making a harsh crash.
After all, this was the first time to operate the Original Sin Armor. Lorenzo was still a little slow. Before he could start the next operation, he was hit head-on by the Sword Dancer who could not stop him. If the driver at this moment was Lancelot, Perhaps it would be a completely different result. Lorenzo remembered that blue phantom without any propulsion system, but the armor was as light as a swift.
His thoughts were shattered by the violent vibrations. Sword Dancer pushed Black Angel forward, but at this moment Black Angel grabbed it tightly. Because of the different models, Black Angel could do actions that Sword Dancer could not do. , the arms bent exaggeratedly, cutting into the gaps in its plate armor. Using this as a fulcrum, the Black Angel directly rolled over the Sword Dancer.
The fatal sword failed, and at this time, relying on its super maneuverability, the Black Angel began to counterattack. The sharp wings scattered into thousands of sword blades, directly piercing the back of the sword dancer, and the rough propulsion system and fuel The tank was destroyed. There was no protection at all due to the size of the propeller.
A blazing explosion sounded, and the sword dancer was staggered by the explosion from its back. Fortunately, the heavy external armor on its body acted as a load to stabilize its figure. Then a pillar of fire ignited on the other side, and the sword placed on its arm The small thruster was activated, and it swung the sword behind it at a speed far beyond what the machine could achieve.
But it is obvious that these thrusters are just the rise of the perpetual pump. The capacity of these small fuel tanks placed in other parts is not large and can only be used once or twice. As long as the Black Angel can withstand such a fatal attack , after the Sword Dancer consumes all the fuel tanks, it loses mobility and its deterrence will be greatly reduced.
Lorenzo is obviously not the kind of hunter who pursues stability. He has a strong desire to attack. The iron feathers formed a slope. With the power of the demon's flesh and blood, although he could not completely block the sword attack, the Black Angel still deflected the attack. , and then slashed again. It was not the sword dancers, but the external fuel tanks.
Explosions continued one after another, and Night Owl's combat awareness was also very keen. After realizing that his mobility was not enough to escape the close combat of the Black Angel, he simply gave up protecting the fuel tank and raised his armor fire again. Gun, and this time it was pointed at the ground.
The burning sea of ​​​​fire surged instantly as the trigger was pulled, and the blazing flames obscured everyone's vision. Even from the lifting platform, you could only see the blazing sea of ​​​​fire surrounding the two armors.
The terrifying sword waved in a semicircle, cutting through the sea of ​​​​fire in an instant. This large-scale slash completely hit the black angel who had lost his sight. It was shaken away, and then the sword dancer rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, his steps heavy , after losing its propulsion capability, its speed dropped significantly.
Night Owl is very aware of the gap between Sword Dancer and Black Angel. With its terrifying maneuverability, once Black Angel gets close, Sword Dancer cannot catch up with its movements. If the propulsion ability is still there, Sword Dancer can Find the right opportunity to kill with one strike, but now Lorenzo has realized the chance of winning. Due to the different performance of the armor, the sword dancer will only continue to decline at a disadvantage.
It needs to maintain a safe distance, and the Black Angel must not be allowed to get too close. The use of armor and fire blunderbuss to block the field of vision and the large-scale attack of the sword do not seem to work. The Black Angel will definitely deal with this person in the future. Invoke vigilance.
Like fighters in a duel, the sword dancers moved slowly, looking for the weakness of the Black Angel, while the Black Angel stood motionless on the other side of the workshop.
After experiencing several impacts, the Black Angel also showed signs of decline. It was injured, but the more injured it was, the more terrifying its power became.
"It's so similar...just like a demon."
Merlin stood on the elevated platform. He looked down at the deadly battle like one of those dignitaries, staring at the evil thing.
The iron feathers were broken, and the solid plate armor was also covered with cracks. The black angel lowered his head, as if he had lost his fighting spirit.
Indeed, the Black Angel destroyed the Sword Dancer's propulsion system, but in order to do all this, it withstood several heavy blows. For the Black Angel, who was already lightly armed, this was fatal.
But the steam engine was roaring slowly at this moment, and the flesh-and-blood plate armor was covered with cracks, revealing the scarlet things underneath that undulated with breathing, and then they grew slowly, strengthening the Black Angel's joints. , wrapping around the broken armor and forcibly putting it back together.
The characteristics of the creature appeared on it at this moment, perhaps due to the damage caused by the previous sword strike. There was blood dripping along the gaps between the machine and the armor. They flowed slowly, and were then burned and evaporated by the rising temperature.
Scarlet mist surrounds the Black Angel.
"The Black Angel's Geiger Index is rising!"
Someone shouted to Merlin, but Merlin shook his head and said indifferently.
He knew very well that the first-generation armor and the third-generation armor were two extremes, one moving toward a body of flesh and blood, and the other moving toward a body of steel. He also knew that only the Black Angel stepped into that mild demonization, fully stimulating the activity of those demonic flesh and blood. , this can be regarded as the official launch of Black Angel.
After all, this armor is alive, and now it comes to life.
Weird pain came from all around, and then Lorenzo couldn't see anymore, or maybe everything was so clear in his eyes.
Flesh and blood covered his eyes, and the extended nerves connected him to the demonic flesh and blood. Then a slender gap was squeezed out of the mask, and scarlet eyes peered at the world.
This situation continues to happen. Along Lorenzo's spine, the thickets of flesh and blood completely link it together. All instructions originating from the brain are transferred. It is no longer directed to the mortal body, but to the mortal body. Acts directly on this Original Sin Armor.
The next moment it arched its body like a beast, and then the scarlet steam dissipated, and the dripping blood was pulled and spread. Everyone could only hear the sound of stepping hard on the iron wall, and then the sharp steel The feather came up and down, slashing at the sword dancer's chest.
Strong muscles replaced the mechanical assistance, and the heart beat violently, transporting the blood to the whole body along the blood vessels. It opened its mouth, spitting out warm mist, and then pressed the sword dancer's faceplate with its palm, slightly Twist it with force.
Night Owl's breathing almost stopped. He could see the scarlet eyes along the slits in his visor, and beneath them, the twisted creation of steel and flesh.
Just as those people described the first generation of armor, this is a monster wearing armor.
(End of this chapter)

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