Embers of Embers

Chapter 260 Out of Control

Chapter 260 Out of Control
It was an armor like a beast, a dark angel corrupted by filth.
The beating of the heart was so powerful that it became louder and louder, beating hard on everyone's chest like a war drum. It rose and fell with the rhythm, and the blood flowed turbulently, and the muscles relaxed under this.
The abominable faceplate was entangled with proliferated flesh and blood, and sharp bones grew from it, like cracked ferocious teeth. The Night Owl was so close to him, and the voice of steel echoed in his ears, as long as the Black Angel With a little more force, it can crush the Sword Dancer's head, and the Night Owl's head will also be shattered together.
After the fear that shocked his mind, Night Owl came to his senses. Sword Dancer suddenly raised the blade and slashed at Black Angel fiercely, but Black Angel was much faster than it. After losing the propulsion system, The Sword Dancer was nowhere near able to keep up with it.
Only the dark shadow could be seen leaping up. The Black Angel stepped on the sword dancer's bloated external armor and jumped into the air. This was an action that the sword dancer could not do. Most of them are made of mechanical structures, and only the key and stable parts are connected by the demon's flesh and blood, while the Black Angel is the opposite.
It was completely exposed to the dome light. The last time the Black Angel lost control in the dark night, no one could see its appearance clearly, but this time it had no reservations. The blood was squeezed by flesh and steel as it progressed. Spilling, scarlet muscles unprotected by skin grew along the joints of the limbs.
The power brought by the steam engine assists the flesh and blood body, which is as strong as a living beast, and the super toughness of the armor allows it to achieve rapid and exaggerated movements.
The hands were slashed hard in mid-air, and the sharp steel cut through the external armor so fast that the edges of the iron feathers in the scream were slightly reddened by the rapid cutting.
Black Angel took advantage of the situation and got behind Sword Dancer. After it was fully activated, its mobility had completely crushed Sword Dancer. However, because there were no additional weapons, it was difficult for it to deal with the fully armed Sword Dancer with only its steel feathers. to cause effective harm.
This iron feather is so sharp and dangerous. The shrike once almost died under this steel. For a flesh and blood body, its lethality does not need to be explained in words, but now it is facing the same cold Steel.
After a brief period of panic, Night Owl had regained control of his disturbed mind. Inside Sword Dancer, the electrodes inserted into the back of his head detected his pressure. Florund's medicine was injected along the neck, which made Night Owl feel better. few.
"Go on, Night Owl, try to kill him with all your strength, Mr. Holmes is not that fragile."
Merlin's voice rang in his ears, without any emotion. After the experiment officially started, the alchemist showed his professionalism and stared blankly at the two armors in the workshop without any emotion. In his eyes at this moment, they were just two weird little white mice.
"I see."
Night Owl tried his best to keep calm. The black angel in front of him was emitting mild corrosion. This was something that was inevitable after the demon's flesh and blood was revived. And what many armor drivers of the first generation had to fight against was this corrosion that appeared while driving.
He needs to calm down and maintain that absolute reason. Corrosion is like the dark sea water, and human reason is a big ship sailing on it. Reason must not have any gaps that fear can take advantage of. Once it finds that Deadly cracks, they will tear at the wound forcefully like greedy evil ghosts, pouring more hateful erosion into it.
The Sword Dancer's speed was not as fast as that of the Black Angel at the moment. It turned around awkwardly. After losing its propulsion system, these heavy armors showed their shortcomings.
But the strange thing is that the Black Angel did not take this opportunity to attack. This was a good opportunity, but it stood there, blood mixed with gray liquid flowing out. It seemed that some oil pipes were squeezed due to the proliferation of flesh and blood. Immediately afterwards, a faint red mist rose from it, and the copper exhaust pipes were crushed by flesh and blood, making it difficult to identify, as if the mist originated from its body.
The Black Angel stood quietly in the blood mist, his posture was like that of a wild beast, his feet were slightly bent, his waist was bent, one hand hung straight on the ground, and the other hand was slowly raised , the head silently stared at the palm entangled with steel and flesh... If the twisted red monster under the crack in the mask could be called eyes.
It was like an ignorant newborn child, observing itself carefully, its eyes moving to the iron feather, followed by the restraint, the gap between flesh and machine, the broken plate armor... It was enjoying this strange thing The feeling, this extended body.
Sword Dancer couldn't stand this weird scene. It set up its sword and slowly approached. The heavy external armor armed its front into the most dense shield. The space in this workshop was limited. As long as Sword Dancer Stabilizing the formation, although the Black Angel has strong mobility, it is still unable to produce a fatal attack on itself.
The steam engine was running at full power, and the white mist overflowed along the gaps. Unlike the first-generation armor, the main power of the third-generation armor was the steam engine. Therefore, its shape was too large and bloated, and those heavy external armors were mainly used to protect those Fragile powertrain.
Heavy and stable, like the guardian of the mountains, the light Black Angel is difficult to hit the fragile part, and once the sword dancer hits a casual blow, it is possible to completely defeat the Black Angel.
The two sides approached slowly. Sword Dancer did not want to delay for too long, so he took out the last armored gun and held it tightly in his hand. This time it did not attack first, but instead waited for the Black Angel's move.
As time passed by, the distance between the two kept getting closer. It was only then that Black Angel slowly raised his head and looked squarely at the steel creation.
"Who do you think has a better chance of winning between the two?"
Someone came from behind. Nicholas looked at the fighting beasts below and asked curiously.
"The technology side."
Merlin replied.
"As an alchemist, do you admire technology so much?"
Nikolai's sick face was filled with confusion. These questions had been in his mind for a long time, but he never got an accurate answer.
Although Merlin always said that alchemy is dead, those unknown powers are still so powerful and fascinating. Nicholas also had thoughts about them, but Merlin never revealed anything to him, it seemed like he said it himself In this way, he will carry this final alchemy into the grave.
"No, it's precisely because I know alchemy so well that I can clearly realize its disadvantages."
Merlin explained it this way.
"The progress of a small number of people is useless for changing the world. Only the progress of a whole can make a mark on the world."
He stared at the sword dancer and said, this is the crystallization of technology. Although it still uses part of the demon flesh and blood, at least this mottled crystal is a new node that they can achieve.
"Alchemy has existed for a long time, but it has not been widely used. Even though it is so strange, it is only spread in myths. But technology is different. Look at the steam engine. It only appeared for such a short period of time. The history of the entire world is just a brief moment, but this moment changed the entire world."
Nicholas also looked at the workshop below. Due to the approach of the sword dancer, the black angel launched a new round of attack. It danced around the sword dancer like a warrior, and a series of volleys of fire erupted from the chaotic iron feathers. Spark's attack was extremely ferocious, but it actually didn't cause much damage to it.
The sword dancer made perfect use of his heavy armor to withstand the attacks one after another.
"But... is there such a possibility?"
Nicholas said with some curiosity.
"I'm researching electricity, you know about this, but at the beginning all of this was not favored by people, those people thought that only making bigger and more magnificent steam engines would be the next direction of the world...Only you support me. "
"To be honest, it was only later that I felt that you might not only agree with my idea, but that you clearly knew it was right, just like alchemy was replaced by the steam engine, and the steam engine was outlawed by electricity."
Merlin remained silent. This seemingly young man had too many secrets hidden in his mind.
"But is it possible that demons are like this too?"
Nicholas said softly, and Merlin's eyes finally relaxed at this moment. He slowly moved his gaze, but Nicholas didn't notice him at all, but focused on the dancing black angel. superior.
"You have been making those unknown powers known, so that they can be used by humans. So is the same true for demons? We use the properties of their flesh and blood to turn them into a kind of material.
Is there ever such a day when we completely understand the demon and everything about it? At that time, this unknown power will just become a technology. "
As Nicholas spoke, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had discovered some secret.
"An extremely advanced technology, so advanced that when we first came into contact with it, we didn't know its nature at all, and could only describe its existence with simple and stupid myths."
Just like the thunder that is feared by mortals, he is aloof, and now it has already been held in people's hands.
Nicholas was still staring at the duel below. He didn't know what he said at all. It was like a strange conclusion drawn by a person's random thinking. But such a conclusion made Merlin look slightly sideways. He Just as he was about to say something, the violent roar of iron interrupted his thoughts.
The battle below has become fierce. The high-speed attack has made the Black Angel a little tired. The body of steel will be limited by fuel, and the body of flesh and blood will also feel tired. Its offensive gradually slows down, and at this time it also Ling Sword Dancer found an opportunity to counterattack.
The sword dancer swung the sword fiercely. The broad sword had been used as a shield before, blocking the black angel's several fierce attacks. But this time when it swung the sword to attack, the covered areas It was also exposed. This was an opportunity for the Black Angel to attack.
Just like the gap in performance, Sword Dancer's attack failed. Black Angel quickly dodged the sword attack and at the same time attacked the position where it lost cover, which played into Night Owl's plan.
This is a feint, and the third-generation armor has very little flesh and blood. Even after running for so long, after being strengthened by Florund's potion, Night Owl's consciousness still maintains absolute sanity, while Lorenzo in Black Angel Different, according to Night Owl's speculation, no matter how high the resistance of the demon hunter is, he will definitely be affected to some extent after running for such a long time.
Under the influence of erosion, the most primitive impulses of human beings are infinitely amplified. It can be seen from the Black Angel's increasingly crazier offensive that the desire to attack is released to the maximum, and it is at this time that it chooses to attack.
The sword dancer deliberately exposed a flaw to attract the black angel to attack, and the black angel also followed the trend. At this moment, the sword dancer suddenly let go of the tightly held sword blade and grabbed the black angel. Although the iron feather was sharp, but The friction on the solid armor only adds a few scratches.
It grabbed the Black Angel tightly, and then hit it in the chest with a heavy punch. In fact, the Black Angel was a little unclear as to why the Sword Dancer did this. Although the third-generation armor was also very effective, if you want to It would still be a bit naive to just rely on boxing to knock down the Black Angel.
But at this moment, blazing flames broke out, as if the scorching sun was rising on the chest of the black angel.
What the sword dancer wields is not a fist, but an armored fire blunderbuss fired from almost zero distance.
The impact of the fire pushed the black angel away, and the blazing fire burned on his body. At the same time, the metal fragments that had not been completely melted pierced into the armor, and the red-hot molten iron flowed on it, and sparks overflowed. .
This was a long-planned blow by the Night Owl. This blow caused heavy damage to the Black Angel. It staggered back, and in pain, it vigorously shook away the burning molten iron. The red steam overflowed crazily, and the sharp breath sounded like It was its howling that resounded through the workshop.
The sword dancer clumsily picked up the fallen sword, it didn't continue to chase, but chose to fight steadily.
The Black Angel's body began to twitch in pain. For a flesh and blood body, the burning temperature destroyed its muscles, and the pain was transmitted undiminished to Lorenzo, who was wrapped in flesh and blood.
Blood was sprinkled all over the ground, but after a short period of pain, the burnt flesh and blood was replaced. Although the injuries were still there, with the recovery power of the demon's flesh and blood, it was not enough to make it incapacitated, but the plate armor on the chest was burned. The red shattered, and a large area of ​​flesh and blood underneath was exposed. If the sword dancer was quick enough, a blow from here could even penetrate Lorenzo directly inside.
"Do you want to continue?" Ye Xiao asked.
Although the full activation of the Black Angel caused him a lot of trouble before, as time went by, the erosion began to affect the driver, and he felt that he had won.
It was another angry voice.
A sudden wailing sound also sounded at this time. In the blink of an eye, the thick fog was released, and the Black Angel slowly stood up. The horrific injuries on his body were still bleeding, and he was extremely hideous.
Merlin wanted to say something, but he interrupted him.
"I didn't feel right from the beginning, Merlin. This feeling wasn't right. It was like my whole body was being restrained and I couldn't use my strength."
The strange red eyes peered at the world, and then the red restraints on his body began to buzz and tremble, and the tightly inserted rivets began to rebound and turned into bulges one by one. It was also at this time that the bright green lights turned red in unison, Geiger The index rose wildly.
Merlin shouted anxiously, but there was a noisy sound of electricity in the communicator, and the rising erosion interfered with all connections.
"This is what you should be like."
A crazy smile appeared on the cheek covered in flesh and blood. The restrainer finally could no longer support it, and the silver-white columnar rivets bounced up one by one, shining brightly.
(End of this chapter)

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