Embers of Embers

Chapter 261 Cap

Chapter 261 Cap
The process of gradually taking over the entire Black Angel is very strange, just like a person who has lost everything and regains his senses little by little. First, he can see, hear, and have arms to punch, and then he has an iron arm that can jump. foot.
The blood couldn't stop pouring out of the wound on the chest. If the firepower of the armored gun was a little higher, this blow might be able to directly destroy the Black Angel. Its figure was a little distorted by the charred flesh and red-hot steel. , staggered a little, but still managed to stand up, like a dying but crazy thug.
All the gates were sealed, the lifting platform was raised to the highest point, and the noisy sound of electricity could be heard in Night Owl's ears. He knew exactly what was happening.
Sure enough, it was still out of control, just like the ending of many generations of armor pilots. Even the demon hunter cannot avoid this curse.
Ye Xiao was not afraid. At this moment, he suddenly had a sense of mission. Facts have proved that the third generation armor does have reliable combat power to a certain extent. Although it is not as good as the performance of the first generation armor, through external armor and weapons, it can also It can barely catch up with the previous generation of armor.
The most important thing is the stability of the third-generation armor, which means that it can be mass-produced. In the future, driving armor will no longer be something only knight commanders can do, and the combat effectiveness of the entire purification mechanism will be greatly improved.
It's an honor and it's time to prove yourself.
Holding the sword calmly, the sword dancer stood firmly in place just like before. As long as the black angel could not break through its defense line, it was confident to control the out-of-control black angel.
The weird laughter suddenly sounded, which seemed to come from the black angel, and seemed to ring directly in his mind. Night Owl lost consciousness at first, and then pressed the button again, injecting the remaining few Florund potions, making his consciousness He remained awake in the erosion, and the next moment the black angel came carrying the blood mist.
It was a roar that kept sounding. The iron feet struck the metal ground hard. It was so powerful that all the muscles were releasing their power to the fullest. Without the skin covering it, one could clearly see the scarlet twists and strips. Pulling, like a swarm of snakes.
As soon as the clenched sword blade was lifted, the black angel who had escaped from the restraints arrived in front of him. Its speed was much faster than before, as if this was its original power. Then the sword dancer was unable to react. At this moment, the sharp iron feather slashed down hard.
"it's no use……"
Ye Xiao whispered as if to cheer himself up.
The previous fights have proved that Iron Feather is very lethal against flesh and blood like monsters, but when faced with the same steel, all it can do is leave some mottled scratches.
If Lorenzo was still rational, he would definitely not make such a futile attack. Now it is certain that he has been completely eroded and out of control, and even the attack has turned into a beast-like rampage and madness, with no tactics at all.
The slow speed has finally caught up, but the Black Angel has no intention of evading. In its current state, it will be defeated if it withstands a sword attack. The Night Owl is also merciless. The best way to deal with the out-of-control armor is suppress it.
The deadly blade was infinitely approaching the Black Angel. At this time, it also realized the danger and prepared to avoid it, but it was too late. The steam engine roared, and the blade set off a howling wind with its powerful output.
But at the moment when it was about to hit, the galloping blade suddenly stopped, and it was this pause that gave the black angel time to escape. It stepped on the blade, and the sharp iron feather slashed again.
Even Ye Xiao couldn't believe it. In the previous slash, Tie Yu's broken blade cut into the gap in the armor and got stuck in the mechanical joint. It was this fatal point that caused the lifting of the blade to be affected. stop.
There was no time for Night Owl to think about this. When a new blow fell, the black angel was like a nimble snake, quickly turning around the sword dancer, always one step ahead of the falling sword blade.
The constant sound of iron buzzing echoed in my ears, the fight between metal and metal, and the dazzling sparks. In an instant, I don’t know how many times the Black Angel attacked, but the next moment all the sounds disappeared, and the belated arrival The sword blade struck the air again, and the narrow field of vision on the visor lost all traces of the Black Angel.
Where did it go?
For the first time, Ye Xiao felt panic in his heart. Due to the difference in speed, in order not to expand the disadvantage, Ye Xiao had been trying to keep the Black Angel within his sight, but now it disappeared.
The next moment the sharp blade glowed, and the Black Angel jumped up from below, hitting the gap between the armor directly with one blow, cutting into those fragile parts, and then the fragmentation continued until it extended to the visor. , the crisp cold wind rushed in.
The sword blade swung hard, and the sword dancer tried to push back the black angel with a wide sweep, and then it retreated to the corner, hiding its back as much as possible in the blind spot.
Night Owl was panting, and he was still a little unresponsive until blood flowed through his eyes, dyeing his vision red.
That blow directly left a deep dent on the visor, and Ye Xiao's injuries were more than that when he went deeper. Armor, but it's enough to cut through these underneath.
It did not continue to pursue, just like before, every time the Black Angel would stop after causing an effective attack, stand in a position that could be seen by the sword dancer, standing quietly, like the arrogance and pride from the superior. Compassion, even though it is covered in wounds.
I don't know if it was erosion or some other reason. After vaguely realizing this, Ye Xiao felt a little angry. He tried hard to control his anger. Only reason can defeat these monsters.
The sword dancer raised the blade again, and at this time the upper guide rail arrived carrying new weapons. In order to suppress the out-of-control Black Angel, this experiment had turned into a suppression operation.
The communication was interrupted by erosion and interference, but Night Owl was very aware of the current situation and did not hesitate at all. While the iron box fell, the Sword Dancer approached. It gave up its previous defense and turned to attack. It was not sure about the out-of-control Black Angel. will do something, but it knows full well that the current addition of weapons is its only chance to defeat it.
The third-generation armor is different from the first-generation armor. The main output of the first-generation armor is demon flesh and blood. Even if the steam engine is shut down, it can fight for a long time with its flesh and blood alone. But the third-generation armor is different. Its power is severely limited by the steam engine. Once it runs out of energy, it becomes a steel corpse.
Due to the high-intensity combat and the experiment, the energy of the sword dancer has not been fully filled. Due to various differences, its battery life is far less than that of the black angel. It needs to end all this before the steam engine stops.
The iron box hit the ground hard, and then the iron box cracked in all directions, revealing a tall weapons rack underneath, with armor weapons placed on it.
At the same time, in order to restrict the movement of Black Angel, the sword dancer simply threw the sword blade in his hand, and the heavy iron passed through the air. Obviously, it could not hit the Black Angel at such a speed, and it dodged with a slight tilt. To attack, this is an action that is far beyond the ability of the sword dancer.
As if teasing prey, the weird laughter continued, and the new flesh covered the wound on the chest again. The steam engine was wrapped in it, and there was a faint glow under the flesh, like a burning heart.
Sword Dancer's flexibility is very poor. In order to accelerate as much as possible, Night Owl makes its movements extremely concise and does not make any unnecessary movements. The first moment it occupies the weapon rack, it launches an attack and raises it several meters. The long armored electric spear gun fired directly at the Black Angel.
The Black Angel also launched an offensive at this time. It seemed to disdain hunting prey that had no ability to resist, and waited for the Sword Dancer to have a weapon before starting to attack.
The slender steel nails passed by with an electric current, which was specially developed by Nicholas to suppress the armor weapon after the black angel lost control last time. The steel nails would penetrate the mechanical structure, and the electric current on it could guarantee to temporarily paralyze the flesh and blood. Guaranteed more steel nail hits.
The white thunder surrounded the steel, as if it was a thunder spear thrown by a god, but compared with the flexible black angel, it was still a bit slower. The black angel moved strangely, and easily avoided the first steel. It fell directly behind Black Angel, but the current that spread immediately interfered with Black Angel along the metal ground.
The figure was sluggish at first, and then more steel nails fell. Night Owl tried to keep calm. He opened fire in an orderly manner, ensuring that he would use limited ammunition to push the Black Angel into a desperate situation.
There are not many weapons on the weapon rack, only an electric nail gun and a hot sword. These are the only effective weapons that Merlin can call upon in a short period of time. Of course, there will be more weapons and support in the future, but with the sword dance It is very likely that the battery life of the user will not be able to last until that time.
The steel spears falling one by one surrounded the black angel little by little. This is the difference between humans and beasts. The bodies of mortals are fragile, but mortals will use tools and strategies to kill creatures that are far stronger than them.
Ye Xiao takes a deep breath. He can do it. He can. As long as he continues like this, the Black Angel will be disturbed by the current, and the hit rate of the steel spear will gradually increase until the Black Angel is suppressed...
The sudden roar interrupted all Ye Xiao's thoughts, and then he saw the dancing black angel.
The structure of the entire workshop is actually a vertical space with a certain arc, like an ellipse that is approximately a cylinder, and the slightly angled well wall has become the foothold of the Black Angel.
That was an almost impossible action for the armor. When it jumped up, the sharp iron feathers might not be able to cut off the sword dancer's external armor, but it was enough to leave some holes in the solid protection, and that The hole will be the fulcrum for its progress.
"Evacuate Merlin!"
Nicholas yelled directly, the Black Angel's actions have proven that it has the ability to climb upwards, and maybe its goal was here from the beginning.
"No, wait a minute!"
Merlin didn't agree, he just watched the action of the black angel from the high platform.
The iron feather vibrated as it galloped, like a high-speed train, as if it would disintegrate and shatter in the next second, and the sword dancer also accelerated the frequency of firing. The sudden rotation of the black angel made it startled, But soon an even more surprising move occurred.
The black angel spread its wings. Although it was heavy, it glided strangely in the air until the dark shadow covered the ground. It was carrying the dome light behind it, and the sword dancer could only observe the darkness.
"What on earth...is going on?"
Night Owl was also a little confused about the situation. He originally thought that the out-of-control Black Angel wanted to attack Merlin above, but it suddenly gave up its attack and turned to him...or should that be its original intention.
There was no time to think about it, and the dark shadow came in an instant, followed by red blood mist and fireworks blazing from steel.
At that moment, the Black Angel retracted his wings, like a falling sword. Thousands of blades slashed fiercely, reaching the limit of force. Scarlet blood mist with blood gushes out from the gap, relying on the force from the gap. The kinetic energy coming down from the heights and everything it did, this was the most powerful blow of the Black Angel.
The icy metals were torn into death threads, all of them were burned red in the high-speed friction, and the cut outer armor was burned red together.
Some of the wings were shattered, and the arm that was swinging was twisted as if it was broken, and a large amount of blood gushes out of it.
At the time of life and death, everything seemed to slow down. Ye Xiao could see the bloody iron flakes and sparks scattered in the air, and he could also see the monster that was close at hand, as if he was looking for it from a nightmare .
The twisted arm was entangled with proliferated flesh and blood, and with a shuddering sound, the muscles pulled broken bones or metal objects to force it to straighten.
The fearful madness is wanton, this is the madness of the Black Angel. Its initial target is the Sword Dancer. The Night Owl fiercely raises the electric spear gun. The hit rate is greatly improved at this distance, but the Black Angel is far faster than it. The sharp iron feather directly cut the gun in half, and at the same time more intensive attacks fell.
Without the armor on his chest, Sword Dancer could only raise his other hand to protect his chest. At the same time, he held the Eager Sword tightly with the other hand, but before he could conduct a heat-conducting slash, the swift Iron Feather hit Sword Dancer accurately. The person’s wrist.
It was covered with solid armor. Even though Black Angel tried his best, he only managed to destroy one piece. However, in order to ensure flexibility, the wrists only had ordinary armor. It was twisted by heavy blows, and the sword he just clenched was directly hit by Black Angel. Seize it, and then thrust it diagonally into the gap in the armor.
The action was done in one go, as if it had been planned for a long time, and this was not the end. The Black Angel tore hard. Maybe the frontal defense of the armor was strong enough, but it always relied on the structure to attach to the armor. As it exerted force, it tore crazily. , the sword dancer couldn't resist at all, and could only watch as the black angel tore off piece after piece of steel from it.
The sword dancer tried his best but could only hug his chest and protect the cockpit with all his strength. It had already lost. When the Black Angel fell from the sky, when it cut through the first armor, it was also the last one that could effectively stop it. When the armor was on, defeat was already decided.
The armor that is connected together is extremely strong, but when there is a gap in it, it is no longer unbreakable. Night Owl's mind goes blank. All he is doing at this moment is just delaying the arrival of death.
The jet-black feathers were like slashing minions, leaving dazzling arcs in the air. They hit the Sword Dancer's shell like a torrential rain. Amidst the intensive scraping sounds, the wounds under the crazy minions were torn and widened repeatedly, until those who were The wrapped cables and complex internal machinery are all exposed.
The Black Angel smiled ferociously, and Night Owl seemed to see it opening its mouth in a trance, and its sickly and twisted body slowly tortured the steel body.
The fear of death finally swallowed up that reason. Night Owl almost crazily pushed all the buttons and operating levers he could touch. He moved his body vigorously, but the Sword Dancer could not respond to his instructions.
The sharp steel feathers pierced the inside and scratched the Night Owl's waist and abdomen. As it pulled away, blood mixed with engine oil, and the broken gears and cables were pulled out of the Sword Dancer's body like internal organs.
The external armor was useless at the moment. The sharp claws peeled it off easily. The bloated sword dancer gradually became thinner. It was like a colossus surrounded by jackals. It had lost all its power and could only watch helplessly. Watching it continue to eat itself until it dies.
The armor, machinery, cables and even the entire arm were roughly torn off by the Black Angel. Most of the body was also damaged. Even from the broken gaps, the Night Owl could be seen inside. The Black Angel looked like a ghoul. He tortured the knight who was not dead until he pulled out the almost stagnant steam engine and threw it aside casually like an abandoned machine.
Losing power, Sword Dancer died completely, and Night Owl was also trapped in this steel tomb. He no longer had any extra reason to think about this. He just looked up at the crawling creature with his half-broken visor. The devil lurking on this corpse.
It's raining, the red rain, and the red mist overflowing together, they slowly seeped into the steel tomb, covering the night owl.
At this time, Ye Xiao really felt the gap between the two generations of armor. It can be said that the fully armed sword dancer has gradually approached the limit of what the third generation of armor can do, but the first generation of armor... it seems to have no limit, or in other words, when it When it reaches its limit, it is a scene that even the purification agencies don’t want to see.
The sharp iron feathers slowly dropped down. As long as they got closer, they could easily kill Night Owl. He stared blankly at the iron feathers, until the iron feathers stopped, and then the silver rivets on the restraints protruded. They retracted one by one, as if they had lost their souls. The black angel, exuding madness and death, froze like a stone statue.
The flesh and blood pulled the steel, and they split one by one, extending from the chest to the lower abdomen, like a gaping bloody mouth. The Geiger index began to decrease, and the scarlet light was replaced by bright green.
The man struggled to crawl out of the nest of flesh and blood. The sticky flesh was still connected to him, but was quickly torn apart roughly by him. However, every time a piece was torn off, there was a strange feeling of peeling off, as if a certain limb had been torn apart. Seizing the general, blood poured out of the cockpit and dripped on Night Owl's face.
His gray-blue eyes were very clear. Lorenzo looked at him, then at the armor that had been beaten into scrap metal. After thinking for a long time, he asked.
"Um...can you climb out on your own?"
(End of this chapter)

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