Embers of Embers

Chapter 263 The Unclean One

Chapter 263 The Unclean One
"The target is awake and in stable condition."
In the drizzle, the security team that rushed in immediately controlled Lorenzo, and then the medical staff examined the two people.
Lorenzo obediently sat on the wreckage of steel, letting the white coats touch him left and right. From time to time, someone would pull down his eyelids to observe his pupils carefully, while Ye Xiao was carried onto a stretcher. After taking it off, he fainted and didn't know where he was carried by those white coats.
The heavy slings slowly dropped from the guide rails and were hung on the Black Angels one by one, lifting the strange armor. At the same time, the rain washed away the blood, which gathered into a pale red liquid and fell down.
As if something had been touched, the Black Angel moved again, its broken wings slowly closing together, completely wrapping itself, and turning into the dark egg shape again.
During this process, the proliferated flesh and blood also shrank and died. They hid under the steel again, and the scarlet eyes on the faceplate also cracked, leaving only empty black gaps, as if the iron had lost its soul. body shell.
"How does it feel, Lorenzo."
The lift platform lowered to the ground, and Merlin and Nicholas came over one after another.
Merlin once again turned into that cold and empty look. They were all suppressing their emotions and living for the sake of that beautiful ideal.
"It's not bad. Corrosion does exist, but it can only affect my judgment to a certain extent, but it can't control me."
Lorenzo answered directly and in detail.
"Just like this thing."
He said, patting the remains of the Sword Dancer beneath him.
"I just wanted to incapacitate it, but that kind of..."
"It amplifies the negative emotions, the unspeakable malice, right?"
Merlin answered directly that he knew this very well. After studying it for so long, although the demon's power was still weird, the ethereal power gradually gained a vague outline as his understanding deepened.
"Well... almost, it made me more bellicose and angrier, but it was just guidance to a certain extent. I was able to control it in the end."
Lorenzo raised his head and glanced at the Black Angel who was gradually disappearing on the guide rail. This was a double-edged sword, but Lorenzo could hold it firmly.
"After collecting enough data, you can actually be considered the most suitable driver for Black Angel."
Merlin glanced at the record on the paper, and then said intentionally or unintentionally.
"Me? I'll forget it."
Lorenzo didn't think much, and directly refused.
"What? I thought you would like this thing. After all, it is indeed very powerful."
Lorenzo's flat refusal surprised him. He had thought that Lorenzo would love this thing and couldn't put it down.
"Strong is powerful, but it also has corresponding disadvantages. It's not like a sword or a gun. I can carry it with me at all times, right? And I am already strong enough, and Metanzo's power can protect me. , and my own mobility and stability are not weaker than it."
After thinking about it carefully, Lorenzo said seriously.
"They even asked me to face the Sword Dancer again. I am confident that I can solve it with the Witcher's method."
As long as the propulsion system is destroyed, the danger of the sword dancer will be greatly reduced, and it has lost its mobility, and its bloated and heavy body is far from keeping up with the agile demon hunter. It's just for another armor, another group of monsters.
Just like a duel between knights, the gap between the armor will be the most fatal weakness. Lorenzo is confident that he can directly penetrate the cockpit with his sword along the gap.
"Of course its portability is incomparable with those weapons. Of course, this is also the reason why we are vigorously developing the Atrium Snake system. I dare not say that elsewhere, at least in the old Dunling, we are still very confident in rapid deployment. of."
Merlin continued speaking from the side.
After so many years of development of the purification agency, Old Dunling has been transformed into a fortress, but the residents living here have never realized this.
The giant snake surrounding the atrium has wrapped its huge body around every part of Old Dunling and even Yin Erweg. It complements the Peeper system. The rapid response team headed by Lancelot is based on these , so that when the monster appears, it can be quickly thrown into the battlefield.
The follow-up of the battle is solved by the mysterious scavenger force. Whether it is the damaged venue, the corpses everywhere, or the frightened crowds, they can solve it perfectly, as if it is all just a strange nightmare. , after waking up from the dream, everything is nothingness.
Lorenzo still agrees with these words. The purification agency and the Demon Hunting Order are completely two ways of doing things. One is more modern, and the other is more ancient.
"But Black Angel still has those nostalgic aspects, such as [gap] travel."
Lorenzo said softly, for now this is a secret that only he and Merlin know.
Merlin nodded, "I will have Black Angel sealed away. The strengthening plan for you and Black Angel will also be discussed later. As for the [gap]..."
This test yielded too many results. It not only initially determined the direction of future armor research and development, but also determined the weirdness within the Evangelical Church. They were far from being as simple as they seemed on the surface.
"We need to discuss these carefully, but that will happen later. You should take a rest first, Lorenzo."
Lorenzo stood up, and with the movement he could feel the slight stinging pain coming from his body, the most severe one was at the back of his neck.
The flesh and blood extending inside the black angel directly connected him with the armor. Lorenzo touched the back of his neck lightly, and could feel the small wounds, which were not caused by electrodes. Those flesh and blood were like dense tentacles, piercing into the armor. Under the skin, it spread to the nerves, intercepting Lorenzo's commands to the body directly into the armor.
Although he didn't drive the armor many times, Lorenzo could still detect the strangeness, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He seemed to blame all the strangeness on the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail.
Lorenzo and the Black Angel have the same origin to a certain extent, which may be the reason why he can be accepted by the Black Angel.
"Then I'm going back."
Lorenzo told Merlin that he had had enough of this dark underground world. Although he lived in darkness, Lorenzo still longed for cloudless sunny days.
Merlin waved to him, and someone led the way for Lorenzo, all the way up from the underground until he returned to the surface.
With the experimental data in hand, Merlin quickly returned to his laboratory. In this situation, everything was really crowded together, and they could not afford to make any mistakes. If they made a wrong step, they might be involved in the game with the Evangelical Church. Fall into disadvantage.
Suddenly someone stopped him. Gawain still looked determined, just like those trustworthy knights a century ago, but he was not wearing ordinary armor, but the crystallization of current technology, the Original Sin Armor.
"Knight Gawain."
Merlin said that although they all serve the purification agency, Merlin is not very familiar with these knights stationed abroad.
"Chief Merlin... you should be aware of our current attitude towards Lorenzo, right? But why..." Gawain asked with some confusion, but it was more like accountability.
"Because we don't care about this, Knight Gawain, I know you follow the rules, but some of our rules are just...no rules."
Merlin's tone rarely became relaxed, as if he didn't care.
"Of course I know that Lorenzo deceived us about his identity, and even said that he was carrying an extremely dangerous weapon, but he is at least on our side for now, and he also has value worthy of our use, doesn't he?
We are good for him and he is good for us. This is the strongest cooperative relationship. "
Merlin said slowly, if there was still some hesitation about Lorenzo's identity before, after Lorenzo was able to travel through the [Gap] to directly investigate the Stasis Temple, his value to the purification mechanism has undoubtedly increased several notches.His presence does more good than harm.
"What's more, if we have to strictly analyze everyone's past and label them as suspicious as long as there is a little stain, at least half of the people in the entire purification agency will be suspicious and untrustworthy, even me. "
Merlin defended Lorenzo.
"Not everyone is as upright as you, Knight Gawain. My past is also full of blood. Shrike, Blue Jade, Kestrel, and even Joey, none of them are clean guys."
Gawain was silent, he was not good at arguing with others, but at this moment Percival came from the side and interrupted the conversation between the two.
"Don't be so serious. Alas, Gawain is like this, too rigid."
Percival said and made a face at Merlin. Compared with Gawain, she was a complete counterexample, one was as serious as stone, and the other looked extremely happy.
"Chief Merlin, the reason why we can tolerate these 'unclean' things is precisely because even if they pose a threat to the purification agency, it is within the controllable range. But Lorenzo is different..."
"Don't worry about this. Arthur and I, in fact, were already prepared for everything about Lorenzo when we came into contact with him, and it was all kinds of preparations that made us go It’s now, isn’t it?”
Gao Wen was taken aback, and then said.
"If he really threatens us, who will be responsible."
Merlin did not answer directly, but after a long pause, he said meaningfully.
"There will be someone."
The carriage stopped in front of 121A Cork Street, opened the door, and heard the roar of traffic.
Lorenzo stood in front of the door, not in a hurry to go in, but looked around and sat down on an old sofa in front of the door.
The sofa was in disrepair, with the leather cracked to reveal the cotton wadding underneath.After the winter, it was carried outside the door by Mrs. Van Roode, and she didn't know when she was going to get rid of it.
Lorenzo sat on this shabby place and looked at the familiar street as a spectator.
He liked this feeling, witnessing the people walking back and forth, watching the fog rise and the day fall. It seemed that only then could Lorenzo truly feel that he was an ordinary person living in this ordinary world. Everything is full of the so-called "sense of life".
Lorenzo thought it was pretty good. In fact, the long career of a demon hunter was not all about fighting and killing. Thinking about it carefully, there were still some tender memories.
For example, in spring and summer, there will be a few more rocking chairs on the sofa, and there will be a parasol on the other side. Mrs. Verde will put some dessert fruit plates, and Lorenzo will sit here with her and Sigg in his spare time. It's a waste of time... Of course, the premise is that Lorenzo pays the rent well that month.
Lorenzo couldn't figure out why he suddenly wanted to sit here. Maybe it was because the inhuman experience just now was a bit intense. He was eager to integrate into this ordinary life and continue to deceive himself about the beauty of life...
Someone shouted softly, his voice full of unconfidence.
Lorenzo raised his head and continued.
"Hmm? Higger, have you just gotten off work?"
Seeing Sigg returning, Lorenzo greeted him habitually. Although he and Sigg had lived together for so long, they had very little communication and didn't know much about each other.
Seager lost his job because of his use of hallucinogens, but now that he's sober, he appears to have found a new job.
"No, I just finished attending the mutual aid meeting."
Uncharacteristically, Higg replied seriously.
He has always been afraid of Lorenzo. Although Sigg thought he was hiding it very well, these things were so clear in Lorenzo's eyes. He knew very well what a damn image he was in Sigg's eyes, but this There was nothing he could do, Lorenzo didn't want to go home with someone else's blood all the time.
"Mutual aid club? Oh, that thing."
After hearing what he said, Lorenzo also remembered that in order to encourage each other, many people would set up mutual aid groups, such as alcoholics, hallucinogens, etc.
"Well... you seem to be in good condition, what happened?"
This was no longer a good state. For the first time in so many years, Lorenzo felt a little cheerful in Sigg, and he didn't know what he had been through.
"Not bad, I made a new friend."
"It's really good."
Lorenzo was sincerely grateful for Sigg. It was obvious that Sigg was a somewhat autistic guy. He came to Old Dunling when he was very young and lived in the house behind Lorenzo. He has been here ever since. Life has never left me.
Sigg never mentioned anything about his family, and always looked at the world with a blank expression. Sometimes Lorenzo could not understand his sadness, and wondered why he was like this.
"Aren't you going in?"
He opened the door and stood at the door and asked Lorenzo. Sigg was also trying to accept other people, such as starting from a normal conversation with Lorenzo.
Lorenzo shook his head. He wanted to experience this feeling of fireworks in the world for a while longer. Of course, he also felt a little strange. After all, he was used to the sullen and silent Sigg. .
(End of this chapter)

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