Embers of Embers

Chapter 265 An ordinary day...ish

Chapter 265 An ordinary day...ish
[It’s meaningless, your existence is meaningless. 】
A faint voice sounded, and the man said angrily.
The old days were brought up again, and in a trance one could see the surging red hot molten iron, the roar of machinery, and another voice sounded again at this moment.
[All you do is in vain, ridiculous guy. 】
Immediately afterwards, countless ridicules rang out, swallowing him up like sea water. He stretched out his hands hard, but couldn't catch anything. He could only sink in it, falling to the deepest point.
Until he fell heavily to the ground and woke up leisurely. When he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar gray-green ceiling. It may have been bright once, but as the owner grew older and became depressed, it also withered and faded. , turned into a dead silence.
Sigg rubbed his eyes, paused for a long time, and then opened the curtains beside the bed with his hands, letting the not-so-strong morning light illuminate the room slightly.
This is the room where he has lived for many years. This is his home, although it is just a rental house.
As he had done many times, he put a pillow behind his back and sat up, then reached out and picked up the newspaper he had not read yesterday.
Sigg is a person who is not very good at communication. He does not have many friends. It is difficult for the whole world to have any so-called interaction with him. Therefore, in order to prevent himself from being abandoned by the whole world, he likes to read the newspaper in the morning and care as much as possible. Check out this world.
Sometimes this behavior is like Lorenzo sitting on the roadside. Lorenzo feels that watching the comings and goings of pedestrians can make him feel that he has integrated into the world, even if it is to deceive himself. For Xi For example, reading newspapers can also be considered this kind of behavior.
The news is still the same, such as another explosion in a certain neighborhood due to aging steam pipes.
News like this happens almost every week. Old Dunling was built on huge steam engines. Many steam pipelines have been in use for a long time. Because of the huge number, the official can only maintain those important lines on a daily basis. Some marginal pipelines have been damaged for a long time. Without maintenance, they often explode.
In fact, not only Sig, but the residents of Old Dunling have long been accustomed to this. At first, everyone would scream when they saw the blown manhole cover and the high-temperature steam escaping. Now it is just like ordinary life. The phenomenon is the same, no wonder.
Looking down, there were some news about the recent visit of the mission.
In the past few days, envoys from the Viking countries also arrived. Those envoys seemed to be people from hundreds of years ago. They wore animal skins and leather, long beards, and mottled short axes on their waists. Unlike Yin Erweg's modern times, they carry with them raw and wild power.
The black and white picture shows how they looked when they arrived, menacing, as if they were going to attack the land rather than visiting.
At this point, most of the envoys have arrived in Old Dunling. They are discussing interests and politics with Queen Victoria, but these are things that newspapers cannot publish for the time being.
At this time, a thin sound sounded, and someone's breath could be vaguely heard.
Sig raised his head and glanced at the wall at the other end of the room, beyond which was Lorenzo's room.
Although he had been roommates with Lorenzo for so long, Sigg never told Lorenzo that the soundproofing of the room was actually very poor, and Sigg could always hear some strange noises in his room.
For example, there were strange conversations about the Dukes, about the lower city, and about those weird darkness. Of course, Sigg could only hear vague contents, and he didn’t know the more specific ones. There were also the sounds of loading guns from time to time, and The sword is unsheathed.
The fear of Higgs in the early days was not just that he would always come back covered in blood, but that Higgs was worried that one day when Lorenzo ran away, a group of thugs would break in and settle accounts with him. After all, he was just a mechanic, the only one who could attack The sex thing is the wrench under the bed.
The voice next door fell silent again, and without knowing what Lorenzo was doing, Sigg returned his eyes to the newspaper and continued reading.
Workers' protests broke out again in the factory owned by Duke Salicardo, but they only occupied a corner of the newspaper. Most of them were about Duke Salicardo's promotion of his own industry. He has officially entered the civilian airship industry, and Several civilian airships are nearing completion.
According to what was written in the newspaper, the civilian airship will also be integrated into the Atrium Snake system, and the route of this civilian airship has also been initially determined. This will be the first long-distance airship to fly away from Inverg, and it will continue to go south. , crossed the White Tide Strait and arrived at the Kingdom of Besir on the north side of the Holy Evangelical Papal State.
There will be the node of trade between Yingerweg and the Holy Gospel Papal State, and it will also be the first in-depth exchange between the two countries.
These were probably all the contents of the newspaper, but after reading them, Sigg couldn't help but look at the articles about workers' protests again.
Familiar names appeared on the black and white newspaper. Sigg was absent-minded for a while, and then threw the newspaper aside.
That was the factory where Sigg had worked before. He had been working there after completing his studies until he was fired because of hallucinogens. He did not expect that Sigg would see these things again in this way after so long.
Get up from the bed, repeat the actions that I have repeated countless times, brush my teeth and wash my face, and then put on a friendly smile as much as I can in the mirror, so that the stiff face can be slightly relieved.
Immediately after pushing the door open, Higg could smell the aroma of food. Mrs. Van Ludd had already prepared breakfast downstairs, and at this time the door on the other side was also pushed open, and Lorenzo was dressed pale with washing. pajamas, came out.
It's rare to have leisure these days... Actually, it's not really leisure. Lorenzo still has a lot of things to do, such as Feilengcui's mission, Shermans in exile... there are too many things waiting for him. He, not to mention the Temple of Stasis, the secret of the new pope.
But Lorenzo is also a human being, and as a human being he will get tired, and when he is tired he will want to lie down and not move.
After driving the Black Angel, he couldn't figure out the reason. He felt inexplicably tired and had no motivation even today. If possible, Lorenzo suddenly wanted to take a good rest for a day.
"Yo, morning."
Seeing Sigg beside him, Lorenzo took the initiative to say hello.
Lorenzo would not do this before. He knew that Sigg was afraid of him, but judging from yesterday's conversation, the mutual aid meeting Sigg participated in had an effect, and this guy rarely became cheerful.
It could be seen that Sigg was still a little resistant, but he still forced himself hard, forcing himself to look "cheerful", but Lorenzo didn't pay attention to this, and he walked downstairs.
After becoming an external detective of Su Yalan Hall, coupled with his previous hard work and achievements, Lorenzo received a lot of money from the cleanup agency. Although it was not a windfall, after he helped the orphans pay rent and daily life, Lorenzo still There was a lot of money left.
The remaining money was used by Lorenzo to improve his life. Although the demon hunter could accept a hard life, it was still a bit stupid to create difficulties for himself without difficulties.
As a result of the improvement in life, Mrs. Vallude is willing to prepare three meals for Lorenzo, provided that Lorenzo can make it.
Think about it, you have been fighting to death with all kinds of monsters and monsters outside, you have been through hardships and pain, and when you stumble open the door, someone is carefully preparing dinner for you.
Lorenzo immediately burst into tears and hugged the well-meaning but somewhat irritable landlady, but she didn't like it very much.
"Lorenzo, don't you have to go out today?"
Mrs. Van Lude, who was busy in the kitchen, glanced at the living room. Normally Lorenzo would simply eat breakfast and then leave in a hurry, but today Lorenzo was wearing pajamas and lazily lying on the sofa with a meal. plate.
"Rest today."
Lorenzo replied that it might be the sequelae of traveling through the [gap]. Even after sleeping for a night, Lorenzo still felt mentally exhausted.
she asked curiously.
"In your line of work...you also have holidays?"
Although Lorenzo said that he was a detective, Mrs. Verde did not believe his lies after living together for so long.
"I give myself a vacation."
Lorenzo said that this is the advantage of being a freelancer. You can rest when you want. Of course, you may sometimes be called a vagrant.
Mrs. Van Lude walked to the living room carrying the remaining dishes, and then yelled at Lorenzo.
“Eat at the table!”
The roar was deafening. This old man was very old-fashioned. Lorenzo had no choice but to sigh helplessly, got up from the sofa, and walked to the dining table obediently with the dinner plate in hand.
Sigg had already taken his seat and was eating quietly. Although there was no verbal conversation, whenever Mrs. Loud needed any seasonings, he handed them to her on the other side as if he knew in advance.
Lorenzo bit his spoon and had a strange idea as he watched the two interacting.
"How long have you lived here, Sigurd?"
Lorenzo asked suddenly.
Sigg was startled, not expecting that Lorenzo would suddenly ask this question. He wanted to answer, but for a while he couldn't remember.
On the contrary, it was Mrs. Vanlude who was on the side and answered after a brief thought.
"It must have been almost ten years ago. I remember that when Sigg came, he was just a little taller than the table."
She said with a smile and gestured with her hands to indicate the height of the dining table.
Lorenzo responded, nodding.
"It's been a long time..."
Just like mother and son, maybe this is what Mrs. Vallude thought too, this lonely old lady with a bad temper. Although she often told Lorenzo about her interesting and somewhat shocking love history, she never mentioned it. Lorenzo was also very sensible about her partner's fate and never asked about it.
But it may be due to human empathy. Sometimes I feel sad when I look at Mrs. Vanlude's lonely appearance. This old lady who was once an air cavalry is much stronger than ordinary people, but this is not because she can tolerate those sadness. reason.
It may also be the instinct of human beings to save themselves. She felt very sad. She needed a spiritual sustenance, even if it was just to talk to her, it would make the house more lively, so she took in the young Sigg at that time.
"You guys hurry up and eat, I can clean up after you finish."
Mrs. Valloode said as she ate.
"What's the matter in such a hurry?" Lorenzo picked up today's newspaper from the door and asked casually.
"Go and see Seleu."
Mrs. Van Rude said, but when she raised her head, she saw Lorenzo's strange eyes.
This... this old lady is very carefree. She already has a godson and wants a goddaughter.
"Cough cough."
Lorenzo coughed a few times and pretended to be normal, but he couldn't say these words.
As usual in the morning, Lorenzo handed the newspaper to Mrs. Valloode.
The class nature of human beings will always be reflected in some strange places, such as where the main seat is and the daily newspaper. In order to reflect her leadership position in the family, Mrs. Van Rude always has to be the first to read it.
The sleeping city gradually woke up. Pedestrians appeared on the streets, horse-drawn carriages galloped, and thick steam surged up.
Everything was so peaceful, Lorenzo even felt a little relieved in his soul. There were no monsters, no fighting, no people carrying black boxes suddenly knocking on the door, and then said to himself, "Lorenzo Huo." Mr. Elmers, the world is at stake now, and we need you." This is a strange opening.
so good.
I glanced at Mrs. Van Lud and then at Sig, they were as harmonious as a poorly received family drama.
"Huh? It's so fast. Civilian airships will be put into use soon."
Mrs. Van Roode said expectantly.
"Why, do you really want to go?" Lorenzo asked.
"Of course, I am an air cavalry, and I have spent the first half of my life in the sky." Mrs. Van Rude rarely showed her love for a thing.
"I haven't been on an airship since I retired, and I really want to go again."
Sigur put down his knife and fork and raised his head, "Is it the one belonging to Duke Salicardo?"
"Yes, there are actually quite a few companies competing, but Duke Salicardo seems to be making the fastest progress... They have already begun to name the first civilian airship." Mrs. Van Rude said.
Lorenzo stretched his waist lazily, and then said, "I've finished eating!"
Looking at Mrs. Van Lund holding the newspaper, Lorenzo continued to ask.
"What's it called? The great airship Salicardo?"
"How is it possible? They said this is a very monumental airship. It will arrive at Besir from Inverg and establish stable trade in Besir as a node with the Holy Gospel Papal State."
"It's really quite memorable," Lorenzo said.
"His designer happened to be from Besir, and the official gave him the naming rights. He said that he always missed playing under the waterfall when he was a child, and planned to name it after the place in his hometown."
Listening to Mrs. Verde's words, Lorenzo picked up a fork and picked his teeth.
"So?" he asked lazily.
"The Reichenbach...that's her name."
"Reichenbach? Sounds good."
Lorenzo replied simply, tilting his chair and shaking the fork in his hand.
At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly, calling Lorenzo back, who was wandering in a daze. He looked nervously at the black shadow outside the door and window, hoping that his rare rest would not be disturbed by some strange guy.
(End of this chapter)

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