Embers of Embers

Chapter 281 Pure Human

Chapter 281 Pure Human
"Lorenzo Medici..."
The man turned his chair toward the window, looked at the seemingly never-ending rain, and whispered the distant name.
When a person lives for too long, those past memories become unfamiliar. Looking back now, there is an illusion that they are from another person's memory.
The epidemic doctor pushed the door slightly open, revealing a gap. He looked at Lawrence with some curiosity. Since the past few days, this guy has become very strange. He always whispers that ancient name in an empty room.
"The Epidemic Doctor."
Lawrence said suddenly, as if he knew the epidemic doctor was at the door.
The epidemic doctor didn't hide it, just opened the door and walked over.
"What are you talking about?" the epidemic doctor asked.
If everything didn't go as expected, the doctor would even think that Lawrence had some mental problem. However, if there was any mental problem, he would think it was normal. After all, Lawrence was reborn in an extremely taboo way. .
With a young and strong body, after so long efforts, he finally escaped from the prison of flesh and blood.
"A...friend, mentor, enemy..."
Speaking of that person, Lawrence's eyes looked complicated.
"That Lorenzo Medici?" asked the doctor.
He knew this name, the great Medici Cardinal, who brought the evangelical church into the golden age, and because of his fall, that fascinating golden age collapsed. It can be said that he was the most important person in the history of the church. An extremely legendary person, but with his death, his deeds gradually declined, and no one knew about them anymore.
Lawrence nodded, a little proud and a little happy.
"I am a person of his generation and have witnessed his rise and fall with my own eyes."
It seemed that his memory had been touched, and there was a melancholy on his young face that was inconsistent with his age.
The epidemic doctor was keenly aware of the difference in Lawrence. Lawrence was a very arrogant person. Although he always put on a humble appearance, the epidemic doctor knew very well that this was the arrogance of a superior person.
After knowing the date of his death, this guy was fearless, as if nothing in the world could shake his mind. But when he mentioned that ancient name, this guy was actually in a rare sense of awe and sincerely said awe.
"But he's dead, isn't he?" said the doctor.
In that burning night, not only the old order died, but also that great man. His life was so legendary and should have had a glorious ending, but in the end there was nothing and he died so easily.
But then the doctor realized something. Under the beak mask, the eyes looked at Lawrence warily.
The cause of Cardinal Medici's death is unknown, but it is speculated that he died on Advent Night, and the culprit of that night is now in front of him.
"You killed him?"
After a long silence, Lawrence nodded slightly.
The epidemic doctor froze on the spot, the mask blocked his expression, and the thick clothes isolated all his reactions. Although he remained calm on the surface, the epidemic doctor became deeply afraid of Lawrence.
He and Lawrence have been cooperating for a long time. The two monsters are planning evil things, the Holy Grail flesh and blood, "Apocalypse", inferior secret blood... The plague doctor has witnessed too many evils, so many that he has never imagined before. Everything he had ever lived, but sometimes he would also be grateful to Lawrence. Without this madman, perhaps he would never have acquired that knowledge.
But even so, these secrets are still not all of Lawrence. The future he saw, the reasons for the Night of Advent, and the killing of Cardinal Medici...
"That was a great man who could lead an era...it can be said that he made me."
Lawrence couldn't help but feel nostalgic and softly recounted the past.
He couldn't help but smile.
"Epidemic Doctor, without him, I might have died decades ago.
That's a very ambitious guy... There's never a shortage of ambitious people in this world, but he's different from everyone I've ever met. He really wants to build a great and never-ending golden age. "
Lawrence looked at the hazy rain curtain. This heavy rain still showed no sign of stopping. Thousands of raindrops covered every part of Old Dunling, washing away the turbid air and washing away the filthy world.
"Epidemic Doctor, you haven't had personal contact with him, so you can't imagine how terrifying he is. That guy is a pure human being with a pure will.
He secretly dominated the entire Evangelical Church, and even the Pope became a poor puppet. But this was not enough, not enough for him. In the end, he also reached out to the Demon Hunting Order. "
The entire Feilengcui was under the shadow of Cardinal Medici, but Lawrence felt that the sky at that time was bright and sunny.
"I was chosen. I had just become a demon hunter at that time. He secretly supported me and made me a dean. He also broke the iron rules of the church and made me a cardinal. In this way, he turned the whole Emerald jade is firmly grasped in the hand."
"You... adore him a lot?"
Surprisingly, the epidemic doctor could only feel such emotions in Lawrence's words.
"Of course, everything I have today is thanks to him. Although I have become a puppet in his hands, at least I am still alive...I may be the longest living demon hunter," Lawrence changed his words. , asked meaningfully, "Do you know the ending of those demon hunters?"
It was an uncomfortable secret, but Lawrence laughed it off and continued.
"I have very complicated feelings about him, Epidemic Doctor. He has already shown his fangs when I was young. When I served him, I never felt the uneasiness and restraint of a puppet. Instead, I felt that I was with him. To do a great thing, even to say that I would die for him at that time, I am willing..."
"But you killed him in the end." The plague doctor said.
"Yes, human beings are very complex and will always become enemies for various reasons.
But I didn't kill him personally, I just sent some men to him. After all, I was still in the Stasis Temple at the time and had more important things to do. "
Lawrence sighed.
"Human beings are human beings after all and are bound by their mortal bodies. The same goes for Cardinal Medici. As he aged, his control over the church became weaker and weaker. In the end, he seemed tired and simply gave up everything. Power has gone into seclusion.
I also gained freedom at that time, and those who were dominated by him also gained freedom at that time. But with his departure, a new round of disputes began, and I was also involved in it. After all, I am a witcher, a powerful and long-lived witcher whose presence makes everyone uneasy. "
Lawrence chuckled. This was a story from so long ago.
"And then there's the cliché power struggle, but there's a little twist at the end of the story."
The epidemic doctor was startled and then said.
"The future you see?"
"Almost, in short, I re-examined the world, the Evangelical Church, the Demon Hunting Order, humans, and demons, and then I discovered something very interesting."
Lawrence's words were full of awe, recounting the past of a legend.
"It was then that I was surprised to find that Cardinal Medici was still controlling the entire church after so many years of seclusion. It is a bit complicated to explain, but in fact, with his seclusion, the golden age quickly It ended, it ended so quickly, no one expected it.
Then came the internal struggle for power, and I became a thorn in the side of the Pope. They were afraid and in awe of the power of the demon hunters, so we set off a round of disputes in the dark. This dispute lasted for many years, and only one person stayed out of it.
I thought this was his revenge on people, but that’s not right. I accidentally discovered his actions. Cardinal Medici was still planning something..."
The epidemic doctor suddenly felt inexplicably depressed, as if a terrible secret was about to emerge in front of his eyes, exuding a disgusting stench.
"As expected of him... How could a person like this be willing to die in an aging body?"
Lawrence asked suddenly.
"Epidemic doctor, you haven't seen "Revelation" yet, have you?"
The epidemic doctor nodded. Although he had been in contact with it for so long, Lawrence had never shown him the Book of Revelation. He didn't know what kind of book it was, or even whether it was a book.
"Would you like to take a look, then?"
Lawrence said as he took out an ordinary book from his arms and slapped it on the table gently.
For a moment, the epidemic doctor felt that the air had solidified. He stared at the ordinary book on the table. It was much larger than a normal book. It had a dark green cover and was a solid color without any extra text. Look at it. It appears to be on the rear packaging.
The epidemic doctor's mind went blank at the moment, followed by extremely complicated emotions.
This is the "Apocalypse" that everyone is looking for, so ordinary, so Lawrence always carries it with him.
"But... can you?"
After realizing that this book was the Book of Revelation, something strange seemed to awaken. For a moment, my ears were filled with low and light words, as if countless people were whispering.
It tempted the plague doctor, and countless hands pulled him, pointing him to the forbidden book. The plague doctor was about to touch it, but at this moment his hands stopped moving.
The sound of heavy breathing came from under the beak mask. After a fierce struggle, the doctor turned around hard and stopped looking at the book.
"It's really weird, isn't it? When you don't realize what it is, it is just an ordinary book, but when you know what it is, that terrifying power seduces your mind."
Lawrence reached out and gently touched the surface of the book.
"The most dangerous thing about the Book of Revelation is the cursed knowledge. Many people went crazy after reading it. Even if they were not crazy, it would be difficult for those guys to repeat the knowledge they saw, so the evangelical church never worried about it. safety."
Those who try to steal the Book of Revelation will have their death date set when they realize that the book is the Book of Revelation. Just like the epidemic doctor just now, they were tempted to open the book and then there Died by terrifying force.
"Can you bear that temptation?"
The epidemic doctor couldn't believe it. He was eager for knowledge, but at this moment, that desire completely disappeared. He couldn't believe what would happen if he had just opened the book.
"Barely enough, you need an extremely firm will to face it. As long as we are not affected by those words, we can obtain knowledge from them, but there are very few people with such a will. In order to explore the knowledge, the Evangelical Church has Countless people died as a result.”
Lawrence looked at the epidemic doctor with a smile and praised him.
"You also have a strong will, Epidemic Doctor. When I first came into contact with it, I was much more embarrassed than you. I was tempted and almost opened it. In order to save me, Cardinal Medici cut him with a sword. killed me, the pain of death saved me from that temptation.”
The plague doctor tried his best to calm down his excited heart. Only now did he understand what kind of monsters these people were after, and he also understood why Lawrence was fearless. Who among those demon hunters would be able to fall under such a temptation? Why don't you open the pages?
"No...wait, Cardinal Medici?"
The doctor suddenly became aware of another person, the person who existed in Lawrence's story.
Before betraying the Evangelical Church, Lawrence had seen the Book of Revelation, with Cardinal Medici.
"Lorenzo Medici...he is a born demon hunter, but unfortunately he has no secret blood, he is a pure human being with pure will.
Epidemic Doctor, I have never seen such a person. He had no strange feeling at all when facing the Book of Revelation. Under that iron will, the so-called temptation became nothing, and he opened it so casually. Find the knowledge you need through the pages of the book..."
There was fear in Lawrence's words.
"His will is so terrible that it's not like humans..."
"But he still died, not even killed by your own hands." The epidemic doctor said.
But Lawrence seemed to have heard some joke. He laughed loudly until it hurt. Then he stopped and told the story of the conspiracy that lasted for an unknown period of time.
"Do you think a monster like that would die so easily?"
The epidemic doctor felt cold in his heart.
"Cardinal Medici is still influencing the entire Feilengcui after his seclusion. He is not leaving, but returning."
Countless clues were put together in his mind, the dark clouds were dispersed, and the epidemic doctor suddenly understood everything.
"Lorenzo Medici saw the Apocalypse..."
He looked at the young and newborn Lawrence, and for a moment he felt great fear, which almost tore and shattered his will.
"Yes... I can find this hidden power in it. How can I hide this from him? I even suspect that my betrayal was also calculated by him in all this."
Lawrence's tone was full of awe, and it was not until so many years later that he suddenly realized that the biggest winner of the Night of Advent was not him, but the great Lorenzo Medici.
"He's still alive, that demon-like man is still alive..."
(End of this chapter)

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