Embers of Embers

Chapter 282 The Door

Chapter 282 The Door
Dense raindrops slapped on the windows, as if countless palms were slapping people's hearts.
The fireplace has been lit indoors. It is obviously spring, but the rainy season in Old Dunling has once again brought people back to the cold winter nights.
Anthony was obviously not used to the weird weather in Old Dunling. Compared with it, the beauty of Feilengcui was like heaven.
He frowned and read the telegram from Feilengcui with palpitations. There was not much on it, but it all came from the mysterious new pope, who was thousands of miles away and issued new instructions to Anthony.
This was not a lot of content, so he checked it over and over again, fearing that he might have read something wrong. After repeating it mechanically, he leaned back on his chair and sighed tiredly.
"Does a person who has been dead for so long also have so much energy?"
He was very puzzled. The Medici Cardinal had been dead for several years, and his legacy and power had long been eaten up by greedy people. But now that name has come back, with a hint of death. Stinky.
The original plan was to recapture the "Apocalypse". To this end, Anthony sent a large number of demon hunters to secretly sneak into Old Dunling and use their expertise to infiltrate different departments. But now everything has been disrupted. On top of the chess game, Suddenly another mysterious opponent appeared.
""Scabbard Treaty"..."
Anthony thought about this. Although he had not been the new leader for a long time, he had also read a lot of knowledge about the Demon Hunting Order, and he had browsed through the sealed secret projects one by one, but he had never seen this one. The project called the "Scabbard Treaty" is actually about it, and the new pope doesn't know much about it.
This project seems to have been deliberately forgotten, only to be discovered in a corner today after so many years.
There are no records, just a few burned pages. There are many such projects. Too much information was permanently destroyed in the fire on Advent Night, but this one is different because the executor of this project It was Lorenzo Medici.
Lorenzo Medici once dominated the entire Feileng Cui and held all the power. He was also involved in many secret projects. However, according to the dates on the projects, Lorenzo Medici had already lived in seclusion at that time. , no longer participates in all affairs of the evangelical church.
But now this name appears on the burned pages. When the old man was living in seclusion, he was still secretly planning something, and those who knew about it all died on the night of Holy Advent... even him. .
Suddenly Anthony felt a strange coldness, as if he had glimpsed something strange, and the strange thing looked back.
He couldn't help taking a deep breath, this feeling was like being eroded, the sharp cold pierced into his mind, and there was a feeling of being on the verge of death for a moment, like poison, spreading along his blood vessels to his whole body.
Is the cause of Advent really just as simple as Lawrence's betrayal?
Anthony suddenly realized the weirdness at this moment. The church's previous inference was just because it was the most reasonable one, but now new clues have emerged, shaking the previous conclusion into tiny cracks.
Perhaps the crisis that night was not only caused by Lawrence, but also someone was assisting him. This was the real purpose of that night, and everything else was just a disguise for it, and this disguise was so perfect, until so many years later Today, someone just got a glimpse of it.
Anthony had no evidence to prove all this, but he really felt that the thing called intuition was telling him that perhaps the cause of the Holy Night was this project called the "Scabbard Treaty".
It seemed that an unknown force was trying to conceal its existence, and everyone associated with it died that night, including Lorenzo Medici himself.
A sudden knock on the door dispelled the bone-chilling coldness. Anthony was still stunned. He didn't shout until the knock on the door rang several times.
"come in."
Then the door was pushed open and Samuel walked in.
"what's up?"
Anthony returned to his calm self, as usual.
"About Lorenzo Holmes," Samuel said.
Hearing this name, Anthony thought of a deep conspiracy. He once thought that the name was just a coincidence, but now it seems that this Lorenzo Holmes is far from being as simple as he imagined. The survivor of Linye carries the pseudo-Holy Grail with him, so he must be related to the "Scabbard Treaty".
"Have you found him yet?"
Anthony acted as if nothing had happened, and his voice remained cold.
Samuel reported the current situation. To be honest, they should have an urgent sense of crisis now, but with the arrival of the rainy season in Old Dunling, everything seems to have slowed down. Because of this unexpected situation, all plans have to go. Prepare again.
"In our secret chess, Moriarty has successfully influenced Lorenzo's roommate... everything went a little too smoothly," Samuel said.
"Moriarty is an extremely uncontrollable guy, and he also has that weird talent."
Samuel said with some disgust. Although they were both demon hunters, Samuel was wary of him. He even said that if he could, he would kill Moriarty directly.
That terrifying talent.
The current demon hunters are all selected from the Templar Knights, and only a few have been promoted because of their outstanding abilities. James Moriarty is one of them.
That uncontrollable chess piece, he sometimes brings you unexpected joy, but more often it leads things to the bad side, but this cannot cover up his excellent abilities. It is also because of these that he was selected as the dark chess piece. , took the lead in sneaking into Jiudun Ling, and he lived up to expectations. Relying on his strange power, he even infiltrated into the Black Mountain Hospital.
"Even if he wants to influence a person, it will take a certain amount of time, but that Higg...he is very strange, it seems that he has been eroded before, and he is easily influenced."
He was easily bewitched, so easily that it was suspicious.
Samuel expressed his worries. To put it simply, Sigurd's mental resistance was very low, which was not what ordinary people should be like at all.
"Perhaps, as you said, he has been corrupted before? After all, he is Lorenzo's roommate, and he will more or less encounter things related to demons." Anthony said.
In Lorenzo's case, he himself is a huge source of pollution, but he has never disclosed it, but that kind of gravitational force with the darkness will involuntarily draw people around him into trouble... The same is true for Anthony himself, All people with secret blood are like this, as if it is a curse.
"Maybe..." Samuel hesitated, losing his sharp edge.
"I'm just upset."
Samuel said as he looked out the window, the hazy rain curtain brought a bone-chilling chill.
He has lived in Feilengcui since he was a child. This may be his first time in another country. This place is completely different from Feilengcui. It is advanced but cold, and the depressive atmosphere destroys everyone.
If he came as a tourist, Samuel might feel more relaxed, but in fact he could not be a tourist at all. He is a demon hunter. They come to Old Dunling to kill people. No matter who they are, it is cruel. Yes, bloody.
At first, he still had the arrogance of a demon hunter. After all, after gaining that kind of extraordinary power, few people could resist the temptation of that power, and the same was true for Samuel.
But they had arrived at Jiudunling for many days. There were no swords and swords, only constant negotiations and planning. Only then did Samuel feel that the so-called battle was so complicated. It was obvious that the enemy had not shown weapons, but he still felt afraid. .
"The uneasiness of a foreign land? You have to learn to tolerate it, Samuel." Anthony said.
This is Old Dunling, the home of the Purge Agency. In fact, from the moment Anthony stepped into Old Dunling, they have been walking on a tightrope. Once the Purge Agency chooses to go to war, they demon hunters have no hope. Able to leave Old Dunling alive.
"Courage, strength, skill and cunning."
Anthony whispered, this is the code of Bologna swordsmanship, but it involves not only swordsmanship, but also the swordsman himself.
"Are you patient too, Father."
Samuel asked, wondering if someone like the priest could be uneasy.
Anthony said nothing, the coldness from the Holy Night still lingering in his mind.
An unknown conspiracy envelopes everyone, every city, and every country.
After a long moment he sighed and prayed.
"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing can harm you."
He said the prayers from the Gospel, and it seemed that this indifferent man was like a priest at this moment.
"Each of us is enduring. This is God's test for us."
Anthony said something that he didn't quite believe either.
"Wait for His Majesty's instructions. He will dispel the confusion and uneasiness and make us fall into the warmth."
He was telling lies, and he was more worried about the mysterious "Scabbard Treaty" than what he was doing now.
The night of Holy Advent is like a layer of spider webs. After layer after layer is peeled off, the original appearance of the abomination is finally revealed.
"Wait, all we have to do now is wait."
After pressing his temples hard, Anthony said tiredly.
He was waiting, waiting for the order from Feileng Cui. They could only stay here until the new pope gave the order.
"So what happened on Advent Night?" he said in a voice Samur couldn't hear.
Whether it was Lawrence or Lorenzo, everyone who experienced that night played a different role in that night, and therefore they also had different interpretations of what happened that night.
Only by gathering together the scattered stories can we piece together the truth about the Night of Advent.
What happened that night?
The body seemed to be a sharp knife, cutting through the thick air, causing a howling wind, which roared and chased like thousands of wild beasts.
It was a long free fall. Lorenzo opened his hands, falling like withered leaves into the dark abyss.
As he fell, the surrounding rock steps seemed like pairs of eyes, watching his death indifferently.
All of this was so long that Lorenzo couldn't even feel himself falling in the end, as if he was in an endless darkness with no light to speak of.
Until this long darkness ushered in a miserable low cry.
"Knew it……"
Lorenzo fell to the hard ground, and there was a torturous pain all over his body, but he did not die, nor did he fall into a blur of flesh and blood. He just felt unbearable pain, but it hurt, and he Laughed loudly.
Climbing up from the ground in embarrassment, he looked around and saw that everything was filled with mist-like darkness, obscuring Lorenzo's sight.
It seemed that this place was at the bottom of the abyss, the deepest part of Lorenzo's memory. When he raised his head, he couldn't see the suspended rock steps, nor could he see any light.
If there is any hidden memory, then it must be here, this is a land where even the light cannot shine.
He then looked ahead, and then he saw it.
It was a huge wall erected like tombstones, one after another, like weeping stone statues, standing silently in the darkness.
Lorenzo felt a little weird, but as he moved forward, he gradually saw those things clearly.
It was not a stone tablet or a stone statue, but three stone gates, and the first gate was engraved with complicated patterns and reliefs.
Those were the angels from heaven. They fought and fought with the burning demons. Every face had the same compassion, as if they were crying for the dead on this battlefield.
This sculpture is so vivid, as if these angels and demons are alive, but sealed into the stone door by unknown forces.
Then Lorenzo remembered that he had seen this door somewhere. He remembered that in the sacred Cathedral of San Naro, this was the door leading to the Temple of Stasis.
Heaven's Gate.
The next moment, the stone door trembled violently, rubble and dust rose up, and a small gap opened on the unshakable surface. It seemed to be waiting for someone to push it open forcefully, and light overflowed from the gap.
Lorenzo looked at the only light in the darkness. Without hesitation, he strode forward, pressed his hands on the stone door, and tried to push it open with all his strength.
This was such a funny scene. It was impossible for a mortal to try to shake that huge thing, but then there was a cracking sound, and the memory that had been stiffened by the years began to loosen and break, and the solidified memory on it began to break. The dust also fell off one by one.
Lorenzo could hear the hymn echoing in his ears, getting louder and louder as the light enveloped him.
In the melodious hymn, the glow is like fire, burning more and more intensely.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand, he was only one step away from the forgotten past.
(End of this chapter)

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