Embers of Embers

Chapter 290 Patient

Chapter 290 Patient
The action began, and they surrounded the building where Moriarty was located. The rain curtain perfectly concealed their figures. If they didn't look carefully, ordinary people couldn't even distinguish them from the darkness.
Kestrel and others were still approaching, but another person had already broken into the building first. Originally, he should not have participated in this operation, but perhaps out of anger at the sin, at his own request, Joey also joined. In this operation, he wanted to personally examine the doctor.
That disturbing memory was Joey's shame and the last thing he wanted to talk about, and he rarely got angry except when it came to it.
This is a trial court, with Night Owl as the watching judge, Kestrel and Robin as the jury, and Joey as the accuser and witness. They are going to try the weird doctor.
The break-in was smooth, without any hindrance. He stepped lightly, like a ghost. In a blink of an eye, Joey arrived at the door of Moriarty's room, with Kestrel and others arriving behind him.
Joey held a large-caliber revolver in his hand. It was better not to use thermite rifles indoors as much as possible. Those weapons could easily cause fires if not used properly. They did not have the time or conditions to evacuate other people in the building.
Thinking of the damn doctor's appearance in his mind, Joey tightened his grip on the gun in his hand. He was thinking about whether to knock on the door or just break in.
A small sound sounded, like a crisp snap of fingers. Although it was subtle but clear, it was well covered up in the sound of the rain. It seemed like a woman's soft sigh, reaching everyone's ears.
For a moment, everyone had a strange feeling, but they couldn't tell what it was. Then the thunder that could not be ignored sounded, and the thunder was so fierce that it seemed like a light that penetrated the heaven and earth.
The thunder was rolling, shaking all the glass like crazy. Everyone couldn't help but look out the window. The pale light illuminated half of the night. The thunder was so hot that for a moment Joey even threw it away. Seen like the burning eyes of the demon hunter.
The next moment, the illusory world merged with reality, there was a friction sound in the chaos, and the door was slowly pushed open.
Joey seemed to have not recovered from the thunder, but then he raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the door. What greeted him was a different face, a familiar face.
Moriarty wore glasses, as if he knew Joey and the others were coming, and wore appropriate formal attire.
"I thought you would come earlier."
Joey had a cold face, as if he didn't expect that the night would unfold in this way. The kestrel behind him also followed. He also raised his gun and looked at Moriarty warily, while the robin rushed in with a folding knife. Enter the room.
After controlling Moriarty, the others also broke into the room and searched the room in a short time to confirm that he was the only one there.
As if he knew what was going to happen next, Moriarty raised his hands, backed away calmly, and finally sat back on the sofa in the living room.
Moriarty said directly without waiting for Joey and others to tell them the purpose of their trip.
"I know what you're going to do, here's my ID, here's a pass to Black Mountain Hospital, and all this..."
The low table was already covered with certificates related to Moriarty. He had a smile on his face and showed no fear of being pointed at by several people at gunpoint.
"You have a good attitude."
Night Owl didn't pay attention to that, but was interested in Moriarty's reaction.
Although he didn't know where he got the news that Joey and others were coming, he actually had no fear or even ran away. Moreover, he had prepared everything and was waiting for him here.
Is he innocent?But even so, he was too calm, unusually calm.
"It's natural. After all, I'm a doctor at Montenegro Hospital. I face patients with strange illnesses all day long... You have been there more or less, right? Those enthusiastic patients are not so easy to resist. , and I’m used to working under the wails of those lunatics.”
That was not a beautiful scene, but Moriarty said it so easily, as if everything now and in Black Mountain Hospital was already accustomed to him.
Night Owl realized that the operation was getting complicated.
"We suspect you..."
"I know, I know, I realized it when I met this...Mr. Joshua." Moriarty looked at Joey with a smile.
Joey's face was reflected on the transparent mirror, and the man's eyes were filled with calmness and ridicule.
Joey suddenly felt a little uneasy, as if he was facing a strange poisonous snake, and he had walked into his trap without knowing it.
It was also at this moment that another lightning flashed, shaking everything in the world. Perhaps feeling the wrath of the unknown god, the lights in the room flickered on and off, and the miserable white thunder reflected on Moriarty's mirror, like fire. It ignites, but then goes out.
Moriarty calmly controlled everything, and these people in front of him had no idea what they were facing.
Night Owl's eyes turned cold. He was perhaps the first among these people to realize the danger of Moriarty. According to their original plan, they would rush in by force, and then conduct erosion judgment during the interrogation to make a preliminary judgment on Moriarty. Riati's situation, but this guy messed everything up.
"I know exactly what you are going to do. After all, I am one of you."
Moriarty continued speaking, seemingly leaving the window open, letting in the cold evening breeze.
"Mr. Joshua suspects that I have something to do with the devil. After all, you seem to hate me." He said, and Joey did not reply but remained silent.
"It's understandable. Those guys who left Black Mountain Hospital don't like to see us again, but you... Joey Joshua, you are a little different. This is your case. You took hallucinogens and your mental state In a daze, you were discharged from the Black Mountain Hospital after treatment for a long time, but after being discharged, you did not come to see the psychiatrist regularly as required.
Although your psychological evaluation is all qualified, we all know that you are on the front line against the existence of demons, and it is easy to force yourself to become rational, even temporarily relying on the Florund potion. "
As he spoke, Moriarty took out a medical record from the low table. It was Joey's. It should have been sealed, but now it was placed on the low table.
"What do you mean?" Joey looked a little angry.
"and many more!"
Ye Xiaoming noticed something strange.
"James Moriarty, we are now qualified to suspect that it is related to demons, but from what you said...there is another hidden secret, right?"
Things began to develop in another direction. Night Owl vaguely guessed it, and he kept a vigilant eye on Joey out of the corner of his eye.
"Yes, it was actually by chance. I met Mr. Joshua at the mutual aid meeting I was responsible for. Perhaps because of my sensitivity as a doctor, I found that there was something wrong with his mental state."
"No! I carried the pollution of erosion with me after I came into contact with you!" Joey yelled angrily.
"Then you can test it, Geiger counter, I know that thing."
Moriarty opened his hands calmly. Nite Owl did not speak, but he took action. The Geiger counter was brought over. Although it was not as sensitive as a large Geiger counter, as long as it was close enough, it could still Detected some abnormalities.
Moriarty took over the Geiger counter very cooperatively. Although it was only a rough test, it also made these people feel at ease.
Everyone is looking here with vigilance. No matter what is going on, this instrument will give the answer.
Minute by second...the Geiger counter showed no response, no warning ticking sound, and the bright green light was always on.
"Looks like I have no problem."
Moriarty smiled. As a doctor, he had a smile that could make people let go of all their guard. But that smile seemed so abominable to Joey now. Suddenly, there was an unknown anger that couldn't be stopped. He didn't know what was going on. Why.
"what happened?"
After Kestrel saw the results, he also felt something was wrong.
He still remembered Joey's miserable state, but judging from the current results, it seemed that none of this was true.
According to the attendance record, Moriarty has not had any unusual activities recently, and no special items were found in the room. He did not carry any pollution sources at all and could not release erosion.
Kestrel's eyes slowly shifted to Joey. Although he didn't want to do this, he now suspected that he was being pointed at Joey.
The reason why they acted so quickly this time was because of their trust in Joey, but now there is no evidence to prove that there is something wrong with Moriarty.
Although the follow-up investigation will still be carried out, the current situation has made people have other thoughts.
"Then how did you know we were coming."
Night Owl said calmly at this time that he did not intend to let Moriarty go so easily.
"Simple, because of him."
Moriarty pointed at Joey.
"We are all members of the purification organization, but we are divided into different departments. Even so, I still understand the regulations of your actions. Mr. Joshua has doubts about me. According to the regulations, I will definitely Get checked.
Of course, I thought a few people would come over and ask me to fill out a form for a psychological evaluation, but I didn't expect it would be such a big battle. "
Moriarty smiled at Ye Xiao. He seemed to know what Ye Xiao wanted to ask next, so he continued directly.
"It's rare for internal questioning to be raised in such a serious way and it undermines our trust and unity, so as to why I'm so sure Mr Joshua would question me...
He is a patient, and doctors know patients best, right? "
"what are you saying!"
Joey suddenly realized that the current situation was completely controlled by Moriarty. The original situation should have been for him to hold a gun to his head and ask him to explain all these damn weird things, but now it has changed. Completely changed.
"Calm down! Mr. Joshua, you are very emotional now. Normal people are like this when they are suspected. It is normal, but you are a high-ranking knight. You should always stay calm." Moriarty said.
"I have seen Mr. Joshua's case, but according to what was recorded on it, he did not receive follow-up treatment, which caught my attention. However, I am only a doctor, and I cannot ask people across departments. Right, so I put it aside until I met Mr. Joshua again at the mutual aid meeting."
Moriarty raised his head, looked directly at Joey, and then raised his hand.
"I'm a doctor, a psychiatrist, and I need to open up the defenses of the patient's mind to help him, so I had a short conversation with Mr. Joshua at that time. From the details of the conversation, I found that he was not cured. He He was still troubled by the nightmares from the past, but he was not aware of them at all and thought he was living a normal life.
He needs to be healed. "
That damn past, bloody memories, brings great pressure to Joey every time he thinks of it.
He would rush into the bathroom and take a shower, washing his body repeatedly until his skin was bruised and tiny drops of blood oozed out.
But Joey could wipe away the filth on his body, but the filth on his mind lingered.
Moriarty said as he snapped his fingers. This was a very common action, but the crisp sound hit Joey's heart like a drumbeat.
"Joy had hallucinations, terrible hallucinations," Kestrel said.
"This was caused by his own mental state. He never got out of that nightmare, but then he continued to fight the monsters and fell into an even bigger nightmare... Language is magical, and we psychiatrists are Relying on talking to heal the patient, he is like a dam full of holes that may burst at any time. I just triggered this in advance.
Better to be delusional in your bedroom than to collapse on the battlefield, right? "
Moriarty sounds like a good guy.
"How do you explain the abnormal Geiger index?"
The robin who had been silent asked, they had no evidence to prove that Moriarty had a problem, nor could they prove that Joey had fallen into madness, but the index would not lie, it could give the key.
"I can't explain... Even now, we still don't know what a demon is, let alone the weird erosion? But I know that when erosion affects the mind, it will amplify all negative emotions, and these negative emotions will Instead, the erosion continues to expand, creating a vicious cycle and falling into madness.”
Moriarty suddenly stood up, and the others couldn't help but raise their guns, but Moriarty had no fear. He walked up to Joey and faced him face to face.
"Joy you're sick."
This time he affectionately called him Joey.
As if being watched by some kind of monster, Joey lost all ability to move for a moment, as if all his bones were frozen together and his muscles no longer obeyed his instructions.
His face was reflected in the transparent lens. Although he tried his best to remain calm, he could see different emotions in it, including anger, fear, hatred...
"You are sick, and you don't want to believe that you are sick, so you blame me for the mistake. You think I caused you to fall into a hallucination."
Moriarty's voice is very gentle. As he said, he is a psychiatrist. He wants to make patients relax their vigilance and open their hearts in simple words.
It was a soothing sound, like a soft hand pressing your cheek gently.
"No, that is from your own disease, I just guided it out..."
Thunder flashed across the window, nameless pressure was exerted on everyone's mind, the Geiger counter had already turned red, and the high-frequency scream never stopped, but Joey and others were not aware of this at all.
Their eyes were empty, their burning eyes reflected in the darkness.
Moriarty didn't actually stand up. He was still sitting comfortably on the sofa, smiling at the people walking into the trap.
Light smoke rose in the room, and the burning mandrake combined with the strange power. As early as they arrived, the crazy hallucination had already connected with reality. They were immersed in it, without realizing the danger.
(End of this chapter)

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