Embers of Embers

Chapter 291 Misleading

Chapter 291 Misleading
In fact, many people have not realized that if they only focus on the Western world, they will be surprised to find that the oldest one is not a kingdom or a glorious family, but the evangelical church.
Their figures appear in the earliest literary records, and they are even said to be the beginning of the entire history of the West. They have witnessed the destruction of kingdoms and the rise of empires, from cold sword blades to burning blazing guns. .
Over the years, the Evangelical Church has learned knowledge and secrets far beyond what ordinary people can understand.
The Witcher is one of them.
In order to fight against demons, the Evangelical Church decrypted the forbidden powers from the Book of Revelation, and that knowledge gave birth to demon hunters.
They have far stronger strength than ordinary people, tenacious vitality like beasts, thunderous speed, etc., but these are not the strengths that demon hunters rely on most. What they are really powerful is their strange power.
wield extraordinary authority.
The indestructible armor, the blazing flames like daylight, foreseeing the short future...
To this day, the types of Witcher powers are still a mystery. At least the knowledge in "Revelation" was not fully analyzed by the Evangelical Church until the Night of Holy Advent. Moreover, even if some powers are discovered, they will be blocked for various reasons. Hidden, just like the weird Gabriel.
Therefore, the existing powers that are well-known to people are not all that the evangelical church has.
Moriarty looked at the people who were trapped in hallucinations. Their eyes were dull, but their body movements did not stop.
This is not a complete illusion, but an intertwined illusion and reality. It is both real and illusory, making it more difficult for people to find loopholes. And he also relied on this power to forge everything and infiltrate the Black Mountain Hospital.
The noisy voice kept shouting. In fact, the Geiger counter had been triggered long ago, but the hallucination interfered with their senses. In Joey and others' perception, the Geiger counter was extremely quiet at this moment, and everything was normal. , except for Joey himself.
In the hallucination, Joey looked at Moriarty in front of him. He felt a pressure that he had never felt before. He could detect a few abnormalities, but judging from the behavior of the people around him, they were not aware of them.
what happened?
Until now, Joey still believed in his intuition, but one questioning look after another fell on him, as if being stabbed by a steel needle.
He suddenly felt a bone-chilling cold, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world in an instant, leaving him alone.
In a crazy world, staying awake is a sin.
"I can understand Joey's ill will toward me. He doesn't want to be treated... After all, everyone doesn't like Black Mountain Hospital."
Moriarty had mastered the overall situation. From the very beginning, Ye Xiao didn't feel the slightest fear from this guy. For a moment, even Ye Xiao had a strange illusion. He felt that Moriarty was somewhat similar to a person.
After a brief thought, he thought of that man, that damn Lorenzo Holmes.
Those who work in this industry will have some psychological shadows, such as the nightmare that troubles Joey, and the gun of Shrike... Night Owl once felt lucky that he had no psychological shadows, but after that armor test, he was completely changed.
The ferocious black angel, with the madness of death, beat the sword dancer crazily.
Ye Xiao had no unnecessary emotions at that time. At that time, he thought he was going to die, and his mind went blank under the threat of death. But in the end, he survived. The seemingly crazy Black Angel was always bound by reason.
That depressing feeling appeared after the test. Ye Xiao began to hate confined spaces, which always made him think about the test scene at that time. The strong armor of the Sword Dancer became his cage. Under the attack of the Black Angel, it deflated little by little, squeezing the Night Owl's body.
For a moment, he even thought that he would be crushed to death in it and turn into a pile of smelly meat paste.
Lorenzo himself did not expect to receive such "acclaim", but from a feeling point of view, it is indeed the case. Moriarty and Lorenzo are so similar, no matter what the hell the situation is, they are the same. They looked calm and unhurried, as if everything was in their calculations, even if the sky fell apart next.
In this way, this is indeed very appropriate for Lorenzo. No matter what time it is, even in the death battle with Lawrence, he is like this. Everything is under control, even though he will die.
"It's a tough job to be a doctor, isn't it?"
Moriarty continued, with a look of sadness and annoyance on his face, like a parent who cares about his children but is not recognized by them.
"Because we can save lives, we are expected, but equally, when we appear in front of you, like the god of death, it proves that your situation is very bad... Just like you, Joey, you are afraid that I will kill you Send him back to Black Mountain Hospital."
His voice made Joey feel uneasy. If possible, Joey would like to shoot and kill the damn guy in front of him now, but he can't do it. Even if Moriarty has a problem, as a doctor at Black Mountain Hospital, he is a part of the purge agency. Officer, what awaited him was a second inspection rather than a direct shooting.
"And it's all very well proven."
Moriarty picked up the Geiger counter, which emitted a bright green light, and then leaned toward Joey.
Another lightning flashed, accompanied by rolling thunder, and the faint sound of snapping fingers echoed in it.
Human will is difficult to control, and the so-called control of the mind is nothing but illusion, but human will can be guided. Constant hints and clever designs seal all possible roads and drive them away. Will the direction you want.
To a large extent, psychiatrists do this as well, guiding your mind to the side they want, or to hit rock bottom.
Therefore, the illusion begins to dissipate, and it overlaps with the reality covering, just like a train changing track, leaving the illusory road and stepping into reality again.
The bound senses were freed again, and then the screams that had been ignored due to interference gradually became clearer, like a woman's cry, tearing everyone's eardrums.
Joey's face turned pale and lost all color.
As Moriarty removed his powers, the screams that had been covered up re-entered everyone's ears, and the bright green color covered by the illusion disappeared, turning into blood-like red.
Moriarty still had that indifferent smile, but it looked so terrifying at the moment.
He continued to push the Geiger counter towards Joey until it was pressed against his chest. At this time, the power that enveloped everyone completely collapsed, and the screams were like a buzzer.
Moriarty loves his power, preferring to drive his enemies into madness rather than sending them into nightmares.
Such a simple operation, but under his careful design, turned into a trap that destroyed Joey, seamlessly.
"No...impossible." Joey couldn't believe it.
The awakening of Mystic Blood triggered the alarm, but under the illusion, all this was pushed to Joey.
"Stand still! Joey!"
Ye Xiao raised his gun and pointed at Joey. Although he was a colleague, Ye Xiao knew exactly what he should do. The extra emotion at this moment would only hurt Joey.
Kestrel's face also became serious. He trusted Joey very much, but at this moment all the spearheads were pointed at Joey.
"Calm down, Joey, you are being controlled by your emotions right now."
Moriarty looked pitiful, then strode closer, putting one hand on Joey's shoulder, and the other hand gently touching his face, forcing him to look at him.
"look into my eyes."
He said that the lens reflected the arc light, and the light seemed to be burning white, and then all the sounds disappeared in an instant.
"You still hate that memory, you still live in that nightmare, you need to be healed, you need to rest..."
The voice was very soft, and Moriarty was an excellent actor. From the perspective of outsiders, he looked like an experienced doctor at the moment, trying to calm down the crazy Joey.
But in fact, Moriarty doesn't know anything about psychotherapy. He just likes to watch people go crazy. As for the treatments on the surface... This is just his performance. Pretending to be a doctor is easier than becoming a doctor Quite a few, as for those professional things, just leave them to the extraordinary authority.
He said meaningless words and dragged Joey into the psychedelic hallucination.
Power Raphael.
This is an invisible force, just like the weird Shang Da's salary. This invisible force often brings greater fear to people.
Many people have already inhaled the smoke of mandrake, and the hallucinogenic component will help release Moriarty's power, just like the Uncanny Valley many years ago. As early as when they stepped here, the network cable controlled It has taken control of all their senses.
Joey felt a great chill. After fighting the demon for so long, his keen intuition warned him that he seemed to sense something strange about Moriarty. He tried not to look at those eyes, but it was too late. .
The tired spirit was rubbed at will, torn and reassembled.
Suddenly he and Moriarty were the only ones left in the room. The black night turned blood red, and the cries of children sounded one after another. Joey knew that something was coming to him, and then Moriarty disappeared in front of him. A child took his place in front of Joey.
The hot molten iron covered his head, and the wound was burning bright red. Then the corners of his mouth were pulled down to his ears, and the smile seemed to be a mouthful of people.
Kestrel shouted worriedly. Following Moriarty's words, Joey suddenly trembled. The Geiger counter in front of him was still beeping harshly. He looked at Moriarty with red eyes.
He cursed angrily and struggled in the hallucination. He raised the muzzle of the gun and tried to shoot. But at this moment, the robin stepped forward and stopped Joey's movement. His finger got stuck in the trigger, preventing him from pulling it. move.
Night Owl hit Joey hard on the neck, and after a flash, a syringe was inserted into it, and the liquid in it was quickly injected into it.
This was originally intended to control Moriarty, but now it was used on Joey. If everyone still trusted Joey before, his sudden madness at this moment made everyone doubt his mental state.
After all, Moriarty didn't lie about this. Since then, Joey has only undergone psychological evaluation and no follow-up treatment.
Moriarty sat back on the sofa. As the secret blood calmed down, Joey fell into a deep sleep, and the Geiger counter that kept ringing stopped.
This is a perfect frame-up. As long as you find those psychological weaknesses and apply pressure, you can easily make a person self-doubt and fall into madness.
A slightly heavy breathing sound sounded. Kestrel looked at the fallen Joey, as if he did not expect that he would end up like this.
It was not like he had never seen his teammates being corroded and transformed into enemies while fighting monsters, but this was the first time that, outside of the action, his seemingly calm teammates fell into madness.
Kestrel has a strange feeling, as if there is no safe place in this world. Whether it is facing erosion or ordinary life, everyone will go crazy at some damn moment, like a curse.
"This is all part of your design, right?"
Nite Owl looked at Moriarty. The guy's expression had not changed from the beginning to the end. He still had that kind smile, which made people lower their guard.
If Ye Xiao had seen his expression in that damn hospital, he might have felt reassured, but under the current situation, he could only feel a vague chill.
"Like a script that has already been written, every reaction of Joey is what you expect." Night Owl continued.
"I am a doctor. Of course the doctor knows my patients, and scripts are often used in Black Mountain Hospital. This has been a treatment method a long time ago. Through everyone's performances, patients can regain their senses. Recall those, thereby changing the sad 'past' in the 'present'."
Moriarty looked at the unconscious Joey and continued.
"I just know my patients too well."
Night Owl took a deep look at him, then looked back at Joey who was under control. He murmured weakly, not knowing what he was talking about.
"You haven't cleared the doctor of suspicion yet."
"I know about the review, but if necessary, please inform me in advance. After all, I still have a mutual aid club to manage."
Moriarty still looked harmonious, his expression never changed, as if he was wearing a mask that no one could see through.
But the smile was even brighter, as if everything just now was just a happy game for him.
This is true.
Human beings are really extremely fragile creatures, and it is difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion. As long as they have enough cunning power and clever timing, they can be easily misled, but they themselves are completely unaware of it.
Moriarty likes this. Looking at them who are sinking, there is a feeling of recklessly controlling the fate of others, which brings some joyful fluctuations to his numb emotions.
(End of this chapter)

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