Embers of Embers

Chapter 292 Fun

Chapter 292 Fun
Night Owl dragged the unconscious Joey into the carriage. The inspection on him will begin urgently tonight. After all, he is a high-ranking knight and the backbone of the purge agency. His problem is very serious.
It was such an unpleasant night. I thought that by sending out a large number of people, I could catch an uneasy factor lurking inside, but I never expected that it was Joey himself who had the problem in the end.
Night Owl couldn't help but look upward. The window was open, and there were dark figures with their backs lit. Moriarty was watching them and watching them leave.
He must still be wearing that damn smile at this moment. Ye Xiao had been wondering what that strange disgust was, but now he suddenly thought of it.
That's the way a cat looks at a mouse.
Night Owl was a little annoyed. After this time, everyone had more or less negative emotions. He originally wanted to take Moriarty back for inspection, but Moriarty seemed to have memorized the regulations of the purification agency. Generally, different departments give reasons for refusing to cooperate.
The purification agency was established by different departments. Night Owl, who are on the front line against demons, is the headquarters of the purification agency. Others, such as the scavengers, the perpetual pump, and the Black Mountain Hospital, etc., have different functions, making this machine roar. operation.
The various departments are independent, but they all follow the instructions of the headquarters. However, the scavengers have always been responsible for eliminating the ghosts. Although the headquarters also has power, Moriarty has proved that he is normal... At least for now, there is no The evidence proves his anomaly.
He was willing to cooperate, but he didn't want to ruin his exquisite sleep. Moriarty said he would report to his superiors tomorrow morning and then accept their review.
"Just left like that?" Kestrel was a little surprised.
He has always felt that the purification agency is an extremely unreasonable institution. As long as you are suspected of being a demon, you will be traced to the end. Even the daughter of a duke has to stay in the Black Mountain Hospital. When Doc comes, he might execute Moriarty on the spot...and of course he might take Joey with him.
That is a department that specializes in dealing with the follow-up of monster incidents, and their favorite way to deal with it is to cut off the good meat and the rotten meat together.
"That's all."
Night Owl didn't say much, then he glanced at Joey lying in the car.
The purification agency has always adhered to a strict hierarchy and has not reached that position. Many secrets are always prohibited for them to access, which naturally includes the content that other departments are mainly responsible for.
This limits the overreach of power and brings implementation troubles, but it at least ensures that when one department falls due to demons, other departments can be preserved.
Just like scavengers, they are always seen everywhere in the action against demons, but when you think of the specific location of their department, the person in charge and the main members, you will find that your memory is blank, and the same is true for Montenegro Hospital.
Among these departments, the appearance rate of the Perpetual Pump is relatively high. After all, they are directly linked to the headquarters. Senior knights like Night Owl are often used as guinea pigs to experiment with weapons, so they are familiar with them a lot, but that's all.
What is unknown is not only the demon, but also the purification agency itself.
On a rainy night, the Dunling Tower stood tall, and countless cables were released from it, passing through the streets and buildings, entangling the entire city like a spider web.
"You all have that feeling, right? A...I don't know how to describe it, I just feel a little strange and strange."
Robin said at this point that it was all a little too clever.
"I won't let him go easily."
Night Owl did not turn around and continued to look at Moriarty by the window. He knew very well that the guy must be looking at him.
"Joey...what's the matter with you?"
He stepped into the carriage and looked at his colleague who had worked with him for many years. He had always remained rational and decisively subdued Joey, but this did not mean that Ye Xiao was a cold person, he just knew his role very well.
Now that the operation is over, he is worried about Joey as a friend.
"You always like to take risks like this. Once there is a slight mistake in your power, we may all die here... You just saw the ruthlessness of these people in the purification agency."
Samuel, who was hiding in the shadows, slowly walked out as Ye Xiao and others left.
In fact, he was standing in the corner, slowing down his heartbeat, like a dead man, not making any sound. Coupled with the diffuse mandrake and Moriarty's power, he just escaped the purge. According to the agency's search, Samuel was just a shadow that could not be illuminated by light.
Tonight was the day for him to make contact with these dark chess pieces. Samuel believed that Moriarty would not remember the wrong date, but he just attracted the people from the purge agency.
This is a rebellious guy, and Samuel believes that he will not correct his mistakes, but he still can't help but say this.
James Moriarty is an extremely restless guy. What comes with his outstanding abilities is a corresponding uncontrollability.
"Please have some trust in me."
Moriarty is still the same, he has no awareness of his mistakes, and he is very confident in his control of power.
Samuel was vaguely angry. Although he had known about his situation for a long time, he still found it difficult to accept it.
"You did something to the people from the purification agency? This may expose us early!"
Now the new church is dancing on the tip of the knife when it is acting in the old Dunling. Maybe the two parties who maintain peace will go to war in the next second.
"This is part of the plan... Didn't His Majesty agree with my plan? This is just to make the plan more stable." Moriarty said the reason for what he did.
After a short wait, instructions from the Evangelical Church were issued, and the plan proposed by Moriarty against Lorenzo Holmes was confirmed.
"So you did this? You drove an ordinary person crazy before, and this is also your plan? Once we are discovered by the purification agency, it is very likely that we will go to war directly!"
The damn thing is that Samuel had read the report of that ordinary person, that poor ghost named Nibel. At that time, Samuel only thought he was an ordinary mentally ill patient, but he learned in the follow-up negotiations with Moriarty that It was his masterpiece.
The madman in front of him is trying to destroy a person's mind between illusion and reality.
Long before the new Pope agreed to his plan, the fellow was practicing his disgusting amusements in Old Dunning.
"of course."
Moriarty admitted this directly. After he infiltrated Black Mountain Hospital and existed as a psychiatrist, Nibel was his first patient.
Therapy is a very interesting process, very interesting. Moriarty rarely found a little fun in it, which he had never found in Florence.
Excavating a person's mind, tearing away all defenses and coverings, a living person appears naked in front of his eyes, his past and future, everything is neatly placed on the table like tools that have been disassembled above.
This is a wonderful feeling. For a moment you will feel that you completely control this person and become his master and god.
"Our ultimate goal is Lorenzo Holmes... Although we don't know exactly what happened, it can be seen from His Majesty's tough attitude that we must capture him, even if many people die."
Moriarty thought about the handwriting on the paper. He liked to observe people's expressions from some details, and that was the first time he felt panic in the new pope's handwriting...fear, anger, too much and too complicated. emotions.
For this long-defunct demon hunter, the new pope is unbelievably tough. They need a living Lorenzo, as long as he can speak, even if his limbs are cut off or chopped to pieces with a nail sword.
What matters is not him as a person, but the secrets hidden in his brain.
"He is a demon hunter who survived the Night of Holy Advent. Although we have never faced those in person, his will must be very strong. It is so strong that even the erosion of despair like a sea wave cannot subdue him."
Moriarty said as he picked up a book, this one about mental illness, from Black Mountain Hospital.
Through those people who lost control due to demons, Black Mountain Hospital has made rapid progress in spiritual research. In order to implement his own plan, Moriarty doesn't mind learning some of this stuff himself, but compared to professionals, he has obviously learned more. It's much slower, so it still relies on power to a certain extent.
"For a more stable advancement of the ***, I am gradually changing the subjects of the experiment, first Nibel, who is an ordinary person, and then Joey, who has been specialized. So far, the progress is good."
Moriarty said that these people are his guinea pigs, and he is experimenting with his venom. When they are the most violent, that is when they attack Lorenzo.
"I still don't think your plan is feasible."
Moriarty's plan was based on the unfathomable human heart and was built on this unstable foundation, which made Samuel very uneasy.
"Not only Father Anthony, but also His Majesty agreed, didn't he?" Moriarty smiled.
"The Purification Agency will not give up on Lorenzo easily. Even if they can't use the power of the false Holy Grail, they don't want us to get it, except for one situation."
This was his idea, and he had thought about it long before Fei Lengcui.
"What if the purification agency doesn't have the confidence to control Lorenzo? A demon hunter who has started to go crazy, cold-blooded and decisive, with superb swordsmanship, not to mention he also carries a false Holy Grail.
Lorenzo has been working for the Purgatory for some time, and his terrible Purgatory knows better than we do, but when the risks he brings outweigh the benefits, when the two no longer trust each other. "
He continued.
"The terrible beast has lost its shackles. At that time, the purification agency will not be able to end all this. He will come to ask us."
Samuel shook his head, he couldn't believe it.
"Will it really go so well?"
"But didn't you just see it?" Moriarty said.
"You also see how those people treat Crazy Joey, they abide by the iron code, which is their foundation..."
Recalling the scene just now, Samuel couldn't help but feel an indescribable coldness. In this atmosphere, the sound of the crashing rain also became creepy.
Joey was not crazy, or in other words, although the nightmare still existed, it could hardly affect him anymore. However, Moriarty used his power to ruthlessly tear it out and deceive him. In an instant, Joey lost everything. Trust, judged as crazy.
At this time, Samuel once again realized the horror of Moriarty, and then suddenly recalled what happened when he became a witcher.
After the "Book of Revelation" was lost, the Evangelical Church lost the ability to create secret blood. In order to establish a new order, they found the dead demon hunters, chipped away at the melted holy silver, and extracted the secret blood from the broken bodies. .
These witchers have spent their entire lives fighting against demons, and even in death, the remaining embers are still boiling.
The new order was founded on the remains of those demon hunters, and the new generation of demon hunters such as Samuel were selected from the Knights Templar. Unlike the demon hunters of the old order, they had been trained since childhood, and even It is said that a small number of demon hunters only have experience in fighting demons a few times.
The origin of the Templar Knights barely made up for these shortcomings, but Moriarty was different. He was not a member of the Templar Knights, but was transferred from an unknown place and became a member of the Demon Hunter.
He doesn't have any superb swordsmanship. Before he became a demon hunter, he seemed to be just an ordinary person, the kind who would be hard to find even if he was thrown into a sea of ​​people.
But no one would have thought that the taboo secret blood would change a person so much. After becoming a demon hunter and mastering that strange power, Moriarty completely changed a person, and Samuel didn't even know him. people.
"We have absolutely no chance of winning against Lorenzo head-on, or against the purge mechanism, but we can drive him crazy, drive Lorenzo Holmes crazy, isn't the current news confirmed? He Due to the deviation in my self-perception and the influence of the pseudo-Holy Grail, I am fully capable of doing this."
This was what he had always wanted to do. He was testing his abilities. Facing the survivors of the night of Advent, Moriarty didn't know if Lorenzo could see through his power.
"A crazy witcher, a witcher that the purge mechanism cannot handle, a demonized witcher that we need to hunt."
Moriarty picked up the black-and-white photo sandwiched between books. The man on it was sitting on a shabby sofa on the roadside. He looked bored, holding half a bottle of beer in his hand, and behind him was his life. 121A Cork Street.
The invisible net had shrouded the sky over Old Dunling long before the mission arrived. Countless forces were intertwined together, using different means and for different purposes.
Samuel looked at Moriarty, although he was from the same camp, but he could only feel a bone-chilling chill on him, it was difficult to judge the person in front of him by right, wrong, good or evil, he was like a monster whose emotions were difficult to rise and fall, I came to this world just to have fun.
(End of this chapter)

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