Embers of Embers

Chapter 293 The Outside World

Chapter 293 The Outside World
The strong wind carries the cold rain, hitting the glass hard, and the sound is as dense as a drum, like a group of damn lunatics, happily knocking on your window to wake you up.
But it was late at night, and Lorenzo's room was on the second floor.
Lorenzo woke up leisurely, probably returning to a familiar place. After a short rest, his fatigue was reduced a lot.He did not draw the curtains, and the light from the streetlight outside the window barely illuminated his room. He sat up slowly. After being slightly absent-minded, he suddenly felt terribly lonely.
Some people often say that you should not take a nap at home alone. Once you have slept, you will inevitably feel sad when you slowly wake up in the dusk and look at the dark and empty room.
Those doctors said that when humans wake up from sleep, not only the body is awakening, but also the spirit is awakening. During the period just after waking up, the human spirit is numb, fragile, and emotionally at its weakest. The feeling of emptiness filled every part of the flesh and blood for an instant, making people unable to help but push open the window and jump down.
——So don’t take a nap.
Lorenzo lazily climbed out of bed. This was just a moment of leisure in a hurry. Those uneasy and well-meaning guys were still peeping at him in the darkness. He had no time to examine himself, so he could only seize the time to sharpen his teeth.
Lorenzo did not turn on the light. With the light of the street lamp and the witcher's eyesight, he could see everything in the room clearly. He quietly sat on the chair, took out the unfinished weapons and continued to modify them.
Lorenzo had never taken a course in mechanics, but he had learned enough skills in the Demon Hunting Order, including the skills of killing.
Many times, due to long-term and high-intensity combat, the nail swords carried by witchers often cannot keep up with the ultra-high damage rate, so hand-made weapons have become something that many witchers need to master, just like an interesting craft class, but What is created here is not a childish toy, but a deadly weapon.
Thanks to these experiences, Lorenzo was able to play so many tricks with these shotgun ammunition, but these were only used to deal with demons, not against demon hunters.
He reached into the darkness and took out a cold warhead.
Rather than a weapon, this thing is more appropriately called a handicraft. Its surface is silvery white like moonlight, and detailed and complex sacred words are inscribed on it. However, these inscriptions have some flaws. It is completely hand-carved, and this engraver Obviously he is still a novice, and many of his handwritings are crooked.
This novice carver is naturally Lorenzo. Although he has deserted the Evangelical Church for a long time, he still has some expectations for that false belief... No, this is not even an expectation, it is just "confident in the face of despair" Just order whatever you want” kind of mentality.
Yes, when making this warhead, Lorenzo was facing Dean Lawrence and facing despair. The insurmountable gap made him doubt whether he could kill Lawrence, so he ridiculously engraved on this warhead He read the Word in an attempt to make the God who had been watching do something.
This is a single-head bullet made entirely of holy silver. It is a lethal weapon for demons and demon hunters alike.Lorenzo smelted all the holy silver he brought from the Demon Hunting Order, and finally made two pure holy silver single-headed bullets. According to his own ideas, these two death bullets would hit Lawrence's head and body one after another. Heart, kill him completely.
But in the end, this plan failed. Lorenzo only found an opportunity to fire one shot, and the bullets of that shot failed to kill Lawrence. Fortunately, the follow-up industrial artillery ended the long-term death struggle.
Therefore, this holy silver bullet remained. Lorenzo thought that there would be no chance of using it again, but then the new order came.
Lorenzo carefully put away this bullet. Like lacquer antimony, this would be Lorenzo's trump card, a weapon that could kill with one hit.
Suddenly there was a slight noise from outside the door, Lorenzo did not act rashly, but gently picked up the shotgun and dagger.
It was already late at night, and Mrs. Vanlude should have gone to bed long ago. According to Sigg's schedule, he should also be lying on the bed honestly. Lorenzo didn't have any pets, and he didn't think anyone else would. Raise that kind of thing.
He walked to the door warily, staring at the door handle.
Mrs. Van Rude and Sigurd never enter their rooms. Even if something happens, they will knock on the door. If the doorknob starts to turn, Lorenzo will throw the dagger without hesitation... As for why he doesn't use a shotgun , after all, it was already so late, and the sound of gunshots would wake up other people, so staying quiet was a quality a guest should have.
The muscles were tense, and a cold light flowed from the dagger.
The sound came again, it was the sound of footsteps. He paused briefly in front of Lorenzo's door, and then walked downstairs.
Lorenzo was a little confused, then slowly opened the door and saw a familiar shadow through the gap.
Lorenzo shouted softly. Although his voice was weak, it was extremely clear in this silent night.
Sigg turned around and looked at Lorenzo with some surprise.
"You... haven't slept yet?"
Shige did not expect that Lorenzo was still asleep at this time, and then he saw the cold light under the crack of the door and the sharp dagger.
Seeing this, Lorenzo quickly put away his weapon. His roommate had a bad mentality, so he should not put any more pressure on him.
But then Lorenzo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was too vigilant. There was no enemy sneaking in secretly, it was just Sigg who was still awake.
This is just an ordinary night, not the darkness of a demon.
Throwing the weapon on the bed, Lorenzo walked out.
"What are you doing?"
Lorenzo looked at Sigg. As he got closer, Sigg's face became clearer in the dimness. Lorenzo was keenly aware of Sigg's difference, as if he had just cried. His eyes were slightly swollen. red.
This is not good...
In terms of emotions, Lorenzo is a little helpless about himself, let alone helping others.
But seeing Lorenzo like this, he was a little happy. Sigurd has always been a cold and silent guy. He is not good at dealing with people. He only likes to stay indoors alone. Sometimes Lorenzo even feels that he has lost his humanity. emotions, but now it seems that he still has joys and sorrows, which is good, he is still human.
"Nothing, I just wanted to come out and see the rain."
Sigg said and moved a chair, then opened the door and let the cold wind rush in. He sat at the door and looked at the diffuse water vapor and the splashing water on the street.
Countless water droplets hit the ground, and the splashes of silver looked like roiling fish.
"Are you sad?"
Lorenzo asked, standing by the door, looking at the hazy rain curtain with Sigurd.
Probably when she was asleep, Mrs. Van Roode came back and talked to Sigg about retirement care?Also, Sigg spent most of his life here, and his growth is recorded here. No matter how indifferent a person is, he will feel hard to leave.
"No, I'm just a little homesick." Sigg said.
"Huh? What's there to think about? Aren't you at home now...?"
After Lorenzo said this, he realized that something was wrong with him. Maybe it was because Sigg had lived here for too long. He always forgot that Sigg was not from Old Dunling. He vaguely remembered that Sigg had said that he was from a coastal village. small town.
"Sorry," Lorenzo said.
Sigg shook his head and said.
"It doesn't matter. In fact, I can't remember it myself. I only have very vague memories of that place, because it is close to the sea and storms often come. At that time, the whole world was like the old Dunling now, with endless water pouring from the sky. It descended, baptizing everything with a splash, enveloping everything in the water curtain."
"Is that so? You rarely mention these," Lorenzo asked. "Are there any bad memories that you don't want to remember?"
"No, I just simply can't remember." Sigg said.
“It was a very closed town, with only one railway leading to the outside world, but trains rarely passed through our town, and the fares were expensive.
At first, everyone didn't pay much attention to this new thing. The son of a blacksmith was still a blacksmith, and the son of a fisherman was still a fisherman. Everyone lived in such a rigid way, until one day a restless guy appeared. He took advantage of the train passing by and grabbed it. Get on the train and leave the closed town with it. "
Sigg said that it was a story deep in his memory, because it had been so long that even he himself could not remember his real hometown.
"No one cared about it at first, but more and more young people boarded the train, or paid the expensive fare, and went to the outside world, but none of them came back. It was like they were dead, but soon Then someone said they went to Old Dunling.
Old Dunling, the capital of Yin Erweg, was beautiful and magnificent, with wealth everywhere. Compared with it, the town in his hometown was simply hell. Then the adults began to be afraid. These children left and never came back. The town There are fewer and fewer young people here, so they put up iron fences and reject all news from the outside world. "
Sigg turned his head and looked at Lorenzo. It was rare to see this somewhat autistic guy be so talkative.
"I was born into this environment."
"But you finally came to Old Dunling, and you are also one of the restless ones." Lorenzo said.
A slight smile appeared on Sigg's face, and he continued.
"Absolutely. No matter how oppressive the adults are, children will always get together and regard the outside world as a legend. Therefore, a coming-of-age ceremony was born among us children. If we want to prove that we have become adults, we have to wait for the train to pass by. When the time comes, you can cross the fence and the adult guards and get on the train with all your strength. Leaving this place proves that you are an adult.
I have often watched with envy the children who fled, while the adults chased in vain, while they sat on the train and cheered into the wind. "
"It seems that everyone has the same childhood." Lorenzo couldn't help but said.
"It was the same when I was in Feilengcui. At that time, the children sat on the bank of the Tiber River, yearning for the old Dunling. At that time, the nobles in the city said how beautiful it was here, and they wanted to spend all their wealth to come here. Come live here.
At that time, everyone also said that it would be great if we could also go to Old Dunling, where there must be chicken legs in the trash cans on the streets, instead of only stiff bread in the trash cans in Feilengcui. "
Lorenzo laughed as he spoke. Children's fantasies are always so innocent, with ridiculous limitations.
"We all ended up in Old Dunling, didn't we?"
Shige looked at the rain curtain in Old Dunling. He was here, in this fascinating city.
"But Old Dunling is not a good place, Lorenzo. I almost died here. Chaos and prosperity coexist here. If it weren't for Mrs. Vanlude, I might have died on the streets long ago."
Seager said.
"I like this city, but I am not suitable for this city. Many years later, I suddenly realized this. It's not that those children don't want to come back, but they can't come back. The same is true for you, right, Loren Zuo, you can’t go back to the jade green you once had.”
Lorenzo was startled, and he suddenly discovered that Sigg was not as cold as he thought. He was also sentimental, but he kept all his thoughts in his heart.
"After I came to Old Dunling, I was completely immersed in the joy of this city. Although it was painful, the joy was always greater than the pain. Mrs. Fanlude gave me a place to live, let me go to school, and get in touch with those who grew up in childhood. The joy of something that I could never touch in the town lasted for many years until one day I suddenly remembered that little town along the coast.”
There was fear and sadness in Higg's tone.
"Lorenzo, I realized to my horror that I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember what the town looked like, not even its name. For the first time, I was so scared. I ran to the train. station, looking through the train records from a few years ago, trying to find which train I took to arrive at Old Dunling...
But there was nothing. That small town just disappeared from my life. My parents were there. Although I can’t remember their appearance clearly, I was born there after all... Only then did I realize that I What a terrible thing I did, but there was no chance of undoing it. "
Shige stared at the rain curtain blankly. He could not remember the town, but he vaguely remembered that when it started to rain, it was somewhat similar to the rain curtain in old Dunling.
"I can't go back, Lorenzo."
"Is that so...I'm just very busy. There are too many things to do every day. I didn't think about this." Lorenzo said.
"Although we are in Old Dunling, in the end we are still strangers. This is not our home, and our real home has long been unable to return. We are wandering like lonely ghosts."
"Do you really want to go home?" Lorenzo asked.
Sigg hesitated for a long time and said slowly.
"I don't know. I have lived in Old Dunling for so long. Sometimes I suddenly think back to the time in that small town, and I always suddenly realize that it was the life of another person, a stranger who is completely different from myself...I'm afraid At that time, when I saw who I am now, I couldn’t believe that I would be like this in the future.”
"There's nothing you can do about it, people are changing...one second I died, and the next second my new self came back to life..."
Lorenzo was chattering. He also moved a chair over and looked at the rain curtain with Sigg. For a moment, he suddenly felt that his life was normal. There was no fighting or killing, and there were no damn monsters. He was just like an ordinary person, thinking about life with his roommate at night.
The rain was pouring down, and the water was rushing in the ditch. After a long silence, Lorenzo knocked on Sigg's shoulder.
"Do you want supper?"
he asks.
(End of this chapter)

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