Embers of Embers

Chapter 294 Thunder

Chapter 294 Thunder
When the heavy rain is severe enough, you will feel an unspeakable sense of suffocation when you look up at the rain curtain. The endless heavy rain washes away your body until it completely wraps you up.
The ears were full of howling wind and thunder, as if it was the end of the world, but even at such a fatal time, people still cursed from time to time. This was the only resistance for fragile mortals.
Nikolai wore a striking yellow raincoat and grabbed the cable next to him with all his strength. He usually appeared as a cold and a bit crazy scientist, but now he was just like a homeless man on the street. He was in such a state of embarrassment. He couldn't help mumbling, and cursed the damn weather with the others.
This may be the most violent rainy season in Jiudunling in recent years. The heavy rains are continuous, accompanied by lightning and thunder.
It stands to reason that people should be sitting in warm homes now, warming themselves by the fire and telling interesting stories, but Nicholas is now on the Dunling Tower, keeping company with the thunder.
There are many people like him, wearing raincoats and insulating equipment. They welcome the rain and thunder and try to control it.
This is the Dunling Tower, which was once the core of the Dunling Project. Although everything has become a thing of the past, brilliant technology has still been built on its corpse.
"It's amazing!"
A voice rang out from the communicator. It was Maxwell's voice. They were standing on the top of the iron tower. From here, they could overlook the entire old Dunling. The majestic heavy rain poured over the entire city, and the Thames River overflowed the shore. Rushing to the ocean again.
His voice was obscured by thunder and wind. Perhaps this damn thunderstorm interfered with the signal. Maxwell's voice had a harsh electric sound, but fortunately Nikolai could barely hear it clearly. The cold wind was biting, and he rushed towards Maxwell, who was not far away, nodded vigorously in agreement.
Yes, it's really spectacular. Such a scene is rare. Normally, the entire Old Dunling is obscured by hazy fog, and the gloomy sky sinks like an iron curtain. At that time, even if you stand at this height, you can't see anything. Looking at the appearance of this city, it is like a veiled woman, mysterious and making people eager to explore her reality.
Nicholas turned his head, and the pale searchlight illuminated the dim night sky, allowing him to observe.
This is a large platform in Dunling Tower. There are four such platforms in total, distributed at the four corners of the tower. In the original plan, this was not only the core of Dunling, but also the core of the Snake in the Atrium. , just like the World Tree in Norse mythology, this tower will run through the land of Yin Erweg like an iron tree.
The underground "roots" are the pillars of the furnace and the ever-moving pumps. They provide the entire city with huge energy and a steady stream of new technologies. The place bordering the earth will become the core of the railway, and countless trains will come from here. Set off and travel through Yin Erweg's territory.
Nicholas's position is even more critical. If Dunling Tower is a tree trunk, then these four platforms are iron branches. According to the original plan, this will be an aerial supply station. Those "leaves" swimming in the sky, War airships will not have to dive to the ground again, but will be resupplied directly from here for long-term missions.
Everything was so well thought out, but unfortunately it ended in failure.
Fortunately, it did not completely fail. The remaining firewood is still burning slightly and has evolved into what it is today.
"You look very busy..."
In the noisy chaos, Arthur wore the same eye-catching raincoat and walked through the stagnant water. Like Nunola, he also had a cable tied around his waist and his hands were holding on to the fence. After all, this was a few hundred meters in the air, or In this bad weather, if you are not careful, you will be blown down by the strong wind.
It is nonsense to think that the dignified Arthur died for this reason.
"Fortunately, this is a rare opportunity, the weather is so suitable, and it is rare that you agree to us coming here to conduct experiments." Nicholas roared loudly, trying hard to keep his voice from being obscured by the strong wind.
The machine began to roar, and I saw that a small spire had been piled up on the mechanical platform at some point. Countless cables extended from it. There were staff in the same clothes surrounding it. In this harsh environment, Next assignment.
"Maxwell, I'll leave this to you first!"
Nicholas said into the communicator, and all he could see was Maxwell's eye-catching yellow figure giving him a thumbs up, and then Nicholas walked towards Arthur.
The two laboriously moved down from the platform, entered the room wrapped in steel, and laboriously closed the iron door to isolate the wind and rain. Everything seemed to be quiet, and the two couldn't help but let out a long breath.
Nikolai is a scientific researcher who usually lives in a safe underground experimental site. If something goes wrong, he has a security team on top. He is extremely fragile. But now that the security team is here, it is useless. The current harsh working environment is not suitable for him. Speaking is simply hell.
"What's the matter? This is a critical moment. Maybe we can make a breakthrough in our research on electricity." Nicholas shook his raincoat, and a lot of rainwater poured out from under his clothes.
"I just want to inform you that it's time for you to rest. Merlin will be in charge of the next round. He is on his way." Arthur leaned aside.
He didn't want to face the lightning and thunder, but because the Dunling Tower was extremely critical, he had to supervise the work.
"Is this so? Time flies by so fast."
Maybe he was too involved. Nicholas didn't realize the passage of time at all. In fact, he felt that this should have something to do with the damn environment. He couldn't be negligent in the slightest. Maybe one inattentive step would cause an experimental accident. .
Arthur pressed the switch on the side, and the entire sealed space began to slowly descend, just like a cabinet. The steel was mottled with rust, and lights were shining in the gaps. It seemed that no aesthetic issues were considered at the beginning of the design. It was industrial. Very windy.
After waiting for a long time, the iron door opened again, but what was revealed was a gorgeously decorated corridor, where someone had already prepared to change Nicholas' clothes.
Nicholas couldn't help but look around. Even he didn't have the right to arrive here at will. He could only take a few more looks when he was allowed to come.
He followed Arthur and finally stopped in a conference room. The huge round table was covered with sword marks and indentations. It was unclear what it had experienced.
"Come and have a rest," said Arthur.
"In the round table conference room? Is it so luxurious?" Nicholas knew exactly where this place was and couldn't help but said.
Looking up, the dome made of glass is receiving the baptism of heavy rain. From here, it seems that Nicholas is in the deep sea. But when the heavy rain passes and the gloomy Iron Curtain falls again, this will be Old Town. The only place where you can see a clear sky in your soul.
Shattered Dome.
The upper part of the Dunling Tower is the mysterious Broken Dome, which was built on the remains of the Dunling Project and is currently the command core of the purification agency.
"In the end, it's just a conference room. There's no need to think about that."
Arthur said slowly, not feeling much about this serious place.
Nicholas nodded and picked up the files on the table. This was confidential, and it was also the reason why Nicholas was allowed to enter the Broken Dome and rely on the Dunling Tower to conduct lightning experiments.
When he first allowed this experiment, Arthur was very conflicted. In order to ensure that the command core was not violated, the Broken Dome was kept closed for a long time. However, for this experiment, not only did a large number of people enter, they were also doing dangerous things on the Dunling Tower. Experiment, despite Nikolai's repeated assurances, Arthur was still afraid that a bolt of lightning would strike down and electrocute all the elites at the core of the command.
"What's the current progress?" Arthur asked.
"It was advancing as expected, and the power of the thunder was indeed very powerful. For a moment, I began to understand the god Odin the Vikings called."
Nicholas was in awe. Although he had been studying electricity, he could not help but feel scared when he came into contact with the roaring thunder of nature.
"God Odin...the Serpent of the Atrium...I've never quite figured out why it was named after the myth of those Vikings. This is Yin Erweg. Don't you think it's nondescript?"
Like an after-busy chat, Arthur asked as he read the report.
"Didn't Merlin tell you?"
Nicholas looked surprised to hear Arthur say this.
"There's something about the myths...there's actually a reason for that, and the Viking legend is more of an origin than a myth."
"Origin of what?"
"The origin of alchemy," said Nicholas.
The man with dark circles under his eyes didn't know much about alchemy, but as Merlin's deputy, he was influenced by alchemy.
"Merlin once suspected that the origin of alchemy was the Vikings...or the north. He always told me that if one day he was old and about to die, he would go to the north, even further north, to the end of the ice and the sea. It seemed that The so-called truth is there."
Nicholas said casually that doing experiments was very boring, so Merlin also chatted with them, because Merlin once told the story of how he used a sword to kill other alchemists, and was nicknamed the "Alchemy Sword Master" by everyone. , but no one knows what his swordsmanship is. After all, when Merlin needs to draw his sword, it is estimated that most of the purification mechanism has been destroyed.
Arthur's eyes narrowed slightly. This subtle change did not attract Nicholas' attention. He had just crawled back from the thunderstorm and was trying to enjoy the short-term warmth.
Mentioning that, Arthur naturally thought of those ancient existences, but he didn't expect that they seemed to be related to alchemy.
"But...thank you Arthur."
Nicholas looked at Arthur, with bright eyes under his dark eyes, which shocked Arthur.
"What's wrong?" Arthur asked.
"Thank you for your support to us. After all, after the failure of the Dunling Project, everyone rarely focused on electricity." Nicholas sighed. It was a tragic failure, although he had not joined the Purge at that time. Institutions, but from the records left behind, we can also feel the despair of scholars at that time.
He felt that the world had gone into a misunderstanding and should develop more powerful energy sources, while another group of people believed that these scholars had gone into a misunderstanding. Steam technology was the future direction of the world, not this strange electricity.
Steam has built solid foundations, and no one has the courage to destroy them and start all over again.
"It's just that there are enough funds. The royal family basically has no consumption, so our dear queen allocated all the wealth to us." Arthur said.
The mysterious Queen Victoria is the real leader of the Purge Agency. However, she trusts Arthur very much and rarely gives orders. She has lived in seclusion in the Platinum Palace protected by soldiers for many years. She rarely shows her face to the outside world unless necessary. Even Lenny Gula had never seen the queen in person, but had only seen her noble figure in portraits.
"Sounds good," said Nicola.
The door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Maxwell struggled to crawl in with raindrops dripping from his body, like an old dog that was out of strength, and slumped on the chair.
"This table is hundreds of years old."
Maxwell was lying on the round table, with rainwater clinging to it. Seeing this, Arthur stopped.
"It's been hundreds of years, and it won't be damaged by this little water."
The old guy was panting. Unlike the young guy Nicholas, Maxwell looked as old as Arthur. He had worked in the cleanup agency for many years. He was also a member of the Dunling Project. At that time, his Maxwell A bit younger than Nikolai now.
"Are you in good health?"
Nicholas looked at this embarrassed senior. At Maxwell's age, he should be telling stories to his granddaughter in front of the fireplace, but instead he faced the violent wind and rain, trying to master the thunder. His soul boiled and burned under his old body, and it seemed that he would become heroic in the next second. Died suddenly on the job.
"Okay, that's great. Now I feel as healthy as those knights!"
He said excitedly, but his head fell on the table, as if it was filled with lead and he couldn't lift it up.
This feels great. Maxwell witnessed the failure of the Dunling Project with his own eyes, and then saw it come back to life decades later. There is nothing better than this. Thinking of those scholars who have long since died, Maxwell has An unspeakable feeling, sometimes he feels that this is what he was born for, and he should also die for this.
"The experiment is going well so far. After a few more experiments, it is confirmed that the weapon is stable and it can be put into use. Although it has great limitations and high cost, it is perfect for use against demon hunters." Nicholas said .
Although peace is maintained on the surface, and there are signs of faint cooperation, Arthur knows very well that the Purge Agency and the Evangelical Church are still in a competitive relationship, and the demon hunters led by Anthony are an army. No one knows This army will do something, and as long as both sides still exist, sooner or later there will be a day when they draw swords against each other. It is better to make plans now.
"Actually, if possible, I would like to invite Lorenzo to experiment with weapons."
Arthur said, of course, he was not referring to controlling the weapon, but as a target. Only after testing it on a demon hunter would we know whether the weapon was useful.
(End of this chapter)

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