Embers of Embers

Chapter 295 Inheritance

Chapter 295 Inheritance
Slowly snoring sounded, and Arthur looked at Maxwell who was sleeping on the round table with disgust. Maybe he was too tired. He fell asleep directly in a comfortable environment. His body was still wet, and he didn't know if it was saliva or saliva. The rain dripped down.
This round table with a long history has witnessed many things and has been stained with blood and received knife marks. This may be the first time it has been soaked in saliva. Arthur couldn't stand it anymore and signaled for someone to take him down and have a good rest.
The old guy was like a dead man, being lifted up casually, and from time to time, he uttered meaningless dreams.
"He loves it."
Nicholas looked at Maxwell who was being carried down. The old guy's hair was gray and the wrinkles on his face were like a dead tree. He was almost old enough to be Nicholas's grandfather, but he was faced with the young guys. With wind and rain and thunder.
Human beings age easily. This cannot be explained by old age, but Maxwell loves it so much that he can even become young again at this moment.
"Yes, he is a person who has personally experienced the Dunling Project. He thought he could bring innovation, but in the end it ended miserably. He thought this would be the end of his life, but he suddenly discovered a turning point in his later years."
Arthur spoke slowly, recalling the past.
"Maxwell has been retired for a long time. He lives in seclusion in the countryside outside Old Dunling. There you can see the clear sky and the air is so fresh. Compared with Old Dunling, it is like heaven. At that time, we discussed and prepared We were conducting a new round of electricity experiments on the wreckage of the Dunling Project. After several considerations, we found him.
His life was pretty good at that time. He planted a small vegetable garden and drank and had fun every day. It made me envious. Then I personally asked him if he was interested in coming back to join this. In fact, I was not sure about him at the time. Will he come back? After all, retirement life is so wonderful, and Maxwell is already so old, so he should spend his old age peacefully. "
"But he came back anyway."
Nikolai said that Maxwell had been working here when he joined the Purge Agency, and had also guided the newcomer Nikolai as a mentor.
"Yeah, actually what happened at the time was that I said this to Maxwell, but he didn't speak, just kept silent. I thought he refused, so I left. But when I got on the train, someone suddenly knocked on the window. .”
Someone brought hot water, and Arthur drank some to warm himself up.
"It was Maxwell. This old guy was slamming the car window and yelling at me through the glass, 'You said developing electricity, right! Right! Right!'
He looked excited, facing the wind, riding a horse on his crotch, chasing the train like a young man. Unfortunately, there was no woman to be married on the train, but a group of soldiers with weapons. If I hadn't stopped him in time, He was shot by the guards.
It was also at that time that I realized that he did not reject me, but that his rusty brain had just turned around due to a peaceful life, and I realized it later.He was so vigorous that he didn't look like an old guy at all. He jumped up, boarded the train, and then stumbled in.
His face was shining, and he opened his hands as if to hug me, but then, before he could say anything, he fell down. He was already old enough, and the intense exercise just now almost killed him. "
Nicholas had a complicated expression, maybe he didn't expect the ending to be so outrageous.
"What do you think? Maxwell came in and gave me a big hug, and then he sat down to discuss the specific implementation with me without even breathing? How is it possible? He is old enough. If I hadn't come to him, he would have looked like Spend your old age with your flowers like a silly old man."
Arthur grasped the cup with both hands, feeling the warmth in it, and looked at the documents on the round table, sketching out deadly weapons one after another.
"He was so young just now, but now he has turned back into that old man, tortured by damned chronic diseases, falling to the ground and gasping in pain...
Nicholas, I was thinking about what was supporting him, making him, an old guy, look younger for a moment, making him chase after him desperately... At that time, he was still wearing craftsman's clothes, with a hammer and a hammer in his pocket. Scissors, he probably didn't even lock the door and just chased after her.
I thought about it for a long time and found that there are many names for this thing, such as obsessions, ideals, beliefs, etc., there are too many. They support us, generation after generation. "
Arthur turned to look at Nicholas, whose eyes under the dark circles were extremely energetic.
"Maxwell, me, and Merlin, in fact, we are all supported by this kind of thing. It is only the body that ages, not the will. It is just sadly trapped in the flesh and blood that continues to age, like a cage. "
"You said it as if you were going to die next and entrusted you with important tasks before you died." Nicholas said.
"It's not enough to die, but it is indeed an important task entrusted to you. You are the new generation of researchers of the Perpetual Pump, Merlin, Maxwell's successor. In a few years or decades, this will be the world for young people like you. "Arthur said.
"This is a very difficult road. It may be the ultimate fate of every pioneer." Arthur sighed and took a sip of the water that was starting to warm.
"In fact, there were many factors for the failure of the Dunling Project, not only technical problems, but also interference from the outside world. At that time, the steam engine had just appeared for a few decades, and the wealthy merchants and nobles poured all their financial resources into this steam engine. Technically, but also thanks to their enthusiasm, Inverg's power has continued to grow.
But such advances were quickly backfired. "
"They reject new things, right?" Although he is only a scientific researcher, Nicholas has never lacked acumen in these aspects.
"Yes, Yin Erweg has fully entered into mechanization. Steam boilers are burning in every city and spreading to other countries. But even now, the entire Western world has not been fully mechanized. Those Vikings are still relying on sails. Set sail.”
Arthur explained this.
"The development of new energy at that time undoubtedly required reforming or even subverting the existing foundation. However, they invested so much money. Some people were willing to accept it and innovate together, while others refused because they felt that this thing was not credible. In fact, The same is true. Compared with an idea that only exists in the mind and a machine that is already running, everyone will choose the more reliable one."
"It's been a hard road," Arthur said and laughed, "but by then I should have retired and it's not my time to worry."
Nicholas had no intention of joking. There were some things he had always wanted to ask, so he might as well tell them today.
"Actually... I really want to know who proposed the Dunling Plan."
This was a somewhat grand and romantic plan. As steam technology continued to advance, some people decided to turn the other way, believing that this was the wrong path, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the journey of opening up a new path.
Nicholas wanted to know who made such a decision. His vision was so long-term that although the Dunling Plan failed, it still affects today decades later.
Arthur thought about it carefully, still remembering that when the Dunling Project began, he had not yet reached his current position. He tried hard to remember the name, and then he said.
"Michael Faraday, the technical chief of Perpetual Motion Pump several times ago."
Arthur suddenly remembered the weird Stuart family, looked at Nicholas again, and said a little funny.
"This shit is like a legacy, when he failed, Maxwell took over, and now the mission is in your hands."
Nicholas didn't speak, but slowly raised his head. Above was the glass dome. Countless rainwater washed the mirror surface, and there was a flash of thunder, and the reflection was incomparably gorgeous.
Lorenzo climbed out of bed with difficulty. This damn rainy season had made the light in Old Dunling even dimmer. It was obviously morning, but it was as dim as sunset, and the street lights on the street were dim. Not extinguished yet, like falling stars.
After comforting Sigg last night, Lorenzo cooked for it himself, making some simple food and sharing it with Sigg. However, he almost woke up Mrs. Vallude during the process. If she saw the two of them staying up late at night doing this, , will definitely curse.
When I walked to the table, my mind was heavy, as if I hadn't woken up.
Sig talked to him a lot, and he got to know his roommate better. From some perspectives, Lorenzo even felt that Sig was worse off than him.
Lorenzo can't go back to that wonderful past, but at least the Feileng Cui is still there, the Cathedral of San Naro is still there, and the Temple of Stasis is still there. Although it can currently be regarded as the base camp of potential enemies, at least they are still there. Existence, if one day Lorenzo's longing really can't be suppressed, he will still have the opportunity to go back and take a look. Although things have changed, at least there are still some afterimages.
But Sigur is different. He can never go back. He can't even remember what his hometown looks like. He can only wander in this foggy old Dunling.
Lorenzo thought about taking out a cigarette from the tin box, wondering whether he should continue exploring the Memory Palace.
There are no lights in the room, which looks gray and blue. The rain has stopped, but from time to time there will be thin raindrops falling. The sky is still gloomy, and the gray and black clouds seem to be thousands of crows gathering. They Shrouded and hovering, it seems to be preparing for the next round of heavy rain.
The time to think didn't last long, Lorenzo stuffed the cigarette back into the iron box and put it in his arms.
He didn't know what would happen after he entered the Memory Palace. He scared Hercule quite a lot at that time. Fortunately, Hercule had seen the world and didn't shoot him.
But now that he was at 121A Cork Street, Lorenzo didn't think Mrs. Vanlood and Sigg's mental endurance could be as good as this. He had to at least find a private and safe place to use them.
So where to go?Looking for Hercule?Or you can just find a sewer and get into it, but with the current rainfall in Old Dunling, it is estimated that it has turned into a torrent.
After getting dressed, after hesitating for a moment, Lorenzo brought a few more weapons, a folding knife and a short-handled shotgun on his waist, a cane with a sword hidden in his hand, and he took a gray felt hat and put it on on the head.
Walking out of the room, he went downstairs quietly without waking anyone. Without waking anyone up, Lorenzo turned into the kitchen and had something to eat to fill his stomach first.
Although he didn't know where to go next, Lorenzo thought it would be better to leave home first, but how to leave became a problem.
Shrike had also warned himself before that the purification agency was monitoring him. Similarly, the New Order would not sit still and wait for death. There might be a demon hunter waiting for him in a corner of the street.
Once Lorenzo leaves, he will be followed and monitored. In the past, he could easily get away, but because of the continuous heavy rain, there are many fewer pedestrians on the streets of Old Dunling, and Lorenzo will become very conspicuous on the streets.
He stood at the door and picked up an umbrella, hesitating a little, but then there was the sound of horse hooves, stepping on the accumulated water and splashing water.
Lorenzo woke up very early. At this time, the city had just woken up. He had a strange feeling, as if it was coming to find him. Then a black shadow stopped in front of the door of 121A Cork Street. Lorenzo Zuo's face looked a little strange.
The man hurriedly got out of the carriage. Although he had some impressions of this place, he was a little uneasy to be disturbed so early, not to mention that it was Lorenzo who was disturbing him.
The girl followed him. She seemed to be a little awake, walking staggeringly, and holding a black letter in her hand.
Oscar Wilde hesitated a little. He stretched out his hand to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he took it back and looked back at Seleucid next to him.
"He doesn't have any damn reason to get out of bed, does he?"
Oscar obviously knew a lot of things, including what kind of monster Lorenzo was. Before dawn, he kicked open the door of Stuart's house. He knew that at least a group of normal people lived inside, and this door Hou is not a normal person.
Seliu looked at him and sighed. He didn't know whether Oscar was pretending, or if he was really such a person. When facing serious matters, he was very serious, and his plan was as deep as the sea. When dealing with him, you have to be wary of everything, but once you leave them behind, he becomes very unreliable and completely different from other people.
She pushed Oscar away and strode forward, as if she was about to kick the door open.
But just when Seleu was about to turn the door handle, the door opened by itself. She didn't react for a moment and was knocked open by the door. But just when she was about to fall, Lorenzo held her and held her tightly. Then he skillfully took out the shotgun from his arms and put it on the head of Oscar, who looked ecstatic.
"So, you definitely didn't invite me to breakfast when you came to me so early, right?"
Lorenzo looked at the sneaky two and asked with a puzzled look on his face, but the stalemate didn't last long. Considering the ubiquitous eyes, Lorenzo got out of the way and motioned for the two to enter the house.
(End of this chapter)

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