Embers of Embers

Chapter 296 Letter

Chapter 296 Letter
Lorenzo was sitting on the sofa where Mrs. Vallude often sat. This position should be the so-called main seat. Sitting here directly showed his status in the family.
"So, what's going on?"
Lorenzo frowned, he didn't even have to think about it, there must be some damn trouble coming, one after another, it was annoying.
"Have you forgotten what we Nordro entrusted you with? That Shermans." Oscar said.
After looking at Seleucus and then at Oscar, Lorenzo still remembered this, that mysterious ideal organization, the commission for the escapees from the Evangelical Church.
Lorenzo was not in a hurry to answer Oscar's words, but looked to Seleu who was on the side.
"Has the Stuart family officially cooperated with Nordero?" Lorenzo asked.
"She hasn't decided yet. After all, this kind of thing is very important. As for the main reason why I brought her here..." Oscar suddenly became serious and put away the smile on his face, "Although we are very good in private Friends, when you have represented your respective positions, you must not have personal relationships. Just like diplomats between countries, the Duke of Stuart is very suitable to be a bridge between us and you."
Lorenzo looked at him dubiously, staring at him sharply. Oscar's eyes were a little dodgy, and he continued.
"Of course this matter is also related to her. After all, the letter was sent to the Stuart mansion."
Lorenzo was a little confused.
"What letter?"
Seliu directly took out the black letter in his hand and handed it over.
Lorenzo's eyes narrowed, like a wild beast facing an enemy. He could clearly feel the strangeness in the letter, as if there was some hateful knowledge hidden in it. Just looking at it could make him feel an indescribable palpitation. .
"It was mailed to the Stuart mansion a few days ago," Seliu said. "I am now considered a Duke. There are so many letters every day that I can't open them at all. It wasn't until Yawei checked last night that I discovered this. A letter was written and Oscar was notified immediately.”
Lorenzo took the black letter, which had already been opened. Lorenzo was not in a hurry to open it, but instead observed it carefully.
It was a very ordinary letter, but it was filled with a sense of weirdness that made Lorenzo wary.
"Does that mean you don't know when it was sent?"
Seliu nodded, "The envelope is blank, there is no information at all. If it weren't for the pure black color and that strange feeling..." Not only Lorenzo, Seliu also noticed, "This is Lingya Wei is a little concerned, otherwise it might just be thrown away as junk mail."
Lorenzo lowered his head and took out the contents. It was just a piece of paper with a short line of words written in red ink. As Lorenzo watched, the red writing seemed to have magical powers, as if slowing down. The slowly rolling vortex swallowed Lorenzo's mind.
His eyes darkened, and he slowly raised his head to look at Oscar.
As if he knew what he was going to ask, Oscar waved his hand helplessly.
"This has nothing to do with us. I also got this letter from Duke Stuart."
"Who sent the letter?"
"I don't know, but there is a name on the signature."
Lorenzo looked at the letter in his hand, and there was a line of elegant handwriting written in the corner.
"Your old friend."
Looking upward, an address and a name were written in brief handwriting.
Lorenzo whispered this nostalgic name. Lorenzo remembered him. In that memory that he didn’t know whether it was true or not, Lorenzo had been the old man’s guard. Among the cardinals, he seemed to be the most pious. A person who does not seek wealth or power, but is obsessed with faith.
"Is this Shermans' place?"
This piece of paper must have revealed this information, but Lorenzo couldn't help but ask again.
It's strange that at this time, an anonymous letter still has such a strange signature.
"Your old friend..."
Lorenzo raised his head as he muttered and looked at Oscar and Seleu.
"This is probably not meant for me. I don't have any old friends." Seliu rummaged through the black envelope to see if there was any oversight.
"But this letter is sent directly to you..."
Lorenzo also noticed something suspicious. Seleucid spent his childhood in Nalo, Gaul, and after coming to Old Dunling, he was completely under the protection of Stuart. It can be said that except for Lorenzo, Seleucid had no one else. Friends are all screened through family layers.
"Oscar, where do you live?" Lorenzo suddenly asked.
"I am a writer who is not a bestseller, living in the outer city in a humble state like you."
Oscar looked like his talent had been buried, but Lorenzo would not believe his lies. As a member of Nordero, Oscar's life must not be that bad. No, just because he is a member of Nordero, this Writers who don’t sell well don’t starve to death.
"Okay, no kidding. I may have many old friends outside of Innerweg, but I definitely don't have any in Innerweg. Nordro mainly faces the world outside of Innerweg. You also know that our local influence is pitifully small."
"You are deliberately weakening your presence in Inverg."
"There is no way. A trading group that spans many countries will always scare those gentlemen, right? The best way is not to appear in front of them." Oscar said.
Lorenzo was silent. He stared at the blood-red handwriting. Did he say this to himself?
"So what are you going to do? Go catch Shermans?" Lorenzo asked.
"This is natural, he is worth a lot of money in the Evangelical Church, and this is a small matter, mainly to open up the route to the Holy Evangelical Papal State." Oscar said, "Our Nordro's influence in Invergne You're so pathetic, otherwise I wouldn't bother you."
"But it's not that simple, right?" Lorenzo asked.
He stared at Oscar closely, exuding a touch of madness. Lorenzo had known him for a long time, but until now Lorenzo had not been able to see Oscar's full picture.
"Yes, we don't know who got this information, how he got it, and what his purpose was."
Oscar's expression became serious.
"What's more, he didn't need to inform us. Fei Lengcui's mission is in Old Dunling, and he can pass us directly."
"It looks like a conspiracy," Lorenzo said.
"To be precise, it's a conspiracy. He put all this in front of us. He knew something was wrong, but he still couldn't help but act."
Oscar hesitated for a moment, then said to Lorenzo.
"There's something wrong with this. You don't have to enforce this commission if you don't want to."
"Is this a teacher-student relationship?" Lorenzo joked.
"It's just that I feel uneasy. Lorenzo, the envoy of Feilengcui, the exile of the church, and now there is an unknown guy who has exposed these things. It is obvious that he wants us to get involved."
Oscar continued, "I am a famous writer, but I am also a member of Nordro. When I went out to collect materials, I followed the fleet to many places and met many people... This thing makes me feel uneasy. It's like facing a beast's lair, you can't see it, but you can smell the smell of blood in the wind."
Lorenzo's face was expressionless, but after a few seconds, his cold face suddenly relaxed. He smiled a bit bitterly and sighed.
"But when he presented all this to us, he had succeeded... This is a letter to me."
Lorenzo picked it up, brought the rough paper to the tip of his nose, and sniffed it gently.
Suddenly Lorenzo picked up the shotgun and put it on Oscar's head, so quickly that he didn't give anyone any time to react.
"I am a detective. Although others think I am not very professional, at least I think I am first-class." Lorenzo said.
"Oscar, how much do you really know?
First there was the hellish teacher-student relationship, and then there was the chance encounter on the train... That wasn't a chance encounter, right?And this mysterious Nordero, Oscar, in your perception, I should be just a somewhat violent detective, but you have brought me a job that is completely unsuitable for this status. "
The gray-blue eyes were full of vigilance. Lorenzo didn't care about these before, each had its own secrets, he was not Hercule, he didn't have the kind of paranoid about secrets, but with the pressure of the new sect and his own Mystery, Lorenzo had to be absolutely wary of everyone.
"Shermans...this can't be a coincidence, right?"
Oscar didn't seem to expect Lorenzo to change so quickly. He had long been suspicious of him, but he disguised it well and didn't reveal it until now.
"Well, I have to admit I know a lot."
"What about this commission?"
"The truth is, we need Shermans to engage with the evangelical church."
"anything else?"
Oscar was silent, but Lorenzo was not polite to him. He pressed the shotgun hard against his forehead, leaving a light red mark.
"I'll shoot."
"You will not."
"For the sake of the teacher-student relationship? Oscar, since that's the case, you should know that I'm not a student. I just go to the class for nothing. At most, it's called stealing a teacher to learn art, and you can't be regarded as a formal teacher."
Lorenzo turned against him, which made Oscar's newly prepared emotional card fail before he could play it.
"How is it possible? The teacher-student relationship can't restrain you, but it's not good to wake up other people."
The situation fell into silence. Seleu seemed to be used to this situation. She sat aside as if nothing happened. After a long time, Lorenzo slowly put down the gun.
"You're right, there's blood all over the floor, and Mrs. Verde will kill me."
This is a strange reason, but it was this reason that made Lorenzo put down his gun. He never brought trouble home, nor would he allow the iron and blood to happen here. This is an ordinary house, where ordinary people live. People, these things have nothing to do with them.
"The one who built the nation."
Oscar said suddenly.
Lorenzo was a little confused, and then Oscar continued.
"You can call us nation-builders." Oscar said frankly.
"We know a lot, such as the purification agency, the Demon Hunting Order, and even more... After all, compared to this world, Old Dunling is just a city.
Shermans's commission is true, we need him to open up the shipping route, but similarly, the forces of those exiles have also sneaked into the old Dunling, and in Inverge, our influence in Nordro is small. It's pitiful, let alone mobilizing any private weapons.
Due to the above considerations, we finally decided to contact you. "
Oscar explained.
"More than that?"
"At least I think what I've revealed can convince you."
Lorenzo didn't say anything, but leaned back in his chair and frowned.
He stared at the letter carefully, not knowing what he was thinking, but at this moment there was the sound of clattering footsteps, and Mrs. Vallude woke up. Her eyes were bleary, but when she saw the murderous Lorenzo and the stranger After winning the Oscar, she suddenly woke up. Just when she was thinking about whether to find a gun or scold Lorenzo first to bring trouble back, Seleu stepped forward and stabilized her.
"I will complete the commission, but I have to add another condition." Lorenzo said.
"I thought you would refuse and then torture me."
"How could it be possible? After all, we have a teacher-student relationship!"
With a radiant smile on his face, Lorenzo stretched out his hand and grabbed Oscar's hand vigorously, as if stroking some delicate gem, and rubbed the rough big hand vigorously.
Oscar's expression changed. He was very stubborn before, but facing Lorenzo like this, it gave people goosebumps.
"Your Nordro's influence in old Dunling is very small, but you still have a certain influence, right?"
Lorenzo's smile suddenly turned cold again and he asked softly.
"You..." Oscar seemed to know what Lorenzo wanted to do, he said, "This is the old Dunling, we can't see enough in front of the purification agency."
"I don't expect you to do anything...but..."
Lorenzo leaned close to Oscar's ear and seemed to say something, but no one else knew except the two of them.
Oscar's expression changed slightly, and Lorenzo sat back, as if he had everything under control, as if everything just now was his disguise and strategy.
His expression was complicated, but after a brief thought, Oscar smiled again.
"I didn't expect you to accept 'new things' so quickly." Oscar said. He never expected Lorenzo to have no interest in this so-called "nation builder", or even be surprised.
"This world is very big, and Old Dunling is just a city compared to it." This is what Oscar just said, and Lorenzo repeated it again now. "I should have known better. The Holy Gospel Papal State alone is different from the British Empire." There are so many strange and weird things in Erweg, not to mention Gaulnaro, Leiber, and the Viking countries... And on the other side of the sea, there is Jiuxia in the Far East."
"It is precisely because this world is so big that you should exist. If the only weird thing in the whole world is the old Dun Ling, then something is really wrong."
Lorenzo said, picking up the letter and looking at the blood-red handwriting.
"What's more, this time is not just for you, Oscar."
It was a familiar smell, and after repeated inspections, Lorenzo finally discovered where the uneasy feeling came from.
"This isn't red ink, this is blood."
Lorenzo put the letter back on the table.
"It's secret blood."
The extremely familiar smell, as if an evil ghost that he had killed once again returned from the dead realm and sent an invitation to himself.
 Hello everyone, I am Andlao, your loyal friend who posts more and more posts every day. I have long heard about the literature about pulling the crotch, and I am deeply pleased. Now I am lucky enough to meet Du Gong, and I am overwhelmed by his talent. So I invite you to taste the serious literature "Utopia". Fist".
(End of this chapter)

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