Embers of Embers

Chapter 300 Assassination

Chapter 300 Assassination
How could Shermans forget these eyes, these eyes rolling with a blazing white storm, like eternal daylight.
"The witcher..."
For a moment, it seemed that he was back to that seemingly endless night. With burning anger and uncontrollable despair, Shermans immediately pulled the trigger. Thick gun smoke rose, and with a brief flash of fire, lead bullets ejected from the gun. Cum in mouth.
The acrid smoke made Shermans unbearable and obscured his vision.
He is not a warrior. In the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person with fanatical beliefs. He is old, has no guards around him, and only has a backward flintlock gun in his hand, not to mention that Shermans has already fired Well, loading this damn weapon was extremely troublesome. Facing the demon hunter at such a close distance, he had no chance to fire a second shot.
Shermans suddenly felt annoyed and regretful. Yager had also advised himself that he should change to a more advanced pistol. Although he was his bodyguard and would ensure his safety, some sudden situations would inevitably arise.
But Shermans rejected all of them. He couldn't explain what it felt like. Shermans just didn't want to give up this weapon. Although it had various disadvantages, sometimes he felt that it Things are just like me, they are old and out of place in this new era.
The next moment, the sharp nail sword pierced the rising smoke, and the demon hunter came with the sword. He was extremely light, but Shermans was already dim, and the shot just now did not hit him at all.
Looking at the heroic demon hunters, Shermans thought for a moment that he was back in the Cathedral of St. Nalo, reciting the sacred prayer under the protection of the demon hunters.
The severe pain brought Shermans back from his thoughts. The nail sword scratched his arm, causing him to involuntarily let go of the flintlock gun in his hand. It seemed that he did not want to kill himself, otherwise this sword would directly Through his chest.
"Demon hunter... why are you here?"
Shermans took a deep breath. As a noble cardinal and a believer protected by everyone, he had not felt the so-called pain for too long. It was so severe that it made him feel that he was alive and truly alive.
The witcher was obviously not prepared to answer Shermans' words. He did not continue to attack, but just looked at him coldly.
"Is it a purification mechanism..."
Shermans whispered that there is only one case where the demon hunter appears here. The Purification Agency gave up cooperating with the exiles and turned to work with the Evangelical Church, and he was undoubtedly the best bargaining chip in exchange for benefits.
"No...I won't accept it."
Shermans said as he reached for the pen on the table.
Everyone is bound by his own will, abides by the iron rules he has set for himself, and can sacrifice his life for it.
The same is true for Shermans. He can endure the exile and Miguel's crazy plans, but the only thing he can't stand is the man under the crown. He will never allow the kind of Seny Lothair. When a man becomes a pope, he himself will never fall into his hands.
The will was firm, but the body was old. Before Shermans could stab the pen into his throat, he was stopped by the demon hunter's punch. The pain tortured him and he writhes feebly on the ground.
He was holding his notes and twitching in the candlelight. The high-ranking Cardinal was now in such a state of embarrassment. There were bursts of laughter, as if the demon hunter was laughing at himself.
Unavoidable sadness and desolation, the demon hunter mentioned Shermans and prepared to take him away, but at this moment another pair of blazing white eyes lit up in the darkness. Shermans saw it, and then the pale sword light flashed. covering his field of vision.
Hidden in the darkness is more than one demon hunter, who strikes like thunder, swift and deadly.
The slender steel penetrated the demon hunter's heart. Before the blade arrived, the demon hunter felt the surge of killing intent. The attacker did not hide his intentions at all. He was very confident and believed in his attack. Can kill himself perfectly.
The demon hunter didn't care. He was a demon hunter, and powerful secret blood surged in his body. He was already an extraordinary being, so how could mortal power shake him?
After the establishment of the new order, many demon hunters had such emotions. They had extraordinary powers, were proud, and felt that they were no longer human beings, but should be higher-ranking beings.
But what the witcher didn't expect was that the opponent's speed was much faster than he expected. The witcher wanted to try to turn around and deflect the impact of the sword, but this trick could not avoid the attacker's gaze at all. He was very precise. The sword thrust out from the demon hunter's chest with a bright red color.
The witcher let go of Shermans, and he tried to fight back, but another huge force came from behind his chest, followed by a dull gunshot, and the broken projectiles hit the flesh and blood with toxic mercury. , there was a burst of blood mist in front of the demon hunter's chest.
"No silver bolt?"
A doubtful voice sounded. Lorenzo did not give the demon hunter any chance to resist. The staff and sword remained in his body. Lorenzo shook his hand vigorously. After a burst of cold light, the folding knife extended out, and the holy silver attached The blade of the knife chopped off hard.
It cut open the flesh and cut into the bones. Perhaps due to the blessing of the secret blood, Lorenzo could not directly cut off the arm, but at this moment he also clearly felt that his folding knife had no obstruction and no contact. Any metal.
The Silver Bolt is a restriction for the Demon Hunter, but it also protects the Demon Hunter to a certain extent. The strong holy silver will effectively protect the internal organs and other important organs, but the Demon Hunter in front of him does not have this.
Several thoughts were running rapidly in his mind. Lorenzo swung the folding knife again and continued to seriously injure the enemy. At this time, the demon hunter also struggled to resist. He turned his back to Lorenzo, and then the wound burned with fire. There were blazing fireworks.
This was not a simple pure flame. Lorenzo did not think that his pure flame could burn into such a raging form in just a few seconds. The fireworks rose several meters, directly igniting all the combustibles around him, and then covered with fireworks. The demon hunter's body was broken, and the staff and sword had begun to turn red under the high temperature.
Power Michael.
Before Lorenzo could think about it, he kicked Shermans away. He still had a lot to ask this old guy, and he didn't want him to die inexplicably.
Shermans was also a little confused. He didn't even have time to feel the pain. He could only hold his notes tightly. If he was going to die, he should at least keep this note. No matter who his successor was, he would eventually be able to save it one day. Lift the hazy veil of the world.
But apart from that, the feeling at this moment was actually a bit strange, and he couldn't put it into words.
Death is knocking on the door. What's really weird is that someone jumps in through the window and shoots the door. Although Shermans doesn't know his purpose, it feels like settling things in Lorenzo. Please wait a moment, the God of Death.
Lorenzo didn't think of Shermans' nonsense thoughts at all, he just felt that he was in a bigger trouble.
Not long after Lorenzo sneaked in, he saw these demon hunters. They had no cover, and they broke in directly from the front. With the blessing of the secret blood, Shermans' guards had no resistance at all. He was killed as easily as he was chopping melons and vegetables.
The old order has been completely destroyed after the Holy Night. Even if there are demon hunters like Lorenzo who survived, most of them are hiding in the corners of the world, enjoying the hard-won peace, so the demon hunters in front of them are The identity is easy to confirm.
They are the demon hunters of the new order, which can be seen from their fighting methods that are completely inconsistent with Lorenzo's knowledge, and the fact that they do not have the silver bolt in their bodies.
Sure enough, the Evangelical Church has not recovered from the severe damage done to the Evangelical Church by the Night of Holy Advent. These demon hunters may seem powerful, but they are still far behind Lorenzo, who was born in the old order.
Lorenzo knew very well what not having the Silver Bolt meant. As long as the demon hunter wanted to, his demonization could be carried out without restrictions. It would be a more terrifying existence than ordinary demons, and it was the best for him. The way to deal with it is to instantly incapacitate it, and there is no time for the secret blood to awaken... that is, death.
In the blazing fireworks, Lorenzo did not give in, but continued to advance, burying the staff and sword into the body of the demon hunter. At the same time, the shotgun on the back fired again, and countless projectiles penetrated the flesh and blood body. In this moment of serious injury, the demon hunter was obviously unable to hold on for a while.
He tried to turn around, and the red-hot staff and sword was twisted by his body. At the same time, the secret blood continued to rise, and the entire room was covered by burning fire. Lorenzo's vision was only filled with blazing firelight, and he felt suffocated. Followed by.
"Be honest with me!"
Lorenzo cursed angrily and pulled out the folding knife stuck in his flesh.
Although with the blessing of the secret blood, the demon hunter possesses strength far beyond that of ordinary people, he still has weaknesses. Just like a demon, he will die after being penetrated through the heart and cut off the head.
Lorenzo's sneak attack accurately pierced the demon hunter's heart. He is still able to move now entirely because of the terrifying power of the secret blood, which makes the demon hunter's body reach an inhuman state. At the same time, the powerful vitality began to heal his heart, and he could recover as long as he gave time.
This is the trouble for demon hunters and even monsters. After cutting off their heads, they can still continue to fight by instinct, and piercing their hearts. With the perseverance of their will, they can gradually recover.
Lorenzo twisted the red-hot staff and sword vigorously, expanding the unhealed wound and smashing the fragile flesh. Then he slashed down with the folding knife fiercely, and slashed hard on his neck. .
The witcher was unable to fight back. Lorenzo's vicious combos caught him off guard. Under the threat of death, he could only expand his power to the maximum. In an instant, Lorenzo's vision turned pure white, with that dazzling light. It stung him so much that he couldn't help but close his eyes, the folding knife began to burn red and melt, and his clothes started to burn out of thin air.
In an instant, this place turned into a burning hell.
A dull sound sounded, and then sporadic projectiles shot into Lorenzo's body. At such a close range, the ammunition Lorenzo carried also detonated due to the high temperature. Lorenzo gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and based on his previous judgment, he chopped off the folding knife forcefully.
The raging fire stagnated for a moment, then paused, and then spread out. Lorenzo slowly opened his eyes. The blazing sun that was difficult to look at had dissipated. In front of him was a kneeling body. headless corpse.
Lorenzo took a deep breath. This is the power of the Michael faction. It is the most direct and lethal among the demon hunters. The extreme temperature is like walking in the daylight in the world. Fortunately, Lorenzo's sneak attack was successful. , and the subsequent attacks are decisive enough, otherwise once his temperature rises to the extreme, the steel will be melted at the moment of contact.
Looking at the charred corpse, the dry and carbonized body collapsed, and the flesh and blood crawling tenaciously underneath, Lorenzo suddenly had a strange illusion. He couldn't help but think of lacquer antimony, an alchemical product that also had similar properties. , just a little bit can release powerful light and heat.
Slowly turning around, Lorenzo looked at Shermans who was lying on the side. The old guy was also in a miserable state. His holy robes were torn by the high temperature, and there were many burns and blisters on his body. It was all over it, but even so, he still held his notes tightly and looked at Lorenzo in horror.
"Cardinal Shermans, long time no see."
After the thick smoke dissipated, Lorenzo took out a new folding knife from under his coat. Fortunately, he had brought enough weapons before setting off this time. Shermans' face was reflected in the cold light.
Lorenzo observed Shermans's expression carefully. The panic on his face gradually disappeared, followed by a more complicated expression. Shermans seemed to be unable to believe what he was seeing at this moment, covered by the smoke. Choking, Shermans coughed hard several times, and then he asked in an uncertain tone.
An old voice sounded, and an ugly smile appeared on Lorenzo's face, looking helpless.
Sure enough, the result is still like this. Although it has been expected, Lorenzo still finds it hard to accept that it is true. But now he has no time to discuss it with Shermans. He mentioned Shermans, He picked up the demon hunter's nailed sword and kicked open the charred door.
There are other demon hunters in the manor at this moment, and they are looking for the whereabouts of Shermans like hungry wolves.
Lorenzo was able to kill the demon hunter so quickly only by relying on sneak attacks and rich experience. Essentially, he is no different from other demon hunters. Once they fight, Lorenzo can only barely guarantee that he will not be killed. , there is no ability to protect another Shermans.
While he was running wildly, the sound of fighting came from the surroundings, the burning fire covered the whole field of vision, the green grass was also turned into ashes, and the black snow drifted in the air, but was torn to pieces by the falling rain, lead Gray dark clouds appeared at the end of the horizon, slowly approaching here.
(End of this chapter)

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