Embers of Embers

Chapter 301 Glory

Chapter 301 Glory
"Please call me Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, Mr. Shermans."
Lorenzo ran wildly in the corridor with Shermans, and fireworks and wailing sounded outside the window. He was obviously in a panic, but when Lorenzo said these, he forced a serious look.
"This really isn't a good time for a reunion, is it?"
Lorenzo gave Shermans a damn smile.He had to find a way to get Shermans out of here.
"I really miss..."
Shermans spoke weakly, obviously he had just experienced such a horrific assassination, but now his face covered with blisters was smiling.
"What are you missing?" Lorenzo asked.
"After so many years, when you meet someone you know again, it always feels like you're back in time, right? I was praying in the Cathedral of Saint-Naro, and you were guarding me."
To this day he still thinks about going back there, to the Cathedral of Saint-Naro.
I was too lazy to complain about this old guy's thinking circuit. He was almost dead, but he was still talking about something. Lorenzo didn't pay attention to him anymore. He was under great pressure now.
That letter was indeed a conspiracy. Not only was he looking for Shermans, but these demon hunters from the new order were also searching for Shermans.
"It was the purge agency, they revealed all this." Shermans said suddenly.
Lorenzo was taken aback, and he looked aside, only to see that somewhat ferocious face, speaking very frankly.
"Of course, I'm not sure. The world is a messier place than we realize." Shermans continued.
For some reason, after seeing Lorenzo, Shermans suddenly felt relaxed physically and mentally. He couldn't explain this feeling. In short, it was as if... he had been entrusted with something.
"Are you so direct? I thought I needed to torture you before you would say anything."
Lorenzo couldn't accept this sudden change. The dignified and holy cardinal, the most loyal dog of the Evangelical Church, Lorenzo thought he had to break some of Shermans' teeth before he could speak honestly, but he didn't. It occurred to him that before he could ask, he would tell everything.
"Exile... I was instructed by Miguel to contact the purification agency. They investigated you to me, and they were the only ones who knew I was here. But now those demon hunters are here, and they are here to kill me, or … The purge agency has reached some kind of agreement with the Evangelical Church, and I am their best bargaining chip.”
Shermans did not answer Lorenzo's question, but explained the current situation, which made Lorenzo very unhappy.
"Are you trying to create a rift?"
"I didn't know that you belonged to the purge agency now... I just wanted to let you know the situation." Shermans said, his thinking was extremely fast at this moment.
Lorenzo led him into a room, closed the door tightly, and made Shermans and himself hide in the corner. Before he could take a breath, Lorenzo put a folding knife on Shermans' neck. Zuo looked fierce.
"Old man, what on earth do you want to do?"
Shermans' words made Lorenzo a little unclear about his position, as if he was a spy planted by Lorenzo into the Evangelical Church.
"It's just the optimal solution to the current conditions. The only way to leave here is the railway several kilometers away, but the road from the manor to the railway is open grassland. You may be able to escape, but it is basically impossible to leave with me. So I must die here."
"You have a chance to survive."
"Captured by the new pope? It would be better to die."
Death was so heavy, but it felt so easy in his mouth at this moment.
"No matter who they are and who they are driven by, their target must be me. I am dead, but you still have a chance to escape."
Lorenzo suddenly felt that his thinking could no longer keep up with the old man in front of him. It was as if he had thought about the next development in a certain moment.
"You are not with them, so how do you know I am here? And if you come to me, what is your purpose?"
Shermans looked at Lorenzo and laughed hoarsely. The blisters on his face burst, and the pale yellow liquid flowed across the rotten wood-like face, like a mummy soaked in muddy water.
The old guy had thought about everything, but when Lorenzo said something, he spoke slowly.
"But no matter what purpose you come for, I will satisfy you. Just ask, child, our time is running out."
Shermans leaned back as he spoke. He was in a surprisingly good state of mind now. After understanding the forbidden knowledge, he no longer had any fear at this moment, even though there were countless demon hunters here who wanted to kill him. , but after seeing Lorenzo, everything seemed to settle down.
Lorenzo looked at Shermans with some confusion. The scarred old man leaned against the wall. He took out his exquisite flintlock gun, took out the gunpowder and lead bullets from his pocket, and clumsily inserted the gun into the barrel. Reload.
"Am I too enthusiastic? Indeed, I have rarely been this...happy since I escaped from Feilengcui?" His voice was hesitant, and he was a little unsure of his emotions at the moment.
Shermans looked at Lorenzo, clearly disturbed by his own compliance.
"Don't worry, it's just a matter of weighing the pros and cons. I trust you more than those minions of the new pope, 047...oh no, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
The jackknife was inserted into the wall behind him. Lorenzo lowered his body, got close to Shermans, and stared into the cloudy eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Literally, you are a demon hunter of the old order, a survivor of the Night of Holy Advent. You are the same as me, at least partly the same. Although we are in different positions, it is better than being captured or killed by the new pope. , I would rather die in your hands while you kill demons and protect the sacred. Although we are not on the same side, we all fight for the same god."
"I don't like this god."
"But at least your actions are genuine."
Shermans said, suddenly he no longer felt any fear in the face of death. He even laughed. That miserable smile made Lorenzo a little confused. He never expected Shermans' The idea is actually like this.
He knew that he was dead, but he only didn't want to die because of the new pope.
"Moreover, the massacre order is not over yet, and you are a survivor of the Holy Night, although I don't know how you survived..."
Unaware of the specific details of Advent Night, Shermans continued.
"The new pope won't let you go either."
"So you have to help me and answer all my questions, just because the more you help me, the more trouble I will have with the new pope, right?"
Lorenzo never imagined that Shermans' starting point was this. At this moment, he was like a dead man, and all his actions and thoughts were based on the situation that he was about to die.
"Of course the child."
This was Shermans' conspiracy, his purpose, and as a powerless old man, this was his only resistance to the heresy.
He clutched the notes in his arms tightly, and while talking to Lorenzo, his eyes swept back and forth in the darkness of the room.
Shermans was dead, he had touched the unknown boundary, and at the same time the unknown boundary had touched him, and a ghostly existence was peering at him.
Lorenzo has never experienced this kind of situation. It's like a bad drama, and everyone speeds up the plot so that they can die in a hurry.
But before he asked the question, the sharp nail sword tore open the door, and the demon hunters broke in.
"Run, old man!" cried Lorenzo.
They can't get entangled with the witcher. Once those reinforcements arrive, even Lorenzo won't be able to resist.
Shermans was also very obedient. Now that he was helping Lorenzo, he was fighting against the new pope. He struggled to get up and fled towards the corridor behind Lorenzo.
Lorenzo directly met the demon hunters. There were only two people who came. It seemed that they were attracted by the blazing fire.
The New Order and the Old Order...
Lorenzo unexpectedly laughed at this moment. Although he had always been full of anger towards the Evangelical Church, he still missed the time he spent there and the time he fought with other demon hunters, although the demon hunters are destined not to be remembered. , but Lorenzo always felt that he was glorious.
At that time, he, and everyone else, were like this. Everything he did was not only for that ridiculous god, but also for the human world, the rational world. They were deep in darkness, but they were filled with glory.
What about you?Are you, the successors, really worthy of the name of demon hunters?
(End of this chapter)

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