Embers of Embers

Chapter 302 Demonization

Chapter 302 Demonization
The battle was about to break out. This time, in a head-on battle, Lorenzo's eyes glowed with blazing fireworks, and then dense armor covered his body. His speed was so fast that it caused a roaring sound in the room.
The demon hunters did not expect that Lorenzo was actually a demon hunter. Before they could make a judgment, Lorenzo arrived holding a nail sword and a folding knife, like thunder in the day.
It was a heavy blow, and the dense armor was Lorenzo's strongest defense. With such strength, Lorenzo could attack unscrupulously without worrying about the enemy's blade.
The exchange only lasted a moment. At the moment of contact, an instant explosion surged. Lorenzo threw a weapon like a flying knife. The flint in it sparked sparks due to the collision, and then ignited the pure black inside. of viscous liquid.
The lacquer antimony burned violently, and the rising flames evacuated all the oxygen in the room in an instant. First there was an unbearable feeling of suffocation, followed by the extreme temperature and the impact of the explosion.
The glass was shattered by the surging air waves, like thousands of blades falling. The wooden furniture was stained with fire and turned into charcoal. The three people at the center of the explosion were directly bounced away by the impact and were pressed heavily to the ground. The impact was still spreading, and even Shermans, who was running far away, was knocked down by this force, as if he was being squeezed by a heavy stone.
A few seconds later, strong winds carried icy rain and poured into the room. Lorenzo stood up with difficulty in the smoke that had not yet dissipated. He was in the core area of ​​the explosion. Even with the protection of armor, he was now in a state of embarrassment, with many wounds on his body. Injured, the armor is also full of cracks.
He gasped with palpitations, never expecting that lacquer antimony was so powerful.
After thinking hard all night, Lorenzo finally figured out how to use this strange substance. It would definitely not work if he made it into a bullet. Once Lorenzo fired, this thing would be like an armored musket. It would explode in his hand first. It's better to make a throwing object, such as a throwing knife.
But the only thing to note is that the throwing distance must be greater than the damage radius of this thing, otherwise the result will be like this.
Although he was also affected by the explosion, Lorenzo only looked a little embarrassed with his armor. Looking ahead, the two demon hunters had fallen to the ground. They had no protection and were killed at such a close distance. Exploded to a bloody pulp.
A demon hunter reacted. He pulled out his nail sword to protect himself, but this action dragged him to death. The nail sword shattered under the explosion, and the broken blade penetrated into his body, drawing blood. Unstoppable flow.
Lorenzo did not hesitate and jumped over with the nail sword in hand. With this unexpected blow, Lorenzo would continue to expand his advantage.
The restless power is rising, and the demon hunters are indulging in the rise of secret blood. In this situation, it's either you or me. In just a few breaths, a demon hunter can barely move. It's really worthy of the name Is it a witcher?The vitality is so terrifying.
He clenched the spiked sword and swung it at Lorenzo. Half of his body was blown to pieces, and Lorenzo could even see bones in between.
Lorenzo was faster than him, the nail sword penetrated his heart, and then twisted hard, completely shattering the heart.
"You don't want to be a monster either, do you?"
Lorenzo whispered, but the movements of his hands did not stop as he spoke. He did not know what the powers of these demon hunters were, and they must be killed before they can be used.
The demon hunter's swing also fell at this moment, but it hit the armor. He had just been hit hard and didn't have much strength to break Lorenzo's armor. At this moment, another sword light fell. , in such a short period of time the other demon hunter also recovered his ability to move and attacked Lorenzo.
Lorenzo has always been proud of his strength as a demon hunter, but now he has encountered several enemies who are also demon hunters. Although he has the advantage, he can't help but feel troublesome.
But then the uneasiness rose rapidly, and Lorenzo didn't have time to pay attention to the falling blade. He just looked at the witcher in front of him with some horror, and the flesh and blood began to squirm violently on his burnt and fuzzy face. Lorenzo He tried to turn the piercing blade, but found that it would not budge no matter how hard he nailed it.
The flesh and blood is rapidly proliferating, like an extending red line, entangled and locked on the sword blade, the secret blood rises crazily, and in an instant, a dazzling fire rises in the eyes.
Lorenzo cursed secretly, he swung the blade vigorously, whipped up Sao Feng, completely gave up his defense, and let the other blade penetrate into his body.
On a religious level, the Silver Bolt is more like a door to darkness. It is tightly closed and will not allow demon hunters to step in unless absolutely necessary. Even if they step in, they will pay a heavy price.
Although it is the method used by the Evangelical Church to control the demon hunters, Lorenzo can also understand this. When the demon hunters lose their minds, the sword that defends their minds will become the claws of madness, but now this door is so random The door is open, allowing these new cult demon hunters to step in at will.
This is why Lorenzo finds it difficult. They have no limit. Once Lorenzo cannot incapacitate or kill them in an instant, as the battle goes on, they will become more terrifying and even become monsters.
Lorenzo can also do the same, continuously ascending the secret blood until he breaks through the threshold of demonization, but he will be sanctioned by the silver bolt in his body, which will only speed up his death.
The sharp sword fell, slashing heavily into the flesh and blood. The nail sword cut into the demon hunter's neck. However, due to the rising secret blood, his body had become several times stronger. What flowed out of the wound was not flesh and blood, but blood. Countless red lines, they pull at the flesh and blood, preventing the blade from moving forward.
With the blessing of the secret blood, the demon hunter began to fight back. He beat Lorenzo hard, smashed the armor with a heavy punch, and then broke the nail sword on his neck. Behind Lorenzo, another demon hunter The man also stabbed the sword blade. After realizing that Lorenzo's armor could not be broken, he stabbed along the gap in the armor, and the sharp sword tip pierced out of Lorenzo's shoulder.
"That's why I hate this..."
The situation was reversed, and Lorenzo was now at a disadvantage, but he didn't care and just stared at the demon hunter in front of him.
His body has become obviously demonized. The fragments pierced into his body during the explosion were squeezed out by the proliferated flesh and blood, and he roared meaninglessly like a wild beast.
"To step into madness so easily, so dependent on madness..."
Lorenzo looked at him pitifully. Demonization was a taboo door, and these demon hunters of the new cult did not understand at all. They were born from the remains of the old cult, and their existence was not to defend reason. The world is just a tool of the new pope.
Even greater power surged out of his body. Lorenzo threw away the broken hilt of the sword and grabbed the broken blade that had cut into his neck. As he tightened his grip, blood poured out from the gaps in his palm.
The rock-like force was driving the blade, and the trembling sound slowly sounded. Lorenzo ignored their attacks and let the armor continue to shatter and wither. He just clenched the blade firmly and pushed it forward. .
That was the sound of silk threads breaking, one after another, countless red threads broke, cut off one by one by the nail sword, as if cutting unshakable steel, all muscles tensed, in this cut, that The nail sword that penetrated the shoulder was twisted directly, and the tip of the sword remained in Lorenzo's body.
In the god-shaking roar, all the red lines of flesh, flesh and even bones were cut off.
The connection between the brain and the body is severed, and the will cannot control the restless secret blood.
The demon hunter died, with an expression of disbelief in his extinguished eyes. Although he had heard Father Anthony say before that the demon hunters of the old order were different from them, he never expected that the gap would be so huge.
"You rely too much on demonization."
Lorenzo whispered that the most powerful thing in human beings is the rational will, and demonization will completely engulf it.
He quickly turned around, still holding the broken sword blade in his hand, and stabbed the other demon hunter's heart with his backhand. His eyes were full of fear. In the training he had experienced, he had never fought against a guy like Lorenzo. , In fact, Lorenzo's body was also covered with injuries at this moment, but it was like there was anger supporting him.
The demon hunter was nailed to the wall by the sword blade, and then the shotgun fired against the chest. The bullets repeatedly penetrated the flesh and blood, killing him half to death. He was like a blood bag that was pierced. Wipe blood gushes out.
There was still anger in his eyes, but after seeing Lorenzo's cold eyes, the demon hunter's heart fell into the sea of ​​ice. He was too slow, he relied too much on the so-called demonization, and the secret blood was a sharp knife. The sword will become sharper and sharper as it rises, until it can cut everything. But in the end, it is just a tool. What really determines it is the person who uses the tool.
The demon hunters and Lorenzo also bleed secret blood, but Lorenzo was far more powerful than them. During this long time, Lorenzo had already learned how to use the least secret blood to carry out the most powerful tasks between life and death. Fight efficiently.
"You are not even demon hunters, you are just poor ghosts who were lucky enough to survive the erosion of the secret blood."
Lorenzo said and severed his head, and the demonization came to an abrupt end.
The headless corpse fell limply like a sculpture, blood smearing the wall.
They had a chance of winning, so they were looking for Lorenzo's weaknesses or quick cooperation during the battle, but when they faced the crisis, they simply gave up thinking and directly handed over the choice to the devil in their hearts. The ascending secret blood is a powerful force, but it is not used in this way.
Lorenzo didn't even look at these corpses, and ran towards the direction where Shermans was escaping. During this period, Lorenzo himself didn't notice that his own strength and resilience far surpassed his former self. The power gained when he was reborn, the power of the Holy Grail.
(End of this chapter)

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