Embers of Embers

Chapter 303 The Undead

Chapter 303 The Undead
The witchers came, and they dealt a devastating blow to the manor. Shermans's guards were no match for the witchers at all. The older guards vaguely knew who these people were, and they looked frightened. , some people even began to flee.
But this was a massacre, and the witchers were not prepared to let anyone leave. As Shermans said, many people fled to the railway in the grass field and tried to climb on a passing train to leave here, but that empty space There is no cover on the ground.
Corpses fell one after another, and the blood mixed with the falling rain spread over the glistening green grass, as if God was saddened by this massacre.
Lorenzo, who was running wildly, stopped and looked out the window. A faint mist of water vapor was rising from the heavy rain. He could see the fire burning in the manor, and he could also see the dead bodies outside the manor. There were demon hunters showering them. In the rain, they were like ghosts with nowhere to go, wandering around and cleaning up all the people trying to escape. There were sporadic gunshots, and it seemed that the remaining guards were resisting tenaciously.
Lorenzo moved his eyes back and hid the hand holding the lacquered antimony flying knife in the dark. The other hand held the nail sword. The remaining folding knives were tucked into his waist. This battle seemed to be going on. Play for a long time.
There were footsteps, not only that, but also mixed with some other sounds. Lorenzo leaned against the wall vigilantly, and he was ready to attack. The moment the enemy arrived, he could throw a lacquered antimony flying knife. , taking advantage of the explosion to continue to pursue the enemy until they are completely incapacitated.
The door on the other side of the corridor was pushed open, but just when Lorenzo was about to throw the throwing knife, he saw clearly that the person was Yager. He was holding a cane with one hand and holding a The pistol, his body was stained with blood, there were many wounds, and he didn't know how he survived the attack of the demon hunter with a lame leg.
He looked extremely miserable, his face was pale, and blood was flowing down his crutches.
Jager and Lorenzo were watching from both sides of the corridor. Jager was terrified at first, and then the expression of fear quickly dissipated. He raised his pistol with one hand and pointed at Lorenzo.
In any case, Yager did not expect Lorenzo to appear here. The chase in the rat's nest made Yager understand that he was definitely no match for Lorenzo. He was dead, but he still raised his gun stubbornly.
An old voice sounded, and Shermans came over from the other side. Unexpectedly, the old guy didn't escape very far.
His appearance relieved the tense atmosphere a bit. Jager was stunned at first, looking at the sad old man in disbelief.
Shermans's current condition is extremely bad. He has multiple sword wounds and burns on his body. The swollen blisters have dried up and become wrinkled together, sticking to his old face like bark.
The white robes were also burned, and the only part was soaked in blood. If they didn't know each other, no one would associate him with the noble cardinal.
"grown ups!"
Yager walked over quickly with a cane. He couldn't even stand still, but he insisted on supporting Shermans.
"Now is not the time for a deep relationship between master and servant. The demon hunters of the new cult have surrounded this place. We have to find a way to escape."
Lorenzo looked at the two of them coldly, knowing that death would come at any time.
Although he can fight against the witchers, Lorenzo cannot take care of Shermans while fighting, and as the number of witchers fighting at the same time increases, Lorenzo himself may die here.
Lorenzo's eyes were only on Shermans. He didn't even look at Yager. In his opinion, Yager had no hope of survival in this situation.
After checking Shermans's injury, Yager looked at Lorenzo with vigilance.
"Lorenzo...Lorenzo Holmes."
Being supported by Yager, Shermans spoke feebly. At the same time, the gunfire outside the window became violent. The guards were still resisting, mixed with the thunder, deafening.
"Old guy, I have many things to ask you!" Lorenzo asked eagerly.
Maybe a witcher would come out from the corner soon and stab Shermans to death. Lorenzo didn't care about his life or death, but he did care about the secrets in Shermans's mind.
"What are you doing!"
Seeing Lorenzo treating Shermans so roughly, Yager raised his gun angrily, but was immediately stopped by Shermans.
"Ask, kid, and like I said, answer everything you know."
Shermans smiled miserably. There wasn't much he could do between life and death. He could only place his hope in Lorenzo. Although Shermans had never really understood Lorenzo, the former "Member" Danzo" was the only one he could trust.
This was not a good place to talk, nor was it a good time to talk, but Lorenzo had no time to think about that. He condensed all the questions in his heart into one, and it led to Lorenzo's final The mystery, the only clue.
"Lorenzo Medici."
Shermans was startled by this name. He never expected to hear this name here again.
"Lorenzo Medici...what was his later life like?" Lorenzo asked.
He didn't have time to explain the mystery of his identity and the fragments of Lorenzo Medici's appearance in the strange memory. He could only give the best possible overview.
"You...why did you ask him? I thought you wanted to know where the Templar's treasure is."
After a brief moment of shock, Shermans said in a hoarse voice.
"Do you think I care about that kind of stuff? The secrets of the Church, the secrets of Advent, the secrets of Lorenzo Medici."
Lorenzo grabbed Shermans' blood-stained collar, his gray-blue eyes filled with rising rage.
"Tell me everything you know!"
"Lorenzo Medici..."
The three people hid in the wine cellar. Shermans sat between Lorenzo and Jager. They leaned against the wall and faced the door of the wine cellar. While Lorenzo was listening to him, he held a lacquer antimony in his hand. Throwing knives and shotguns were pointed at the door.
Time, now Lorenzo needs time to understand the past information, so they finally chose to hide in the wine cellar. Although it seemed to be in a desperate situation, according to Shermans, there was a secret passage here...accurately It's not really a secret passage, but compared to a common wine cellar, it has two doors, the other leading directly to the ground.
This manor is very large, and at least the demon hunters haven't searched it yet, which leaves them with a lot of precious time.
Shermans laughed heartily, held the bottle in his hand, and drank directly.
Although no one has lived here for a long time, Shermans brought a lot of supplies donated by the cleanup agency when he settled here.
"I didn't expect that I could drink before I die. It's really nice..."
Shermans looked at the liquid shaking in the bottle, which looked like blood.
"Lorenzo Medici...he was related to Lawrence, to a lot of people."
Just as Lorenzo was about to urge him, Shermans spoke first, saying that he was drunk and that this would relieve the pain in his body.
"What do you mean?" Lorenzo asked.
"Where should we start? Lawrence was originally a puppet used by Lorenzo Medici to control the Demon Hunting Order. But as he aged, Lawrence became more and more powerful secretly. The two of them had been competing with each other for a long time. Eventually Lorenzo Medici, as you know him, succumbed to old age and retired into seclusion.”
Shermans once again looked back on the legendary life with a look of remembrance on his face.
"Of course, there are more than just these factors. When Lorenzo Medici was young, he ruled the entire Feilengcui. But as time passed, those things he held tightly rebelled. The Pope and the Cardinals , Lawrence... He is a great man who led the golden age and will be remembered forever, but no matter who it is, he is actually eager for his death."
Lorenzo couldn't stand Shermans's tirade and asked.
"Going deeper, was he really that peaceful in his later years? Was he just willing to die in mediocrity?"
In that weird memory, he was tied to the iron bed, and countless people were surrounding him. Lorenzo didn't know what they were doing. He didn't even know whether the person who was tied to the iron bed in the memory was Really yourself.
The old man flicked the boy's forehead, as if to comfort him, and hummed the nameless hymn, echoing in the deep.
Lorenzo didn't realize that as he got closer to the truth, his emotions were aroused, like a stubborn burning fire.
"Going deeper... I don't know. After all, that is Lorenzo Medici. No matter what he does, I won't be surprised, because he is that kind of person..."
Shermans was full of praise.
"However, since then, there have been rumors that he has not admitted defeat, and that his current silence is just to accumulate strength. Regarding these, the cardinals are also wary. After all, Lorenzo Medici has controlled Feileng Cui for too long. Who doesn’t know what he really knows and what kind of power he hides somewhere.”
Lorenzo said that he had a vague feeling that this was what he had been looking for, what did Lorenzo Medici do in his later life.
"Some people say he is secretly planning a project, but they don't know what it is."
Shermans thought, in fact, he had already had signs of Alzheimer's disease, and he was often unable to speak clearly, but today was the exception. He seemed to have been favored by God. Today, his thoughts were extremely clear. And put the broken story back together again.
"This is just my inference. I doubt Lorenzo Medici found something in the Book of Revelation."
Shermans put down the bottle, looking serious.
"The Evangelical Church has too many ulterior secrets, and those secrets can only be understood by those who truly hold power. And if there is any ultimate secret, it is only the Book of Revelation, from which we established what we are today. The evangelical church and ruled the Western world for nearly a thousand years.”
"It's a book of miracles."
Shermans stared intently at Lorenzo.
"We got the power of the secret blood from it, but is this really all that is recorded in the Book of Revelation? Even now, no one really knows all the knowledge in that book."
Lorenzo felt an invisible pressure, a sense of voyeurism, as if something was staring at him in the wine cellar.
"Lorenzo Medici, he had power, wealth, and fame. As a person, his life had reached the extreme, but this was not enough, not enough at all. He devoted his life to creating a golden age. How can we bear it to end like this?”
This is a terrible secret, even a taboo secret. Shermans has never had the opportunity to say it, because once he tells it, those people will definitely think they are crazy. But today is different, this is the last carnival of life.
"He has a pure will, but he is imprisoned by a mortal body."
Shermans expressed his guess.
"I guess this is what Lorenzo Medici has been doing in his later years. He was studying the Book of Revelation, and the secret blood he got from it created you so powerful, not to mention saving a dying person. Are you old?"
Lorenzo's pupils tightened, he had to believe Shermans' words, because in that weird memory, he really heard it.
Blood of the Holy Grail.
"Lorenzo Medici..."
Lorenzo's voice was trembling. He suddenly realized that the power of Dean Lawrence was nothing at all. This mysterious existence was the real terror. A man who had already made plans many years ago...even in the golden age. , and then spread to a conspiracy that still has influence today.
"Immortality... Only with immortality can he return that great golden age to eternity."
Talking pulled at the wound, Shermans drank until the other half was so painful that he vomited out the wine, and the blood was mixed in, making it difficult to distinguish.
A heavy net traps everyone. No matter how blazing the light is, it still cannot expel the shadow of God, let alone the history of mortals. There are people hiding there, controlling the direction of the entire world.
Lorenzo Medici.
In a daze, the nameless hymn rang in Lorenzo's ears again. The melody was so familiar, spinning and rising. Lorenzo Medici once hummed it to him, and so did 047. It was like an invisible song. Like a ghost, it lives in everyone's memory. As everyone's memory goes awry, it becomes different, or is completely forgotten.
Lorenzo couldn't help but hum softly along with the voice in his head.
The voice reached Shermans's ears so lightly that he, who was still a little drunk just now, suddenly woke up.
This song is so familiar, how could he forget the melody?Many years ago, the old man was like this, humming an unknown hymn and looking into the distance.
There were footsteps, coming from the direction of the wine cellar door. Lorenzo stood up and drew his weapon. The blazing light rose from his eyes. He turned his back to Shermans and strode forward, and the melody followed. It became blurry as he left.
"Maybe...he succeeded?"
Shermans's eyes were blurred. He looked at the door, and there was a light. In the blur, there were figures flashing in the blazing white light, as if they were angels descending from the world, leading him to heaven.
"Maybe Lorenzo Medici is not dead at all, maybe he is still alive, watching us quietly from a corner."
Shermans looked at Lorenzo's back, laughed, and drank the wine regardless of Jager's dissuasion.
(End of this chapter)

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