Embers of Embers

Chapter 304 Yanar

Chapter 304 Yanar
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes!"
The man shouted. He was not in a hurry to attack, but just stood at the door of the wine cellar, waiting for Lorenzo's arrival.
Lorenzo kept a safe distance between him and the witcher, who was facing the light, so Lorenzo couldn't see his face clearly.
"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone else about you being here. This is a rare moment of solitude, and I don't want anyone to disturb me."
The witcher said slowly, he pulled out an intact nail sword, and then threw it towards Lorenzo.
After the fierce battle, Lorenzo's weapons were more or less worn. He looked at the nailed sword in front of him with some hesitation. The new Pope also did the same when facing the new Pope. The hunter in front of him What the devil wants is a close duel.
Lorenzo picked up the nail sword and looked at him doubtfully.
"This goes against your mission."
"Just a little personal gain," the witcher replied.
"What do you want to do?"
Lorenzo tightened his grip on the nail sword, and the witcher blocked the exit, obviously not wanting to escape from here.
"After all, you are a 'senior', one of the few seniors. I am very confident in myself, but every time the priest mentions you, he is always afraid. I really want to know where we are falling apart."
The witcher said as he took a few steps forward and completely entered the wine cellar.
"Don't you hide your identity?"
When Lorenzo heard the words of the priest, he was absolutely sure that they were the power of the new religious order. But this was the old Dunling. How could the purification agency allow the power of the new religious order to act wantonly?Or could it be that this is a secret force, and the purification agency has no knowledge of it at all.
No... Then how did they get the information about this location?
The location of Shermans is known only to the purge agency. If the purge agency disclosed the information, it would be impossible for these demon hunters to be the only ones present. There should also be those knights.
that letter...
The letter was not only sent to himself, but also to the New Order. In addition to the purge agency, there was another person who knew the location of Shermans. He gave this information to both himself and the New Order, putting himself and them together. Lead here.
In a short period of time, Lorenzo received too much thought-provoking news. He kept his superficial calm and pondered over the process.
He turned his head slightly and looked at Shermans who was leaning against the wall. He was grabbing Yager. It seemed that Yager wanted to take him to escape through another door, but Shermans insisted on waiting for him.
So is it Miguel?
Was he the leader of the exiles, one of the cardinals, who abandoned Shermans?
There was no time to ask Lorenzo for confirmation. After thinking briefly, Lorenzo said.
"It's too cramped here."
"No, no, no, it must be here."
The witcher shook his finger, then slightly tilted his head to look at Shermans behind Lorenzo.
"Although it's public for personal gain, official business still needs to be done, and I have to make sure that he is within my sight."
Lorenzo gently let go of his hand hidden by his side, and then asked.
"It's more than that."
"Of course, I briefly checked the three corpses, and there were signs of violent burning, but your power is not Michael, and Michael's words did not mean that they burned like that."
The witcher is very vigilant, just like a real hunter. Before hunting, he has understood the characteristics of his prey in great detail.
"Something that burns violently, right?"
Lorenzo let go of the lacquer antimony flying knife in his hand. In this airtight wine cellar, he could not use this weapon. Although he could restrict or even severely injure the enemy, Shermans behind him would definitely not survive.
Lifting the nailed sword, the tip of the sword dropped slightly. There was no need to say anything more. On the other end of the nailed sword, the demon hunter also assumed the same posture.
"Just to prove that you are better than me? This is so childish." Lorenzo said.
"How come, this is not naive at all...I am a somewhat proud person." The demon hunter replied.
"Oh, is that so?"
The two of them were wary of each other, and the atmosphere was solemn and depressing.
"But what's more unbearable is the so-called secret blood... It's like a door. After you peek at the scenery inside, you can never forget it, and even your life in this mediocre world becomes... It was so tortured."
The demon hunter said, but during this seemingly relaxed conversation, he quickly drew his sword. Unlike the previous demon hunters, he did not rush to release his power, nor did he roughly increase the secret blood. Instead, he acted like an ordinary He was like a human, fighting with Lorenzo, looking for Lorenzo's flaws while swinging his sword.
It was also at this time that Lorenzo looked at him with a slightly different look. He originally thought that the New Order was a group of puppets controlled by power, but the demon hunter in front of him was different. He knew very well that he could not rely on those things.
The sharp nail swords intertwined with each other, and in an instant, a harsh crash sounded. It looked like an ordinary sword fight, but the swordsman holding the sword was a demon hunter. The beast-like power made all movements fatal, sporadic Sparks sparkled and flew over it.
"Do you think that becoming a demon hunter makes you different from humans? Are you superior to others?" Lorenzo asked.
They swung their swords vigorously, but no effective attack appeared. As demon hunters, both sides learned the Bologna swordsmanship. They were like mirrors facing each other. They both knew the other's path.
"But it is true. We have more strength and physique than ordinary people, and far exceed the life span of ordinary people. If there is no hidden danger of secret blood, we are simply... false gods."
Lorenzo continued, his voice lingering on the false god.
From this perspective, it is indeed true. Demon hunters are higher human beings, possessing extraordinary powers.
"I just like this. Just like some people love money, some people love power, and some people love women. Everyone has to have something to live for, right?"
The witcher's offensive suddenly changed. The swordsmanship was no longer the Bolognese swordsmanship style, but something else. Lorenzo realized something was wrong. He was paralyzed by the witcher, and then the sword blade stabbed him from a tricky angle. Come, Lorenzo tried his best to avoid it, but he was still scratched.
"We're both weirdos, I can see that, Lorenzo Holmes, it's a kindred spirit."
The demon hunter stopped attacking, raised the blade of his sword, and his eyes fell on the bright red.
"I know a person who likes to watch other people go crazy. It's weird, right, but for him that's the most wonderful thing... If he hadn't caused some trouble himself, he would have been here today. .”
"how about you?"
The demon hunter paused for a moment, then slowly raised the nail sword, blocking the entire blade in front of him like a shield.
"I like fighting, or the victory after fighting, so I learned swordsmanship and joined the Knights Templar. If I hadn't learned about the secret blood, I originally wanted to work hard to become the leader of the Knights Templar. Someday in the future, Heaven marches east again.”
"No matter what sense of victory you have, it can't compare to winning a war, right?"
Lorenzo looked at the witcher with complicated eyes. He didn't have any sense of bullshit, he just felt that there were more and more lunatics in this world.
"When I first met you, I thought you were a kinder person," Lorenzo said.
"Is this a compliment?" said the witcher, "I think I'm quite handsome."
"Probably, Samuel."
Lorenzo looked at the demon hunter in front of him, and finally retrieved his identity from his memory. Although he had only met him once during that conversation, Lorenzo remembered him, Father Anthony's deputy.
Samuel was a little surprised when he heard his name. He didn't expect Lorenzo to remember him, but at this moment Lorenzo also launched an attack.
This is not a simple chat. While talking, you are also looking for flaws in the other party. Even if you react a little slowly, you may be killed. And when Lorenzo mentioned Samuel's name, he obviously appeared. A little fluctuation, although extremely subtle, was still seized by Lorenzo.
The flesh and blood of the Holy Grail was mixed into this body. After Lorenzo's rebirth, his strength and body were far more powerful than those of a regular demon hunter, but he didn't seem to be aware of this yet.
Stepping forward, the nail sword passed over his head, raised high, and then slashed down hard, hitting Samur in front of him with the force of cracking rocks.
The blades of the swords were intertwined. Samuel did not take Lorenzo's blow forcefully. From the bursts of howling wind, he could feel Lorenzo's great power. Simply fighting for strength, Samuel knew very well that he could not resist Lorenzo. Zuo, so he simply followed Lorenzo's sword movement, tilted the sword body, deflected the falling trajectory, and then quickly raised the sword.
This is the skill of deflection. While avoiding the attack, he quickly counterattacked. Samuel's sword began to accelerate, and the moment it crossed with Lorenzo, the sword was like thunder.
Sword fights between swordsmen are often very short. In the highly tense nerves, as long as one party relaxes and has a flaw, the next blow will be a fatal sword.
The sword fight between the two seemed to have just begun, but in fact it ended the moment Lorenzo swung his sword. Samuel's sword struck Lorenzo's neck fiercely.
There was a little disappointment in his eyes, as if he didn't expect Lorenzo to be like this, but then the sound of metal crashing sounded.
The fallen nail sword was blocked by something, the tattered clothes were torn apart, and underneath was a thin layer of black hard material.
Samuel made a mistake, Lorenzo activated his power from the beginning, but this time the armor did not cover it so obviously, but deliberately hid it, waiting for him to take the bait.
It was also at this time that a piercing scream sounded, and Samuel saw with his peripheral vision that the reversing blade came with a dazzling whiteness.
"Courage, strength, skill, and... cunning."
Lorenzo said softly, and the deflected blade accelerated instantly, slashing diagonally towards Samuel.
This is an action that humans cannot do. After swiping with all his strength, Lorenzo could not retract the sword so quickly... and he said that the powerful blow just now was not Lorenzo's full strength at all?
Samuel's heart became cold. The game started from the moment the two looked at each other. He now somewhat understood what Father Anthony said, but then he became vicious.
Now all Samuel can do is stop the loss, hold the nail sword tightly, and slash under the armor with all his strength. Lorenzo's blow will hit himself in the abdomen at most, which may cause serious damage to him, but with hunting As far as the devil's body is concerned, as long as he is not fatally injured, he can continue to fight.
The Lorenzo in front of him was different. His sword blade had already landed on his neck. As long as he continued to cut and broke through the armor's protection, Samuel might not be able to cut off Lorenzo's head, but he could give him fatal injuries. .
An ugly smile appeared on the corner of Samuel's mouth, like a guessing game. Should he ignore his attack and continue to pursue him, or should he choose to defend and give up the attack?
All this happened almost in an instant. Lorenzo could feel the increasing force on his neck, but he had no intention of returning to defense. The nail sword rolled up the scarlet blood and cut away everything that tried to block it.
The scream was high, and the horrific wound split along Samur's abdomen, as if some huge monster had swung its claws at Samur. The wound spread all the way to the chest, from bottom to top, almost open. Samuel's entire chest.
At the same time, Samuel's sword also broke through the layer of armor. In order to conceal it, the thickness of the armor was slightly thin. It was torn apart by Samuel's sword strike, and the nail sword cut into Lorenzo's flesh.
This is a sword fight among monsters. Both of them have terrible wounds on their bodies, but they hold the sword stubbornly, standing on the ground like stone sculptures, with blood dripping along the tip of the sword.
"It's really strong..."
After a long silence, Samuel said slowly.
He held his stomach with one hand, where Lorenzo's sword had nearly torn his abdomen, and he tried to cover the wound to prevent the internal organs from falling out.
Lorenzo tilted his head, and the sword blade cut into the armor and sank into the flesh. Samuel had done a good enough job, but he forgot about the silver bolt in Lorenzo's body. The sacred metal seemed to have Like life, it grows along the spine of the demon hunters. While restricting, it also protects the demon hunters, not to mention Lorenzo raised his hand at the last moment.
Everything happened so fast that even Lorenzo could only reluctantly raise his hand and try to block the sword strike. The nail sword not only penetrated into the neck, but also cut into Lorenzo's arm.
"Skills and actual combat are two different things."
Lorenzo and Samuel looked at each other briefly, and the next moment he shook the blade away, and Samuel also moved suddenly and continued to attack.
Yager on the side looked at all this with a pale face. This was no longer something humans could do, but they were still continuing.
While swinging his sword, the armor began to cover him. Lorenzo let Samuel's sword fall on him. There was no need to hide anything now. He had completely controlled the situation.
Samuel had actually been wary of Lorenzo's armor, but under Lorenzo's cunning disguise, he had no ability to break the armor and could only defend with difficulty, but then the sword pierced his arm. .
This was not the most lethal blow. Samuel was covering his abdomen with one hand, and the other hand was penetrated by Lorenzo at this moment. The sword blade got stuck in the joint, which not only caused severe pain, but also It restricted Samuel's movements like shackles.
The next moment, the shotgun was thrust into the hideous wound in the abdomen. Lorenzo's eyes were full of indifference as he pulled the trigger.
The dragon's breath bomb detonated, hit at zero distance, and exploded directly in Samuel's body. The scorching heat filled his internal organs in an instant, and he could only see blood gushing from his ears and nose due to the pressure, followed by a little bit of blazing light. It overflowed from the wound, and then Samuel slowly fell down as if he had lost all power.
It was such a fatal blow that Lorenzo didn't even give him a second glance and headed straight for Shermans, they needed to get out as soon as possible.
"I have an idea of ​​​​escape. Although the success rate is not high, it is at least better than staying here."
Lorenzo said as he grabbed Shermans and stood up.
"You can't die yet, old man."
Lorenzo said to Shermans that Shermans knew far more than Lorenzo expected. The plan changed and Lorenzo had to find a way to take Shermans away from here alive.
Now he fell on Yager who was standing aside. He looked at Lorenzo in horror. Although he knew about the existence of the witcher, he never thought that the witcher would be so outrageous. Lorenzo's terrifying... The wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye as the secret blood awakens.
It's almost like an immortal body.
"Take Shermans away first, and I'll deal with Samuel."
Lorenzo handed Shermans to Yager. He was a vigilant man. So Samuel was so seriously injured that Lorenzo had to be completely powerless to kill him. But at this moment, there was a sound. .
"Wait a minute, I haven't fallen down yet?"
Along with the sound, there was also a thick and strange sound, like the mud in a smelly swamp, with pale bones swimming in the process, and countless maggots squirming and gnawing on the remains of the corpse. In an instant, It seems that all the evils of the world are gathered here.
Lorenzo slowly turned his head and saw the broken body standing up slowly, as if a demon was born. Countless red lines extended from the flesh and blood, which seemed to be some kind of flesh and blood fiber. , like needle and thread, suturing the wound.
Looking at Lorenzo with blazing eyes, in a short breath, the bones were squeezed and reset by the muscles, and the hardness began to proliferate and heal. He picked up the intestines scattered on the ground and stuffed them into the ferocious belly with an extremely twisted feeling. Among the wounds, it seemed as if time went back in time, until the last wound was sutured with red thread, and Samuel raised the nail sword again.
"Round two, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
Lorenzo's heart sank. At this moment, he knew exactly what he was encountering, and this battle would become extremely difficult.
No need to say anything more, the next moment the two figures were intertwined. In the ultimate swordsmanship, a flash of white light flashed, and the nail sword hit Samuel, cutting off the newly healed arm again.
The bloody severed limb was thrown high, but before it landed, a slender red line connected the severed limb to Samuel, like a thrown fishing line that was quickly recovered. At this moment, Samuel's sword also Hitting Lorenzo again, the sword blade rubbed against the armor, bringing up sparks.
The two figures staggered and retreated, keeping a safe distance. Lorenzo's eyes were solemn and he felt a little uneasy.
"What a troublesome power..."
"I think it's quite useful, but it hurts a bit."
The blazing white eyes stared at the knight in armor. The broken limbs had healed in the blink of an eye. Perhaps this was the real immortal body. No matter how many sword strikes or how hot the temperature, he could always survive. Keep fighting with iron and blood.
Power Yanar.
(End of this chapter)

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