Embers of Embers

Chapter 305 Borgia’s Revenge

Chapter 305 Borgia’s Revenge
The body riddled with holes slowly stood up, its limbs bent at abnormal angles, like a puppet, manipulated by silk threads into weird shapes.
Countless red threads swayed in Samuel's wound like swaying seaweed, pulling each other to heal his body. He smiled, as if he couldn't feel the pain.
The situation became tricky. Lorenzo stared at him closely. It stands to reason that the strength of the demon hunter changes with the rise of the secret blood. Before reaching the critical value and starting to demonize, regular fatal injuries can still be dealt with. If someone kills a demon hunter, such as Lorenzo, whose head is cut off before the secret blood is triggered, then he is dead.
But when the secret blood boils and the forbidden power is poured into the body, conventional attacks will be unable to kill the demon hunter. As long as there is still a breath left, the demon hunter can push the secret blood to the extreme and complete the demonization.
Just now, Samuel's secret blood did not rise to the critical value, and the fatal injury could effectively limit him. This is why Lorenzo did not rush to incapacitate him, but it seems that this is more than just that.
Samuel also activated his power, and like Lorenzo, this extraordinary authority was given to the witchers when they drew their swords against each other.
"Immortal Yanar."
Lorenzo whispered softly, and countless red lines danced wildly in the air, like some unknown beast.
Severing the head and piercing the heart effectively kills a Witcher, demonized or not, except for the Yarnar faction of Witchers, who have the same There are some similarities, and they are all very special branches.
Lorenzo raised the shotgun, and the scattered bullets directly shot into Samuel's body. After showing his power, he gave up dodging directly, because these injuries could not shake him at all, and countless red threads curled up in the wound As it accumulated, flesh and blood proliferated rapidly, squeezing the projectiles out of the body.
This is Yanar's power. Different from the blazing fireworks, the solid armor, and the ability to predict the short future, Yanar's power is very simple. It is to maximize the demonic vitality, no matter what he endures. Such an injury, as long as one breath is left, the powerful vitality can be restored.
This is almost immortal power.
Lorenzo was extremely cautious, and because of this terrifying vitality, it was difficult to kill them completely by piercing the heart or cutting off the head. The only way was to completely destroy them.
"Your Majesty said, this is a power full of honor."
Samuel looked at his hand. The wound had healed, and only the remaining red thread was still hanging on his hand.
This is a power full of honor. The crisis of the Holy Night is far from being contained by the demon hunters of Medanzo. They guarded the gate of hell at the critical moment. With their vitality, even if they are demonized, they will not die easily.
Fighting, fighting in the stagnant temple where sin was born.
The demon hunters fought with the demons. After killing all the demons, they went to kill the demonized demon hunters. They fought with each other. Many demon hunters died, but the Yanar demon hunters continued with their terrifying vitality. Surviving and fighting endlessly, it was not until a long time later that the demon hunter named Yanar also fell, that this nightmare truly came to an end.
The sword light flashed, the armor vibrated, and blood splattered.
The nail sword penetrated Samuel's chest again. As Lorenzo penetrated, countless red threads grew like weeds, extending from the wound and wrapping around Lorenzo's sword. At the same time, the penetrating wound healed rapidly.
Samuel had no intention of defending himself as Lorenzo had difficulty killing him.
The blazing fire surged up, and the pure flame burned blazingly. The fire surged up on both of them at the same time, which also indicated that the secret blood was breaking through the cage little by little.
Shermans looked at the burning figure and murmured in a low voice, seeming to remember something. He slowly picked up his flintlock gun.
He was very nostalgic, nostalgic for the past and the beautiful golden age, and the flintlock gun in his hand was also the crystallization of the skills of that time. Artists carved beautiful arcs into the deadly weapon.
But all that ended with Lorenzo Medici's old age. Shermans could no longer see those glories, and could only keep this outdated weapon as a thought.
"Jacques, help me!"
After reminiscing, Shermans looked fierce and shouted at the frightened Yager beside him.
Yager recovered slightly from the panic and looked at the furious Shermans. The pious old man was no longer there, and his ferocious face was like an evil ghost.
He moved little by little to Shermans' side. Like Shermans, Yager was also a devout believer. Before he went into exile, Yager followed Shermans. If it hadn't happened With so many things going on, Shermans originally wanted to support Yager to become his successor.
"Sir, let's run away now!" Yager said in a panic.
The battle between Lorenzo and Samuel in the wine cellar intensified. Both sides were monsters that were difficult to shake. Lorenzo had a strong armor, while Samuel had an almost immortal body, with red threads and fireworks intertwined. If it weren't for Lorenzo Renzo deliberately controlled the battlefield near the wine cellar door, and the two of them might have been affected.
"Escape? Why escape?"
Shermans looked at him with a smile. Under the firelight, the old man had an unspeakable madness.
He laboriously opened his pocket and took out two cylinders. They were finely crafted and looked like storage items.
"Load it for me."
Shermans said and threw the flintlock gun over. This weapon was extremely slow and troublesome to load, so Shermans carried gunpowder and lead bullets with him.
In fact, it is like a gorgeously decorated sword blade. It is often a symbol of status. If one day Shermans, as a cardinal and protected by guards, needs to use a flintlock to fire, then Snow Manns was not far from death.
Like now.
"My lord, there is still a chance now!"
Yager also wanted to dissuade Shermans, but the old man just shook his head stubbornly. There was no other way, so Yager just obeyed the order.
As the battle became more intense, fireworks continued to rise, and the temperature of the entire wine cellar continued to rise. The air became sultry, and Yager was sweating profusely.
Pour the gunpowder into the barrel, and then pick up the lead bullet. Just as Yager was about to insert it along the barrel, Shermans stopped him.
"Buck bullets can't kill that thing, use this."
Shermans said as he opened another cylinder. He hadn't opened it for a long time. When he fled from Feilengcui, he just took it with him to be prepared, but he didn't expect it to be really useful. day.
"what is this?"
Yager took the cylinder and poured out a few bullets.
"The cardinal's prerogative," Shermans answered.
Yager didn't ask any questions. He just followed Shermans' instructions and stuffed the strange silver bullet into the muzzle. Then he used the iron rod inserted under the barrel of the flintlock gun to push the bullet into the innermost part.
"Jage, I don't want to escape anymore."
Shermans said suddenly, and then picked up the loaded flintlock gun. Only then did Yager realize that the old man stood up with difficulty while holding on to the wall.
"My lord..." Jager wanted to say something more, but Shermans stopped him sharply.
"I have escaped for too long. From Feilengcui to Jiudunling, I was once a cardinal favored by God, but now I am going to die in a foreign land."
Shermans picked up Jager's crutch with his other hand, and he walked hard towards the battlefield of Lorenzo and Samuel. At this moment, he was extremely rigid and moved forward stubbornly.
"I regret the decision I made. Following Miguel was a mistake. What he desires is power, not the sacred faith. As long as we give him power, he doesn't care whether we believe in gods or ghosts."
Facing the blazing light, his back turned into a dark silhouette. Shermans puffed up his chest hard and grew taller.
"No one cares about that, but I care about that."
Raising the flintlock, muttering prayers in his mouth, his cloudy eyes were fixed on the figures who were fighting each other.
In the end, the fight became boring.
No matter how many times Lorenzo cuts Samuel, the terrible vitality can be restored in a very short time. Lorenzo has seen this terrible healing power in Lawrence. At that time, he relied on the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail. , Lorenzo relied on shelling and crude oil explosions, and even cut off his head to completely kill him.
"Feeling troublesome, don't you?"
Samuel asked, the weird red threads were like crazy weeds. It was not only healing Samuel, but when Lorenzo got too close to Samuel, those red threads woven of flesh and blood would also attack him, like predatory grass. Leaves, entangled in his armor.
"Indeed, the holy silver contained in the nail sword cannot effectively contain you."
Lorenzo said solemnly that the holy silver can cause effective damage to the demon hunter, but often the wound would be mostly healed as soon as Lorenzo's sword blade was withdrawn from Samuel's body.
"To kill you, it must be an explosive attack that kills you in an instant, so fast that you have no time to heal, or it is difficult for you to heal."
Lorenzo stopped attacking. This was just a pointless attack, and no one could do anything to anyone. Samuel also knew this, so he also stopped.
"But your power is Metazord. If it were Michael, I might be more worried." Samuel said.
Michael's blazing burning is the most offensive power among known powers. When the blazing temperature reaches its extreme, all matter will be destroyed in an instant. But similarly, of course, when the blazing temperature reaches its peak, The demon hunter's secret blood will also rise to the limit. Not only the secret blood will be burned together, but also the flesh and blood, and the silver-binding bolt under the flesh and blood.
Just like the falling stars, after the ultimate brilliance, there is the darkness of death.
The two of them were breathing calmly and talking on the surface, but in fact they were both recovering their strength.
"Are you going to use that thing? Aren't you afraid Shermans will die?"
Samuel looked directly at Lorenzo, but from the corner of his eye, he was alert to all his little moves.
"Did you discover it?" Lorenzo was a little surprised.
"I checked those corpses. The instant burning and the impact of the explosion are inconsistent with your power. I can only say that you are carrying some kind of weapon that can cause such a thing."
Samuel is a proud guy, but also a vigilant guy. Facing an enemy like Lorenzo, he will not take it lightly.
"Is that why you have to fight here?"
Facing Lorenzo's inquiry, Samuel nodded.
This is why Samuel deliberately chose the battlefield here. Not only was he doing it for Shermans, he was also wary of lacquered antimony flying knives. In this confined space, Lorenzo would not use this easily. arms.
"Not bad, much better than the previous demon hunters. At least you are fighting with your brain."
Lorenzo simply stopped hiding it and directly took the lacquer antimony flying knife in his hand.
"Are you going to use it? The blast of the blast won't kill you or me, but it will kill Shermans."
"If we don't deal with you, Shermans and I can't escape, right?"
Lorenzo's eyes tightened, and the offensive resumed in an instant. This shocked Samuel. He was betting that Lorenzo would never use this weapon to ensure Shermans' survival. But he didn't expect that Lorenzo would not use it at all. Care about Shermans' life and make such a decisive decision.
Raising the nail sword in front of him, Samuel activated the secret blood, and denser red lines overflowed from the wound, stretching his recovery power to the limit.
Samuel is only nearly immortal, not immortal. Judging from Lorenzo's cunning tactics, there is no guarantee that a certain attack will actually kill him. The next moment Lorenzo advances like a chariot.
"Madman!" Samuel yelled angrily.
Lorenzo collided directly with him, pushing himself with such terrifying force that Samuel could not stop him at all.
Moving little by little, until Samuel was forced to the door of the wine cellar, Lorenzo could push him out with just a little more force.
He wanted to push himself out of the wine cellar.
Samuel realized what Lorenzo was thinking. During the impact, he slashed hard with the nail sword, but it was difficult to penetrate Lorenzo's armor, let alone under this situation.
The secret blood rose, and heart-stopping power flowed in Samuel's body. He was not bound by the silver bolt, and his demonization had begun in the blink of an eye, with a hideous appearance.
Endless red threads were released from Samuel's body, like a spider web. The red threads made of flesh and blood spread to the surroundings. Not only did it wrap around Lorenzo's body, it also penetrated into the surrounding ground like steel nails, like plant vines. , and continuously tighten while extending.
Lorenzo's movements began to slow down, and all the threads wrapped around him tightly, and they continued to increase. The pure flame burned, but it had little effect on the red thread.
"Give it to me, get out!"
Lorenzo growled, and with the terrifying force, he tore apart the red thread on his body bit by bit, and then stabbed Samuel's chest with the lacquered antimony flying knife, but this was all he could do.
Countless threads wrapped around his body like poisonous snakes, and Lorenzo had no ability to draw a gun and shoot to detonate them.
"It looks like I'm winning."
The hateful face was covered with a curtain woven with red thread. Behind the curtain, Samuel slowly raised the nail sword. This state was also extremely difficult for him. He had to stay rational as much as possible without falling into madness. among.
"Get out of the way! Lorenzo!"
The old voice sounded. Shermans stood behind Lorenzo holding a flintlock. Because he was too close, countless red threads also affected him, piercing under his skin and corrupting him. .
No one knew what exactly he was trying to do, and he roared angrily.
"You...and Seine Lothair behind you, you are just a group of evil ghosts who have usurped the sacred. What do you really know?"
The trembling hand became steady, and the gun was pointed directly at Lorenzo, or Samuel behind Lorenzo.
"Welcome! This is the revenge of Shermans Borgia!"
The old face was twisted together with anger, and he pulled the trigger.
The muzzle of the flintlock gun erupted with dazzling firelight and black smoke, and the silver-white bullets pierced through it all and rushed towards them.
Lorenzo's sluggish figure sprang up at this moment. When he heard the ancient surname, Lorenzo suddenly understood what Shermans was going to do. All the armor collapsed, and the broken edges cut red lines. Although this left him exposed to Samuel's attack, Lorenzo tried his best to avoid the trajectory.
As if cut by countless sharp knives, Lorenzo fell to the side with blood, and at this time the bullet penetrated into the red spider web.
All the sounds disappeared for a moment, and Lorenzo could only see the firelight shining in the red line, like fireworks falling into the dead trees, and the dark interior was filled with gilded light.
The holy silver-forged ammunition penetrated Samuel's body and detonated the lacquer antimony inside.
In an instant, the fire swallowed up everything in sight. Lorenzo was pressed against the wall by the impact of the explosion. In the hot air, he vaguely smelled the disturbing smell, which was the poison called Cantrera. .
(End of this chapter)

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