Embers of Embers

Chapter 306 Saints

Chapter 306 Saints
Lorenzo remembered that this surname was derived from the notorious Poison Dukes. They were active before the Golden Age and controlled the Evangelical Church with poison and murder. But they originated from poison and ended up with poison.
Never would I have imagined that Shermans was actually a descendant of Borgia, and that unlike his cruel ancestor, he was a truly devout believer.
The explosion whipped up blazing foehn winds in the sealed wine cellar. Samuel's twisted mass of flesh and blood was directly pushed out by the explosive impact of the lacquer antimony because it was close to the door. After dozens of seconds of subsidence, Lorenzo finally He slowly stood up and looked at the mess here.
His whole body was filled with that sharp pain, and bits of blood slipped from the tip of his nose. Because of the explosion, Cantrera's toxins more or less interfered with Lorenzo. This feeling was really bad, as if there were countless maggots along his body. The blood vessels flow, eating flesh and blood.
This kind of poison is the secret of the Borgia family. It can kill "people". Because of its strong toxicity, it was used to deal with demon hunters in later times. After all, demon hunters are not Pure monsters, they have human parts in their bodies, and this poison is aimed at the inferiority of mortals.
Lorenzo shouted, and found Shermans, who was still barely breathing, from the charred wreckage, and helped him up with difficulty. The old guy barely opened his eyes, glanced at Lorenzo, and then Vomited blood.
"You're in good shape. I thought you would be blown up to death."
Lorenzo said, but Shermans didn't have the energy to talk nonsense with him, so he just asked weakly.
"Is he dead?"
"Probably not. After all, that is Power Yanar, but he probably doesn't have the strength to continue chasing us now. He needs time to heal himself."
Lorenzo said that he didn't think that the blow just now could kill Samuel, not only because of his power. At that time, Samuel had been demonized, and his secret blood awakening level exceeded the critical value, and all the values ​​​​of his body had leapt forward. , not to mention that the shot didn't penetrate the heart.
But Samuel needs time to rest, and so does Lorenzo.
"We have to leave. The explosion just now will definitely attract the other demon hunters. If we don't evacuate quickly, we may all die here."
Lorenzo took Shermans' arm and walked with some difficulty.
The scary thing about witchers is that they always go out in groups, and loners like Lorenzo are a special case. After all, he seems to be the only one left in the old order, and he is the last lone wolf among the wolves.
"You can leave on your own." Shermans didn't understand Lorenzo's persistence. If he gave up on himself, he could escape from here to a large extent.
"No, I need your knowledge, your secrets, the past of the Evangelical Church and the Demon Hunting Order. These things are all in your mind."
After listening to his words, Shermans looked at Lorenzo with some surprise, his dirty face and gray-blue eyes shining brightly.
He is also a somewhat paranoid guy, just like himself.
Shermans grinned, laughed silently, and then asked weakly.
"Yager, you're not dead yet, are you?"
After a long time, in the corner, Yager pushed away the broken wood of the wine barrel that was pressing on him. He waved to Shermans, but could not say anything. The wood fragments pierced his throat in the explosion, and he He covered that place tightly with one hand, otherwise he would have bled to death.
Shermans' eyes didn't waver, he just broke away from Lorenzo's hand, staggered over, and gently held his face.
"My child, you are going to die."
Yager gave him a sad smile, then nodded gently.
"The time has come for you to devote yourself to God."
Yager's expression froze, but then melted. He was relieved, as if he had achieved some kind of mission, his whole body relaxed, and he leaned against the wall.
In the Rat's Nest, facing Lorenzo's pursuit, he also said this to the priests. The priests also happily died under his words. Now it was his turn. Unexpectedly, Yager had no fear. Obviously He was about to die, but he felt very relaxed, as if after falling asleep, he would wake up in the glorious kingdom of God.
Shermans kept staring at his face, with a vague sadness on his old and broken face.
The clear rain continues to fall to the earth. Looking to the sky, bright light is swirling in the gray silver clouds, as if the day is just behind it, ready to break out of the constraints at any time.
Lorenzo stepped on the soft grass and braved the rain, helping Shermans climb over the fence.
Sporadic gunfire came from the direction of the wine cellar. It was Yager who was still resisting. Lorenzo left all his ammunition to him, as well as the last lacquer antimony throwing knife.
This is Shermans' plan. What they need most now is time. Yager will attract fire in the wine cellar and pretend that they are still there, while Lorenzo and Shermans pass through another secret tunnel. The goal is to leave the door, the horses in this racecourse.
No one knows when a train will pass by, so it is better to gallop.
"Is faith so magical?" Lorenzo asked.
It was hard for him to forget Yager's last expression, which was not an expression that a dead person should have.
Shermans didn't want to say anything. He sat down against the fence. He didn't have much energy left.
"Lorenzo... Lorenzo Medici. I am not involved in the struggles in the church, but I am more or less aware that some people say that Lorenzo Medici is still interfering with the Gospel after he retired Church, but this time he went dark."
Shermans said suddenly. He looked directly at Lorenzo, his eyeballs seemed to be frozen.
"You just saw the power called Yanar, and this power comes from "Revelation". In the golden age, Lorenzo Medici held almost everything in his hands. , even Dean Lawrence is his puppet, do you think it’s possible that he doesn’t understand the Book of Revelation?”
The cold rain choked him, and he coughed painfully, his breath sluggish.
"Let's talk about it after we leave here."
"Quiet! Listen to me!"
Shermans was furious, but then he weakened and babbled.
"He must have read the Book of Revelation, that book of miracles, the book of taboos, from which a powerful demon hunter like you was born, not to mention finding a way to become immortal."
Lorenzo pulled the horse, but when he heard this, the movements of his hands stopped involuntarily.
"There are too many speculations in the Evangelical Church about Lorenzo Medici's later years. What is more credible is the game between him and Dean Lawrence...or everyone in the Evangelical Church.
Lawrence was dominated by Lorenzo Medici, but as Lorenzo Medici aged, his control over the Evangelical Church became weaker and weaker, until he could no longer hold power, and Lorenzo Medici Diqi left like this, but he was unwilling to accept it and tried to find a way to become immortal.
The group headed by Lawrence naturally didn't want to see his rise again, no matter how small the possibility was, so they secretly attacked each other. "
Shermans took a few hard breaths, as if he might pass out any second.
"But the old lion is still a lion. No one dared to really offend him. This maintained a long stalemate until someone guessed that Lorenzo Medici had found a way to become immortal and started his plan. advance."
"What plan!" Lorenzo asked anxiously.
"I don't know, I don't even know if it actually existed or if it was successful... Who knows? The fire on Advent night destroyed everything, even Lorenzo Medici died there Overnight. It became a mystery."
Lorenzo was about to touch upon the truth, but he was stuck on the edge, unable to go any further.
"Come on! Stand up!"
There was no time to think about this. Lorenzo didn't know how long Jager could hold on. He helped Shermans and helped him mount the horse.
Lorenzo then mounted the horse and motioned to Shermans, but Shermans refused to drive the horse. He just lowered his head as if dead.
"The Evangelical Church, the Evangelical Church has too many forbidden secrets, Lorenzo. It has appeared in the world since the beginning of history, and has been fighting against demons for thousands of years."
"But where did the Evangelical Church begin? As recorded in the Gospels? A group of people who were not afraid of death went to the northern ice sea to bring knowledge that changed the world... But where did this knowledge come from? , in the final analysis, it should have a starting point!”
"I should be asking you this!"
yelled Lorenzo, angrily whipping Shermans' horse into a gallop.
Two lonely figures were running on the rainy green fields, and the cold rain beat on Shermans' face. He was too sleepy, but he still tried hard to stay awake and refused to close his eyes.
"Lorenzo Holmes!"
he shouted loudly, grabbing the reins with his withered hands.
"What the hell are you going to do!"
Lorenzo yelled angrily that they had succeeded, and as long as they continued running, they could escape the pursuit of the witcher, but Shermans asked slowly with a smile at this moment.
"Any cigarettes?"
Lorenzo was stunned, feeling a strange feeling, but he couldn't place it.
The old man was soaked by the rain, but he still smiled at himself.
"I remember you said that tobacco is desire, and believers should curb their desire for those things." Lorenzo once heard him preach.
"I'm going to die. I've been pious all my life, and God won't care about this."
Lorenzo was silent. He took out a cigarette and lit a fire for Shermans, but the rain was too heavy and the wind was too strong. The fire ignited several times before it managed to burn.
Shermans raised his hand to cover the cigarette to prevent it from being extinguished by the rain. He held the cigarette in an irregular manner and took a strong puff. He choked and let out a low moan of pain.
"You don't know how to smoke?"
"First time in my life! But it feels really bad to smoke this stuff, but why do you people still like it so much?"
Shermans asked with some confusion as he held the cigarette in his mouth, feeling the pungent taste in his throat.
"If only there was wine."
He went on to say that he had lived a pious life, but at this last moment he had indulged in a hell of a rage.
"Shermans..." Lorenzo said his name.
"I'm glad that I met you, Lorenzo Holmes, instead of Miguel or Seni Lothair at the end of my life."
Shermans said, then gave Lorenzo a hard, ugly smile.
"Shermans, we still have a chance to escape now..."
"There is no chance, Lorenzo, the witcher will not let me go, and I cannot leave."
He said and coughed violently again.
"Maybe this is the fate of our Borgia family. It starts with poison and ends with poison."
Only then did Lorenzo notice that Shermans's face began to turn livid, and black blood overflowed from the wound, exuding an ominous aura.
The poison from the explosion also affected him. After experiencing so much, the old man finally couldn't hold on anymore.
"I'm dying, just let me talk some more nonsense."
Shermans said as he took out his notebook from his arms. After such a fierce battle, the notebook was still intact. The only flaw was that there was a little more blood on it.
"This is my notebook, which records me...no, records all the Borgia family's records of the Evangelical Church, but be careful, Lorenzo, knowledge is cursed. When you touch something, You will be targeted by something!"
Even though he was about to die, Shermans still felt uneasy and scared when he mentioned these things. Just like fate, he touched these taboos today, so he also died today.
Lorenzo took the note. It was as heavy as a rock.
Lorenzo didn't understand.
"How do you describe this feeling? It's like a person is about to die, but he still has a huge wish, an extremely big wish that can make people temporarily abandon all positions, good and evil, and everything is just for this wish……
You are not a good candidate, Lorenzo Holmes. You are the same as Samuel. He lives for the so-called victory. You are also paranoid and live for something. Otherwise, you can totally win in Saint Hide away after the night instead of meeting me here today. "
Shermans sighed feebly.
"I have seen too many people like you, Miguel who is for power, Seine Lothair who is evil, and even Lorenzo Medici who is obsessed with the golden age.
You are all such people, crazy people who are obsessed with something... But I can't do it, I am a saint!I am destined to go to heaven!How could it be possible to associate with devils like you? "
Taking one last look at the note containing the secret, Shermans whispered contentedly.
"Actually... I don't want to entrust this to people like you, but only people like you can accomplish something by any means necessary."
Shermans stopped talking. He used his last strength to drive the horse and slowly turned his head in the direction of the manor.
"My believer has already died, how can I leave him behind? What's more, they will give up completely only if they see my body."
"And I've been running away for so long that I don't have the energy to run away anymore."
The horse's hooves trampled the green grass, and Shermans slowly distanced himself from Lorenzo. Lorenzo looked at the sad back and finally couldn't help shouting.
"Shermans! Shermans Borgia, you gave everything, everything, for your god, do you really think it exists!"
If the so-called God really exists, then how can God allow the evil existence called demons? If God really exists, why does God never answer the prayers of believers.
Shermans paused, the curtain of rain separating him from Lorenzo like the world between life and death.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes... This world is too cruel, with life and death, joys and sorrows, not to mention those weird monsters.
So people always have to believe in something to deceive themselves, right? "
His old laughter came from the wind. Shermans no longer looked back. He bit the cigarette in his mouth, inhaled and exhaled hard, and the war horse began to run wildly. He was like an extremely sharp sword, running wildly. All the wind and rain were cut in the middle, and nothing could catch up with him at this moment, even the shadow was left far behind.
It was as if time had been reversed, and he roared like a young man, with tears in his eyes.
Looking at the figure that was constantly blurred in the rain, until a brilliant fire was lit at the end of the heavy rain. Under the light, Lorenzo saw the dark silhouette, and he rushed like a saint on his way to death. Towards the burning heaven.
“From now on there is laid up for you the crown of righteousness.”
Nameless hymns were carried in the wind, and the last mass was said.
(End of this chapter)

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