Embers of Embers

Chapter 307 His Story

Chapter 307 His Story
"Shermans is dead."
The epidemic doctor walked into the room quickly and brought the latest news, but the man sitting in front of the window seemed not to hear it at all. He lowered his head and faced the heavy rain outside the window. There were countless people sitting on the edge of the chair. The clear candle burned quietly, and the flowing wax oil outlined complicated symbols on the floor.
Lawrence has always been like this recently. After getting a young body, Lawrence becomes more and more difficult to see through. Sometimes even the epidemic doctor himself doesn't know what Lawrence is thinking. He is like a cold and cunning poisonous snake, hiding in the darkness. He was peeping at everyone, preparing to kill them in one blow with his poisonous fangs.
The epidemic doctor approached cautiously, leaving the ink mixed with secret blood on the table. A letter that had been written was put aside, just waiting to be mailed.
Lawrence seemed to have fallen asleep, but the epidemic doctor knew very well that he was traveling through the [gap], and no one knew where Lawrence's consciousness was at this moment.
"Power Gabriel..."
Even an epidemic doctor can't help but feel envious and fearful when facing this mysterious power, just like facing warm fireworks, it can drive away the cold for you, and it can also burn you to death.
This power has transcended matter and involves the "spiritual" level that all alchemists specialize in. With this power, a person's will can travel through different bodies like a ghost, and even occupy and obtain " newborn".
In this way, it takes over another person's life without any sound.
How could such a taboo and vicious power not frighten people? After that, even the epidemic doctor kept thinking about the ominous scene in his mind. Something crawled out of the dying body. It was sticky and smelly, and there was no trace of it. The fixed form is like a mass of invisible mud, with its own life slowly wriggling, it is squeezed into another blank body bit by bit.
Since then, the epidemic doctor has been wary of Lawrence, and apart from this, it is the first time that the epidemic doctor has a deeper understanding of the distortions of this world.
How long is the history of the Evangelical Church?So long that it seems that books existed the moment they began to be recorded.
From that moment on, the "Apocalypse" appeared in the cognition of the Evangelical Church, and during these thousand years, the Evangelical Church created the Demon Hunting Order through the knowledge of the "Apocalypse".
The epidemic doctor recalled what Lawrence had said that Mighty Gabriel had been discovered by the Evangelical Church long ago, but was sealed away for some unknown reason. Lawrence later rediscovered him due to his aging body.
It was a terrible secret, a possibility that could scare doctors just thinking about it.
So, in a forgotten time in the past, the Evangelical Church held the power of Gabriel. So, does it mean that the guy who can take over other people's lives in this ghostly way is not only Lawrence, but also has the same ghostly existence. They also appeared in past history, so are they all dead?
Theoretically speaking, such power can continuously change bodies to achieve immortality. Although Lawrence said this is the first time he has done this, does the former ghosts continue to change their identities and live in the world in this way? In the shadow of the world, what about achieving a different kind of eternal life?
Such power...the power of eternal life...
No one can resist such a temptation, not even the epidemic doctor himself, but in the end the Evangelical Church chose to seal up this power. Did they withstand the temptation of eternal life?Or...what happened?what's going on?They had to give up eternal life and seal up everything about it.
The epidemic doctor didn't dare to think about it anymore. There were strange bulges under the thick clothes, as if there were snakes swimming under the clothes. The oppressive cold was like a sharp knife, cutting into the epidemic doctor's heart.
He could feel that there were invisible curtains covering the world. They hid all the secrets and left eyes to peer at everyone.
After standing still for a long time, the plague doctor's eyes fell on the letter opener on the table. Lawrence was defenseless at this moment. If he wanted to, the plague doctor was confident that he could kill him in an instant.
His eyes then fell on the new face. I'm afraid no one would associate the young man in front of him with the dying Dean Lawrence.
Lawrence did a lot of things after faking his death, and the whole situation developed as he expected. He is like a puppeteer holding strings. Everyone on this stage is his puppet. You think you are awake and get rid of it. You have fallen under Lawrence's control, but what you don't know is that in that corner that you ignore, you have been influenced by him.
"What kind of future do you see? Lawrence..."
A slightly dull voice came from under the bird's beak mask, and at this moment, an unknown wind surged up in the airtight room. It blew the candle, and in the swaying flame, the dead body moved slightly, and Lawrence slowly opened his eyes. Eyes opened.
"Plague doctor?"
He pressed his temples and shuttled frequently [Gaps], which also put a lot of pressure on his spirit.
"Shermans is dead."
The epidemic doctor said that his voice was very calm, but after passing through the mask, it turned into a dull low hum.
"do you died?"
Lawrence raised his head slightly, briefly glanced at the epidemic doctor, and then looked at the rain outside the window.
"Shermans...even though I had expected it, I was still a little surprised that he actually died."
"Is he your friend?" the epidemic doctor asked.
"Not really, it's just someone who makes me feel a little...surprised."
Lawrence said, recalling the time at the Evangelical Church, recalling the old man's face, and talking about the past.
"He is a scion of the Borgia family, the notorious poison family. We thought he would be as violent and crazy as his ancestors, but the result was strange. He is a devout believer. Being so devout is almost insulting to the Borgias. Ya this surname.
I also asked him, and he said that he could also become violent, just like his ancestors, using cantrera to kill one enemy after another, but he also said that Caesar Borgia was This was done, but tyranny couldn't get the answer, so he said why not try piety? "
Lawrence said with a slight smile, and then sighed.
"He died too... This feeling is not good. People in my age are almost dead. It makes me live alone in this world, and sometimes I feel like a ghost."
"But it was you who killed him. If you had not sent those two letters and deliberately brought Lorenzo together with the new order, Shermans would not have died."
"Yeah... but it's not good to be sentimental when it comes to getting something done," Lawrence said.
Although he said this, Lawrence had a strange expression on his face. He seemed to be smiling, and he seemed to be sad for Shermans' death.
The expression was so complex that it was difficult for Lawrence to explain it to others.
Power Gabriel is a double-edged sword. The more Lawrence invades the minds of others, the easier it is for him to lose himself, and now he has sunk into it and cannot get out.
"Where did you go just now?" the epidemic doctor asked.
"Some of the pieces, I need to make sure they're acting as expected."
Hearing this, the doctor not only felt a chill again, but fortunately the beak mask helped him hide it.
Lawrence has many chess pieces. Through erosion, he can easily invade a person's mind, and that person has no idea what is happening, and may only regard it as a strange hallucination.
The epidemic doctor felt that Lawrence was scary. He seemed to know how everything would happen. In that death battle, he avoided everyone's sight by feigning death, and then secretly controlled the chess pieces to accomplish what he wanted to do. , the purification agency and the new cult were all under his control, but they didn't realize it at all.
"Now that the dispute has arisen, and with the death of Shermans, the exiles will not give up. We just need to make the situation more intense now."
Lawrence closed his eyes and imagined the next developments in his mind.
The entire Old Dunling is an extremely dangerous vortex, purifying the organs, the New Order, the exiles, Lawrence, Lorenzo...all the hatred and desires, blood and iron are convoluted in it, and no one can stay out of it.
"Are you ready for the secret blood?" Lawrence suddenly asked.
"It's ready, but it can only stay awake for a very short time after use, and then it will transform into a demon." The epidemic doctor said.
"That's fine."
Lawrence said and looked out the window. At the end of the rain curtain was a dark tower. Lightning flashed and thundered on the Dunling Tower. Countless crows were flying and wailing in the torrential rain.
For unknown reasons, there are always countless crows standing on the entangled cables of Dunling Tower. They fly around and seem to never leave.
"You triggered a wave of demons in the old Dunling?" the epidemic doctor guessed.
"Who knows?"
Lawrence pretended to be mysterious and didn't want to reveal all his thoughts.
"Now we have to wait for an opportunity, Epidemic Doctor, an appropriate opportunity, when all the gears are turned to that delicate position..."
Lawrence grabbed the letter opener and drove it through the wooden table with a wave of his hand.
"Old Dunling is an extremely tight and solid fortress. Only with that extremely subtle opportunity can we break through them."
"...Are you going to destroy all of this? With the purging agency?" The plague doctor couldn't help being astonished at Lawrence's crazy idea.
"How could it be? This is a nice city. Although I don't like it very much, it's better than letting monsters occupy it." Lawrence said, "What I want to destroy is not the old Dunling, nor the purification mechanism, but Him, and only then will I be 100% sure..."
He said and then looked at the epidemic doctor and asked.
"By the way, where's Lorenzo?"
"He escaped. I don't know where he went." The epidemic doctor said, he was a little confused.
Lawrence paid a little too much attention to Lorenzo. He secretly searched for information about him and inserted his spies on Cork Street. Maybe Lorenzo didn't notice, because every move he made was in Lawrence's eyes.
"Why do you care so much about this witcher? Just because he 'killed' you?"
"Of course not..." Lawrence shook his head, then continued, "But do you really think an ordinary witcher can kill me?"
"Doctor Epidemic, you also said that after he killed me, he should have been about to die, but that weird original sin armor appeared. It killed the out-of-control Holy Grail flesh and blood, and in a weird way, Luo Renzo is alive...with the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail within him."
Lawrence raised his hand as he spoke, and stared carefully at the young and vigorous flesh and blood. Not long ago, he was still living in that dying and withered body, but now he is as dynamic as a young man.
"Do you know what price I paid to fuse the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail? In order to stay awake, I pierced my arms with nail swords one after another, trying to make the severe pain wake me up, but even so, I Or he almost died, lost his mind and turned into a crazy monster."
Thinking back on all that, Lawrence couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, being engulfed bit by bit by that weird feeling, like falling into a deep, calm sea, where everything was dead and gray.
Lawrence's eyes immediately looked at the epidemic doctor. There was darkness behind the lens, and it was difficult to determine what kind of face was under the mask, or whether it was a human being.
"But Lorenzo survived. While unconscious, he managed to integrate the Holy Grail's flesh and blood into his body very peacefully. Even I couldn't do it, let alone an ordinary demon hunter. And this one It shows that he is not ordinary..."
At the end of that deadly fight, under the burning rain of fire, the face roared at him.
"It's him."
Lawrence muttered softly.
“The students I’m most proud of,” Lawrence said.
"The demon hunter named Medanzo, or... 047."
The epidemic doctor still didn't understand, so he asked again.
"So? I remember you said that all the demon hunters in Metanzol died in the night of Advent, but he survived..." the plague doctor said with a cold laugh, "Under the fear of death, As the leader, he also escaped? Still alive in Old Dunling to this day?"
Lawrence looked hesitant, he shook his head, and gave his consent lightly, not knowing what he wanted to express.
"I...I'm suspicious. Although it's just suspicion, it's enough to make me wary."
"What?" The epidemic doctor couldn't understand Lawrence's words anymore.
Lawrence sat up straight, looking directly at the doctor's thick lenses, trying to find the doctor's eyes in the darkness.
"It's a short story about everything I suspect and am wary of right now."
"Go ahead." After a brief hesitation, the plague doctor said.
The sky outside the window is still the same, pattering, and countless raindrops fall from the sky. While bringing a chill, they also bring back the past like a scattered tide.
Lawrence sighed, some nostalgia, but more awe.
"His story, the story of Lorenzo Medici."
(End of this chapter)

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